The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Wednesday 6/13/12
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Proofread By Emma
Steffy: Bill, I'm going to the airport.
Bill: No, you're not. That would be a huge mistake.
Steffy: (Sighs)
Bill: You'll thank me later.
Steffy: Thank you I should never have listened to you. It was a stupid idea coming here. Oh, my God.
Bill: I don't have stupid ideas, and you were thinking that you would be there in case Liam needed you.
Steffy: I have had it already, watching the soon-to-be-newlyweds kissing and touching on the plane and around the pool. And then there’s me. Then there's me, the fifth wheel, carrying on my mother's tradition-- being a loser at love.
Bill: (Whistles) Wow, you are throwing yourself quite a pity party. Well, guess what? You are not a loser, and you are not leaving.
Hope: Don't you love this hotel? She could not have picked a better place.
Liam: No argument here.
Hope: (Scoffs) Right? (Giggles) Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's tomorrow. Oh, I feel like we have so much we need to do.
Liam: Yeah, well, something tells me "Super Brooke" has it under control.
Hope: I hope so, because I'm feeling a little like a space cadet right now.
Liam: Relax. Don't get overwhelmed.
Hope: (Scoffs) Overwhelmed? Me? What?
Liam: 24 more hours.
Hope: (Inhales sharply) I know. I'm counting the minutes. After the wedding tomorrow, this room will be our room.
Liam: We're gonna get it right this time.
Hope: As far as I'm concerned, our honeymoon night will be our first time.
(Knock on door)
Brooke: Hope and Liam, are you in there?
Hope: Oh, yeah.
Liam: Hey.
Brooke: Hi.
Ridge: Hey, Guys.
Hope: Hi.
Ridge: I was hoping to track down Steffy. We could all have some lunch.
Hope: Um... you know what? I don't think she's-- she's gonna make it.
Ridge: Why?
Hope: Well, I had a talk with her earlier, and, um... she left. (Sighs)
Bill: I now it's difficult but come on, you just got here. You gonna turn and run now?
Steffy: I can't stay, Bill. I just can't stand another moment of the Hope and Liam now.
Bill: You just have to try and chill out. There's an incredible spa here. Book yourself a few spa treatments on me.
Steffy: You really think I can relax on a massage table right now?
Bill: You really think I can relax if you leave me alone with a bunch of Forresters and Logans? You gonna make me beg?
Steffy: (Scoffs) Bill Spencer doesn't beg. Okay, what's going on, seriously?
Bill: (Sighs)
Deacon: Well, at least I've got a pretty cell mate.
Alison: I daresay the accommodations are slightly better than in prison.
Deacon: So is the view.
Alison: Are you flirting with me?
Deacon: Only if it's working.
Alison: Don't waste your charm. I'm immune.
Deacon: Alison, how much do you know about what I'm supposed to do?
Alison: My position with Bill requires me to be up to speed.
Deacon: So then you know this isn't gonna end well... least of all for Hope.
Brooke: You talked to Steffy?
Hope: Mm.
Brooke: When?
Hope: A little while ago.
Liam: Do you think she's already gone?
Hope: I don't know. She seemed pretty intent on heading out.
Ridge: She didn't even tell us good-bye.
Hope: I think she really needed to get away. I should not have asked her to be a part of the wedding. It was way too soon.
Ridge: She at least made the effort.
Hope: And--and I know that she wishes us well, right? I didn't believe that at first, but I-I do now.
Brooke: I'm just sorry this is still so painful for her.
Hope: Yeah, me, too, but Steffy really tried. I give her props for that.
Steffy: Come on, Bill, spill. What are you up to?
Bill: What can I be up to? This idiotic wedding's a done deal. The train's barreling down the tracks. No stopping it.
Steffy: Since when do you take "No" for an answer?
Bill: Since that whole Cabo fiasco with the brain tumor. Look how well that turned out.
Steffy: Brain clot, Bill. I can't even believe you don't remember.
Bill: The point is, unless I want to have huge problems with my son, I have to go along to get along.
Steffy: Huh. And I should go along with it, too?
Bill: This will be over before you know it.
Steffy: It's almost like you're holding out for some unforeseen disaster to strike.
Bill: Well, you know, trains jump the tracks now and again without warning.
Steffy: Well, I have no idea what you think might happen.
