Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/17/02--Canada; 12/18/02--USA
By Eric
John: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I understand. Okay, shane. Yeah, I'll be in touch.
Marlena: Honey?
John: Well, the I.S.A. Tracked down lawrence alamain in europe. They collected a dna sample, and they're going to compare it to mine, and shane's going to fax the results on my private line.
Marlena: What did shane say? Are you and lawrence brothers?
Nicole: Cmurphy@...
Victor: What are you doing here? Hoping you'll see dr. Murphy?
[Pager beeps]
[Telephone rings]
Tony: Hello?
Colin: You paged me.
Tony: Yes, I need to see you immediately concerning the death of raymond grant.
Colin: I'm sorry, but that may have to wait. I have some paperwork at my room that I must retrieve so I can dispose of it.
Tony: Paperwork from raymond grant?
Colin: That's right.
Tony: Good. Then I'll see you at the salem inn.
Colin: I'm taking a late lunch.
Woman: Yes, doctor.
Jennifer: Well, I know. I know it's against hotel policy to sneak someone into a guest's room...
Man: Reporters, especially.
Jennifer: Yes, especially, but, you see, I am a good friend of dr. Murphy.
Man: I know.
I've seen you with him
several times.
Jennifer: Oh, great. So, you know, he's -- he doesn't have a lot of family in salem, and he's so busy at the hospital all the time, so I just wanted to make sure that he has a special holiday.
Man: And I'm quite sure that he will. Do you think I could have said no to a horton?
Jennifer: Oh, thank you so much, really.
Man: Oh, please, no. Consider it a personal favor, and I do hope that dr. Murphy is surprised.
Jennifer: Yeah, I-I hope so, too. Mr. Mallon.
Mr. Mallon: Hmm?
Jennifer: Do you think that you could do me one more favor?
[Telephone rings]
Lexie: Hello?
Karen: Lexie? It's karen bader.
Lexie: Hi, karen.
Karen: I'm calling about your test results.
Brandon: Samantha. What are you doing?
Sami: Jeez, brandon, what do you mean, what am I doing? I'm working. I know that it's an unusual thing, but it does happen from time to time.
Brandon: Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, just so long as you are free tomorrow, because I have --
Boy: Brandon!
Brandon: Mason, my man. Yochchecking out?
Mason: Yeah, till next time.
Karen: I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, but I've had three patients in labor, and, unfortunately, I'm just calling to tell you that I don't really have anything to tell you yet.
Lexie: What?
Karen: I know you're anxious, but there's been a huge backlog in the lab, and I did stat the results, but it's going to be at least another few hours and I just didn't want to leave you hanging.
Lexie: Um, karen, look, I know you said you'd keep everything confidential, but I used to work in that hospital, and I just don't want anyone I know to know anything about my baby before I do.
Karen: Understood.
I'll call you
as soon as I have the results
of your cvs test,
and in the meantime, lexie,
try not to worry, okay?
Easier said than done, I know.
Lexie: I'm trying. Thanks.
Karen: Take care.
Lexie: Bye.
Brandon: Hey, where's your mom?
Mason: She had to take all my hanukkah presents down to the car. You think you could tell her that I sent you a thank-you card?
Brandon: Hey, you're feeling better. That's all I care about.
Mason: You just want to get rid of me.
Brandon: You got that right.
Man: We better get you downstairs.
Mason: Okay. Check you later, brandon.
Brandon: All right. You take care.
[Elevator bell dings]
Sami: Hey.
Brandon: Hey.
You done working?
Sami: Yeah,elell, I am dying of suspense. Why shouldn't I be working tomorrow?
Brandon: Well, I checked the schedule, and you were off the next few days, so want to go away with me?
Sami: Oh, brandon. I would love to, but I can'T.
Brandon: Well, how come?
Nicole: Why would you even think I'd be waiting for dr. Murphy?
Victor: Well, he's a brady, and the brady pub is hardly your cup of tea.
Nicole: Mm.
Coffee, actually.
I was christmas shopping.
I got chilly, so I came in here
for a little sustenance.
This isn't exactly
your favorite place, either.
Did you come here
to see caroline?
She's not here.
Victor: Actually, I was looking for you.
Nicole: What? Why, are you following me now?
Victor: If I were, nicole, would you have something to hide?
