The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Wednesday 9/26/18
Episode #7942 ~ Husbands, wives, siblings and lovers find themselves on opposite sides of Bill and Katie's custody battle; Bill pleads his case to Wyatt and Liam before making a last-ditch attempt to guilt Liam into taking his side.
Provided By Suzanne
Brooke: What a sweet wedding.
Ridge: Perfect fit, those two, huh?
Brooke: Yeah. They're gonna be so happy together.
Ridge: Yeah. It was sweet that will was part of the ceremony, wasn't it?
Brooke: He was cute. Really cute.
Ridge: He was cute. He's a good little boy. He's happy. He's got a family now. And thorne is gonna be the father that he always needed.
Katie: Hey, I thought we were all getting changed?
Will: I kind of like this.
Katie: Oh.
Will: Just not the tie.
Katie: Oh. Of course not.
Thorne: You were great today, by the way.
Katie: [ Sighs ] Yes. You were quite the little gentleman.
Thorne: Mm.
Will: Real big gentleman.
Katie: Yeah, all right.
Thorne: Oh, yeah.
Katie: I forgot.
Thorne: Yeah, maybe you almost grew an inch since the reception.
Katie: I think so.
Will: Really?
Katie: [ Laughs ]
Thorne: No, I'm just kidding. Well, I don't know. Maybe. Hmm. Why don't you go upstairs, shower, brush your teeth, and then maybe we can get a game in before, uh, bed.
Katie: Sure. Yeah, we can play a quick game. As a family.
Thorne: [ Chuckles ]
Katie: Wow! You -- uh, you're gonna have to teach me that.
Thorne: Secret handshake.
Katie: [ Laughs ] I could watch you with him for the rest of my life.
Thorne: Well, that's the idea.
Katie: We did it. We're married.
Thorne: And it couldn't feel more right.
Katie: Mm. Oh, I just wish we could skip past tomorrow.
Thorne: Yeah, but let's not skip past tonight, okay?
Katie: Okay. [ Laughs ]
Wyatt: Sounds like all the trappings of a forrester wedding.
Liam: [ Laughs ] It's amazing how quickly this family can throw one of those together, isn't it?
Wyatt: Mm.
Wyatt: Almost as quickly as you painted over that mural. What -- what's with that?
Wyatt: It's a long story. I mean, it's not like the forresters haven't had the practice.
Liam: Yeah, now we've got this custody hearing tomorrow.
Wyatt: Hence the rush to the altar.
Liam: I think that will help their case.
Wyatt: Is that what you're hoping for? Like, be honest with me. I've been asked to testify for dad. You're doing the same thing for katie. Like... how do you feel about that?
Justin: Thank you. Wow. So, it's official. Katie and thorne are married.
Bill: Yeah, right. An obvious ploy to convince the judge they're better suited to raise my kid. I mean, any judge should see through this sham of a marriage.
[ Huffs ] What else you have going on?
Justin: Final conference call with our family-law expert. What about you?
Bill: I'm gonna go talk to my sons.
Justin: Sure that's a good idea?
Bill: Yeah. Positive. Listen, there's one more thing i want you to do for me.
Justin: Yeah, what's -- what's that?
Bill: We're gonna call a surprise witness.
Brooke: I wish you weren't involved in this.
Ridge: Why? I know katie and thorne as well as anybody.
Brooke: We see things differently. And I don't like to be on the opposite sides when it's something so important.
Ridge: Well, I don't like that, either.
Brooke: So? That's it? There's nothing I can say? You're gonna speak out against bill at the hearing?
Ridge: Yeah. I will do anything I can to make sure that katie gets full custody.
Katie: Hmmm.
Thorne: I know. Well, at least I got you to forget about it for a few minutes.
Katie: [ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ] Why does everything have to be so complicated?
Thorne: Because bill refuses to do what's best for his child.
Katie: Well, he doesn't think that it's best.
Thorne: We know it is. I mean, we've seen firsthand how it affects will.
Katie: [ Sighs ] I just hate what he's done to wyatt and liam, too.
Thorne: So do I.
Katie: And tomorrow, they will be on opposite sides. I just hope their relationship can survive it.
Liam: Listen, the old man's done a lot worse to me than he has to you.
Wyatt: Trust me, I understand why you're testifying for katie and thorne. I mean, after what he did to you and steffy [Scoffs] Someone had to call him out on it.
Liam: And yet you're testifying on his behalf.
Wyatt: I can't fight a subpoena, liam. And that's dad. He's always full of surprises.
Justin: You're calling a surprise witness? Who?
Bill: The one person who's been in my corner throughout this custody mess.
Justin: Not brooke?
Brooke: It worries me when you talk that way.
Ridge: What way?
Brooke: That you would do "anything" to help katie win custody.
Ridge: Well, that's important to the family.
