Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 2/21/03--Canada; 2/24/03--USA
By Eric
Marlena: Everything is...
Tony: Everything is what, marlena?
Marlena: It's like we've walked into one of my dreams.
Tony: Then I've been successful.
Marlena: I remember this room. Something very important happened to me.
Brady: Feeling all right, chloe?
Chloe: Tired. That scene tonight at home really took it out of me. I just feel so sad, you know?
Brady: I'm sure you do.
Chloe: But at the same time,
it really chanththings
between me and nan - --
in a good way.
I always felt so betrayed
that my own mother
had given me up.
It helps knowing that
it wasn't her choice,
that my grandfather lied
to her.
Brady: Well, hey, as of tonight, it's all in the past. You know the truth now. You can ve on.
Chloe: So, what's this big night that you have planned for me?
Brady: I don't think you're up for it.
Chloe: I just got my second wind. Besides, you know how curious I am.
Brady: I was just thinking about checking a few things off your to-do list.
Chloe: Hmm. Sounds to me like just what e e doctor ordered.
Bo: I'll be back, okay?
Shawn-d: But, no --
Bo: I love you,
and everything's going
to work out.
You just got to trust me.
I'm sure your mom's okay.
So you sit tight.
Bo: My kid needs quiet
recover. So you leave him alone until I get back.
Kate: Bo is so upset. You know, roman, whatever is going on, it might make you feel better to talk about it. I know I said that I wouldn't pressure you, but I... I hope that you feel like you can trust me.
Roman: I heard shawn say something to bo when they didn't know I was listening. He confessed to killing colin murphy.
Kate: Shawn?
Roman: Yeah. Hard for me to believe, too. He's such a good kid... but I heard what I heard, kate.
Kate: What are you going
to do?
Roman: I got no choice. I mean, if it was just about family loyalty, then, yeah, I'd leave him alone, just like -- just like bo asked me to, but it's not. It's also about loyalty to the badge, loyalty to the law, and because of that, I've got to treat shawn just like any other murder suspect.
Kate: I can't imagine how you're going to do that.
Roman: That makes two of us.
Larry: [ Coughing ] I'll be damned if I die in here.
Belle: [ Weakly ] Help.
Belle: Help. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
Jack: You are so beautiful.
Jennifer: I'm feeling
a little shy.
Isn't that strange?
I feel kind of nervous.
Jack: Yeah, I know what you mean. Been a long time.
Jennifer: And I-I've been imagining what it would be like to be with you again. And in my fantasy, everything is so right, and it's so perfect. And I think that's why I feel nervous, because I just want it to be perfect.
Jack: How could it be otherwise?
Marlena: Yes. Yes.
Marlena: Yes. It's exactly the way it was. It's perfect.
John: What's going on here?
Tony: Shh. I've everything under control.
John: Doesn't come as s surprise, but I don't want my wife under your control.
Tony: Listen to me.
I thought
I made it clear to you.
I'm not manipulating your wife
in any sense.
The memories are within her,
I'm just building on the bits
and pieces that she's related
to me about her past.
This room played
a very important role,
and d that's evident
by the memory flashes
that she's been bombarded with
ever since she returned here.
Marlena: Tony, whatever you have in mind, I'll do it -- whatever it takes to remember what happened m me in this room.
Chloe: [ Shivers ] Okay, you got my attention. Uh, and I've also got about million goose bumps. So, what's the plan, brady?
Brady: I told you. I just want to check some things off your to-do stst -- you know, the stuff you want to get done before your transplant.
Chloe: Okay, but I don't remember putting "freezing my butt off" on that list.
Brady: No, I believe the exact words were... to experience the ultimate spine-tingling shiver.
Chloe: Well, I don't have
a clue what I meant
when I said that,
but I'm pretty sure
that I didn't mean, um...
Chloe: I mean. Um... what were we just talking about?
Brady: I believe we were talking about the ultimate spine-tingling shiver.
Chloe: Oh.
Brady: Why, miss lane, you're blushing.
Chloe: This is still pretty new to me. I mean, this whole "seeing a guy naked" thing. I mean, it's pretty cool. Although, I don't think it qualifies as e timate spine-tingling shiver.
Chloe: What?
Brady: It's getting
kind of lonely in here.
Don't worry.
We have total privacy.
Nobody around here
is going to see you
except for the luckiest guy
on the face of the earth,
and that happens to be me.
Brady: You are so beautiful.
Shawn-d: Look, I don't need a bunch of doctors and nurses observing me, okay? I need to go check on my mom.
Woman: Sorry, shawn, you're staying overnight. We have to be sure you're over the effect of the drugs.
Shawn-d: It's my body, okay? And I'm telling you -- damn it!
Roman: You know,
people don't realize
how difficult it is.
They don't understand that.
