The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Wednesday 11/12/08
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Proofread By Becky
Stephanie: This is a mistake.
Eric: Naming Rick president of the company is not a mistake.
Stephanie: Shutting Ridge out is.
Rick: Stephanie, nobody is doing that. Ridge should be here, even if he can't stand the sight of me. And he should be respecting my father's decision and share this presidency with me.
Eric: Rick's right. Ridge should be here, but he has disregarded all of my decisions lately. This is Rick's time. Ridge needs to accept that, and so do you.
Ridge: All the years I spent at Forrester, now I'm supposed to share the presidency with a kid whose credentials amount to two years of partying in Paris.
Taylor: (Scoffs) What was Eric thinking?
Ridge: Maybe he's trying to compensate for all the years of favoritism.
Taylor: You think that's what this is?
Ridge: I think Rick gave him the same sob story that Thorne used to give every couple of years-- how difficult it was to live in the shadow of the favorite son.
Taylor: It's something you never asked to be.
Ridge: No, I certainly didn't.
Taylor: Well, I know Eric and Stephanie would never admit to it, but that's exactly what you are. I just don't think Eric should be punishing you for it.
Ridge: Well, that's exactly what he's doing, though. I figure he's making the announcement right now. Thank God Brooke's there. Hopefully she can bring some perspective and set the record straight here and let everybody know how wrong all of this is.
Marcus: So we're ready whenever you are.
Eric: Yes, all right. Uh, so we should start? (Clears throat) all right. Uh, good morning, everyone. This is Eric Forrester. I'm speaking to you by way of podcast from our corporate headquarters here in Beverly hills. Now, uh, I know everyone is very, very busy, and so we'll get right to it. We have a very exciting announcement to make here today, and I'm--I'm joined here this morning by, uh, by Brooke--Brooke Logan.
Brooke: Oh, yes, hi. Nice to... (mike squeaks) oh, I'm sorry. Aah! Terrible to do on a live broadcast.
Eric: No, no, it's not live. It's just a podcast, right? We can edit anything out, yeah?
Jake: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, sure, okay.
Brooke: Oh, good.
Eric: Okay. So we can start again. All right?
Jake: Yep. Start again.
Eric: Good morning, everyone. This is Eric Forrester, and I'm speaking to you live from our corporate headquarters here in Beverly Hills. Now I know everyone is very, very busy, so we'll get right to it. We have a very exciting announcement to make here this morning, and, uh, I am joined here this morning by my son Eric Forrester Jr...
Rick: (Chuckles) Good morning.
Eric: And by Brooke Logan.
Brooke: Hello.
Eric: (Chuckles) This is a very, very proud moment for me, both as a father and as C.E.O. of Forrester Creations. Now Rick has proven himself both here and abroad, and so I'm very proud to announce today that Eric Forrester Jr., From this moment on, will be president of Forrester Creations. Now those of you who do not know Rick, will learn to love him as an employer. You will see that he's charming and very, very focused as a leader and very compassionate, as well. And so congratulations, Rick.
Rick: Thank you, Dad. I appreciate it.
Eric: Good.
Rick: I'm, uh, I'm honored, and I'm thrilled for this opportunity, and I promise all of you that I will exceed your expectations as your new president of Forrester Creations.
Eric: I believe our new president's mother might want to say a word or two.
Brooke: Yes, of course. My son is a focused, charismatic leader, and I think I first became aware of that when he was elected president in the fourth grade. His communication skills, his knowledge of other languages and his business prowess, combined with Eric's talents of fashion, is going to make these two a winning team for this company for years to come.
Rick: Thank you, Mom.
Brooke: And now I would like to take the opportunity to say a few words about our outgoing president, my fiancé Ridge Forrester. He's going to take this time to focus on design. This company exists because of his talent. And I'm excited to say he's going to stay on in that capacity. Over the years, he has proven to be a tremendous value to this company. And we are very grateful for his creativity, his passion and his fire. We wouldn't be here without him. Isn't that right, Eric?
Eric: Absolutely, Brooke. Absolutely.
Brooke: This extraordinary man is the cornerstone of Forrester Creations. World renowned, loved and respected by all. This company wouldn't be the driving force it is today in this industry if it weren't for him. He is a visionary, and he is an inspiration. He is Forrester Creations. Thank you.
