Days Transcript Monday 2/18/02


Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 2/18/02 (Canada) Tuesday 2/19/02-USA

Provided By Stephanie
Proofread By Niki

[Telephone rings]

Philip: Could be Chloe. [Ring]

Philip: Hello?

Kate: Oh, good. You haven’t left yet.

Philip: Oh, Mom, hey. What’s up?

Kate: Well, sweetie, I’m still here at rehab with Lucas, and Will’s here. He got through to Lucas.

Philip: He got through? You mean Lucas is out of the coma?

Kate: No, no, no, no. Not yet, but he spoke Will’s name. Honey, your brother’s coming back to us. He really is.

Philip: That’s amazing. It’s like everything’s finally going our way.

Kate: Yeah, well, not everything.

Philip: Hold on. I got news, too. Nicole moved out.

Kate: What?

Philip: Yeah, yeah, dad told her to leave.

Kate: Ah, well, that’s fantastic.

Philip: We're going to be together again -- you, me, and dad. A real family.

Kate: Oh, honey, we will be. I promise. I’m going to be moving back into that mansion before you know it.

Nicole: Cream, two sugars, remember?

Victor: How'd you get in here?

Nicole: You forgot to ask for these back.

Victor: You can leave them on your way out.

Nicole: Come on, admit it. You miss me.

Will: Daddy, it’s me. Can you say my name again?

Sami: Austin, we can’t keep putting him through this.

Austin: Sami, he wants to be here.

Will: I love you, Daddy.

Sami: Okay, will, say goodbye to daddy.

Will: No, not yet.

Sami: Will, we're going to leave now.

Will: I’m not going.

Shawn D.: Hi.

Belle: Hi.

Shawn D.: Thanks for getting here so fast.

Belle: Yeah. What’s up? You sounded kind of freaked out on the phone.

Shawn D.: Well, there’s something I got to tell you.

Belle: It’s about Jan, isn’t it?

Shawn D.: You know how I feel about you. I love you, and I never want you to forget it or doubt it, in spite of what I have to tell you.

Belle: Just tell me, Shawn.

Shawn D.: Jan’s pregnant.

Belle: What?

Shawn D.: And I’m the father.

Shawn D.: I don’t want to hurt you, Belle. There’s no way out. I have to tell you.

Belle: Shawn, you've been asking me to trust you and to understand, and, really, I've been ting. But when I walk in here, and you're hugging her and you can’t even tell me why, what am I supposed to think?

Shawn-d: I told you, okay? She has a problem -- a really bad one -- and she can’t deal with it alone.

Belle: What are you hiding from me, Shawn? And why can’t you tell me?

[Door opens]

Marlena: John --

John: This is all you'll need. Let me see that brush. And this is all you'll do. I put a set of these in your purse downstairs.

John: You having second thoughts?

Marlena: Well, I’m not really comfortable with the undercover work.

John: If there were any other way...

Marlena: I know. It’s got to be done.

John: We need that DNA sample from hope. It’s the only way to determine if she is Isaac’s birth mother.

Marlena: When do you think you want to do this?

John: Today. Right now.

Hope: Ahh! Good morning, sleepyhead.

Bo: Hey. Did I sleep in or something?

Hope: Oh, yes, you did. How does it feel? You know, actually J.T. hasn’t woken up, either. Shawn seems to be the only one who got an early start.

Bo: He’s not in his room?

Hope: No. I hope he didn’t disappear on us again, even if it is to help a friend. We all really need to be together today.

Bo: He knows that Glen is visiting with J.T. today. I’m sure he'll want to stick around.

Hope: Mm. I was looking down at J.T. sleeping. He looked so safe and trusting. I just can’t imagine him not being here, not growing up with us.

Bo: Well, glen’s a decent guy. I’m sure he'll want to do what’s best for J.T.

[Telephone rings]

Bo: Brady.

John: Hey, Bo, it’s John.

Bo: What’s up?

John: Marlena and I need to see you right away. It’s important.

Bo: John, this is not a good time. I'll call you later.

John: Sorry, it can’t wait.

Bo: Well, it’s going to have to wait. We've got all we can handle with Glen Reiber coming over today --

John: Listen, listen, Bo. Marlena and I, we're already on our way. We'll see you when we get there, all right? Bye.

