Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/18/02
Provided By Eric
Proofread by Jen
Jennifer: Thank you.
Colin: Jennifer. I just heard the news. Is it true Bo killed Lexie Carver?
Jennifer: Yes. Colin: I am so sorry for everything you and your family are going through
right now. Jennifer: Really, Colin? Are you sorry? Lucas: Mom, you sit down, and I'll go order, okay? Kate: No, get something for Philip and make sure you get take-out for us.
Lucas: You've been at the hospital all night long, Mom. Don't you think you
should spend some time away? Kate: Just because Billie is in a coma doesn't mean that she doesn't know
that we're there, okay?
Lucas: You know what the doctor said about the brain damage. Kate: I won't believe that. I won't believe that she is never going to hear
my voice, that she's never going to wake up, that she's never going to wake up
and live the life that she's supposed to live. Nancy: Craig? I-I should go talk to her. Craig: Uh, Nancy, Nancy, listen. Sweetheart, we have two daughters who are
entirely dependent on you taking very good care of yourself, avoiding stress.
Now, I know you want to help. I do, but... the way to do that is to concentrate
on hope and happiness and all good things and bringing this little baby into --
into the world.
Nancy: Craig, Kate's daughter could die. There are not a lot of other people
who know how that feels. Craig: I understand that, but... Nancy, her situation is very different from
ours. You and I are having a baby and because of that, Chloe's life is going to
be saved. Chloe: Tell me again that was just turbulence. Man: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain. I apologize for that bumpy
patch. There's a storm approaching at a high altitude over the Rockies here, and
rather than try to fly through it, we've been detected by air traffic control to
divert and make an emergency landing. Please remain seated with your seatbelts
fastened and brace yourself for more turbulence, which may be quite severe.
Flight attendants, prepare for landing.
John: Marlena? Oh, what's going on here? Marlena. Doc. Marlena? Doc? Where
the hell is she? Doc! John: Doc! John: That's got to be it. Colin: You don't think I care that your cousin is missing, has apparently
been killed, and that her husband -- my cousin -- has murdered the woman who was
responsible and that he may now be looking at life in jail? Jennifer: Colin, I'm sorry. Colin: Billie's shot, Lexie's dead, Zack's facing a future without a mother
or father... it's a horror. I understand that you blame the DiMera's, that you
associate me with them. I'm Tony's doctor, after all. But I hope you understood
that was about healing, not hurting, that you knew me well enough to realize
that. This isn't about me, Jennifer. I simply want to be here in support of you.
Though if you prefer I left you alone, just say the word.
Man: Could you tell Philip that we're all really sorry about his sister? Kate: Yes. Thank you. Lucas: Thank you very much. Kate: Well, I can't just sit here and eat cake. Lucas: You got to eat something. Come on. Kate: What if Billie's condition changes? You know, Philip's there all by
himself. Lucas: I'll call the hospital. Kate: Lucas, I mean, what if something should happen? I should be there. Lucas: Mom, you don't know how long Billie's going to be like this. I mean,
you can't be there every day, all day, okay? Kate: I just wish that I could know that she knew how much I love her.
Nancy: I wish Chloe were here. I want to take her in my arms right now so
badly and hold her. Craig: You know what? You just hold this, okay? Nancy: Oh... oh! Craig, feel her moving? Ooh, I think she knows her daddy's
voice. [Giggles] Craig? Craig? Craig, what's wrong? Craig: Uh...oh! Was that a kick? [Both laugh] Chloe: You always said one of us could be killed in an accident tomorrow.
Brady: It's not tomorrow yet. We're going to have a great tomorrow. This is
just a routine landing. It's not what we expected, but...
