The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Tuesday 8/19/08
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Proofread By Becky
Brooke: Eric was not poisoned.
Marcus: Owen gave him the bottle of gin.
Brooke: As a gift to make a good impression.
Marcus: Or to make him sick.
Brooke: Marcus, I want you to think about what you're saying. These are serious allegations. Besides, Owen agreed with Donna not to take Eric off the respirator. He didn't want Eric to die.
Marcus: No, that's how it looks.
Brooke: None of this makes sense. If he really did poison Eric, wouldn't he want Donna to sign that paper?
Marcus: I don't know. It depends what he's after. Look, I don't have all the pieces to the puzzle, Brooke. Look, I don't know why Owen would want to keep Eric alive. I mean, maybe he thought the poison needed more time to kick out of Eric's system. Maybe Owen thought that, you know, Eric's kids would take Mom out of the will. I don't know. It could be a lot of things. But it's not a coincidence, and he shouldn't be hanging around her. Now he's at the house right now, and I gotta get back there.
Brooke: What--Marcus!
(Respirator hisses)
Ridge: We protect family. That's what Dad always did.
Bridget: You just thought you were protecting him, too.
Ridge: I could have killed him, Bridget. I was ready to take him off life support.
Bridget: I know. I know, but at least you-- you did what you thought he wanted. You thought he was in a lot of pain, Ridge.
Ridge: Is he?
Bridget: (Sighs) I don't know. I don't. I don't know if-- I don't know if he'll ever wake up. I don't know if he'll be the man that he was. I-I-I just don't know.
Ridge: But there could be a chance, right?
Bridget: If there is, it's slight.
Ridge: But it's not impossible. It can't be. (Machines beeping)
Bridget: Everybody knows how much you love him. Everybody knows how much he loves you.
Ridge: Oh, Dad. (Sighs) I don't know if you can hear me. I just want you to know how horrible I feel. (Sighs) if I made a mistake, if I misunderstood, I am so sorry.
Ridge: I don't want you to die. But I don't want you to suffer either.
Ridge: When I think how close we came to losing you... I am so sorry.
(Cell phone rings)
Marcus: Marcus.
Steffy: Hey, Marcus, where are you?
Marcus: I'm on my way to Mom's. I'll be there in a minute.
Steffy: Can you meet me at the hospital? I'm headed there now.
Marcus: Yeah, okay. Hey, but look, I gotta handle something first, all right?
Steffy: You okay? You sound stressed.
Marcus: I'll explain everything to you when I get there.
Steffy: Marcus. (Phone hangs up)
Steffy: Marcus?
Owen: Where are you going?
Donna: I-I can't just sit here and do nothing. I-I'm just-- I'm gonna get my purse. I have to go to the hospital.
Owen: Okay, and do what?
Donna: I don't know. Something. Anything.
Owen: You have done everything that you can for Eric. You've made him happy. Any man would be lucky to be with you.
Marcus: Yo, you get away from her right now! Yo, Mom, stay away from him.
Owen: (Grunts)
Marcus: Now I told you to leave. Now I'm making you.
Steffy: You okay, Dad?
Bridget: Ridge, you've gotta stop blaming yourself.
Ridge: I turned off his ventilator. He couldn't breathe.
Steffy: He's fine. He's fine.
Brooke: Ridge? What happened? How's Eric?
Bridget: There's still no change.
Brooke: You have to stop beating yourself up like this.
Ridge: How will he ever forgive me?
Brooke: You did what you thought was necessary. You weren't thinking about yourself. You weren't being selfish.
Ridge: I didn't want him to die. I wanted him to get better. I still do.
Ridge: I just hope I can have another chance. I need him to come back. I'm gonna show him how much I love him.
Jackie: Oh, I-I'm sorry. I-- Eric?
Jackie: Well, I knew he'd gotten worse. I ju--I just-- I'm so sorry for you all. I'll come back.
Ridge: No, Jackie, Jackie. You can have some time with him. Come on. Visiting hours aren't up yet. It's okay.
Jackie: Thank you.
Jackie: None of this would have happened, Eric, if you'd made your life with me.
Owen: Look, I'm not here to cause any problems. I'm just gonna go.
Donna: No, wait. Wait.
Marcus: No, Mom, I'm serious this time.
Donna: Marcus--
Marcus: Now if he doesn't leave, I'm gonna punch him in the face, Mom.
Donna: Marcus, wh--what are you doing?
Marcus: Mom, I'm protecting you.
Donna: From Owen? If it weren't for him, Eric might be dead right now. He--he kept me from making the worst mistake in my life.