Bo: What is up with that guy?

Hope: What is it? What’s going on?

Bo: I don’t know. He didn’t say anything. He and Marlena are on the way over here.

Hope: Bo, maybe they found out something that could help.

Bo: They could have told me.

Hope: I’m going to put the coffee on, okay?

Bo: Whoa, hold on, hold on.

Hope: What?

Bo: Something I got to tell u about Shawn. I spoke with him last night when he came in.

Hope: Did he tell you what he was doing with Jan, what kind of trouble she was in?

Bo: Yeah. She’s pregnant.

Hope: I knew it. I had a feeling that might be it.

Bo: Yeah. And apparently her family situation is pretty rough. He’s helping her out. You're right. He’s rescuing somebody.

Hope: Mm. Just like someone else I know. Whenever there’s a wrong, you two are always the first to try to make it right.

Bo: Yeah. The problem with that -- you help one person and you hurt another. I hope that doesn’t happen to Shawn.

Belle: It’s a little early to be leaving for work, isn’t it?

John: Well, we've got to make a stop first.

Belle: Where are you headed?

Marlena: Over to Bo and Hope’s.

Belle: Oh, really? Can I drive over with you? I want to see Shawn and see if everything’s okay.

Marlena: You two haven’t talked?

Belle: No, and I’m a little worried.

John: Sure. You can come along. But we're gonna leave right now.

Belle: I’m ready. I'll just grab my coat.

Marlena: John.

John: It’s all right. Having her come along could create a distraction; make our job a little bit easier.

Belle: Okay, I’m all set. Let’s go.

John: All right, let’s go.

Marlena: Yeah.

Jan: You said before you're going to tell everyone you're this baby’s father, right? Shawn, you weren’t lying, were you, Shawn?

Shawn D.: Of course I wasn’t lying. I’m going to keep my promise.

Shawn D.: But how’s it going to work out? Oh, Belle, how am I going to keep my promise to Jan without losing you?

Hope: Oh, Shawn, you're still here. Good.

Shawn D.: Mom, Dad, we need to talk.

Hope: Sweetie, it’s about J.T., isn’t it? What’s going to happen today. You're afraid for him, aren’t you?

Shawn D.: Yeah, that’s... why I need to talk to you. It’s about the baby.

Kate: Now, you're sure Nicole is history? Not even a bottle of bleach left behind?

Philip: Gone for good. And now, well, you know it’s only a matter of time before dad realizes how much he misses you and asks you back. This is where you belong, Mom, and he knows that.

Kate: Oh, honey, what did I ever do to deserve a son like you?

Philip: Yeah, well, sometimes you just hit the jackpot, you know? So, when are you coming back to Salem?

Kate: Well, I mean, I want to stay here a little bit longer, especially since Lucas is making progress. But, honey, now, you make sure that you tell your father that Lucas actually spoke, okay, that he’s coming back to us.

Philip: Well, why don’t you tell him yourself? There’s nothing like good news to bring two people closer together.

Kate: Well, you better watch it. You're beginning to sound more and more like your mother every day.

Sami: Will, I know you want to help your daddy, but you already have, and now it’s time for us to go.

Will: You can’t make me.

Sami: Austin, you see what I’m talking about? Now, your mother has turned him against me --

Austin: Yeah. Yeah. Shh! He can hear you. Shh.

Sami: William, we can come back and visit your daddy another time, okay? But right now we are going to leave, so come on.

Will: I won’t go!

Philip: Hey, Dad! Dad! Dad! What is she doing here?

Victor: Don’t be rude, Philip.

Nicole: Come join us.

Philip: You have a phone call.

Victor: I’m in the middle of a business discussion. Tell whoever it is I'll get back to them.

Philip: Well, it can’t wait. It’s on the phone in the living room.

Victor: Who is it?

Philip: I don’t know. See for yourself.

Victor: I won’t be long.

Nicole: I'll be right here.

Philip: Ha ha ha. Is that what’s new in office attire, Nicole?

Nicole: I was on my way to the titan gym, now that I don’t have the use of the workout room here.

Philip: Isn’t that on the other side of town?