Taylor: So when do you move back in?
Ridge: What do you mean?
Taylor: Back here at Brooke's place. Well, I mean, now that Rick's doing better, I-I assume you're welcome again.
Ridge: (Scoffs)
Taylor: Please tell me I'm wrong.
Ridge: Taylor, I may not be able to move back in for a while. After all, Rick's got a very long road of fake recovery ahead of him.
Taylor: Wait. What?
Ridge: This whole thing has been a scam.
Taylor: You're talking about Rick being paralyzed?
Ridge: He may not have been able to move his toes for a couple of hours maybe. But I'm certain that he's been able to walk for quite a while now.
Taylor: No, no, no.
Ridge: The guy is out for revenge. He hates me. He blames me for his breakup with you. That's opened up all kinds of windows of opportunity for him. His mother asked me to leave. His dad promotes him, and all because little Ricky can't feel his legs. It's a charade, Taylor. It's all a charade he's gonna play as long as he gets what he wants, which is me out of the company and me as far away from Brooke as possible.
Brooke: How soon until it's ready?
Jake: Uh, just--just a few glitches here to work out. It shouldn't be long.
Rick: Hey, Mom, can I talk to you for a second, please?
Brooke: Yeah, sure. What is it?
Rick: Um, I really hate to bring this up right now, but today's podcast was supposed to be about announcing my new position, and you kind of used it as an opportunity to build up Ridge's ego.
Brooke: Saying a few words about Ridge's continued focus on design? That's hardly out of line. Besides, you're president here today because of Ridge's hard work. And I wasn't doing it to build up his ego. I just thought it was important that our buyers and our clients knew that Ridge was staying on as a designer. Surely, as the new president of this company, I would think that you would see the benefits to that.
Rick: Yes, I do.
Brooke: Honey, I know it seems like this rift between you two will never end. I'm not even asking you to try. Not right now. Just know that it's my hope that my son and the man I'm going to marry will work side by side someday.
Rick: I'm sorry, Mom, but that is never going to happen.
Brooke: Jake's almost ready to post the announcement.
Eric: Good. I just wish that Ridge had agreed to share the presidency.
Brooke: Me, too. He's so angry right now. I just hope he gets past it.
Eric: I think he will. Especially after that speech you gave today. Thank you for that. He'll realize how important he is to the company, and he'll come around. You'll see. And then we'll-- we'll all be the team that we used to be. Look, I'm late for a meeting. I have to go.
Brooke: Okay.
Stephanie: Thank you, Brooke, for the nice things that you said about Ridge.
Brooke: I told him I'd make my feelings clear. I'm very proud of Rick. He's going to make a great president. But Ridge is the glue that holds this together. I just wanted him to hear that from me.
Stephanie: I appreciated you saying it, and I think he will, too.
(Pager beeps)
Jake: Oh, shoot.
Rick: What? What is it?
Jake: I've got to take care of an I.T. Problem, and I'm just not finished here.
Rick: Well, how much more do you have to do?
Jake: Um, well, I've done all the fixing. I just want to do one last listen before I'm gonna upload it.
Rick: Well, Jake, if you need to go, I can--I can take care of that for you.
Jake: You sure?
Rick: Absolutely. No problem.
Jake: (Sighs) Oh, thank you a million. Um, all right, you know what to do?
Rick: I do. They didn't make me president for nothin'. (Chuckles)
Jake: Okay. Well, that's great. And, oh, congratulations.
Rick: Thank you, Jake, I appreciate it.
Jake: Yeah. Well deserved.
Rick: (Grunts) (exhales) All right.
Brooke: I would also like to take a moment to say a few words about our outgoing president, my fiancé Ridge Forrester.
Rick: (Sighs)
Brooke: He's going to take some time to focus on design. This company exists today because of his talent. I'm just very happy to say that he's going to stay on in that capacity.
Rick: Oh, barf.
Brooke: Through the years, he has proven to be of tremendous value to Forrester Creations.
Rick: Huh.
Brooke: This company is very grateful for his creativity, his passion and his fire. We wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him.