Brooke: Is it? Or is it important that bill doesn't win?
Ridge: He doesn't deserve to win this one, brooke.
Brooke: Does he ever, in your mind?
Ridge: Wow.
[ Sighs ] I know you have a soft spot for him. Uh... I don'T. Most people don'T. But I accept it, because you're my wife, and I love you. You got to accept where I stand, too. There isn't one member of this family that he hasn't scarred in some way. I'm not gonna let that happen to will. So, yes, tomorrow I will be there, and I will not pull any punches.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Brooke: Hello?
Justin: Brooke. This is justin barber. Yeah, I'm calling to let you know that you'll be subpoenaed to testify on behalf of bill at the hearing tomorrow.
Brooke: What?
Justin: Yeah, I realize it's last-minute, but bill's really counting on you. He needs your help. See you tomorrow, brooke. Bye-bye.
Brooke: [ Sighs ]
Ridge: Who was that?
Brooke: Justin barber. I'm being subpoenaed to testify at the hearing tomorrow.
Ridge: What? Fantastic. Well, you -- you still gonna defend spencer now that he's pitting you against your sister?
Thorne: Well, that was nice of you.
Katie: What?
Thorne: Letting will win.
Katie: [ Gasps ] I did not let him win! Shhh! He's upstairs.
Thorne: What are you talking about? It was pretty obvious. Too obvious.
Katie: [ Giggles ] Listen, um... I'm sorry about earlier.
Thorne: Hey, there is no apologizing on your wedding day. Okay?
Katie: Well, that's just it. I mean... [ Sighs ] It's our wedding day, and I'm talking about what's happening tomorrow. And that's gonna come soon enough. I just don't want to think of this day as the day before something terrible happened.
Thorne: Hey, nothing terrible is going to happen. You got to put that out of your mind, okay? Instead, think about this day that we never want to forget.
Katie: Heh...
Thorne: Okay? The day where we started our new family.
Katie: What about our honeymoon?
Thorne: We're definitely gonna have one.
Katie: Okay.
Thorne: Just... resort or adventure?
Katie: Uh, both. When?
Thorne: Uh... when you least expect it.
Katie: Wait a second! That means I'm gonna have to wake up every morning expecting a surprise.
Thorne: Well, anticipation is a beautiful thing.
Katie: Maybe sometimes.
Thorne: Hey. Tomorrow is going to be just fine, okay?
Katie: [ Sighs ] Not for everyone.
Thorne: Yes. For everyone. Even bill. His son is going to have a loving, stable family to grow up in. Bill is going to thank us for that one day.
Wyatt: Dad.
Bill: Wyatt. [ Sighs ] Good. I'm glad you're both here. May I come in?
Bill: Liam. How are you?
Liam: I'm, uh, hanging in.
Bill: How's hope doing?
Liam: Fine.
Bill: Kelly?
Liam: Also fine.
Bill: I'm glad to hear that.
Wyatt: Okay, look, I think we both know why you're here, dad.
Bill: No, I-I don't think you do.
Wyatt: Yeah, 'cause the hearing is tomorrow.
Bill: Well, there is that. But I need to talk to both of you about something. Just so there's no misunderstanding.
Liam: Misunderstanding about what?
Bill: My relationship with will. For the last several months, I haven't been the kind of father that he needed or -- or deserves. And I've been trying to make up for that -- when I'm allowed. The reason I want to be close to will is a -- is a simple one. I love him. Now, you may both find that hard to believe, given the way that I've treated you. I've been so busy ruining both of your lives that i ignored the person who needed me most. My youngest son. And that will never happen again.
Katie: Mmm!
Thorne: You know, this is really, really good cake.
Katie: That's a big bite.
Thorne: It's a big bite. Sorry.
Katie: [ Giggles ] You are right. It's delicious. Not bad.
[ Giggles ]
Thorne: Ohh, that's good.
Katie: Um, so, about our honeymoon. You know, we really don't have to go big.
Thorne: What, you don't want to fly a private jet to tahiti? Or the serengeti for a safari?
Katie: Well, that sounds very tempting.
Thorne: Right.
Katie: But, you know, it's hard to pass up just being right here.
Thorne: Right. You mean being at home with my wife and my stepson upstairs? Yeah.
Katie: Mm-hmm.
Thorne: Doesn't get much better than this.
Katie: Is that really how you feel?
Thorne: Yeah. That's how I feel. I am the happiest man on earth tonight. I love you so much.
Katie: I love you, too.
Ridge: That son of a --
[ Sighs ] Well, don't show up.
Brooke: [ Sighs ] I'm being subpoenaed, ridge.
Ridge: I shouldn't be surprised he's gonna undermine katie. And how arrogant is that, to think that you're gonna support him?
Brooke: I've hardly kept it a secret.
Ridge: Heh...
Brooke: There are no winners in this.