Nicole: Not that it’s any of your business, but your father and I were discussing the overnight developments of our Tokyo branch.

Philip: You're not moving back in here. I don’t care what you try to pull.

Kate: Even the doctor says it’s a good sign. My boy’s coming back to me. We're sure of it.

Victor: Well, that’s wonderful news, Kate. Thank you for telling me.

Kate: Well, there’s, um, more news, too, but I’m afraid it’s not so good.

Nicole: So, what do you think of this outfit? It’s the newest thing in breathable fabric.

Philip: Is this another one of your games? 'Cause it’s not going to work.

Nicole: Sorry, it was just a simple question.

Philip: You're a damn liar.

Nicole: And you're forgetting who you're talking to.

Victor: So, what’s the bad news, Kate? Lost your job at Basic Black already?

Kate: Ah ha. No. No, John and I are still going to beat you and Nicole at your own game, Victor.

Victor: Well, I knew it. You're up to something. Out with it. What is it this time?

Kate: It’s Austin. I need you to something for him.

Victor: What’s that?

Kate: Save him from a fate worse than death.

Shawn D.: It’s not right letting the courts decide what to do with J.T.’s life, treating a child like an object.

Hope: You're not just, uh, thinking about J.T. here, are you?

Shawn D.: No.

Bo: Your mom knows about Jan.

Shawn D.: I’m sorry. It’s the last thing that I want to lay on you, especially today, but you need to know what’s going on.

[Doorbell rings]

Bo: John and Marlena.

Shawn-D: Why are they here?

Bo: We're about to find out.

Marlena: Oh, hello, Bo.

Bo and Hope: Hi.

Marlena: Hi.

Bo: Come on in.

Hope: Hi.

Bo: Hi.

Hope: Hey, sweetie. Hey, John. So...

Shawn D.: Good to see you.

Belle: It’s good to see you, too. Are you okay?

Shawn D.: Yeah.

Bo: What’s up? What’s so important?

John: Well, we just wanted you to know that we realize what you're going through today, and we want you to know that we're giving you our support.

Bo: Oh. You couldn’t have said that over the phone?

John: Well, also we're here to see J.T. I mean, after all, I am still his Godfather, and I feel very protective towards him.

Marlena: And we brought you some, um, some food.

John: Yeah.

Marlena: I know you probably don’t feel much like cooking.

Hope: Oh, that’s very kind of you. Thank you.

[J.T. Crying]

Hope: Oh, I'll take care of that. Be right back.

Marlena: Let me help.

Hope: No need. That’s okay.

Marlena: No, no, let me help.

Hope: Okay. Sure, why not? Could you put that in the kitchen?

Bo: Yeah.

Hope: Be right back. Thanks.

Belle: Shawn, is everything okay? Did I do something?

Shawn D.: No, no, of course you didn’t. Don’t think that.

Bo: Why don’t you tell me why you're really here?

Kate: Austin is a different person already. He’s cold. He’s taking sides with her against the family. And if he marries her, he’s going to be lost to us forever, Victor.

Victor: What do you expect me to do about it?

Kate: I need you to advise me on the best way to get that wretch out of his life before she drags him to the altar.

Victor: Look, whatever you're plotting, I don’t want to have anything to do with it. You're on your own battling this one.

Kate: Ah. So you won’t help me, even if it means Philip’s happiness as well?

Philip: You want to know who my dad’s talking to right now? My mom. And obviously, he’s in no rush to get back to you, so why don’t you just run along?

Nicole: I’m sticking around. Whenever Kate gets finished with him, Victor’s going to need to let off some steam.

Philip: Not this time.

Nicole: Oh, really?

Philip: Lucas is coming out of the coma.

Nicole: Holy...

Philip: Yeah. In spite of the way you feel about my brother, his recovery is great news to the rest of us, including my dad. He loves him like a son.

Nicole: If you're suggesting that I want Lucas to stay in a vegetative state, you are out of your mind.

Philip: Oh, don’t pretend you care, Nicole.

Nicole: Kate really has succeeded, hasn’t she? Turned you right against me.

Philip: No. You did that all on your own.

Nicole: Philip, I remember when we used to get along.

Philip: Yeah, until you started chasing after my dad and acting like your family.

