B&B Transcript Thursday 12/1/16

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Thursday 12/1/16


Episode # 7469 ~ Steffy & Liam share romantic kisses & discuss their future; Bill remains steadfast with Brooke that their love is true, while RJ gives Ridge lessons in optimism.

Provided By Suzanne

Bill: The jet's waiting, and it won't be long before we're in St. Bart's. We'll be married by tomorrow. I have to believe that you want that. Look at me. Tell me you still want to be my wife.

R.J.: Well, if she wasn't into you before, she is now.

Ridge: I don't know about that, R.J.

R.J.: You drew a giant heart in the sand, re-created one of her favorite memories, and you showed that you love and care for her.

Ridge: I told her I want to put the family together... and to go back to Spencer and give him his ring.

R.J.: And that's where she is now?

Ridge: Yeah. But I don't know what her plan is.

R.J.: Well, she's not marrying Spencer, all right? Not after today. Why do you still look like that? I mean, you don't think he still has a chance, do you?

Liam: There you go.

Steffy: Thank you.

Liam: You warm yet?

Steffy: Uh, I think one more bear hug might do the trick.

Liam: Yeah?

Steffy: Just one more.

Liam: We can do that. We can do that. Yeah. How's your finger? Does it, uh, still sting?

Steffy: No. It's not that bad. Actually, I think the doctor said it's gonna be a few more appointments till it's completely gone.

Liam: Can we get him over here right now?

Steffy: Oh, I know you can't wait.

Liam: Hey, listen, the sooner we get that tattoo off your finger, the sooner I can put a ring on it.

Steffy: Yeah. That one's never, ever, ever coming off.

Liam: You want to think about wedding planning soon? 'Cause I'm ready.

Steffy: Yeah, me, too. But, you know, our wedding isn't the only one in the family. Bill is planning on whisking Brooke away today to marry her.

R.J.: I mean, why would she want to be with that guy when she has you?

Ridge: Your mom and I -- we have a lot of history together, you know -- a lot of great moments and... some not-so-great moments. I wasn't always an angel.

R.J.: Yeah. Yeah, that's, uh -- that's common knowledge. But you made up for it. Besides, you and Mom have something special. Bill is all flash, no substance.

Ridge: I know that. You know that. Your mom doesn't see it that way.

R.J.: How could you be working? Isn't the suspense killing you?

Ridge: Sometimes it's better not to know.

R.J.: Why do you say that?

Ridge: Because sometimes the answer is not the one you want.

Brooke: I love you.

Bill: Right answer. So let's get out of here and go get married.

Brooke: There's so much that I want to say to you.

Bill: Then say it in St. Bart's. We'll have all the time in the world.

Brooke: I've always admired your -- your commitment and your loyalty... your perseverance. And the way you've been planning this wedding and planning this trip just shows me how much you really do love me and how much this relationship really means to you. I'm so proud... to have been such a big part of your life. And I will always be grateful for that.

Bill: Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?

Liam: I mean, my dad didn't mention anything today about getting married. How -- how did you find out?

Steffy: I went to your work to come visit you, and I ended up running in to Bill. He said they're going to the Caribbean and then they're gonna hop on the Stella Maris. It's all so fancy.

Liam: [Scoffs] I love how my dad keeps me completely in the loop.

Steffy: Well, maybe he didn't tell you because he's not sure it's really gonna happen.

Liam: Why do you say that?

Steffy: Well, my dad.

Liam: Yeah? What about him?

Steffy: He's not completely out of the picture.

Liam: I know he's not out of the picture. He and Brooke have a kid together. D-does he know about the wedding?

Steffy: Um, yeah. Apparently, Brooke told him. And Bill was kind enough to grant her one final goodbye.

Liam: [Sighs] I mean, Ridge had to see this coming in some way, right? Like... I understand why you're concerned. I mean, you don't want him to get hurt.

Steffy: Well, I don't want Bill to be hurt, either.

Liam: Dude. Like, my dad's been wanting to marry Brooke for years now.

Steffy: Assuming it happens.

R.J.: You can't lose faith now.

Ridge: I'm not. I just don't want you to get your hopes up. I know you want the family back together, but there is a possibility that that may not happen.

R.J.: Dad, I want this for you -- okay? -- For Mom. I mean, sure, it'd be awesome to have my parents back together, but... I'd be fine either way. But you guys? You guys would be miserable without each other.

Ridge: Honestly, I never understood what she saw in the guy. I think Spencer is a complete tool, but...

R.J.: [Chuckles]

Ridge: ...For some reason, she cares for him.

R.J.: She cares for you more. She does not look at Bill the same way she looks at you. What you guys have is real -- what two people need to make a relationship work for the rest of their lives.

Ridge: Okay, okay. I'm not sure where you got all that wisdom from, by the way.

R.J.: Well, I know it's not from you.

Ridge: No, probably not. Hey... I know what you want. You want me to be convinced that Mom's coming back. But I don't know what she's gonna do.

Bill: Brooke, we have earned this moment. We have gone through a tremendous amount to get here, and now we are. We are finally free.

Brooke: I know. And being with you has been so wonderful.

Bill: This is just the beginning. We're just getting started. We have so many things to experience. As a couple, we have our whole life in front of us. I know you're feeling pressure from Ridge and R.J., and we'll do everything we can to make everyone happy. But right now, it's about your happiness. You have spent years sacrificing for others. Now it's time to make you the priority. You can't settle to satisfy R.J.'s fantasy of having his mom and dad back together. And Ridge?! Come on! Are you kidding me? You can't believe a word that he says. And you know why. If past is prologue, and you know it is, you know exactly what's going to happen. Within a year -- hell, within three months -- he will leave you again -- listen to me -- because that's what he does. You don't want to hear this, but the fact is... that is the greatest part of your history. But I am here for you. I've always been and I will always be. You can count on me today. You can count on me forever. So let's go get married. The jet is waiting. And so is our future.

