Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/4/02
By Eric
you guys were up here.
How did nancy's amnio go?
Chloe: What are you doing here?
Nancy: You're fine, nancy. You're just -- it's just cramps. No need to worry.
Craig: Nancy. What is it? What's wrong?
Tony: You mean to tell me that my father has risen from the ashes in the form of these twins?
Rolf: No. Sadly, the twins are not stefano dimera in another form. However, they are stefano's creations. They were brought into being in the hope that they would come to salem one day and fulfill the dimera legacy.
Tony: How dare he try
to take away my birthright.
I am stefano's son.
That's why I came back here,
to carry on his legacy!
Rolf: Then you are going to need this.
Tony: How did this key... how? How did you get this key away from him?
Rolf: From him? From whom?
Tony: John black.
Rolf: What are you tal-- I did not get this from mr. Black. Though I would be most interested to know how friend john managed to secure his own key.
John: All right, now, I'll just run these satellite photos through the atmos database and we'll see what we got. We should have our answer in about... two minutes.
Marlena: Nice to have
something concrete to go on,
isn't it?
John: Mm-hmm. All thanks to you, doc. Or should I say... la femme marlena?
Marlena: Our mission was successful.
John: Mm-hmm.
Marlena: In spite of the fact that you nearly blew my cover.
John: I... was worried about you.
Marlena: I was fine, fine, fine.
John: Yeah, I don't care. I know. You made your point. You were fine, you were okay. You could've done it without me. You could've done it all by yourself with one hand tied behind yr r back. In your sleep.
Marlena: You're not going to end our partnership, are you?
John: Our partnership
is forever,
and I will make sure of that.
Marlena: Hey, I'm not going anywhere.
John: You distract me so. Ahem.
Lexie: Oh, sweetheart, I'm here. Oh, baby, I'm right here, I'm right here. Are you all right? Yeah, yeah? Everything's going to be okay, okay? All right. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Come on. Let's get you out of here.
[Pounding on door]
Bo: Lexie, open up! We know you're in there!
Abe: Open up!
Lexie: This can't be happening.
Bo: Lexie, open this damn door!
Abe: Lexie! Come out!
Hand over the baby, lex!
Lexie: Bo? Thank god you're here.
Bo: Hand over my son. And where's my wife?
Lexie: No, stop, stop, you're going to frighten him.
Zack: Daddy.
Bo: It's okay. It's okay, zack. I'm right here. I'm right here. I'll... never leave you alone again.
Lexie: Abe, look, I know how this looks, okay? But I didn't take him, I swear. I found him just a minute ago. I heard him crngng for his mommy, and I... abe, you know that I'm being framed. You know I didn't do this! Please, somebody, believe me.
Abe: Is he all right?
Bo: Yeah. Yeah, I think so. Hey, it's abe. Want to say hi to abe? Where is my wife, damn it? Tell me where hope is! Now! Lexie! Daddddd
John: Interesting. According to the database, it doesn't look like any of the islands where you were held.
Marlena: So it wasn't under surveillance by the dimeras, eh?
John: Evidently not, and that could be a good thing.
Marlena: Any guess what they're looking for?
John: I don't think
we're going to have to guess.
We are about to find out
for sure.
Rolf: It is crucial that john black not discover the secrets this key unlocks.
Tony: Well, let's discuss those secrets, dr. Rolf. Please sit down. Please sit down and tell me exactly how you found this key.
Rolf: It -- it was hidden in belle black d dormitory room.
Tony: I had her room swept immediately after she moved in.
Rolf: Oh, well, that was several weeks ago. Perhaps it wasn't there at the time, count dimera. The important thing is, that it's now in our hands. But what about this other key, the one that stefano had in his possession?
Tony: My father gave to me
in his final moments.
He told me that
this key
was the secret to my past,
as well as my future.
And then john black stole it.
Rolf: And he must answer for that.
Tony: You said something earlier, that I would need this key to carry on the dimera legacy.
Rolf: That is correct, count, for you hold in your hand the power to unleash the twins' very special talents.