When relatives are involved,
a cop has to try even harder
to be objective
so he doesn't get influenced
by family ties.
I mean, my god,
I love my brother,
and I've been taking shawn
to ballgames
since before he could walk.
Kate: Roman, can't you just look the other way for tonight?
Roman: Well, if the D.A. Weren't breathing down our necks, yeah, maybe. But he's had it in for the brady brothers ever since this thing began, thanks to the letter that dear cousin colinefeft implicating our family.
Kate: Oh, my god. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.
Roman: Well, there's
another way to look at it.
I mean, if he's innocent,
the evidence is going
to point that out, right?
And if he did do it,
then all the stalling
in the world
isn't going to help him.
I mean, it's not as if
I would cover up for him,
no matter how much
I would want to.
Kate: This choice that youe having to make -- I don't think I would have the strength of character to make that choice.
Roman: Oh, kate, come on. You don't say that. You have no idea. You don't know that.
Kate: Yes, yes. Yes, I do. And I do know that you are too fine a person to be involved with a woman who has... a shady past, to s t the least. I guess what I'm saying is that we really should walk away from each other now, before this gets any deeper.
Larry: [ Coughs ]
Bo: Hey. How's it going?
Man: It's been real quiet, detective.
Woman: Uh, not totally.
That girl went in a while ago.
Bo: What girl?
Woman: Blonde, about 17, 18.
Bo: Sounds like belle, shawn's girlfriend. Couldn't have been. She took off to europe.
Man: Well, whvever it was, your wife must have let her in.
Bo: Well, when you rang the bell a little while ago, nobody answered?
Man: We figured mrs. Brady went to bed, didn't hear the bell.
Bo: Yeah, she didn't answer my phone call, either. Well, thanks for standing guard. I know it's cold out here.
Man: Just doing our job.
Bo: Yeah, well --
what the hell?
Give me that flashlight.
Make sure my wife is okay.
Perkins, welch went down
this manhole!
Get me a crowbar
out of the garage!
[ Grunting ]
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Jack: You know something?
Jennifer: Hmm?
Jack: I'm surprised that you kept that album.
Jennifer: You know what?
I'm actually surprised
that I did, too,
because I thought
that I would never
want to look
at those pictures again.
I mean, they would just
break my heart.
But I couldn't do it.
I couldn't give it up.
Jack: Well, where did you keep it, anyway?
Jennifer: Well, I put it in the deepest, darkest corner of the attic.
Jack: Mm-hmm.
Jennifer: And I vaguely remember what box I put it in. Um, but then the other day, I had this desire to look at those pictures and just remember.
Jack: Remember how I used to fit in the tux?
Jennifer: No. Ha ha ha.
Remember how much you loved me
on our wedding day?
And so many things
have happened.
There's been so much pain
and sadness,
and I had forgotten that rush
of crazy love that we once felt
for each other.
So I went into the attic
and I found the box,
and I found the album.
Jack: You know, if this is a bedtime story, it seems like maybe it's going to have a happy ending.
Jennifer: It wouldn't have a year ago.
Jack: I never stopped loving you, jennifer.
Jennifer: But it' what you do with the love that you feel, jack. And when you moved in here to take care of me, it was incredible. I mean, you have been so gentle and so patient. And the jennifer that I was on our wedding day was so crazy about that man then. And now...
Jack: And now...
Jennifer: And now
I am deeply and completely,
madly in love
with the man that you are now.
Heart and soul.
Roman: Damn, shawn!
[ Pounding on door ]
Woman: Mrs. Brady? Mrs. Brady?
Perkins: Damn, that's some lock the detective's got on his door, huh?
Woman: Let's try the windows.
P perkins: No, it's locked.
Woman: Try jimmying it.
Perkins: I can'T. It's stuck.
Shawn-d: Hey, what are you two doing? Here, here, I have keys. I have keys.
Woman: Give me those.
Shawn-d: What's going on? Is my mom in there?
Perkins: Listen, somebody's rigged the lock. We got to break it down. It's stuck.
Shawn-d: Mom! Mom! Mom!
Belle: Shawn...
Shawn-d: Mom, come on,
come to the door!
Mom, can you hear me? Mom!
Marlena: I am so close to remembering my past. I'm so close, I could reach out and -- and touch it. It's calling to me. Don't you see that? I can't turn away now. Tony, I'm all yours. What do you need me to do?
Tony: Well, it's quite simple, really. I want you to lie on the bed and see if that sparks any memories.
John: Oh, hey, hey, hey, doc, come on, come on, come on, come on, hold on. You don't have to do this. Come on.
Marlena: Oh. I remember.
Brady: I want you to hear something.
Chloe: What?
Brady: My favorite singer.
Chloe: Brady, what --
Brady: Shh. Close your eyes.