Jennifer: Come on, colin. Oh, it's locked. Oh, yes. Come on. Come on.
Colin: I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find my key.
Jennifer: Oh, no.
Colin: Ah, here it is.
John: The fax is in.
Read it and weep.
While a familial tie does exist
between me and lawrence alamain,
apparently, we are not siblings.
They figure
that this familial thread
that was identified
must have been misinterpreted
as a sibling bond
by less sophisticated tests
years ago.
Marlena: And is that what you think?
John: Maybe. Or maybe someone wanted me to think I was an alamain, at least not a dimera. Damn it. You know, this puts me right back where I started years ago. I still don't know who I am.
Lexie: Okay. I need to relax. I'm going to take care of you. Oh, my sweet baby. Oh, I love you so much, no matter what. Please, God, I don't know if I can stand another test, and abe doesn't deserve... um... I'm, uh, sorry about what happened at the hospital.
Abe: Aah,
the only thing that matters
is that you came home with me.
Lexie: Yeah.
Abe: Ha ha. Hey, uh, you said you wanted to tell me something.
Lexie: Yeah, I decided to wait until we came here because the last time I was here... um, something happened today, and it happened after we decided to try again. I think it's a sign, abe. No, no. No, no, no. It's more than a sign. It's a gift. Um... I wanted so badly for it to happen and not let it come between us, and the moment that I was willing to just let it go, it happened!
Abe: Ha ha ha. Come on, just tell me, will you?
Lexie: Honey,
we're having a baby!
Abe: You're pregnant?
Lexie: Uh-huh. Yep, I just saw dr. Bader, I took a pregnancy test, and I'm having our baby, honey.
Abe: We're having a baby?
Lexie: Yes, yes. Congratulations, dad.
Abe: Ha ha ha! Aah! We're having a baby! We're having -- oh!
Lexie: Brandon can't be the father.
Sami: Brandon, I'm sorry. I really do want to go with you, but -- but I can't leave will on such short notice.
Brandon: I understand. I just thought maybe that lucas, you know, would...
Sami: Right.
Woman: Brandon, excuse .. you have a phone call.
Brandon: Uh, excuse me one second.
Sami: Of course.
Brandon: Hello?
Sami: Oh.
[Telephone rings]
Eugenia: University hospital lab services.
Sami: Eugenia.
Eugenia: Who is this?
Sami: Sami brady. Dr. Bader asked me to call you about dr. Carver's cvs results.
Eugenia: I just spoke with dr. Bader, and I told her that --
Sami: Yeah, yeah, I know. You have your backlog. But when you do get the results, dr. Bader wants you to call me. I'm supposed to pick them up and hand-deliver them to her.
Eugenia: Well, wouldn't it be simpler if I just called her and told her the results, just the way I always do?
Sami: She's scheduled to be
in O.R. For most of the day,
and dr. Carver's really anxious
to get these results.
I'm supposed to tell you
that there's a rush.
Eugenia: But --
Sami: You don't have time to argue with me. You're behind, remember? So just do as I say and get back to work. Will, uh, don't argue with mommy. It's -- it's not winter break yet. You still have to finish your homework. All right. I'll see you soon. I love you, too. What's going on?
Brandon: Well, I just cleared your schedule for the rest of the afternoon. I want to take you somewhere.
Sami: Where?
Brandon: It's a surprise.
Sami: Well, I don't know, brandon. I don't know if I should.
Brandon: Samantha,
if I didn't know better,
I'd think you were avoiding
spending time with me.
Sami: No, brandon, that is not true.
Brandon: Well, then, come on, let's go.
Sami: Okay.
Tony: You know, it's not the first time you've tried to cut me off. I don't care what your other responsibilities might be. When I call you, you come directly.
Colin: You shouldn't allow yourself to get so upset. It isn't good for your blood pressure.
Tony: You know,
there are a number of things
that are adversely affecting
my blood pressure.
Chief among them --
the murder of raymond grant,
who happened to be
my father's lawyer
and executor of his will.
This could be a problem --
a very big problem.
John: Now, there are just so many areas of my past that I just can't remember. But this -- this feeling... damn it. Here I go again. Here I go, dragging youndnd the kids in the middle of all this.