Tony: Ha ha ha ha. But, dr. Rolf, what are these talents, and how might they be used to service the dimera family?
Bo: What have you done with hope? Answer me!
[Zack crying]
Bo: I'm sorry, zack. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
Abe: It's all right.
Bo: It's okay.
It's okay, buddy. It's okay.
It's all right.
It's okay.
Lexie: Abe. Oh, no!
Abe: You have the right to remain silent.
Bo: Like hell she does. My wife is missing. She knows where she is, and you're going to tell us, you understand?
Abe: Bo, you need to get a hold of yourself. We're going to do this by the book to protect our case.
Bo: You think I care about the book? I care abo f finding my wife. Zack is here. She would never have let him go. Tell us what you did with her, lexie.
Lexie: Bo, I don't know
where hope is.
If I knew something,
I would tell you.
Abe, you know
I'm telling the truth.
Abe: [Dialing cell phone]
[Telephone rings]
Roman: Captain brady.
Abe: Roman, it's abe.
Roman: What's the word?
Abe: Zack's safe. We found him.
Roman: Well, thank god for that.
Abe: Still no sign of hope. We're bringing in lexie. Now, I want every available officer out there to do an immediate sweep of this area.
Roman: L l right, we're right on that, partner.
Abe: All right, let's try this again.
Lexie: Would you bring my purse, please?
Abe: You have the right
to remain silent.
If you wish to give up the right
to remain silent,
anything you say can
and will be used against you...
Abe: All right, excuse me. Out of the way here. Excuse me! Pardon me. Out of the way.
Brandon: Zack! Great, you found him. Where's hope?
Abe: Ask lexie.
Lexie: Brandon, you know I wouldn't do anything to hope or isaac. Why won't they believe me?
Brandon: Don't worry. It's going to be all right.
Abe: Move, move, move!
Brandon: I'm right behind you, lex.
Brady: Look, chloe,
I know you said you didn't want
to have a serious talk tonight
because you were worried
about nancy's amnio,
but I realized this is just
too important to wait, okay?
You and I are
in a life-and-death fight
right now.
We're in it together.
We have to trust each other,
You told me
that the one thing that
this illness taught you
was how important it is
to face up to your feelings,
to say what you need.
Also, that time is precious
and not to waste it.
Well, it's taught me
those things, too.
I can't pretend with you,
I can't even try.
So please don't ask me to.
Nancy: It's just cramping from the amnio, I guess.
Craig: Okay, well, that's -- that's not unusual. Are you having any other symptoms? Are you dizzy? Do you have a headache?
Nancy: No. Nothing.
Craig: Okay, okay, you know what? Let's sit you down. Let's just get you up here, and sit down for a second, okay? All right.
Nancy: Oh!
Craig: Easy, easy. There you go. There you go. It could be the baby's just doing flips, sweetie.
Nancy: Craig, I think something's wrong.
Chloe: Maybe this isn't
the best place to talk.
Brady: Okay. So, since nancy's okay, do you want to come home with me?
Chloe: Craig, is something wrong?
Craig: No. Uh, dr. Bader just needs to exam nancy before she gets discharged, that's all. Excuse me, would you?
Brady: Go.
Chloe: It's going to be okay.
Nancy: Yes, it'll be just fine.
Roman: Billie, where in the hell you been? We've been short two uniforms. I've been paging you at least a dozen times!
Billie: My battery went dead.
Roman: Your battery went --
what the hell is that all about?
Whatever it was, don't ever
let that happen again,
do you understand that?
Billie: Yeah.
Roman: Zack!
Billie: [Gasps] Zack! Thank god! Where's hope?
Bo: We don't know. Not yet.
Lexie: Give me a lie detector test. I'll prove it. I am innocent. I don't know where hope is. God, look at all this time you've wasted with me when you could've been out there looking for hope!
Bo: What about the time you've wasted, not telling abe about hope's wallet or itinerary, not telling your soon-to-be ex-husband you know where hope is.
Roman: Yeah,
I'll tell you what --
let's take this into private,
all right?