Chloe: Life is
so beautiful
with you
Brady: You make it
all worthwhile
it's true
I found it easy to love you
I never knew
what love could be
>>Hlhloe: I met you
and now I see
Brady: I see the joy
that loving you brings
Chloe: 'Cause
in your eyes
I see the truth
Brady: I see it
you make it easy to love you
Chloe: Our voices sound so right together.
I never felt this way before
finding you
has changed my life
Bo: Welch!
Larry: Drop it. Just drop it. Drop it!
Shawn-d: Mom!
Woman: Brady!
Shawn-d: I'm going in here! Mom! Belle, what the -- mom, are you okay? She has a pulse! All right, mom, we're going to get you out of here. Belle, what are you -- what happened? What the hell happened? Belle --
Belle: [ Mumbles ] Filled with carbon --
Shawn-d: Carbon -- carbon monoxide? Yeah, that's okay. Belle, mom -- we got to get them out of here! Let's hurry! They're dying!
Perkins: I'll start.
Woman: I'll check out the rest of the house.
Jennifer: [ Laughing ]
Jack: You were squinting.
Jennifer: No.
Jack: I was squinting, and you were squinting, right?
Jennifer: Come on, that was a great day, but think about it. I mean, in the history of marriage, this was the wackiest wedding ever.
Jack: Well, then, what do you expect? I mean, you were marrying me, and then -- see?
Jennifer: Who's that?
Jack: That's me -- squinting.
Jennifer: Ha ha. Well, think about it -- you were marrying me, too.
Jack: Actually, it's amazing that we got married at all, hmm?
Jennifer: Well,
you know what?
That's what I love most
about us, jack.
Jack: What?
Jennifer: We're amazing.
Jack: Amazing.
Jennifer: We're amazing.
Jack: Amazing.
Jennifer: What do you think?
Jack: Mm-hmm. That's a good word -- amazing.
Roman: Yeah, that's right. I need an apb put on a shawn-douglas brady, and tell george to get over to judge moynihan's at night court. I need some paperwork done asap. Yes. What the hell is shawn doing? I mean, he's just making things worse. He's not going to get that far anyway. What the hell is that kid thinking?
Woman: Trauma center.
Just a moment.
It's for you, captain brady.
Roman: Yeah. Brady here. Well, what's he do-- all right. I'll be right there. All right, I got to go. Shawn's over at bo and hope'S. All hell is breaking loose. Let's go.
Shawn-d: What are you doing here, huh? You're supposed to be in paris. What happened?
Belle: Can'T...
Shawn-d: You can't -- you can't talk. Okay, don't worry about it. It's okay.
Belle: No, no. Larry.
Shawn-d: Larry. What -- what about larry?
Belle: He was here.
Shawn-d: Damn!
Okay, all right.
You know...
don't worry about it, okay?
You're safe now.
You don't have to think
about that.
You -- you and --
you and my mom,
you're going to be okay.
Belle: Shawn...
Shawn-d: What?
Belle: I love you.
Bo: Oh, no, you don'T.
Larry: Aah!
Bo: You're not passing out -- not till you tell me a few things. What the hell were you doing in my house?
Larry: Who wants to know? Aah!
Bo: Talk to me, damn it. Talk to me!
Larry: Carbon moxide. I leaked it into the house. Hope's dead!
Bo: Better not be, you dirty --
Larry: Aah!
Hope: Shawn?
[ Groans ] I love you, honey. I love you, too.
Shawn-d: It's okay.
It's okay, mom.
It's okay, mom, I --
my god.
Tony: What do you remember, marlena?
Marlena: Oh!
[ Gasping ] Aah! Oh!
John: Doc, what's wrong?
Marlena: Oh, it's -- it's a terrible night. There's a storm -- rain, lightning.
[ Thunder crashes ]
Marlena: Oh, I want the pain to stop! Stop.
Rolf: It will all be over soon. You're aosost there.
Marlena: I can't!
Rolf: You can, and you will. Just a little more. You can do it. Just breathe.
Marlena: [ Gasps ]
John: There's got to be
something that can help you.
What can I do?
Marlena: No, I-I have to do this. I have to do this. I have to. I have to.
John: Why the hell does she have to go through this?
Tony: I don't know, but she wants to. She needs to. Can't you see that? Marlena, keep going.
Rolf: Now push. Push!
Marlena: Aah! Aah!
Rolf: That's it. Here we are.
[ Baby crying ]
Rolf: It's a beautiful baby boy.
Mlelena: He's here. He's here.
John: Who's here?
Marlena: My son.
Chloe: Mm.
I feel...
Brady: How do you feel?
Chloe: Liquid, warm, soft, like if you let me go I could just float on this air.
Brady: Ha ha. Yeah, well, why don't I put you right here so you stay nice and warm?
Chloe: This has been so perfect. It's like we have no past or no future, just this time now, right here together. Makes me feel so warm and soft, like your arms wrapped around me.