Marlena: Into all what? Into your life? Where else would we want to be? And don't make this about Belle and brady and me, and remember one thing -- there is a 50% chance the parent you share with to is not stefano.
Tony: That means
there's a 50% chance that he is.
In all this time,
all I have been trying to do
is to keep you and the kids
away from the dimeras,
and now, damn it,
I could have stefa's's blood
coursing through my veins?
Not to mention Belle and brady.
Oh, oh, dear God.
Lexie: No. It only happened one time, and we used protection. No. Oh. I have to believe that you were conceiv I in love. You're going to be my miracle baby.
Sami: This is where you're bringing me?
Brandon: Problem?
Sami: No. It's the holidays. You want to be around your family and the people you care about. Brandon, this place is perfect.
Victor: No, I'm not having you followed, nicole. After all, if you had a notion to betray my trust, I would hope you wouldn't be foolish enough to go ahead with the wedding.
Nicole: I hope you don't
think I'm a foolish woman.
Victor: I certainly do not.
Nicole: Good. Are you hungry? I'm hungry. Let's order something.
Victor: Problem at the office?
Nicole: No.
Victor: You seemed very engrossed when I came in.
Nicole: Hmm. Just wedding plans.
Tony: Well, now that the police have confiscad grant's files in the course of this murder investigation, who knows what information will surface concerning my father and his dealings? Then there's the matter about who actually killed him. I have no idea who could've done it. Do you?
Colin: No. No, I don'T.
Tony: Whoever did it
got himself murdered
if he's exposed my family's
interests in any way...
Colin: If raymond grant was half the lawyer stefano needed he would never leave anything incriminating lying about in his public office. Stefano knew who to take into his confidence.
Tony: Of course.
Colin: And you and I both know your father never hired anyone who wasn't 100% loyal, including me. on the show. I think i will go so crazy. S]Who you ?
Tony: We can't afford loose ends or unanswered questions. Now, your first priority is going to be to find out who killed raymond grant. Do it fast, do it right. Is there a problem?
Colin: No.
Tony: Good. I'll be in touch. And the next time I call to see you...
Colin: Supersedes every other first priority. Got it.
Tony: Good.
Colin: [Sighs]
[Cellular phone rings]
Colin: Hello.
Larry: Me again.
Colin: What do you want?
Larry: I need to meet with you.
Colin: As much as the curiosity is killing me, I've had enough mandated meetings today.
Larry: Speaking
of killing you,
I suggest you don't argue.
I'll be waiting in the alley
behind the thrift store
on 2nd street.
Leave now.
Jennifer: Jack and bo were right all along. Colin is working for the dimeras. Oh, man, what am I going to do?
[Knock on door]
Sami: Did I say that this was the perfect place for lunch? I think I've changed my mind.
Brandon: Yeah, well, I should go run and say hello. You want to come?
Sami: No, but I will.
Brandon: Nicky, hey.
Nicole: Oh.
Brandon: Victor. We didn't expect to see you guys.
Sami: I think I'm going to use the ladies' room. Something seems to have upset my stomach.
Nicole: Oh, brandon, you want me to go check on her?
Brandon: Hey.
What did she ever do to you?
Nicole: You really want to know?
Brandon: Victor, will you excuse us for a minute?
Victor: By all means.
Nicole: You know, brandon, I'd appreciate it if you didn't start with me right now.
Brandon: Hey, nicky, that's not why I brought you over here. It has nothing to do with samantha. Why are you so stressed out?
Nicole: Look, all brides are stressed.
Brandon: Nicky, I know -- I know I said I'd drop this, but when have you ever let anyone make you do something you didn't want to? So why don't you march over there right now and tell victor the wedding's off?
Marlena: John, as you say,
Belle and brady
are a part of you,
and if you are related to tony,
then so are they.
It doesn't change who they are.
It doesn't change how we feel
about them, does it?
John: You know, my life as I remember it has only had two constants. One is love, and the other is hate -- hatred for the dimeras and everything that they stand for.
Marlena: And you got to give up the hatred, because you can't live hating a part of yourself, and you can't ask me to, either. Look, I don't care about the blood ththat runs through your veins. I care about your heart, and it's the heart of a really good man.
John: I know you say
that it doesn't matter.
That's what you want --
that's what you want me
to believe, but it --
it has to, and -- and it should,
because if I am a dimera,
don't you understand?