Lexie, you can make
your phone call.
Bo: Yeah, let's guess who that's going to be, too. Big brother tony?
Abe: Come on, lex, let's go.
Rolf: Well, I'd better start at the beginning.
Tony: Oh, yes, please do. And do me a favor -- get to the end. I want to know where the twins are from, I want to know who the parents are, and how exactly my father was involved.
Rolf: Well, it was all handled at a secluded fertility clinic in europe. The twins' genetic material was...gathered from anonymous sources.
Tony: Who gave birth to them?
Rolf: That I do not know. Stefano arranged it.
Tony: Oh, really?
But certainly my father would
have confided in you,
his right-handanan.
From what I hear from bart,
stefano told you everything.
Rolf: Ha ha ha ha. Come now, count. You seriously believe a man as powerful as stefano would've told any of his employees everything?
Tony: Continue.
Rolf: Unfortunately, dna testing on the twins is impossible due to their genetic makeup.
Tony: Great. Now, cut to the chase. Is there any chance that cassie and rex are dimeras?
Rolf: No, absolutely not. Surely, count, you don't believe that stefano would ever have resorted to such dramatic experiments on his own flesh and blood?
Tony: So, what's the bottom line? What are they engineered to do?
Rolf: They were stefano's pawns.
And now they belong to you.
And although it took years
of work to get them
to this point,
they are still
in the infancy of their training
and indoctrination,
and since the twins suffer
from amnesia,
I will have to mold them
from scratch.
Tony: Let's get something straight right now. From this moment forward, you are to do nothing unless I tell you to, is that clear?
Rolf: Well, as I was about to say, I will mold them into whatever you wish, and I will assure you, count, that unlike john black -- a product of old technology, a pawn who went over to the other side these twins will be unfailingly loyal, incorruptible.
Marlena: When was the last time we worked together?
John: West virginia.
Marlena: Oh.
You were looking for clues
to your past.
That's when you left the isa
to spend more time
with the family,
about the time I went missing.
Marlena: It's obvious to me you're back with them in some capacity. You don't want to tell me so you can protect me. So just tell me.
John: Doc...
Marlena: Are you calling in favors from your old contacts? Hmm? Is that what you're doing?
John: Hmm.
John: Doc? What's wrong? P 8 p p p
Brandon: Right. He seems to be okay physically and emotionally, but I would get him checked out by a doctor.
Bo: Yeah, right, I will.
Hey, first, I'm going
to get you something to eat.
How about we go
to the break room
and see what
we can scrounge up, huh?
Billie: Well, why don't you let me take him down there? That way, you can deal with lexie and... I'll jusb be down the hall.
Bo: Okay. Hey, zack, this is billie.
Billie: Hi.
Bo: Go with her, and I'll come and get you a little later, okay?
Billie: Come on.
Bo: See ya.
Billie: Let's go get some yum-yums.
Bo: Bye-bye. That was quick.
Roman: No answer at the dimeras.
Lexie: Look, we can't
just stand around here all day
waiting for tony
to get my message.
So I don't have a lawyer.
Big deal.
The sooner you give me
a polygraph test, the sooner
you'll all realize this was
a terrible misunderstanding,
and you can focus
all your energy on finding hope.
Bo: A lie detector test -- right. Former cop, former doctor... always a dimera. Like you can't beat one of those things.
Abe: Lexie, hope's life is on the line, so whatever you know, you veve to tell us.
Lexie: Abe, you're my husband. You promised to love me forever, and yet you can look into my eyes and still think that I'm lying?
Abe: Lexie, after all the lies that you've told me, I don't know anything except I can't trust you.
Brandon: I was with lexie
when she found hope's wallet
in her car.
She had no idea
how it got there.
The only reason she didn't
come to you sooner
was that I told her not to.
I told her
you wouldn't believe her.
I was right.
Abe: But I did believe her. And of all the lies she told, that's one I most regret believing. If the delay in this investigation means that hope --
Bo: If you've harmed my wife in any way, we won't have to worry about the law taking care of you, because I will.
