B&B Transcript Thursday 12/27/12

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Thursday 12/27/12


Provided By Suzanne
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Caroline: (Sighs)


Bill: Where's your loyalty? I thought I could trust your judgment. Was that a mistake? Am I wrong about you?

(Present time)

Hope: (Sighs)


Hope: You told Othello to lie?

Rick: I thought I was doing the right thing for you.

Hope: So Liam and Steffy making out on the dance floor?

Rick: It didn't happen.

(Present time)


Hope: (Sighs) You are kind, honest, and caring. You're who you've always been. And you tried-- you tried to explain it to me over and over, but I trusted my brother. And Rick knew exactly what to say. Liam, I will never lose faith in you again. (Sighs) Please, please forgive me.

Liam: (Sighs)

(Present time)

Liam: (Sighs)

Brooke: Oh. Good, you're here. I know you didn't want to talk about the Liam situation over Christmas, but I've been dying to know.

Hope: (Sighs) Um...

Brooke: What happened between you two?

Hope: It was amazing, Mom, to--to see Liam with different eyes.

Brooke: So you told him about Rick's lie?

Hope: I had to.

Brooke: And?

Hope: And he was-- well, he was stunned. Um, and then he was angry, and I-I just--I told him that I never should have doubted him. And then I kissed him. (Chuckles)

Brooke: Wow. (Chuckles) How did he respond?

Hope: (Sighs) Like a man living with Steffy. You know, he--he didn't encourage it, but I could tell there was still something there between Liam and me.

Brooke: (Sighs)

Steffy: What you thinking about?

Liam: Nothing.

Steffy: Mm. Idle mind... (sighs) not good.

Liam: (Chuckles)

Steffy: I think we need to get those brain cells fired up.  Are you okay? It seems like something's bothering you.

Liam: Yeah. You know, there is something, and, um... you should know about it.


Bill: You've been there for me, Brooke. And I will always be there for you.

(Present time)

Katie: All right, your son is sleeping soundly. (Sighs)

Bill: I'm still not used to it.

Katie: What?

Bill: Seeing you walk in a room with that beautiful smile on your face.

Katie: Mm. I am so happy to be home with you and our son. I mean, have you seen that kid?

Bill: (Chuckles)

Katie: He is growing by the hour. He's going to be a big, strong, strapping, handsome man, just like this father.

Bill: Well, I can't argue with that.

Katie: And he's gonna be modest like this father, too.

Bill: Modesty is a waste of time. You have to know your assets and put them to good use.

Katie: Oh, Spencer wisdom-- is that what you're gonna teach our son?

Bill: Believe it.

Katie: Well, at least he'll have Liam and me to keep his feet planted firmly on the ground with the rest of us.

Bill: So what do you want to do, uh, for our son's first new year's eve?

Katie: I haven't really thought about the future. I'm trying to stay in the moment to make up for the moments I lost.

Bill: Well, do you want to have family over, celebrate that way?

Katie: How about this-- you, me, Will sleeping soundly, a roaring fire, a bottle of champagne?

Bill: Sold.

Katie: Oh, wow. You're easy.

Bill: Can you keep that quiet? You want to ruin my reputation? What are you doing?

Katie: (Chuckles)

Brooke: Honey... (sighs) I know you still have deep feelings for Liam, but--

Hope: No, it's not just me.

Brooke: Did he say that?

Hope: No, no, he didn't. He can't say that right now. He's with Steffy. But I know what I felt, and I know the way he looks at me. And I am so mad at myself for believing Rick over the man that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. (Scoffs)

Brooke: (Scoffs) He is your brother, and he was just trying to protect you.

Hope: No, I-I know, but don't defend him, Mom. I am so angry with him right now. But I know that's not going to get me anywhere, so I am going to focus all my energy on getting Liam back.

Steffy: What's going on? No one's sick or hurt?

Liam: No. No. Look, um... you know the night before I was supposed to get married to Hope, the night that pretty much changed everything? And you and I went out, we danced, we had fun.

Steffy: Yeah, it was awesome. You were happy, and we were free.

Liam: And yeah, and tattooed. (Chuckles)

Steffy: (Chuckles) And Hope couldn't get past it. I expected her to be annoyed, but I just--I never thought that she'd break up with you over it.

Liam: Y-yeah, that. That's the thing. Um... Hope thought you and I hooked up that night.

Steffy: Yeah, but we both told her that we didn't.