Everything has to change
for all of us.
Marlena: Why? Why should it? Do you want it to? You're not giving yourself much credit, and you're not giving me much credit, either, john. Do you think so little of me? Is that it?
John: Doc -- doc, I-I don't want anything to change. All I want is for -- is for you and the kids to be safe. That's all I want.
Marlena: Safe? From what? From you?
John: Listen, I know that -- you realize that you are the reason I am who I am, don't you? I was nurtured by you.
Marlena: Maybe that wasn't enough. Is that what you think? Maybe I didn't love you enough?
John: No, I'm just saying that if anyone can save me --
Marlena: You don't need
to be saved.
You are the man that I trust
with my life.
So trust me.
Trust your children.
We need you.
We need you to be committed 100%
to the man
that you already are --
john black,
my husband,
their father.
And -- and whatever
the truth is,
it doesn't make a difference.
It doesn't have to.
So please don't let it.
Don't let it make a difference.
Tony: Are you all right?
Lexie: Ha ha. Don't I look all right? Ha ha. You're supposed to tell me I'm glowing.
Tony: Ha ha. That's your perpetual state, pregnant or not. Oh, I can't help it. I'm your brother, concerned about his sister.
Lexie: Uh, I'm fine, tony, but you don't seem quite yourself. Are you all right? Where have you been?
Tony: Oh, just catching up on some loose ends regarding raymond grant.
Lexie: Oh. Do you have any idea who...
Tony: What, killed him? No, unfortunately.
Lexie: Well,
do you think it was
an enemy of father's?
Tony: Possibly. I want you to be careful, though.
Lexie: Of what?
Tony: Well, just your unborn child, your health. You have nothing to worry about.
Lexie: Tony, I'm worried about you.
Tony: You know me better than that. I've cheated death. I can do it again.
[Knock on door]
Mr. Mallon: Ms. Horton, it's mr. Mallon.
Jennifer: Mr. Mallon, hi.
Mr. Mallon: I hope this is what you had in mind.
Jennifer: Come on in. Ye u uh, thank you so much.
Mr. Mallon: And here is your change.
Jennifer: Oh, great.
This really, uh,
was very nice of you.
Mr. Mallon: Well, it's very nice of you, and I hope that dr. Murphy is appreciative.
Jennifer: Yeah, me, too.
Mr. Mallon: Is there anything further that you need?
Jennifer: No, no, this will do it. Thank you. Thanks again.
Mr. Mallon: You're welcome.
Jennifer: Okay. Okay, colin's going to kw that I was here, so I-I have to go through with this. But it's going to work. I am going to get him.
Larry: About time.
Colin: Pardon?
Larry: For our meeting.
Don't you recognize me?
My picture's been
in all the papers recently.
Of course, according to them,
I'm supposedo o be dead.
I'll tell you, let me
properly introduce myself.
Larry welch.
Colin: You're the man who's been calling me.
Larry: In the flesh. Ow, ow. What the hell are you doing?
Colin: Santa shouldn't swear, you know. Tony dimera's anxious to see you, and he doesn't care whether I bring you in dead or alive.
Larry: Ow.
Colin: Easy.
Larry: Careful with that thing. You know, it might go off.
Colin: That's the idea.
Larry: Well, that would be bad.
Colin: For you.
Larry: And you, too.
You see,
I'm currently in possession
of a fascinating file
which I procured
from raymond grant.
It includes a wide array
of juicy details
from your sordid little life --
details you wouldn't want
made public,
especially to one tony dimera.
Colin: You're bluffing.
Larry: Ho ho ho. Am I? Well, roll the dice, boy, and see what happens. But if anything happens to me, you should know that said incriminating file is being held in a safety deposit box in a very secure banking facility somewhere in the world. Now, the bill on that safety deposit box is paid once monthly. If I don't pay that bill, I've left instructions for the file to be sent directly to bo brady, care of salem P.D. So if I'm dead, you're as good as.
Colin: Are you telling me you killed raymond grant?
Larry: I'm not
telling you anything
till you put that gun down.
Good boy.
Colin: What exactly do you want from me?
Larry: I want you to listen up. I want you to do exactly what I tell you to do.
Lexie: This is exactly why I am worried, tony.
Tony: I don't follow.