Abe: Look, lexie, I'm going to get you a lawyer. You need legal representation. Who do you want?
Lexie: Cameron.
Abe: Fine. Fine.
And when she gets here,
we're going to take you
into that interrogation room
and we are going to grill you
as long as it takes.
You're not getting away
with this
this time.
You are not getting away
with what you've done.
Marlena: Ha ha ha ha. I'm fine. I'm fine.
John: No, you're not.
Marlena: Yeah.
John: What just happened? Are you feeling ill?
Marlena: No. No. No, I -- no, I just felt strange for a second, that's all.
John: Let's talk about earlier at tony'S. You said you felt a little disoriented?
Marlena: Yeah.
John: And?
Marlena: Yeah, it was that same kind of feeling, wasn't it? But... it's gone now. And you're trying to change the topic. Don't do that.
John: No, don't you
change the topic.
Let's not blow this off.
It's important. Talk to me.
Marlena: Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Who's the doctor here?
John: Why, you are, and you have always taken care of both of us. But right now I think I know exactly what happened to you.
Tony: If this key is supposed to unlock my past and my future, how does marlena tie into it?
Rolf: Why would you ask that?
Tony: Because of the after-effects of this illness -- I'm sure you must've expected -- fugue states, to be specific. I've been known to murmur marlena's name under certain circumstances. I need to get my memory back -- all of it. It's of paramount importance to me.
Rolf: Look, certainly,
I will do everything I can
to help count dimera.
However, I will need time
to familiarize myself
with your recent medical history
before I can be of any use.
I'm shocked to hear
of these fugue states.
But, despite my ignorance,
I do have one answer
you are okoking for.
I can tell you exactly
how marlena is linked
to your past
and your future.
Nancy: What are you doing now?
Dr. Bader: Monitoring the uterine contractions. Everything seems just fine.
Nancy: Well, I might've overreacted. It's just that you -- you said that I might experience minor cramping --
Dr. Bader: It is a bit unusual, but some women do experience more severe pains, so...
Craig: Better safe than sorry, hmm?
Nancy: Oh. Could I see chloe now? I'm sure she's worried.
Dr. Bader: Oh, of course, of course.
Chloe: How is she?
Dr. Bader: Mother and baby are just fine.
Chloe: Oh, thank god.
Nancy: Sweetheart.
Brady: Um, mrs. Wesley, would you mind if I took chloe out with me for a little while?
Nancy: No, of course not.
Chloe: I should stay here with nancy.
Nancy: No, honey, I'm in good hands here. Go. Please?
Rolf: Marlena's link to you, your past, and your future is quite simple -- john black. For a time, he was stefano's mercenary, his loyal pawn. But no longer. And it was marlena's love that turned him against the dimeras.
Tony: So marlena's the key,
and john must have her
in order to win.
And if he doesn't have her,
if I banish her from him,
he'll be destroyed.
He'll be utterly destroyed.
John: These, uh, pictures -- these pictures could be -- could be triggering some memories of when you were held on this island.
Marlena: I'm not sure what memories I have. And, unlike you, I've never felt a need to delve into my missing years. I'm just not sure there's anything there.
John: You know
that we have been
tiptoeing around this subject
because it scares
the hell out of both of us,
but we need to acknowledge...
the sleeping beauty pillow, tony's fugue states
where he whispers your name,
your visceral reaction
when you first saw that key.
There's something going on
there --
a connection,
some history
that you have with the dimeras
that you don't remember.
You want to find out
what it is?
Marlena: Until now I never... really wanted to know. I never needed to know. Now we do need to know, for the safety of our family, what tony's up to.
John: You helped me find out everything I could about myself. And when I couldn't find out any more, you helped me live in the present. That's what I want to do for you now.
John: We can get through this. We can get through this together, I promise you.
Abe: There are no other options here, lexie. Now, you've violated the conditions of your probation when you had contact with zack.
Lexie: What was I supposed
to do, abe?
He was calling for his mommy.
He was all by himself.
Poor little thing.
Should I have just
left him there?