Nicole: Do I strike you as a woman who has to chase after any man?

Philip: My father is not just any man, so you can forget about the spandex and the perfume, 'cause it’s not going to work. My parents are meant to be together, and that’s how it’s going to be.

Victor: Don’t be ridiculous, Philip. Kate is not moving back into this house or into my life. Not going to happen, Philip.

Sami: Let go of that bed!

Austin: Sami, take it easy!

Will: I won’t leave, Daddy! I won’t!

Sami: Yes, you will! Come with me, will you?

Kate: Attaboy, Will.

Sami: We're leaving!

Hope: [Gasps] Hey, big guy!

Marlena: Oh, who’s here? It’s your mom! Hooray!

Hope: Thank you for changing him. Hey, honey.

Marlena: He was a dream boy to change, weren’t you?

Hope: I bet.

Marlena: Thanks so much. I got some lotion on my t-shirt. I need to get it off.

Hope: Oh, I’m sorry. You know, I have some stain remover under the sink. I'll get it.

Marlena: Oh, no, no. I'll get it. Oof, oof, oof. Thanks.

Hope: Okay. Who’s my big guy? Look what mommy got for you. [Lock clicks]

Hope: Do-do-do-do-do-do-do.

Hope: Come here. Will you help mommy? Will you help mommy? Look.

Hope: Oh, okay. Come here. Oh, you're all tangled. Come here. Come here, big guy.

Hope: Marlena? Are you finding everything okay?

Will: No! No!

Sami: William, stop kicking!

Will: Let me go!

Austin: All right, all right, come on, buddy boy. Give your mom a break, all right?

Will: I want daddy.

Austin: I know you do, okay? We're going to come back and you'll see him soon, all right? But we got to go home. We have some business to take care of.

Will: We'll come back?

Sami: Sometime. Let’s just, uh, go now, okay?

Will: Promise?

Austin: I promise. Better now? Want to give your daddy a kiss goodbye? Okay.

Austin: I’m going to take him to the cafeteria, let him pick out some snacks for the trip.

Sami: I just want to go and get as far away from this hellhole as absolutely possible.

Austin: You need to calm down first.

Sami: This is not my fault, Austin.

Austin: All right, buddy boy. Come on. Oh, you got so big. All right, bro. Remember, we're here for you.

Sami: I'll meet you in there.

Sami: Don’t kid yourself, Lucas. You are never going to see your son again -- never.

Kate: Oh, but you promised. I heard you.

Sami: You're never going to see your grandson again, either, Kate.

Kate: Haven’t you done enough damage to that little boy already? All he wants, Sami, is to be close to his daddy.

Sami: As far as I’m concerned, his daddy is dead.

Kate: Coming back from the dead is more like it. Thanks to Will, Lucas is coming out of his coma, and when he does, he’s going to be reunited with his brothers and his son. We're going to be a family again. You are going to be history. No Will, no Austin.

Sami: You're pathetic and deluded.

Kate: Will’s already seeing you for what you really are. He’s already turning against you. So will Austin.

Sami: Shut the hell up.

Kate: You don’t stand a chance against me, and you know it. I could wipe you out of Austin’s life anytime I want to, and you know something? The time is right.

John: We told you why we're here.

Bo: Right -- 'cause you care so much. Well, you and Hope did create a child together, so we're kind of like family, aren’t we?

John: I don’t want to fight with you, Bo. I’m here to help. I mean that.

Bo: Excuse me.

Shawn D.: I’m sorry I didn’t call you back last night. I know you must have been worried.

Belle: So was your family.

Shawn D.: Is that why you're all here? 'Cause you didn’t know what happened to me?

Belle: No.

Shawn D.: Then what’s going on?

Belle: You tell me. What is going on?

Hope: Oh, um, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had locked the door.

Marlena: Be right out.

Hope: Okay. [Water running]

Marlena: All righty. Good as new.

Hope: Oh. You really were very kind to come over and be with us today. I appreciate it.

Marlena: We would do anything for you. You know that?

Hope: Can you help me keep my baby... my sweet J.T.? And my biological child... whoever he may be?

Marlena: Do you think that Isaac is your child?