R.J.: I know what you're trying to do.

Ridge: I'm trying to design the next collection.

R.J.: No. You're trying to distract yourself.

Ridge: "Trying" is the operative word, isn't it?

R.J.: Oh, I'm sorry. Am I bothering you?

Ridge: Little bit.

R.J.: Oh. Well, too bad, 'cause I'm not leaving until you know Mom's coming back.

Ridge: Nothing would make me happier, but that is her choice, not mine.

R.J.: Dad, you really got to believe it. Come on. Think positive.

Liam: Okay, Steffy, you know my dad. He doesn't take "no" for an answer. Yeah, he may have misplayed his cards here and there, but the man gets what he wants.

Steffy: I get that he's relentless when he wants something, but you weren't around for the whole "Brooke and Dad" thing. I mean, they have chemistry like no other, even more than my mom. I hate to say it. And for Brooke, she never got over him. It's like... he was always the one, and I think he still is.

Liam: I don't know. I don't know, Steffy. I mean [Chuckles] If it were any other guy, I would totally agree with you. No man stands a chance against Ridge when it comes to Brooke. But... I think your dad may have met his match in my dad.

Bill: Just tell me what you need from me. I mean, what can I say? What can I do to make you see that this is right -- what we have been fighting for for so long? I've got to believe that you know in your heart that -- that this is what you want, that I am what you want.

Brooke: [Sighs] It's not that simple.

Bill: It was never simple for us. We've had to fight for everything that we've had. It has taken perseverance, unwavering love, and sacrifice.

Brooke: Exactly. And at what cost? We broke up your family. Will doesn't have his parents together anymore.

Bill: [Sighs] And now my son is here, and he wants to see his mother and father together. Family is so important. Ridge and I have a son together. So, what, I'm gonna be mothering Katie's son and turning my back on my own?

Bill: What are you talking -- you're not gonna turn your back on anybody. What -- what happened in Malibu? What did Ridge do to you?

Brooke: R.J. was there, too.

Bill: [Scoffs, chuckles] Oh, yeah. Of course he was. This is about us -- the love that we share.

Brooke: I don't love Ridge more than I love you. Both of you share a very special place in my heart. But I can't stop thinking about the children. Ridge and I share a son. You share a son with Katie. So, where is the decency?

Bill: Come on! R.J., Will, all the kids, everybody -- they will be surrounded by love. They will have more love and attention than any kid on the planet.

Brooke: I can't stop thinking about Katie, either, no matter what you say to me. I can't stop thinking about all the harm that I caused her.

Bill: You got to take a breath. You're all over the place. Katie, R.J., Will -- I mean... we're talking about us!

Brooke: No. We are talking about family, decency, order, legacy, doing what is right. All my life I have followed my heart, and where did it get me? It just got me into trouble. So now I'm older and I am wiser. And you say that I need to put myself first? No, Bill. I need to put the children first. I need to do what's best for them.

Bill: And you and Forrester? What does this mean for the two of you? You're blind, Brooke. Ridge has used every trick in the book including R.J. to manipulate you. So here we are. We're supposed to be getting married today -- again. I love you. And I know that you love me. And I've been -- [Chuckles] I have been... so understanding. I have been... so patient. But it doesn't matter. From what I hear you saying... we may never be together. I can't do this anymore. And we can't do this anymore.

Brooke: [Crying]

R.J.: Not bad. I'd shorten the hem, but...

Ridge: The mind of a teenage boy.

R.J.: Listen, you are not getting any work done, all right? Let's go out. I'll buy you a sandwich. Oh, by the way, can I have 20 bucks?

Ridge: Thanks for trying to distract me, but I don't know if anything can do that right now.

R.J.: I don't know why you worry. I'm not worried at all.

Ridge: Well, that makes one of us.

R.J.: You and Mom are meant to be. You both know that.

Ridge: Might have lost her. It might be too late.

R.J.: You didn't.

Ridge: Do you really know how extraordinary your mother is?

R.J.: I think I have a good idea.

Ridge: She's one of a kind. And I would love to spend the rest of my life with her. I just need one more chance.

R.J.: That's all you need.

Ridge: This is probably gonna sound a little corny, but you know that our two names --

R.J.: Let's see. Uh, "Brooke," "Ridge"... "Bridge"?

Ridge: Yeah. We've been over this, and I know it's -- but there's some truth in it because it's the bridge between our hearts, and it doesn't -- doesn't matter where we are in the world. We always have a connection.

R.J.: That's actually pretty cool.

Ridge: I just -- I just hope I didn't lose her forever. I'm gonna get some fresh air, okay?

R.J.: All right. [Exhales sharply]

Liam: Let me tell you something. My dad is gonna get the job done, okay? Yes, Ridge stopped the wedding in Abu Dhabi. Yes, Ridge interrupted the last one. But my dad's not gonna let him do that again. And, plus, he's absolutely crazy about Brooke.

Steffy: Yeah. Bill and Brooke -- they have been through a lot. Hey, more power to them if they can get through it.

Liam: Thank you. And I'm not -- but I'm not discounting your dad. I mean, obviously, the history they have and raising a child together -- they've clearly formed an incredible bond.

Steffy: I wonder if people will talk about us that way -- our undeniable connection.

Liam: Yeah, they will. Listen, I'm not -- [Chuckles] I'm not sure about much in life. But I am absolutely, positively certain about this.

Brooke: [Sighs] Ridge!

Ridge: Yeah?

Brooke: Yeah.

[Both laugh]

Brooke: I'm back, Ridge. And I'm here to stay.

Ridge: My Logan.

Brooke: Yes. Your Logan.

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