Abe: Then give us something to go on. Who did this to you? Who's trying to set you up? Give us a suspect, and we'll go after him.
Lexie: I don't know!
Abe: Of course you don't, because you have blood on your hands.
Bo: Stop playing games.
Brandon: Hey, back off. She hasn't been feeling well.
Lexie: It's okay. It's okay. I'm okay.
Brandon: You all right?
Lexie: Yeah, I'm all right, brandon. Yeah.
Billie: Bo, I'm sorry. He just keeps asking for his mommy.
Bo: That's okay. That's all right. Hey, buddy.
Zack: Mommy.
Bo: He's not calling for you.
He's calling for his mommy --
And if you care
for this little boy at all...
Zack: [Babbles]
Bo: Yeah. It's okay. Where did you see your mommy, huh? Where is your mommy?
[Cellular phone rings]
Larry: Yeah.
Billie: It's me. I've got good news. I'm at the station right now. Zack is with bo, and lexie carver's been arrested.
Larry: Yeah, that is good news.
Billie: Well, they were trying to page me when I was -- no, no, ha, that's okay, yeah. I'll talk to you later. Bye-bye. Ha.
Tony: I just had a thought.
If marlena's counseling
cassie and rex,
might not that compromise
your influence on them
and their allegiance
to the dimera family?
Rolf: Mm. No, I shouldn't worry about that. It's best to give dr. Evans the full sense that she's making progress. And now that I have control over the minds of those two, I can counteract anything she does with them.
Tony: Yes. And they'll be my entrée in maintaining a close relationship with marlena... for whatever purpose I desire.
John: I love you.
Marlena: Mm-hmm. Lucky me.
[Computer beeping]
John: "No matches." How can that be? Oh, my god. The gemini.
Brady: Do you want anything
to drink?
Let's see what I got here.
lemon juice.
What do you think?
Brady: Chloe, you okay? You're worried about nancy.
Chloe: As if it isn't stressful enough for her just to be pregnant, there's all this stuff you have to worry about, like, will the baby be normal? Will the pregnancy go smoothly? How much weight to gain, what you can and can't eat and drink. And for nancy, there's all this added pressure with the bone marrow match, all thanks to me.
Brady: Thanks to you? Chloe, she loves you.
Chloe: But she doesn't
need this.
Neither of them do.
She and craig were happy before.
They didn't plan on having kids,
not until this happened to me.
And now their lives
have gotten so complicated.
Brady, I hate this.
I hate that I've done this
to them.
Brady: You hate it? Is that your way of distancing yourself from it? Being angry with yourself, not acknowledging the fact that whatever craig and nancy are doing for you, they're doing because they want to, because they need to. Don't push them away, chloe. It'll be too cruel to them and to you.
Chloe: Brady --
Brady: Chloe, I know
that you're going to die...
a long time from now.
Me too.
We're all going to die.
We just can't be sure when.
So if you think
that you're protecting me
by putting this distance
between ...
don't you understand
it would be too painful?
At least for me,
because of what happened
to my mom.
Brandon: Hey. Hey. You know, zack, your mommy misses you very much. Yeah. She was so glad you were there to keep her company. Hey, what did you guys talk about when you were with her? Hmm? What did mommy say to you?
Zack: "I love you."
Brandon: Yeah. Yeah, that's right, zack. Mommy loves you very much. She wants to see you again, but we need to find her first. Where was mommy when she said "I love you"?
Zack: Sleeping.
Brandon: Mommy's sleeping?
Zack: Sleeping.
Craig: Would you look at that?
Nancy: I don't know
how I'm supposed to wait
a few days
for the amnio results.
I don't know, and five months
to meet this little one.
Craig: Ha ha.
Nancy: Oh, look, craig, is that --
Craig: That's the umbilical cord.
Nancy: Oh.
Craig: But look. See? The baby is sucking his or her thumb.
Nancy: Oh. Well, I hope he or she is comfortable with the accommodations.
Craig: Hey, I know that you feel like you're carrying two lives inside you -- this baby's and maybe chloe's, too, but... I want you to know that there's three precious lives here for me.