Hope: Oh, God, yes. Yes. He could be. I know that Abe and Lexie must be going through agony over this, but you know what? I can’t even think about that right now, because it’s all I can do just -- just to hold onto J.T. and love him and fight for what’s best for him.

Marlena: Oh. Whatever the truth, we'll have the answer soon.

Hope: What do you mean? What answers?

Philip: What is with you? What, you're not even happy about Lucas?

Victor: Of course I am, but that doesn’t change anything between your mother and me. Kate is not moving back into this house. Is that understood?

Philip: God!

Nicole: Hmm. You left yourself open for this one.

Victor: What are you talking about?

Nicole: You never should have asked me to move out. That’s what got Philip’s hopes up.

Victor: I don’t want to talk about this.

Nicole: Fine. Bury your head in the sand. But I am warning you, this is not over. Philip wants his mother under this roof, and Kate probably has her suitcases packed and ready to go. I mean, between the two of them, they're going to wear you down.

Victor: Can we just drop this?

Nicole: Kate is using Philip, and she won’t rest until she has taken up residence, married you, and started the countdown.

Victor: What countdown?

Kate: The "how much longer will Victor last?" Countdown.

Victor: Oh, for heaven’s sakes.

Nicole: "How much longer will it take for him to have a stroke or a heart attack?" And you know what? With Kate around, it'll be no time. You know, she will have you buying the farm before the year is out, and don’t you forget you heard it here first.

Victor: All right, that’s enough.

Nicole: You know the truth hurts, doesn’t it?

Victor: The truth is that you're turning into her. You're turning into Kate.

Hope: I don’t understand. We'll have the answer soon? Marlena, if there’s something that you know that you're not telling me, please tell me.

Marlena: No, I-I just meant that as painful as it might be, at least you're getting a lot closer to the truth.

Hope: Is that a good thing? 'Cause I'll tell you what -- I wish that everything could go back to the way it was, because the truth has brought us absolutely nothing but pain. But you know what? What are you doing, big guy? I don’t want to spend this morning thinking about what may or may not happen. I just -- I just want to be with my family and hang onto J.T. just as long as I possibly can.

Sami: You'll never destroy me, Kate. You tried once and failed, and now I have Austin to protect me.

Kate: Oh, not for much longer. He’s already starting to see your shrewish temper, the way you bully your son.

Sami: You know what he’s really seeing? How you tried to poison my son against me and how you tried to use him to bring your pathetic son back to life.

Kate: What, are you on something? Or are these hallucinations just part of your rampant paranoia, Sami?

Sami: Haven’t you heard, Kate? Just because you're paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

Kate: Oh, what a wit.

Sami: Hey. You know, I could take care of this right here and now, couldn’t I? If I just use this pillow to smother him while no one’s looking --

Kate: Stop that, you bitch!

Sami: Oh, you want to keep your baby boy breathing? Then you stay away from me and my family.

Kate: You really would do that, wouldn’t you? You would kill him if you had the chance.

Sami: Oh, please. Are you worried about it? Then you can just move in here with him, stay with him 24/7. It could be your wacko version of "mommy and me."

Kate: Believe me, Sami, you're going to pay for this.

Sami: Oh, you're about as dangerous as a declawed cat.

Kate: Oh, well, let me tell you, a cat always lands on their feet. You'd do well to remember that. Sweetie, I am here for you. Don’t worry. Don’t worry.

Sami: He’s the only child you ever were there for.

Kate: Shut up.

Sami: You left them to fend for themselves with their lowlife father.

Kate: You know something, Sami? You know nothing about my life, nothing about what I suffered.

Sami: Oh, you know what? I don’t want to hear your sob story, because I already know it. It’s the one about the poor, lonely woman climbing the corporate ladder and -- and saving every nickel and dime so that she could find her kids. When the truth is, you were nothing but a call girl selling herself to all the married men in town. That is how you met Lucas’s father, right? Selling yourself as a high-priced piece of arm candy.

Kate: Oh, if Austin could just hear you now, see you for what you really are.

Sami: He knows who I really am. I would fight to the death to keep anyone from hurting him or will. I would never abandon my family the way you abandoned yours.

Kate: Sami, what is this? What -- do you think I've never suffered any abuse?