Chloe: In the Rockies? Did you ever see that movie where they crashed into a
snowy mountaintop and then turned into cannibals? Brady: Yeah, what movie was that again? Chloe: "Alive." Brady: Exactly. Key word. Jeez! Chloe: Brady, I'm sorry this means that you have to go through this, but I'm
really happy you're here with me right now. Brady: Yeah, me too, Chloe. Man: Folks, I'm very happy to report we're making our approach to Denver
international airport. I expect we'll be on the ground in a few thrilling
moments. [Cheers and applause] Chloe: Brady, if something happens to us, there's something I want you to
Brady: You can open your eyes now. Chloe: Wow. I'm surprised we're still in one piece. Brady: Sure was some landing. Chloe: We made it. Brady: We sure did. So, uh, Chloe, now that we can hear ourselves think, um,
what were you going to tell me before? Chloe: My last words, I guess. That sounds kind of crazy. Man: Welcome to Denver international airport. I'm sorry we weren't able to
get you to your destination tonight. Unfortunately, this storm appears to be
stalled over the area indefinitely, and the airport remains closed to outbound
flights. Please proceed to...
Chloe: Fine with me. I don't think I could get on another airplane tonight.
Man: Due to the large number of cancelled flights across the region for
weather related reasons, unfortunately you should anticipate at least two nights
in the greater Denver area. We will assist you in recovering your checked
baggage... Brady: Have you ever been to Denver? Chloe: No. Well, I hear the Denver airport is very nice, and we have a lot
of experience camping out. Brady: Not exactly what I had in mind. Chloe: Yeah, me neither, but I'm happy to be breathing. Brady: Well, if we're going to spend more than two days in Denver, I want to
see more of the city than just the airport.
Chloe: Oh, yeah? How? Brady: I'll find a way. Chloe: I'm sure you will. Craig: You know, um, Nancy, I think that Kate is having a rough time with
this. Maybe it is a good idea if you go over and talk to her, hmm? Nancy: That's what I said. Craig: Okay. So, I'll tell you what. I'll get the check and, um, I'll join
you in a second, okay? Go on. Nancy: Okay. Craig: That is Sykes. That's Chloe's father. Craig: Uh, Nancy, honey -- um, excuse me for interrupting. I'm sorry, but,
um, sweetie, I just got paged. I got to get back to the hospital. Kate: It's not Billie, is it? Craig: Oh, no, Kate, no. Everything's fine. It's just a routine emergency,
that's all.
Nancy: A routine emergency? Craig: Y-you know what? If you want to, stay with Kate. All right? Kate: I can take her home. Craig: Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. Uh, honey, I'll see you later,
okay? Later. Colin: Dr. Wesley? Craig: Yes? Colin: If I could have a moment... Craig: Sure. What is it? Colin: I'd like to talk to you about my assignment to the Waterfront clinic.
Craig: Oh. I-I'm sorry. Ha ha ha. I know the whole thing seems extremely
precipitous, and it came as a surprise to us, too, because we didn't expect Dr.
Duffy to be leaving so soon. Um, with your diverse background, we just thought
you'd be the perfect candidate to take over temporarily -- you know, fill in.
Hey, maybe you'll, um, maybe you'll gain some very valuable information in the
Colin: I understand, but I still have post-op patients who need follow-up.
Craig: I'll do the follow-up, Colin. Colin: No, I'd feel better if I do the follow-up. Craig: Look, Colin, working at the clinic is a very demanding job. It takes
full attention, you? There is no need to forego sleep or personal life. Now if
you'll excuse me... Man: Sleep, Marlena. Sleep. John: Marlena? Hey. Hey, you all right? What happened? Craig: Hey. I know you. I know you. Get out of the way. Hey!
Chloe: So, you got the last 4-wheel rent-a-beater. Brady: Yeah. Pretty lucky, huh? Chloe: Yeah, though I think lots of people weren't too crazy about having to
drive hours and hours in a fogged-in city to find a place to stay. So, do we
have a destination in mind? Brady: We do. You nervous about my driving? Chloe: Nah. After our little crash landing, I'm feeling pretty lucky. Well,
actually, I was feeling pretty lucky before that. Brady: Well, you should be. You're beating cancer. You're a survivor, Chloe.
That's the way you've been your entire life. So, hell, what's a little
turbulence and a little fog? This is an adventure! Plus, we have a bonus of some
spectacular scenery.
Chloe: Yeah. Brady: Well, you know, once it comes into view. Chloe: Ha ha ha ha. Brady: But, hey, we got our luggage first off the carousel. How about that?