Lexie: When you talk about cheating death --
Tony: It's a figure of speech.
Lexie: No. You meant it, and then you said "again," like it's not over, like --
Tony: Well, as far as I'm concerned, it is over.
L lexie: Except for the loose ends, right?
Tony: Yes.
Lexie: Oh, tony.
Tony: This is
what concerns me.
You worry needlessly.
You're a woman who's pregnant.
You're supposed to avoid stress.
Isn't that
what your pamphlets say?
Lexie: But we're not talking about me. We're talking about a murder that involves you.
Tony: Hardly. It has nothing to do with me.
Lexie: Look... I'm not saying that you're involved in it, but anything that had to do with father, no matter what it was --
Tony: I know. It gets laid on my doorstep. You're not wrong there.
Lexie: Tony, when will this ever end?
Tony: I'm doing my best to see that it does, alexandra.
Lexie: How? What are you doing?
Tony: It's very complicated.
Father has many rivals,
and they're intent
on exacting some form of --
what do you call it -- revenge?
Lexie: So how can you stop them from getting it?
Tony: By outsmarting them, by being one step ahead, by being careful.
Lexie: Oh, see, tony, now you're really scaring me.
Tony: No, no, no, please.
There's nothing to worry about.
There is no danger.
Their revenge
is not based on violence.
No, they'll try to finesse it.
They'll try to wait
for me to make a mistake,
but I won't,
and do you know why?
Because I play the game
better than they do.
Father's legacy -- you see,
there's an old board game
that comes from tibet.
It's called fungal.
The monks taught it to father,
and I learned it from him.
It's exquisitely complex,
but once mastered,
it opens the mind
to such possibilities
that even your opponents
can't conceive,
and that's our moat,
our protection.
That's how we keep
the barbarians from the gate.
Do you understand
what I'm saying?
Lexie: No.
Tony: No, of course not. Why should you? Okay, okay. Let's forget about that. Let's talk about something positive. Is everything positive? No. You are concerned about something. Alexandra, is it the test results?
Lexie: I haven't gotten them back yet. Yeah, I guess I am a little nervous about the cvs. I mean, any mother would be after having gone so long without prenatal care. Tony, I am a doctor. How could I not have known that I was pregnant?
Tony: Well, you tell me.
Lexie: Well, I --
my cycles have always been
somewhat irregular, and, um,
well, with everything
that was going on, you know,
hope missing,
me faking my own death,
I just chalked up
all my symptoms
to anxiety, depression.
The nausea,
the lightheadedness...
ah, who would have known
it was because there was
a little baby
growing inside of me?
Ha ha.
Whoo, such a wonderful,
positive reason
for feeling awful, huh?
Tony: Yeah.
>>Exexie: Ha ha.
Tony: So how far along are you?
Lexie: A couple of months.
Tony: Well, I'm sorry. I don't want to sound too concerned, but I am your brother. But is this tryst with brandon -- is that what you're concerned about, the test results?
Lexie: Does it not even occur to you that asking me that question again is not only rude, but is extremely hurtful, tony? Do you not even give it a-a thought that you might be upsetting me, which, as you have just said, is the last ing I need, right? Stress, aggravation, right?
Tony: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes.
I'm merely asking
because I'm concerned you don't
get hurt down the line.
But you did confide in me
about brandon.
you think I had forgotten?
Lexie: Well, I wish to hell you had.
Tony: Can we have some maturity here, please? You went to bed with two men these past few months -- your husband and brandon. Do you think it's wise to order a paternity test? And if you haven't, don't you think you should?
Nicole: Brandon, do you want the litany of sami's past sins? Don't tell me I'm the one who's going to get hurt. Look, I need you here for me now.
Brandon: That's what I'm trying to do. Nicky, are you afraid of him?
Nicole: Have I ever been afraid of anybody?
Brandon: Well, you should be.
You're already out
$5 million, you know,
and you're gambling with that
if you go through
with this wedding.
I don't understand
what you're thinking.
Nicole: Well, at least I'm thinking with my brain
Brandon: All right. You're right. We shouldn't have brought this up. Come here. I love you, and I'm not going to be happy until you find someone who loves you as much as I do.
Victor: You should feel a little sick when you see me, sami. It's called fear.
Sami: No, it's called disgust. You may think that nicole loves you, but that slut is going to betray you, and I can't wait to see you make her pay.