Sami: Oh, so that’s your excuse for abandoning your children, running out on them? No, you were a coward then, and you're a coward now. Your days of running are over, Kate, because it’s payback time for you and your pathetic son. I am going to bring you both down, and I am going to enjoy every second of it.

Belle: I know that you were with Jan last night. I just wish that you would tell me what is going on. All you have said so far is that she has this problem, and you're the only person that can help her.

Shawn D.: I-I know this hasn’t been easy for you, and I do want to tell you. I can now. But now isn’t exactly a good time.

Belle: It’s never a good time, is it?

Hope: Well, I don’t know about everybody else, but J.T. is definitely ready for a big, big breakfast, aren’t you, sweetie?

Bo: Me too.

Hope: Ooh, there’s your daddy.

John: Maybe we should give them some time alone.

Marlena: Yeah, we -- we don’t want to intrude.

John: No.

Hope: No, not at all. Thank you so much for everything. Are you kidding?

John: Come on. Sweetheart, ready to go?

Belle: Actually, is it okay if I stay for a little while?

Marlena: Well, if -- if Bo and Hope don’t mind.

Bo: No, no, that’s fine.

Marlena: Okay.

John: We'll see you later.

Hope: Bye.

Marlena: Bye.

Hope: Thank you so much.

Bo: Bye-bye.

Marlena: Bye.

John: Look, I know it might not feel like it right now, but everything’s going to work out. Who knows? Before long, we may put all this behind us.

Bo: You figure out what that was all about?

Hope: No, not at all. Marlena was acting so strangely upstairs.

Bo: Hmm.

John: Got the DNA sample?

Marlena: I did. It didn’t go as smoothly as I would have liked.

John: Well, you got it. That’s all that counts.

Marlena: I wish we could tell them that you're not the father of Hope’s baby.

John: Not until we know the whole truth. I could still have a child out there somewhere.

Marlena: Not if Hope’s DNA matches Isaac’s.

John: Well, that’s what we got to find out. Let’s go see how fast we can get these test results.

Marlena: Okay.

Hope: Hey, big guy, what is it, sweetheart?

Bo: What’s the matter, huh?

Hope: Oh, gosh. He’s been kind of cranky ever since he woke up this morning. Bo, I hope he’s not picking up on my fears.

Bo: Hey, you're doing just fine.

Hope: Sweetie, you okay?

Bo: Listen to me. No one is going to break up this family -- no one.

Shawn D.: I couldn’t tell you this before, but you have a right to know everything. Do you want to go outside? It'll be easier to talk out there.

Belle: Yeah, yeah, we should probably be alone.

Shawn D.: Okay.

Kate: How Marlena and Roman ever produced a nasty little slut like you is beyond me.

Sami: Oh, yeah? Well, at least no one has to ask how Lucas turned into a drunk and vicious abuser. It’s in his gene pool.

Kate: You know that he hears you.

Sami: Like I care.

Kate: You really should. He’s taking in every threat you make, every insult. When Will says, "Daddy, I love you," he hears that. He hears it when you drag him out of the room, and all of that is making him better.

Sami: You need a reality check. He hasn’t so much as twitched an eyelid since last night.

Kate: Lucas will wake up, and when he does, we're going to take Will away from you. He’s going to be back with his daddy where he belongs.

Sami: Oh, don’t you threaten me with my son. If you so much as make a move towards Will, I will come back here and end Lucas Roberts’s life so fast, it'll make your head spin. I’m going to turn your vegetable son into a corpse. Do you hear me? Do you?

Kate: Loud and clear, Sami.

Sami: Because unlike you, I fight for my child.

Kate: Oh. Well, go. Go fight all you want to, but when Lucas wakes up, we will go after Will, and we will get him, and then we're going to take him so far away from you, he won’t even remember your name.

Sami: Austin’s never going to let that happen.

Kate: When I get through with you, Austin’s going to run, not walk, for the nearest exit, because I’m going to make sure that your life goes nowhere but down into the gutter where a little tramp like you belongs.

Nicole: All I was trying to do was look out for you, and this is the thanks I get? You know, how dare you compare me to that witch?