Brady: You know what you're describing right now? My love for you.
Shawn-d: No, no, no, no, not until you're okay. Mom, not --
Shawn-d: Hey. How you doing?
Belle: I do not need
this thing anymore.
Shawn-d: Are you sure?
Belle: Yeah. I wasn't breathing the carbon monoxide
long as your mom was. Shawn...
Shawn-d: I almost lost you. I thought you were in paris, okay? And I'm missing you like crazy. The next thing I know, you're handcuffed inside my house? How'd you get here, and why didn't you stay inin paris?
Belle: It was weird for me, too -- how it happened. I mean, one minute, I'm on the plane, waiting for it to take off, and rex shows up.
Shawn-d: Rex?
Belle: Yeah.
After getting over the shock
of seeing him,
we talked
for a long time.
He made me realize
I was just escaping
what was going on with you.
All I was doing
was running away.
He asked me
if that's really
what I wanted to do
in my heart.
I don't want
to run away from you, shawn.
I just want to be with you,
and rex got me to admit that.
As soon as I did,
I knew I had to come home
to you as fast as I could...
even if you kept turning away
from me.
Shawn-d: No, I never wanted to. I love you, okay? I will always love you.
Bo: Mark!
Larry: Aah!
Bo: Get this bastard off my hands. Hope? Fancy face? Hey.
Hope: Bo... fragrance of apples...
Jennifer: You know, it feels like it's happening to someone else... two other people, not you and me, not the way we are now.
Jack: I'm still rather fond of those people.
Jennifer: We'll never forget,
will we?
But we have a chance
to start over.
How often does that happen?
Jack: I don't know. But because we're starting over, I'm going to take you shopping for a new ring.
Jennifer: Oh.
Jack: Yes. "Oh."
Jennifer: Ha ha ha.
Jack: You are planning on marrying me, aren't you?
Jennifer: Well, you know, I was the one to propose, so...
Jack: You know, you're not the only person of sentiment. Stay. I got -- whoa.
Jennifer: Oh. Ha ha ha.
Jack: You know something?
Jennifer: What?
Jack: You kept the album, but I kept this.
Jennifer: Jack. My wedding ring.
Jack: That's right.
You sent it back to me
after the divorce became final.
Well, not a lot of people
would do that.
And that's why I held onto it
all this time.
Jack: I do want to go out and get you a new ring for our new wedding, our new marriage, but, uh, in the meantime, for tonight, do you think you could wear it for me so I know that you're really mine?
Roman: Get this scum out of here.
Larry: This isn't over.
Roman: You're damn right it isn'T. Get him outta here!
Larry: This isn't over!
Roman: Get him outta here!
Bo: I'm sorry, fancy face.
Hope: Brady, you can't blame yourself.
Bo: Well... all I wanted to do is keep you safe, and I didn't succeed.
Hope: Brady, I'm safe now,
right? Hmm?
Just don't leave me, okay?
Bo: No, I won'T. Hey, roman, didn't I see kate with you?
Roman: Yeah, yeah. She was with me. Uh, I asked her to go home.
Bo: Belle, sorry you got caught up in this whole mess.
Belle: Hey, it's my own fault. I was worried about shawn, and I missed him. I couldn't stay away.
Shawn-d: Come here.
Marlena: Oh! Oh!
John: This has got to stop. I've got to pull her out of this. Sweetheart, honey, doc?
Rolf: More, marlena! Once more!
Marlena: I can'T... I can'T.
Rolf: Your second baby
deserves life
as much as your first.
Now push!
Marlena: Aah!
[ Baby crying
Rolf: It's a girl!
John: Sweetheart... honey, honey...
Marlena: I gave birth in this room... to twins. First a boy and then a girl.
Tony: You gave birth to the twins here. Our babies. Yours and mine.
Jack: With this ring...
Brady: Please, god... don't let this be all the time we have together. Please.
Hope: This is right where I belong. Now the rest of the world can just go away, brady, as long as you stay here with me.
Bo: I will.
Shawn-d: I don't want to ever let you go, is that okay?
Belle: Are you kidding, after the weeks of not knowing what was going on with you? It feels so right for us to be together.
Shawn-d: Hey... I love you. Do you know that? No. No, no. I really... I really love you. And I promise you that I'm never going to be away from you again.
Roman: Shawn. Unfortunately, I don't think you're going to be able to keep that promise.
Bo: Roman, what are you doing?
Roman: Shawn brady,
you're under arrest...
Bo: No. Don't do this, roman.
Roman: For the murder of colin murphy.
Victor: You're my possession, and you always will be.
Sami: This is the happiest that I have ever felt.
Brandon: Me too.
Lexie: No. No, this can't be labor.
Shawn-d: You have to let go. This is forever.