Marcus: No, I know exactly what Owen's been doing. That's why he needs to leave.
Donna: Wait--
Marcus: And this time, don't come back.
Donna: Stop it.
Owen: Donna, listen, it's okay. I'll let the two of you talk. I'll be around if you need me.
Donna: He does not deserve to be treated like that.
Marcus: No, Mom, he deserves to be locked up.
Donna: Marcus, Owen is my friend. He has supported me. I mean, look at the dinner he made me.
Marcus: Mom, he made you dinner? Did you eat it?
Donna: Yes.
Marcus: Are you okay? Do you feel nauseous? Are you dizzy?
Donna: Yes, I'm okay.
Marcus: Look, Mom, if you feel anything, okay, let me know, okay? I'll call 9-1-1. Now what did Owen do with the bottle that he gave Eric at the pool party?
Donna: It's gone.
Marcus: What? He--he drank the whole thing?
Donna: O-Owen poured it out. Wh--
Marcus: So he got rid of it.
Donna: I--oh, my God. I-I was--I was depressed. I was trying to numb my pain. I--he knew that I was gonna make a mistake. He--he--he poured it in the upstairs bar.
Marcus: Upstairs. So he poured it upstairs. So where's it at upstairs? Is it up there?
Donna: No. Wh--what do you-- what do you care?
Marcus: Mom, look, this is very important, okay? Now when Owen gave Eric the bottle of Gin, did he ever drink it?
Donna: Yes, he made a Martini.
Marcus: When?
Donna: The night of his heart attack.
Marcus: Okay, how long before he collapsed?
Donna: Why-- why is this important? Will--will you just tell me what's going on here?
Marcus: Okay, Mom. Mom--Mom, look. Listen. Did you ever drink one?
Donna: No, I-I-I hate that stuff. It tastes like rubbing alcohol.
Marcus: Okay, now did you ever say that to Owen? I mean, he must have known. He couldn't risk hurting you.
Donna: Marcus-- Marcus, why are you asking all these questions? You're really, really making me nervous.
Marcus: Okay, Mom, I don't think Eric's heart attack was an accident at all. I think it had something to do with Owen and the bottle of gin he gave Eric. There was something in the Gin.
Donna: Oh, you are not serious. You think Owen poisoned Eric?
Marcus: Yes, Mom, I do. .
Donna: Owen did not try to kill my husband.
Marcus: Well, I think he did, Mom. I just need time to prove it, okay? Now please, now listen to me, okay? Please. Don't tell Owen that I suspect this, all right? And if he comes around here again, you call the police. If he shows up at your office again, you call the police. Whatever you do, do not let him near you, Mom. This is important.
Donna: Okay-- okay, th--this is not possible. Owen could not do this. Now I do not believe that anyone could hurt Eric intentionally.
Jackie: It breaks my heart to see you like this, Eric. Such a strong, vibrant man. Such a good friend. More for a while. I still think we could have made each other very, very happy, you know? And then you wouldn't be here fighting for your life.
Ridge: Maybe I should have stayed at the hospital.
Brooke: The doctor said they'd call if there's any change. Besides, the kids really miss their daddy. It'd be great if you could take them to camp in the morning.
Ridge: You going into work?
Brooke: I do have an early meeting.
Ridge: Let me know if you see Steffy and Marcus hanging around together, will ya?
Brooke: I did see Marcus today, and trust me, I really don't think his top priority is Steffy.
Steffy: Hey, you.
Marcus: Hmm?
Steffy: You take care of that thing you had to do?
Marcus: No, not quite.
Steffy: You seem kind of wound up still.
Marcus: Yeah, well, I'm gonna be until I can figure this out.
Steffy: Is it about my granddad?
Marcus: Look, I'm not gonna get into it, not until I'm sure.
Bridget: Oh, hey, Marcus. A nurse came in a minute ago and told me that you-- you wanted to talk to me?
Marcus: Yeah, I do. You think, um, you think we can talk in private?
Bridget: Sure.
Steffy: Stay here. I'll-- I have to get a coffee anyways.
Bridget: Wh--what's up?
Marcus: Bridget, you gotta check your dad's blood.
Bridget: Oh, it's already been tested.
Marcus: No, you gotta check it for poison.
Bridget: Poison?
Marcus: Yeah. Look, the night of your dad's heart attack, he made a Martini from the bottle of gin Owen gave him, okay? Remember at the pool party? It was a gift.
Bridget: Okay.