Rick: (Grunts)
Rick: Oh, Mom, I'm so sorry. But I think I can make this speech a whole lot better. In fact, we don't need to mention Ridge's name at all.
Eric: I didn't realize that you were still here.
Stephanie: Well, I waited for you because I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier. I told you that I would support you and that I wouldn't pressure you regarding any decisions you might have to make. So in light of that, I-I have to support this decision that you've made regarding Rick and the company.
Eric: Even though it's a big mistake.
Stephanie: Yes, even though it's a mistake. Look, I understand your sense of obligation to him, I just hope he appreciates the sacrifice that you've made regarding your relationship with Ridge.
Eric: Ridge and I will be all right.
Stephanie: You think so? I'm not so sure he's going to forgive you.
Taylor: Wow, this is-- it's really amazing technology. The whole company can see it, even overseas.
Ridge: Yeah. Dad didn't mention me at all. It's like I was never there.
Taylor: Well, maybe that's because he knows Brooke is going to.
Eric: ...And an affable leader.
Congratulations, Rick.
Rick: Thank you, Dad. I appreciate it. I'm truly honored here today, and I'm--I'm thrilled for the opportunity, and I promise all of you, I will exceed your expectations
as your new president of Forrester Creations.
Eric: Thank you, Rick. Well done. I believe the mother of our new president...
Rick: This is gonna be great.
Brooke: Yes. Rick is a focused, charismatic leader. And I think I first realized that when he was elected president in the fourth grade. His communication skills,
his business prowess, his knowledge of other languages, combined with Eric's fabulous fashion sense and talent, will make these two a winning pair for this company for years to come. Through the years, he has proven to be of tremendous value to Forrester Creations, and this company is very grateful for his creativity,
his passion and his fire. We wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him.
Ridge: "Wouldn't be here"? Because of Rick?
Brooke: Isn't that right, Eric?
Eric: Absolutely.
Ridge: This is ridiculous.
Rick: This is perfect. Now Ridge is gonna think that Mom is talking about me and not him. (Chuckles) I'm so good. I'm so good.
Brooke: This extraordinary man is the cornerstone of Forrester Creations.
Ridge: Rick? "The cornerstone of Forrester Creations"?
Brooke: ...Loved and respected by all. This company wouldn't be a driving force in this industry today if it weren't for him.
Ridge: What?
Brooke: He is a visionary, and he is an inspiration. He is Forrester Creations. Thank you.
Taylor: (Scoffs)
Rick: Yeah! I am Forrester Creations. My God. How'd you like that one, Ridgey baby?
Ridge: Rick is Forrester Creations? Little Ricky? How could she do this? Not one mention of me. Just a load of crap about Rick, that whiny little bastard.
Ridge: "My loyalties will be very clear." That's what she said to me.
Taylor: Maybe she just wanted to let this be Rick's day, you know?
Ridge: Yeah, obviously. That's obviously exactly what she meant. But what she said to the company, the whole company, was totally out of line.
Taylor: No, I-- hey, I agree. It--it was wrong. It was definitely wrong. I don't even know what to say to that. Listen, I-I-I don't really want to leave you alone like this.
Ridge: Oh, I won't be alone very long. My devoted fiancée's on her way home.
Taylor: Listen, um, if you need to, I want you to give me a call. You can call me any time day or night. Okay? I'm here for you.
(Knock on door)
Rick: Come in.
Jake: So, did it go out all right?
Rick: Just fine, Jake. Thank you.
Jake: Great. Great. No problem at all?
Rick: Nope. Took care of everything.
Jake: Great. Great. All right, thank you.
Rick: My pleasure. (Sighs) Mom, I'm so sorry. But you and Ridge are about to have a major misunderstanding. Delete your original speech.
Rick: (Chuckles) "Are you sure you want to delete this file?"
Rick: Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure.
Rick: Let's just hope they don't put this together.
Brooke: Hi, honey, I'm home!
Brooke: Did you see it? What did you think?
Ridge: You were gonna make everything clear in your speech, let me know exactly how you feel, where your loyalties lie.
Brooke: Yes.
Ridge: Did you mean everything, Brooke? Did you mean everything you said in that-- in that speech?
Brooke: Every last word.
Ridge: How could you do this? How could you betray me like this?
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