Chloe: You know, I don't -- I don't think it's good luck. I think I'm being
blessed. I've never felt that way before, but for some reason, now I feel like
someone must be looking out for me. Brady: Someone is. Chloe: Ha ha. Well, let's not press our luck. Both hands on the steering
wheel, please. Brady: Okay, okay. Are you taking care of me now? Chloe: Yep. How do you think I got to be a survivor? Nancy: I-I wish I knew what to say. Whenever people tell me they understand
exactly what I'm going through with Chloe's illness, those are usually the
people that don't understand at all. It, uh, it seems so cruel. You've already
been through this with one child. But Lucas recovering from that terrible fire
-- Kate, that must give you some hope.
Kate: No matter what the doctors said about Lucas, I always knew that he was
going to be okay. But I don't have that feeling this time with Billie. Lucas: Oh, Mom, come on. Colin: I was supposed to be in that emergency room tonight. I would have
cared for Billie, for Lexie. I'm not saying it would have made a difference, but
it's difficult knowing I wasn't there to try. Jennifer: Yeah. It was really hard for me to be with my family tonight. I
just -- I felt completely helpless, so I went to the paper and I thought, you
know, if I write an article about Hope, that will be the best way to honor her
life. And I couldn't even do it. I couldn't even concentrate, and... so, anyway,
here I am, and I left poor Jack to handle everything at the paper.
Colin: You're bringing him coffee, aren't you? Jennifer: We have coffee at the spectator. Colin: Ha. If it resembles what we have at the hospital, it's swill. I'm
sure you're doing a good deed for Jack. Jennifer: Well, if I ever get back to him. I really do need to go. Colin: Jennifer, wait. There's something I want to tell you. Jennifer: What is it? Colin: I went to see Tony DiMera tonight. Marlena: John, I'm fine. I'm fine. What is this place? How did we get here?
John: I don't know. I was hoping you could tell me. Marlena: Well, I remember standing in front of the big fireplace, looking at
the painting of the sea. I don't know how I got here.
John: Well, I'll tell you how I got here. Maybe it'll ring a bell. In the
great room, on the mantel, was a conch shell. Underneath the shell was a
triggering device that opened a panel behind the fireplace. It opened up into a
secret passageway, and I followed it right to this room. Nothing? Marlena: I don't remember that. The sound of the sea... is very familiar.
But, of course, everyone has heard the ocean. John: Yeah. Do you think you've been here before? Marlena: I don't know. What are you doing? John: I'm going to find out exactly who's been in this room.
Marlena: John, I'm not sure what I might've touched when I was in this room
today before you found it. John: It doesn't really matter. I can tell the old prints from the new. Why
don't you look at this? These right here must be yours. Look at them. They're
fresh. Very clean -- no breakdowns or fragmentation of the ridges and no dust.
Now, look at these. Five distinct prints, and you can see they've been there for
quite some time. Marlena: How long? John: Well, kind of hard to say. I know for a fact that it has be years
since you been in this room. Marlena: Do they look like the same fingerprints?
John: They are the same. This one is yours today, and this one is yours
years ago. You've been in this room, Doc, a long, long time ago. Brady: Man, not exactly the weather forecast we want to hear. Chloe: I know that we can't see two feet in front of us, but are we heading
away from civilization? Brady: That's the point, Chloe. Do you want to navigate? Chloe: Ooh, does that mean I get to find out where we're going? Brady: If you can read a map. Chloe: Yes, I can, I can. Ah. Thank you. Oh, my gosh, look at this brochure
-- the pictures. What a cozy little lodge. Brady: Yeah, I know. The car rental guy said it's about 20 miles outside of
Chloe: 20. Oh, we've gone about...4? Ha ha ha ha. Brady: Great, well, it looks like we're going to spend the rest of our
vacation on this little stretch of road. Chloe: It doesn't matter. It's an adventure, right? Besides, whenever I'm
with you, I have a great time. But I'm not the one who has to drive this thing.
Brady: I'm having a great time, too. Jennifer: You went to see Tony. Why are you telling me? Colin: Because I promised you I'd turn over his care to another physician.