Bill: Not to belabor the analogy, but Hope has been known to come off the rails. It could happen again.
Steffy: You need to face reality, my friend. Hope and Liam are getting married tomorrow, and my being there and you wishing Hope into a breakdown-- it won't stop them. There's something oddly endearing about how you try to will things into being, but it's not gonna work. Hope and Liam are getting married.
Bill: (Sighs)
Steffy: You know that saying, "Know when to fold 'em"?
Bill: We're not here to be spoilers for Hope and Liam. We're here to support my son-- me by being his best man and standing up for him, and you by being there for him to turn to...
Steffy: (Sighs)
Bill: On the chance something goes wrong.
Steffy: No, Bill.
Bill: What if, at the last minute, at the altar in front of everybody, Liam realizes the step he's about to take is off a sheer cliff, and he looks in your eyes, and he realizes that you're the one that he should be marrying?
Steffy: I--yeah, I like that. I've been wishing for that.
Bill: Well, it could happen. But you need to be here. He can't look into your eyes if you're gone. Oh, come on. I understand that this is difficult for you. But, Steffy, the payoff could be worth it. You need to see this through.
Deacon: (Sighs) How well do you know my daughter?
Alison: Not very. Bill's office isn't a place she comes to hang out.
Deacon: Do you dislike her, too?
Alison: Hope is lovely-- sweet, smart, very principled.
Deacon: You know, I was doing some reading up on her line, and, I mean, abstinence before marriage, uh, saving the world-- I-I--it's hard to believe that I had anything to do with her. It's crazy. Hey, uh... what about, uh... what about Spencer’s kid?
Alison: Liam?
Deacon: Liam. Yeah. Is he, you know, good enough for Hope?
Alison: Young men don't come any better. Liam is kind, smart, enterprising-- a great future ahead of him, and he loves her.
Deacon: So he treats her well.
Alison: Yes.
Deacon: And she's happy.
Alison: There have been some complications along the way, but yeah, I'd say Hope's happy.
Deacon: (Sighs) And I'm about to ruin all that.
Alison: You could have turned Bill down.
Deacon: Bill offered me my freedom. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that you've never been to prison, have you?
Alison: Can't say that I have. (Scoffs)
Deacon: Well, you trust me when I tell you that it's hell on earth. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, including Spencer. So, yeah, when he offered me my freedom, I took it. You'd make a deal with the devil to get out of there, and it looks like I did.
Ridge: Did Steffy say she was leaving right away?
Hope: That was my impression, but, I mean, I don't know. Maybe she'll reconsider.
Brooke: If Steffy can't offer full support, it's probably better that she's not here.
Hope: Well, I really wasn't expecting full support-- just, you know, just a start.
Liam: Yeah, it is really important to Hope to bring our families together.
Ridge: Well, I applaud the effort, but it might take time. Obviously, Steffy’s not ready. Bill may never be.
Hope: I think he'll come around.
Brooke: I wouldn't count on it.
Liam: Yeah, well, he really doesn't have a choice, because I'm marrying Hope, and my father's just going to have to accept that. (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Liam: (Scoffs)
Steffy: Hey there.
Liam: Steffy. I thought you left.
Steffy: Uh, I-I changed my mind. If the offer's still open, I'd like to stand up at your wedding.
Hope: We're really about to get married.
Liam: I know. It's hard to believe.
Hope: Mom, thank you so much. I mean, I-I never would have come up with this. (Giggles)
Brooke: (Chuckles)
Ridge: No competing with the world's biggest romantic.
Brooke: Oh, I never hear you complain.
Ridge: And you never will.
Steffy: Well, this is really one of the most romantic places I've ever seen. Good choice, Brooke.
Brooke: Thank you, Steffy.
Bill: So, Son, are you ready for the old ball and chain?
Brooke: (Laughs) That's as romantic as Bill gets.
Ridge: I wonder how Katie would feel being referred to like that.
Bill: Katie's different. My wife's a miracle.
Brooke: And she's carrying one, too.
Hope: Aw. A wedding, a new baby-- this is just-- this is such an amazing time for our families.
Brooke: It's gonna be everything you ever wanted.
Bill: Who knows? Maybe more.
Deacon: What the hell is taking Spencer so long?
Alison: He'll call when he has something to say.