Marcus: Now nobody else had any, but when Donna tried, Owen freaked out and poured it down the sink. Now the bottle went in the trash, so the only way we can make sure--
Bridget: Okay, wait. Wait, Marcus. Hold--hold on. Just please slow down. What are you trying to tell me?
Marcus: What if Owen put something in the gin? Now is--now is there a poison that can cause a heart attack?
Bridget: Yes, of course there is, but I don't think that that's what happened to my dad.
Marcus: No, no. No, Bridget, please, just do the test.
Bridget: You're telling me that you think Owen poisoned my father? Why would he do that?
Marcus: The way this guy's been settin' this whole thing up? Now if Eric dies, he can get his widow and his fortune.
Ridge: I feel like my mind's all over the place right now. I'm worried about Dad, Steffy, Marcus, the company... you and the kids have got a place on that list, too.
Brooke: No, you don't have to worry about us.
Ridge: Oh, great. Now I'm worried I'm not worrying enough about things.
Brooke: (Laughs) You need to save your energy for your father, your mother, your brothers, your sisters. I can take care of the kids and the company.
Ridge: (Chuckles) What would I do without you?
Brooke: Mm, do you really want me to answer that?
Ridge: No, not really.
Brooke: Mm.
Ridge: Why aren't we married already?
Brooke: We will be.
Ridge: I should have dragged you up to the altar when my dad got married.
Brooke: Nice. A double wedding with your father and Donna.
Ridge: Well, it might have been my last chance to get married with my dad standing right next to me.
Brooke: It will happen. We will get married. And when we do, your dad will be right there with us.
Bridget: You really believe that my father was poisoned?
Marcus: I-I-I don't know until you run the test.
Bridget: Marcus, I-- (sighs) I know that you don't trust Owen, but do you really think that he's capable of murder?
Marcus: Well--well--well, your dad was a healthy man. I mean, he never had any heart troubles before.
Bridget: He has been under a lot of stress.
Marcus: Look, Mom filled me in on the family history. Okay, now if anybody can deal with that type of tension, it's this man. Now either someone or something pushed this man over the edge.
Bridget: Look, it really doesn't matter anyway. Anything he ingested right before the heart attack is out of his system now.
Marcus: Damn. So we can't prove it?
Bridget: Oh, Marcus, I don't know. I-I don't know. (Sighs) He had blood tests done the night he came into the E.R., but it was just a standard Chem panel. If--if the sample hasn't been thrown away, then we can probably do a tox screen now.
Marcus: What? They didn't do that when he got checked in?
Bridget: Well, he-- the EKG said he had a heart attack. Why would we test for poison?
Marcus: Bridget, you gotta help me, okay? I need to know, all right? My mom could be in serious danger. Now if I'm right about Owen and he did try to kill your dad, he is one sick, vicious man.
Owen: Are we alone?
Donna: You're back.
Owen: He's-- he's not coming back, is he?
Donna: I-I-I don't know.
Owen: Did you two get into a fight? Because he left in quite a hurry.
Donna: No.
Owen: You sure? 'Cause you seem upset.
Donna: (Sighs)
Owen: Is he bad-mouthing me again? Listen, Donna, whatever Marcus says, everything I've done, I've done for you. Come on, you know you can trust me.
Donna: I want to.
Owen: But he's not making it very easy, is he? He's got you wondering about me again. I can tell. But that's okay, 'cause, hey, you know what? Maybe I should thank him. 'Cause I'm a lucky man to be on the mind of such a beautiful woman.
Donna: (Chuckles)
Owen: Well, unless she's about to ask me to leave town again.
Donna: No, I'm not.
Owen: Good. Come on, we're a team. Look, I know you're getting a lot of static about me, but that's all it is. Don't lose faith in me. You know how I feel. We're in this together. I'm right by your side all the way, just you a me.
Marcus: What did Owen do to you, Eric? What has he got planned for my mom? I'm trying to look out for her, man, but she doesn't get that. You know how she is. She has trouble seeing the bad in people. That's probably one of the reasons why you love her so much. But Mom's good heart is leading her into some serious trouble. I-I mean, I'm trying to do everything I possibly can to look out for her, everything I know how. I mean, I got Bridget working on it, too. We're gonna stop Owen, and then maybe Bridget can help you get out of this situation so you can come back to us, especially Mom. She really misses you. The way you love her-- I get the feeling that she's never felt that before-- being accepted for who she is. So I thank you for loving her and looking out, and looking out for me, too. Now it's time that I return the favor for the both of you.
Marcus: Bridget, what did you find? Was I right? Did Owen poison Eric?
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