Liam: I-I know. I know. But Rick... convinced Othello to tell Hope that he saw us making out.

Steffy: What?! That's not true.

Liam: Yeah, well, they convinced Hope that it was, and that's why she wouldn't forgive me. I mean, every time she asked me, she thought I was just, like, lying to her face or something.

Steffy: How did you find out?

Liam: (Sighs) Hope told me.

Steffy: You were with Hope?

Liam: Yeah.

Steffy: (Sighs)

Hope: I'm not fooling myself with Steffy. I've lost a lot of ground, and she and Liam have spent a lot of time together. And I might not get him back. I might not, but when I think about it, years down the line, how do you think I'd feel if I didn't try? I keep remembering Liam reaching out to me, and I just-- I wouldn't listen.


Liam: Cheated on you? What are you talking about?

Hope: The night before we were supposed to get married, you and Steffy--

Liam: No. No. We--we stayed up all night at the club. We crashed by the pool, I promise you.

(Present time)

Hope: I wish that I had believed him. I wish that I had had more faith in him. But that is behind us. The truth is out now, and I know that Liam didn't betray me. So it's up to me to win him back.

Brooke: Where are you going?

Hope: Uh, to get changed. (Sighs) I have a lot of work to do.


Bill: Liam's going to be gone for a while. Give this some time. Don't go to Hope.  Things could look very different by the time he gets back.

(Present time)

Caroline: Hey, Alison. It is Caroline. Is my uncle Bill around? Okay, thank you. No, I will just track him down at his house. Thanks, bye.

Katie: I love being in your arms. It makes me feel safe, like nothing can touch me.

Bill: You'll always be safe with me, Katie.

Katie: I know.

(Cell phone rings)

Katie: Mm. Why don't you get that? I'm gonna check on our son.

Bill: Okay.



Bill: Brooke.

Brooke: Can you talk?

Bill: Yeah, Katie's with Will. What--what's going on?

Brooke: I need to speak to you in private.

Bill: Where are you?

Brooke: Do you remember the cabin on my property where Donna saw--

Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Brooke: Meet me there.

Bill: I'm on my way. (Sighs)

Katie: Hey. You going someplace?

Bill: Uh, I-I just got a-a business situation I have to deal with real quickly, but I'll--I'll be back before you miss me.

Katie: All right. Mm. Love you.

Bill: Okay. Love you.

Liam: So Rick told this lie that--that you and I were making out, and he does it to stop the wedding. Apparently, he thought he was, like, protecting Hope from me.

Steffy: What made him own up?

Liam: Caroline.

Steffy: (Scoffs)

Liam: Apparently, she found out, thought it was bad news. Can't say I disagree with her.

Steffy: And of course... (sighs) Hope came running to you.

Liam: Yeah, I-I mean, I think she felt like I had the right to know.

Steffy: Maybe you better tell me about it.

Liam: Yeah, I, um... I was at my dad's place out by the pool.

Steffy: Mm-hmm.

Liam: I get a phone call from Hope saying she wants to meet me there, and so I take a walk. And--and I hear her yelling my name, and I turned and looked, and she's, like, running at me, and she's saying, "I never should have doubted you." And then, um... she kissed me.

Steffy: Hope kissed you?

Liam: Yeah.

Steffy: How did you feel about that?

Liam: Surprised.

Steffy: I'm looking for a deeper reaction.

Liam: Okay. All right. Look... I... (sighs) the last time that I asked Hope to take me back, I told her I would never ask her again. And, I mean, that was it. She--she didn't believe me. She turned me down. Steffy, Hope lost faith in me, and you never did.

Steffy: That's it? I know you still have feelings for Hope. But we're together now... unless finding out about this has changed things.

Liam: I like who we are together. It's simple and fun and natural.

Steffy: Mm.

Liam: You're the one that makes me smile.

Liam: Oh, hey, where-- where are you going?

Steffy: I'm getting my day started. I've got business.

Katie: Come on in. Now this is a surprise. I'm sure you're looking for Bill.

Caroline: Yeah. Is he in?

Katie: No. He--you just missed him, but he'll be back if you want to wait.

Caroline: Yeah, I will for a little bit.

Katie: Something going on? You seem a little bit distracted.

Caroline: (Sighs) Uncle Bill is gonna be furious with me, and I just figured I should just face it head-on.

Katie: He's going to be furious with you, why?

Caroline: (Sighs) You know the reason that Liam and Hope broke up?