Deacon: Yeah, maybe something's wrong. You know, these weddings don't always go off the way they're supposed to.
Alison: Hope and Liam's wedding is long overdue. No one is voluntarily backing out. That's why Bill needed you.
Deacon: Yeah, needed me to destroy what should be the best day of my daughter's life, all because she happened to annoy the great Bill Spencer, right?
Brooke: I'm gonna head over to the church and see Father Fontana and check with all the last-minute details. And when you're ready and dressed, call Ridge. He'll pick you up and bring you to the church.
Ridge: Ready and willing to walk you down the aisle.
Hope: Yeah, it-- it's--it's okay. You--you don't have to.
Brooke: Honey, Ridge has been your father in every way that matters.
Hope: Why would you want to? (Sighs)
Ridge: Because I love you.
Hope: But you-- I mean, you really can't support this marriage.
Ridge: Honey, that's not true.
Steffy: He's here, Hope, for you.
Hope: I know. And that's--that's enough.
Liam: (Sighs)
Ridge: Okay, Sweetheart, I, uh, I won't push it.
Hope: Thanks. (Sighs) Do you want to go get some gelato or something?
Liam: Yeah. Yeah. I'll--I'll go with you. Um, anybody else, gelato? Okay. (Clears throat)
Brooke: I'm sorry.
Ridge: No need to be. Tomorrow is Hope's special day. She should have it exactly the way she wants it.
Brooke: She wasn't intentionally trying to hurt you.
Ridge: I know. Am I disappointed? Yeah. And she was disappointed when I didn't design her dress, so let's just call it even and move on. I'm not gonna hang on to it, not when there are perfect olives to be had.
Brooke: (Laughs) You and your olives.
Ridge: Come on. Let's go on a hunt for the perfect, giant, big olive. Come on.
Brooke: (Laughs) Okay. (Sighs)
Liam: So are you sure about the Ridge thing?
Hope: It was my decision not to have him walk me down the aisle.
Liam: Yeah. I-I just want to make sure you've really thought this through.
Hope: Mm, I have... a lot. And it would just... it would just feel false to me. I mean, Ridge has been so wonderful my whole life, and--and--and I love him. But he can't support our marriage. And he's--he's not my real dad, anyway, so... unless you think I should reconsider.
Liam: No.
Hope: Come on, should I?
Liam: No. No. I-I just... (Chuckles) I just don't want you to look back on tomorrow with any regrets.
Hope: That's not possible.
Bill: You okay?
Steffy: Just hanging on by my fingernails.
Bill: You're doing great. You stay strong, and you'll be glad you gutted it out.
Steffy: Right. Yeah. Hope so looks like she's gonna bail.
Brooke: Here we are. Olive trees everywhere.
Ridge: Yeah, but I'm looking for the perfect olive.
Brooke: Oh, I know. Perfect and preferably giant.
Ridge: You'll know what I mean when you see it.
Brooke: Hmm. I found something. Ridge, come here. Look. (Giggles)
Ridge: What do you see?
Brooke: Oh. Nothing. I lied. (Laughs)
Ridge: You little...
Brooke: Mm. Mm.
Alison: Wearing a hole in the floor won't make Bill call any sooner.
Deacon: Why don't you just call him? Please, can you just find out what's going on?
(Cell phone rings)
Alison: Oh, there you go.
Deacon: Yeah?
Bill: Hope will be alone in the morning before she leaves for the church. That's when you're gonna make your move. Hey, convict, you hear me?
Deacon: I heard you.
Bill: Good. Because you better be prepared to see this through. I don't want to hear any mealy mouthed excuses or whining about the precious daughter you haven't bothered to see in 20 years. We made a deal, and you're gonna see it through, or I will have you back in that prison before you can say "Cavity search."
Deacon: I'm getting tired of you throwing that in my face, you hear me? I'm never going back to prison, so it looks like you're gonna get what you want.
Bill: I'll be in touch.
Liam: What?
Hope: Hard to believe.
Liam: You know, sometimes, I--
Hope: I know.
Liam: You do, do you?
Hope: Mm-hmm.
Liam: (Chuckles)
Hope: Sometimes... (Inhales sharply) You thought that we would never get to this place.
Liam: (Chuckles)
Hope: But we're here together. And soon... we'll be husband and wife. (Chuckles)
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