And I want you to know I wouldn't break my word. But, first, we have to locate
another specialist with the appropriate experience. Because as you're aware,
Tony's blood disorder is quite rare.
Jennifer: Go on. Colin: I was in my car when I heard the radio report about his sister's
death, and I drove directly to Tony's house. I was concerned about the effect
this news might have on his health. Jennifer: Wait a minute. I don't understand. If you saw Tony, when you came
here, the first thing that you asked me was whether or not it was the truth that
Lexie was dead, so if Tony told you -- Colin: He didn't. He was apparently too grief-stricken to receive visitors.
Jennifer: You never saw him. Colin: No. But still, if you were to learn that I was there tonight, I
would've wanted you to know why. Bo is my cousin. And even though we don't see
eye to eye, the news report said he strangled Lexie Carver with his bare hands.
Jennifer: Colin, Bo was not in his right mind. He lost his wife. Colin: Exactly. And what little influence I might wield with Tony, I was
hoping to help him understand. I mean, the last that Bo needs is a DiMera
pressing for him to be charged with first-degree murder. Jennifer: Or the death penalty. Nancy: When Chloe was, um, first diagnosed, I remember thinking, "why not
me? Please let it be me." As if my hurting and suffering could, um, or should
alleviate hers. Kate: That's always a mother's first thought, isn't it? Nancy: Even before I found her, I remember praying, "if she's hurting, let
me hurt for her. If there's only one thing I could do in all her life..." I
didn't think I'd ever feel that way when I -- when she was conceived. But
carrying a child, giving birth, that turns you into someone else, doesn't it?
And no matter what the circumstances, Kate, you're a mother. And whether that
child is with you or not, it will always be a part of you.
Ben: Who the hell are you? Craig: No way, Sykes. You are not getting away from me this time. John: All right, here we go. Nice and easy. Take a deep breath. Marlena: Oh... I'm better. I just had to get out of that room. Why don't you
go ahead and finish your fingerprinting? John: Yeah. Yeah, the sooner we get out of here, the better. Marlena: Yeah. John: Will you wait right here? Marlena: Ha ha ha. I'm not going anywhere. John: That's what they all say. I'll be right back. Marlena: Mm-hmm. That's what they all say. John: Open... sesame. Brady: Get a hold of Nancy or Craig yet?
Chloe: What? No, I can't even get a signal. Sorry. My ears keep popping. Brady: You know, mine too. We must be climbing really fast. Chloe: Which is kind of weird if we're supposed to be going downhill. Brady: Who says? Chloe: The map. Brady: What? Let me see that. Chloe: Brady, you're driving. Brady: Well, let me just see it. Chloe: Listen, we haven't seen a sign in forever. We must've missed a turn.
Brady: Maybe this was the scenic route. [Laughs] Chloe: Yeah, very scenic. We can't see a thing. Maybe we should backtrack to
the highway. You're one of those people who never asks for directions, aren't
Brady: Chloe, we're in the middle of nowhere. Chloe: I meant in general. Brady: No, I don't like asking for directions. Do you? Chloe: Never used to, but lately I've learned that it's okay to ask for help
sometimes. Brady: Well, you're still stubborn. Chloe: Yeah, like someone else I know. Brady: I think it's okay to be stubborn from time to time. Chloe: I think so, too. And like I was saying before, we're going the wrong
way! Brady: Okay, fine, hey, I defer to the navigator. Let me just find someplace
to turn around. All right. Here we go. Chloe: Brady, look out!
Brady: Whoa! Ben: Oh, damn it! The tire blew! What do I do now? Easy, easy, easy. Craig: Yeah, you pull over. You pull over. I've got you now, you bastard.
Marlena: John! Come and see the painting. Come and see what's happened.
Quickly. Follow me. Jennifer: Look, Colin, the thing that scares me the most, even more than
what's already happened, if that's possible -- look, the Brady-DiMera feud, or
whatever you want to call it, has never ended. And, yes, it has been very calm
for a long time now. But now that Bo has killed Lexie, how many more people are
going to have to suffer until this is over?