Katie: Um, last I heard, it was because Liam was making out with Steffy the night before their wedding?

Caroline: Only that didn't happen. It was a lie that Rick came up with and convinced Othello to tell to keep Hope and Liam apart.

Katie: Why would Rick do something like that?

Caroline: I know. I-it was--it was very desperate. Rick feels that Hope always comes up on the losing end when it comes to Liam. Every time something goes wrong, he bounces back to Steffy. But the point is, Hope knows now-- I convinced Rick to tell her-- and I'm guessing that Liam does, too.

Katie: And Bill is going to be furious with you, because he told you not to let that happen.

Brooke: Sorry I was so mysterious on the phone, but I needed to see you, and it had to be in person.

Bill: Okay.

Brooke: You're not gonna be happy about this, and I didn't want you to go off in front of Katie. She doesn't know about it, and... (sighs) I don't want her to know. It might upset her. It's about Liam and Hope.

(Knock on door)

Hope: (Clears throat) (Sighs) You know.

Steffy: About Rick's lie? Yeah. The question is, what are you planning to do about it?

Bill: There is no Liam and Hope. Liam is with Steffy now, as it should be.

Brooke: That remains to be seen.

Bill: Wait, what--what-- what are you talking about?

Brooke: Rick... (sighs) told Hope about his lie.

Bill: He did what?

Brooke: He thought it was the right thing to do.

Bill: So Hope might come spinning back in the direction of my son again?

Brooke: Oh, Bill.

Bill: Look, I-I-I'm sorry, Brooke. I mean, I know she's your daughter, but she is wrong for my son.

Brooke: I don't think she's had a fair chance.

Bill: Oh, this could very ugly. I did some questionable things.

Brooke: I know.

Bill: What the hell is your son thinking about? What--what--why does he have to get involved in this?

Brooke: There's no point in asking why. It's done. Oh, and there's another thing.

Bill: (Sighs) What?

Brooke: Caroline's the one that urged Rick to tell the truth.

Bill: I talked to her about this. Her loyalty is to me. Just when things are calming down, she has to blow everything up for what? For some ethereal notion about right and wrong? Well, let me tell you what is wrong-- being a traitor to your own family.

Brooke: (Sighs)

Hope: How did you find out?

Steffy: Liam. He tells me everything.

Hope: Well, he should. You two live together.

Steffy: So you're not in denial?

Hope: No, of course not. I know where things stand. Um, you and Liam are sharing a home. You're not married.

Steffy: And clearly, you have a problem with that.

Hope: Mm.

Steffy: Shall we rush to the altar? Last one there is a rotten egg.

Hope: (Chuckles) Oh, that is how I tend to play things, huh?

Steffy: Keep at it. You'll make it to the Guinness book for most failed weddings.

Hope: Oh, no. Thank you. That's very sweet. Um, it's not gonna happen, though.

Steffy: Well, I know you're determined.

Hope: I am very determined to win Liam back, not to rush into marriage.

Steffy: That's an interesting shift.

Hope: You know, I've made some mistakes, and if I hadn't, Liam and I would still be together.

Steffy: Yeah. Maybe.

Hope: I'm pretty sure we would.

Steffy: Self-confidence becomes you.

Hope: Thank you. But you're not threatened.

Steffy: Mm, why would I be? I've got the guy, and we're happy.

Hope: Yeah. It's gonna take a lot of work for me to win him back.

Steffy: Okay. And how do you plan on doing that? You're not that type.

Hope: Well, Steffy, you don't really know what type I am, not now.

Steffy: So you've changed? You've done a-a 180, is that what you're saying?

Hope: I'm saying I'm changing.

Steffy: Mm.

Hope: I'm evolving, and I'm not the same girl.

Steffy: So who is this new Hope Logan?

Hope: I don't know yet. But when I find out, I'll let you know-- and Liam, too, of course.

Steffy: Is that a threat?

Hope: Steffy, I couldn't threaten you. But here's what's different-- you can't threaten me. Liam and I have been so beyond manipulated, and I'm not gonna put up with it anymore.

Steffy: (Scoffs) Oh, please. So game on?

Hope: Game on.

Steffy: Don't do this, Hope. You've had your opportunity, and you let him go. We're living together, and we love each other. Rick's lie is not gonna change anything. You need to respect our relationship. And you will not interfere in our lives. I won't accept it. Have I made myself clear?

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