Ridge: No. Could be a loser, though -- will, if bill gets custody. It's not gonna happen.
Brooke: You don't know that.
Ridge: I do know that.
Brooke: How?
Ridge: Because bill is a despicable human being, and the judge is gonna see that.
[ Sighs ] It's just a good thing you haven't talked to him, so he doesn't know what kind of witness you're gonna be. Katie's gonna need you tomorrow.
Wyatt: Look, we don't question your love for will, dad.
Liam: Not that our experience is proof of anything.
Bill: I love all three of you, liam, believe it or not.
Liam: Mm-hmm.
Bill: I assume you were both at the wedding today. Interesting how fast that came about.
Liam: What are you -- what are you saying?
Bill: What I'm saying is that katie hands me custody papers, and in the blink of an eye, she is cobbling a family together to try and impress the judge.
Liam: Yeah, and they also happen to love each other. The custody issue is because you were a neglectful parent, period.
Bill: You're right, liam. I was. And I've learned my lesson. I want to be a good father. Not just to will. To both of you.
Wyatt: But that's probably gonna take some time, dad.
Bill: I'm willing to give it all the time it needs, wyatt. But right now, I have a little boy who needs his father. I wasn't there for you two when you were his age, but I am there right now for will. And I want that opportunity.
Wyatt: Okay. And you'll probably get that opportunity regardless of what happens tomorrow.
Bill: I can't do that, wyatt. I can't take that chance. I want equal custody. Nothing less. Holidays together. The three of you growing up as brothers, with a dad who gives a damn. That's what I want. Family. That's what I need. And will needs it, too. Now, I know I have no right to ask this, but I need your help.
Katie: You know, it's funny. I wondered if I would ever wear one of these again.
Thorne: Yeah, me, too.
Katie: And yet here we are.
Thorne: I'm exactly where I want to be.
Katie: And hopefully tomorrow the last piece of the puzzle will fit into place.
Thorne: It will. There's no way the judge is gonna rule against us. We're doing what's best for will.
Katie: [ Sighs ] I'm nervous. Going up against bill...-Thorne: Hey. You know... family court is all about protecting the child. That's exactly what we're doing for will. And bill, he may try to paint it ugly, but, uh, fact is, it's -- it's not. The judge will see right through it.
Katie: I hope you're right. Because I know bill. And he will do whatever is necessary to win.
Bill: Liam, I know you're testifying for katie tomorrow.
Liam: Yeah, which is why we shouldn't be talking about this right now.
Bill: We can talk about it. This is not a criminal trial, all right? I'm not witness-tampering. I'm just a father talking to his son.
Liam: You know it's been a minute since I've thought of you as my father?
Bill: I know. That's my fault. That's on me. And I've apologized for it. And I will apologize for as long as it takes. What I did was cruel, son. And I'll regret it for the rest of my life.
Wyatt: Yeah, and maybe you should just leave it at that, don't you think?
Bill: I can't leave it at that, wyatt. If I lose custody of will tomorrow, I'll be nothing more than a shadow in his life. Is that what you wanted when you were little boys?
Liam: No, but -- but it's what we had.
Bill: That's because I didn't know you existed. But will does know me. And he's forgotten that I was his rock when his mother was going through issue after issue. It was me. And only recently have i disappointed him. But I'm trying to make up for that. I want that chance to be a father. I want a second chance. Don't you want that for will? To be close with his father? To grow up that way? You guys didn't have that, and look what it cost you. Don't pass that curse on to your little brother, liam. Please, son. Please remember that when you're testifying tomorrow.
Brooke: I don't want to argue about bill.
Ridge: So, that man calls you in to testify without even talking to you about it. He's trying to pull a fast one. He's trying to use you in some way. I mean, think about it. You're gonna be a star witness and -- and he hasn't even talked to you, hasn't spoken to you about it? He doesn't know what you're gonna say. But maybe this is good. Maybe this is a good thing. You can show your sister how loyal you are, and how you're gonna defend her.
Brooke: [ Sighs ] Look, we just came back from the most beautiful, romantic wedding. Is there any way we can get back to that feeling and stop talking about bill?
Ridge: I'm just saying that he -- he does --
Brooke: Come on. Please. Just let it go.
Ridge: S-so, tomorrow, you're -- you're gonna testify for bill, and I'm gonna testify for katie.
Brooke: Yeah. I mean, we just have to express our feelings, right? I mean, in the end, it's not our decision. It's up to the judge. I'm gonna shower.
Ridge: What about me?
Brooke: [ Giggles ]
Ridge: [ Sighs ]
[ Suspenseful music playing ]
[ Shower running ]
[ Keys clacking ]
[ Cellphone beeps ]
Bill: Steffy wanted it. She wanted me. And what she wanted, I was more than happy to [Echoing] Give her, give her, give her, give her, give her.
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