Nancy: Well,
speaking of accommodations,
why don't you take me home
and spoil me rotten?
I'm going to get a little bell,
and I'm going to ring it
anytime I want.
Craig: Anything, right? Right. Okay, you sit still, and I'm going to get your discharge papers. Okay.
Brady: Chloe, when my mom died, the hard thing wasn't that I loved her so much. The hard thing was that I hadn't loved her enough. See, I was just a baby when she died. I never had a chance to love her, at least not in a conscious way, in a way that I could remember. And I have been ieieving that lost relationship my entire life. But, you see, loss -- loss is a part of life. And the one thing that I can't live with
r regret.
So whether I say it or not,
the way I feel
is not going to change.
Brady: Come here.
Chloe: [Sniffles]
Brady: I love you, chloe.
Roman: Hey. Hope is still alive, bo. You got to believe that.
Bo: I do. I can feel it in my heart that she's alive. But the thing is, roman, she -- she would never leave zack. I mean, she wouldn't go to sleep while he was awake, unless she was hurt or sick.
Roman: Yeah.
Well, listen,
I know you want to stay here
and interrogate lexie,
so why don't you let me
call shawn,
the rest of the family,
give them the news.
Then if you want, I can take
zack down to the hospital
and get him checked out.
Bo: Okay, that's great.
Roman: All right.
Bo: Hey, zack, come here. You're gonna go with uncle roman for a little bit, okay?
Roman: Come on, partner. Here we go.
Bo: I'll see you soon.
Roman: Attaboy.
Bo: Hey, roman, um... don't tell shawn what zack said about hope, okay? Bye-bye.
Abe: Officer reed, please take lexie through booking.
Billie: Yes, sir.
Lexie: Abe, no. Please.
John: That's amazing.
Look at that shape.
It's almost exactly
like the pillow stefano gave you except...
this archipelago
has a couple of extra islands.
I wonder if I were to...
[Taps keyboard]
Marlena: A perfect match.
[John typing]
John: It says here these islands are remote, privately owned, uninhabited according to the atlas. You know what? Some of these islands aren't in the computer database. That's probably why the computer couldn't find the match initially. Hmm.
Marlena: Who are you calling?
John: I'm just gonna lay some groundwork for when I take off for this area.
Marlena: When we take off for the area?
[John hangs up]
John: For when i take off for this area, doc. It's not a good idea --
Marlena: I have to go.
I need to.
Not for myself, for our family.
And I know you understand that.
John: And I know you understand this -- in his will, stefano gave you a pillow with a map to these islands. And on the flip side, it said, "the beauty asleep in the wood." I'm not gonna put you in danger anymore. I'm gonna look at hope and zack. I will not put you in harm's way. Don't ask me to do that.
Marlena: I understand what you're saying.
John: Thank you. I love you. Now, you just relax, okay? I'm gonna make us a drink.
Marlena: I'm t t letting you do this by yourself.
Tony: When marlena was here earlier, she lapsed into a fugue state herself.
Rolf: Really?
Tony: She said,
"stefano needs me
to save the future."
Rolf: Hmm. It's exactly as I told you. I wonder what prompted marlena's fugue state.
Tony: I don't have a clue, but when I walked in, she was clutching a pillow that my father bequeathed her. Do you think that that pillow has some kind of connection to the surveillance pictures of the islands? And could it be that my father planned to reinstate marlena as his queen of the night?
Rolf: Well, I don't know what stefano's intentions were, though I do think I may understand what yours might be.
Tony: I prefer
not to disclose those specifics.
But I tell you,
I do have the power over john.
I do have the advantage.
I have you.
I have all this knowledge...
[Taps keyboard] At my fingertips.
Rolf: And the twins, count. They are your secret weapons.
Tony: John stole from me the woman I loved, my one chance to have a great happiness. I loved kristen very much. He didn'T. She died of a broken heart, and, in essence, so did I. But that's all changed now, you see. I've been given a second chance, and I will do to john as he did to me. I will get my revenge.
[Taps keyboard]