Victor: I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. Everything you do and say is calculated to get what you want -- money and power. Cozying up to me is just the price you had to pay.

Nicole: I’m not even going to dignify that with a response. You know what? Give these keys to Kate, because I’m not going to need them again.

Philip: Oh, leaving so soon?

Nicole: Yes, for good this time.

Philip: What?

Nicole: If you let Kate do anything to that man -- I mean anything at all -- you'll have me to answer to.

Sami: You listen to me, Kate, and you listen good. Austin and will and I are going to walk out that door, and that is the last that you are ever going to see of us, so you better be sure to kiss your son and your grandson goodbye forever.

Kate: Sami, why are you doing this to me? Why? I just don’t understand it.

Sami: What?

Kate: Austin, thank God you're here. I don’t know what set her off this time.

Sami: What set me off?! You were threatening me!

Kate: Please, could you just get her out of the room for me?

Sami: Oh, you are not going to get away with this.

Austin: Come on, Sami.

Sami: She is lying, Austin! How could you not see that?

Austin: Will’s waiting.

Kate: Would you give -- give Will a kiss for me? Just tell him that his grandma will see him sometime soon.

Sami: Oh, go to hell, Kate!

Austin: All right, that’s enough!

Sami: You don’t believe me?!

Austin: You can’t even try, can you? You can’t even make the slightest effort to get along with her.

Sami: Oh, leave me alone!

Kate: Oh, yes. The gutter might be too good for her. What do you think? Maybe the madhouse. I mean, I can see her right now zoned out on mood-altering drugs, shuffling around in her slippers, her roots showing. Oh, sweetie, you and me and Philip and Will -- we're all going to be together again in Victor’s house with or without Victor. So what do you think of what I've seen in my crystal ball so far, huh? It’s happening. Sami is history. I’m going to get rid of her the same way I got rid of Nicole. And by the way, Victor was very pleased to hear about your progress. In fact, it’s the closest we've been in a long time. I still get to him. I know I do. The only wedding bells that there are going to be in this family are going to be for me and Victor. Oh, yes, and then after a couple of "I do’s," the Kiriakis fortune will be all mine... and yours. Ours. It’s going to be all ours, darling.

Belle: Brr.

Shawn D.: I love you so much.

Belle: Shawn, that is all I needed to hear. I know you've been going through hell thinking about J.T., and I don’t want to add to your problems.

Shawn D.: You're not. You couldn’t. I know you love J.T., too.

Belle: Sometimes I think we should have kept running when we took him.

Shawn D.: All babies have a right to be safe. It’s our job to protect them.

Belle: I think that’s one of the reasons I love you so much. You care a lot.

Shawn D.: About you. Belle, if I didn’t have you in my life -- God, I don’t know what I'd do.

Belle: Shawn, I’m not going anywhere.

Shawn D.: Yes. Yes, you are, right now. We're getting out of here.

Belle: No. You said you were going to tell me about Jan.

Shawn D.: And I will, but just not now, okay? Let’s just spend a day together. Forget all this bad stuff that’s been happening, remembering how we first fell in love -- our first date.

Belle: You are crazy, you know that?

Shawn D.: About you. And don’t ever forget that. No matter what happens... I’m always going to love you. I’m going to go on loving you forever.

Belle: I love you, too, Shawn. I think I always have, and I always will.

Bo: You think we should call the doctor?

Hope: No, let’s just take his temperature first, okay?

Bo: Whoa, whoa, take it easy, take it easy.

Hope: I’m not handing my son over to a stranger when he’s like this, Bo.

Bo: Hey, hey. One step at a time.

Hope: Give me his ear.

Bo: Let’s see what’s wrong with him first.

Hope: Okay, sweetheart. You're right. We'll do that. Yeah, that doesn’t hurt, does it? Oh, God, Bo, I can’t lose him. I can’t lose our son.

Marlena: You know, I had no idea we would get the results quite so quickly.

John: Well, money talks. It shouldn’t be much longer now.

Marlena: Hope said earlier that she’s not sure she wants to know the truth. Right now, I feel the same way. If Hope is the biological mother of Isaac and Stefano is the father... this thing will never end.

John: It’s going to end, because once we know the truth, this nightmare’s going to be over... for all of us.

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