Victor: I wouldn't count on seeing anything if I were you, sami.
Sami: I hate you.
Brandon: Hey, what's gng on?
Victor: Well, I was just about to tell sami wh a a perfect couple the two of you make.
Sami: Come on. Brandon, let's eat. Ahem.
[Thinking] Your marriage had better make you as miserable as it's making the rest of us. Like my grandma would say, "you reap what you sow." WlçóÑ/
After they're back, they face a new enemy. So canada's military was given 31 recommendations to fight P.T.S.D. Are we doing enough to fight the war after the war? Now we find out. On tonight's "global national".
John: Oh, you are so right.
Yeah, you are.
Thank you.
Marlena: Oh, why don't we just stay here and you can tell me some more about how I'm right?
John: I'm not going anywhere. I'm just going to make a quick phone call.
John: Shane, it's john. Yeah, yeah, I got the fax. You have a sample of stefano's dna, right? Ah. Good job. Yeah, let me know. The I.S.A. Is running a comparison as we speak. Should have threresults in a couple days, and then I'll know whether or not I am stefano dimera's son.
Marlena: And whatever
you find out,
nothing changes.
Remember that.
Lexie: Tony, how can you ask me that again? This is abe's baby, okay? Now, I know you don't like abe, but then again, you don't like brandon, either, so... just trust that I know what I'm doing and I'm happy.
Tony: Well, if you recall, I encouraged you to reconcile with abe. If you're happy, I'm happy.
Lexie: I know that. Look, I just want to put all the bad stuff behind me and focus on the future, okay? Surely you can understand that.
Tony: Yeah, I certainly can.
Lexie: Good.
Everything that father said
is finally coming true, tony.
All that suffering and loss
wasn't for nothing.
Ooh, I found out --
I'm having a boy.
Tony: Ha ha ha ha!
Lexie: A baby boy. After isaac... don't you see, tony? This is fate. Oh, tony. Oh. Now, I am going to give you your own advice. Don't worry.
Tony: Ha ha ha ha. I'm your brother. That's what we do.
Lexie: Yeah, well, ththat's what sisters do, too. You were going to tell me something at .Com, and once you found out about the baby, you said you were going to handle it yourself. I would worry a lot less...
Tony: Don't you trust me, alexandra?
Lexie: Of course
I trust you, tony, but...
Tony: Then there's no cause for concern. I do know exactly what I'm doing.
Brandon: So, ahem, what do you want to do with the rest of the afternoon?
[Cellular phone rings]
Sami: I don't know. Oh.
Sami: Gosh. Sorry.
Sami: Uh, hello?
Eugenia: Sami -- eugenia. I just killed myself running these urgent labs, and now you're off at lunch?
Sami: Why do you think I left my number at the desk?
Eugenia: Well, they're ready.
Sami: I'll be right there. Uh, I have to go.
Brandon: Why?
Sami: They can't find
something at the hospital,
and I'm the only one
who knows where it is,
believe it or not.
Brandon: Well, I'll go with you.
Sami: No! No, stay.
Brandon: Why?
Sami: Sit. Enjoy your lunch.
Brandon: Yeah, right.
Sami: Look, brandon, I know that you had a fight with your sister, so why don't you stay? I don't want you to leave things weird with her. Just think good thoughts, okay?
Nicole: Where's the fire?
Victor: Well, once we're married, it'll be under sami while you turn her on a spit.
Sami: Please don't let brandon be the father of lexie's baby. But if that's what the test says, time for damage control.
Jennifer: Oh, jack, hey.
It's me. Listen, you were right.
Something happened.
I mean, I heard something,
and I can't tell you about it
right now.
I want to tell you in rson,
so as soon as you get
this message, call me back
and we'll meet and we'll talk,
"Dear colin,
here's a little bit
of christmas cheer.
More to come when I see you.
Looking forward to spending
quality time with you
in the new year.
Love, jennifer."
Quality enough time to find out
what it is you are doing
for the dimeras.
Larry: You know, you, uh, have been a very naughty boy -- working with raymond grant behind tony dimera's back. He wouldn't like that one bit, would he? But, you know, that's okay, because not only are you not working for raymond grant anymore, you're also not working for tony dimera, either. As of right now, you're working for me.