Lucas: Yeah, Austin. Yeah, if that happens, I'll call you. Okay. Kate: Are you ready? Lucas: Yeah. Nancy: You know, you really don't have to take me home. Lucas: No, no, no. We insist. Nancy: Thank you. Kate: Philip told us that you're expecting. We're really happy for you and
for Craig and Chloe. Nancy: Thank you. You know what? Since I'm keeping you, maybe I should call
Craig and see if there's anything new about Billie's condition. Craig: Where are you, Sykes? I know who you are, and I know you're in here.
Brady: Are you okay?
Chloe: Yeah. You okay? Brady: Yeah. Chloe: What was that in the middle of the road? Brady: I couldn't see it very well. It was some kind of an animal. Chloe: Did we hit it? Brady: I don't think so. [Engine cranking] [Cranking] Chloe: The car won't start? Brady: No. It's dead. Look, um, I'm going to have to get out and check under
the hood, okay? Marlena: All right, John, there it is right -- John, a moment ago, that was
a picture of me. John: Mm-hmm. DiMera mind games. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he isn't
watching us right now.
Marlena: What's the matter with me? John: Not a thing. I told you before, I think you're beginning to remember.
Marlena: It isn't like a memory, it's like a -- it's like a déja vu. It's
like something I dreamt. John: No. The answers are here. Hope's disappearance, Gemini twins, the
years you were held captive here on this island. Maybe they're all connected.
But I'll tell you one thing -- whatever evidence we find, we're going to use it
to nail Tony's butt to the wall. Marlena: Could I imagine what I saw? John: Do you think you're hallucinating?
Marlena: I've got concrete memories of waking up in a bed just like the one
in the other room... but on a different island. If I were here, if I were
conscious, I've been burying those memories all these years. John: Maybe DiMera wants you here. Maybe that's why he gave you that pillow
in his will. Sleeping beauty... Gemini constellation, which was also a map of
these islands. Marlena: Maybe he just wanted me to remember. John: You know what I think? [Crash] Chloe: Well? Brady: Well, we didn't hit that deer or moose or whatever it was.
Chloe: Do you need me to get out and help you push? Brady: No, we need a tow. I don't know what the hell the problem is. Chloe: Oh. I still can't get a signal on the phone. Brady: Well, it's okay. Somebody will find us when the sun comes up. Chloe: In other words, we're spending the night here? Brady: Sorry. Chloe: No, no, it's an adventure. Brady: Right. Come on, Chloe, you're shivering. Come here. You know, we
would've been much more comfortable in the airport. Ha ha ha. Chloe: No, I'm comfortable right here. Peaceful, too.
Jennifer: Coffee's probably cold by now, but, you know, Jack -- he actually
likes them that way, so that's good. I'm going to get back to the paper. He's
probably having a hard time with the whole article, and I wish that I could help
him, but it's -- it's Hope and she's my cousin. I just -- Colin: I'll walk you out. Jennifer: Thanks. Jennifer: Thank you for being so understanding. I really shouldn't have
snapped at you like that before. Colin: Hey, don't give it another thought. I just want to be here in support
of you, Jennifer. Jennifer: And I want to see justice served. Colin: I hope they lock you up and throw away the key, cousin Bo. That would
certainly make my life a lot easier.
Lucas: No, that's okay, Mrs. Wesley. You don't have to bother your husband.
I actually just called the hospital, and there's no change in Billie's
condition. Nancy: Oh. Kate: Nancy? Are you okay? Nancy: I'm fine. It's just that I think someone is telling me it's time to
get home and go to bed. Kate: You know, I think I'd feel a lot better if we took you to the hospital
with us. Nancy: No, no, no need to worry. You're just like my husband. Ever since the
baby, I keep having to tell him, no need to worry! Craig: Sykes, show your face!
[Slams door] Craig: You're not getting out of here. Ben: Aah! Gah! Aah! Aah! Oh, ga-- ow! Oh! Who are you? [Groaning] Ben: Help me, please. Please! Aah! Help me! Craig: Trapped there, are you? Leg's gushing blood, huh? Good. Ben: Aah! [Groaning] John: Well, I didn't see anyone, but I don't think... we're alone. Doc? John: Marlena? Damn it, I hate this place. Doc.
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