B&B Transcript Tuesday 8/12/08

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Tuesday 8/12/08


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Becky

Ridge: Owen, leave now!

Owen: You're talking about ending your father's life.

Ridge: This doesn't involve you.

Owen: If Donna's being coerced in any way, you had better believe that it involves me.

Marcus: Hey, so you think Ross and Gina over there would take a 20 and get back to work and give us the place to ourselves?

Steffy: I thought you boss-types were all about proper decorum.

Marcus: Not me. I don't give a damn about no damn proper decorum.

Steffy: (Laughs)

Marcus: We're in luck.

Steffy: Good.

Marcus: Huh? What--

Marcus: Whoa, whoa, Steffy. You--

Steffy: Okay, I know. I know. We're at work. I get it.

Marcus: No. Look, until your dad and my mom are cool with things, girl, we got to be cool around here, all right?

Steffy: Yeah.

Donna: Owen, I thought you left. What are you-- what are you doing back?

Owen: I had a feeling that you would need me.

Ridge: She doesn't.

Owen: Donna trusts me. I've been a friend to her, Ridge, unlike you. Listen to me, Donna. Eric gave you his health care power of attorney. You're his advocate, Donna. All right, this is up to you and no one else, so I want to make sure you understand that. Do you?

Donna: Yes.

Ridge: No one is trying to trick her. This document that she was about to sign--

Owen: Would be her husband's death warrant. It's a huge decision, and one that she's gonna have to live with for the rest of her life. Do you want to do this? Do you want to take Eric off of life support?

Donna: (Sighs) No. I can't, and I won't.

Donna: I know you're upset with me, but Eric needs more time, and we're gonna give it to him.

Owen: I can't imagine what you and your family must be going through. I didn't get a chance to get to know Eric very well before his heart attack, so I--

Ridge: You don't know him at all. That shell of a man lying in that hospital room connected to all those machines-- that's not my father. He's gone. He might as well be dead. Instead of letting him go the way he would have wanted, now we're forcing him to just lie in this living hell. Do you have any idea what that feels like to my family and me?

Owen: It's got to be torture. All of you must be emotionally and physically spent, which makes me wonder if you're thinking clearly.

Donna: Ridge, when you said that you heard him, are you sure that's-- that's what really happened, or is it--was it your mind playing tricks on you? Look, you've been stressed. Have you been sleeping? Because I know I haven't. I mean, I feel like-- I feel like I might just shatter into a million pieces. And then I get these-- these bursts of energy that all I can do is read on the computer for hours and hours about--about comatose patients. And, Ridge, there is so much compelling research. I was trying to tell your family, but you wouldn't listen. Just please, Ridge... just please listen to this. "Patients have emerged from comas persisting for weeks or even longer. Many were aware or partially aware of their surroundings, but could not communicate that. This is known as a lock-in state. Others were-- were totally unaware of what was going on around them, but in both cases, brain function has recovered in full or in part. Far too often, doctors and families jump the gun, deciding that all hope has faded. This is especially true with older patients. Had they been given adequate time and medical support to awaken, who knows how many more years of productive life they may have enjoyed?" Ridge, this--this could be... the exceptions. I-I don't know, but--but it's not unheard of. Please. Eric needs me. He needs you. He needs the family. Help him... fight to come back to us.

Ridge: (Sighs)

Ridge: Oh, my God. It was too soon. (Sniffles) Why did I turn off his ventilator? I-I almost killed my father.

Donna: No. No, Ridge.

Ridge: (Sniffles)

Donna: But you didn't. You didn't. And the doctors said that no harm was done.

Ridge: Oh. It was too soon. Why did I rush into this? What-- (sighs) I was convinced that I had heard his voice. I felt his presence, his spirit, I-- was I just hallucinating? (Sighs)

Donna: Oh, look at me. Look at me. It's okay. Everything's going to be okay.

Donna: We just have to keep praying and hoping.

Donna: Our prayers for your father, Ridge... they're the same prayers.

Ridge: (Sighs)

Steffy: Dad and Donna have been through hell. The whole family has.

Marcus: Any word on your granddad?

Steffy: No one's talked to me about anything.

Marcus: Well, we can't let our lives stop. He wouldn't want that.

Steffy: No.

Marcus: So you want to go out after work, chill for a little bit?

Steffy: Yeah, okay. Hey, you know what? We should actually go to the Hollywood bowl. We could spread out a blanket in the back. There would be a lot of people around. It wouldn't be that private. We do want things to be private, right? So we could do a little bit of this. (Giggles)

Marcus: Or... we can do a little bit of this.

Steffy: (Laughs)

Brooke: Ridge?

Brooke: What's wrong? Where's Donna? Did she sign the paper?

Ridge: No one's signing anything-- not today, not tomorrow.

Brooke: Something's happened. Tell me.

Ridge: What was I thinking, Brooke, pulling the plug on my own father? I could have killed him.

Brooke: But you didn't.

Ridge: Well, I could have... so easily. I just don't understand what's happening to me. When I think how close I came to killing my own father-- thank God it's not too late.

Donna: I couldn't stay in that building one more minute. I just--just wanted to get home, you know-- feel close to Eric. (Sighs)

Owen: Look, I'll, uh-- I'll give you a call later and see how you're doing, all right?

Donna: No, please, don't... don't go, please-- just not yet. I just feel... so alone.

Owen: Well, you're not alone. Look, you asked me to leave L.A., But I came back because somehow I knew that you'd need me. Come here.

Ridge: I thought I heard my father speaking to me, but I thought it was his presence, his spirit. (Inhales deeply) Maybe I was hallucinating. Donna said we're both exhausted-- running on fumes.

Brooke: She's right.

Ridge: Then she started reading me some articles she found online, about how quick people are to give up on coma patients, especially when they're older. Given a little more time... they might have recovered.

Ridge: And then it hit me-- why was I in such a rush? I almost convinced my own family to do something so horrendous.

Brooke: And yet you got them all to see it from your perspective, so it couldn't have been so wrong. I mean, there may come a time when the whole family's going to need to come together and make that terrible decision, but not now.

Ridge: Donna's never been one of my favorite people... (sighs) but I can't deny how much she loves Dad. She refuses to give up on him. I just thank God she changed my point of view.

Brooke: It's okay. (Sighs) We don't need to talk about it right now. It's over.

Donna: Thank you for helping me get through to Ridge.

Owen: Look, I just asked if you were sure you wanted to take Eric off the ventilator. You did the rest.

Donna: Yeah, am I kidding myself, though, in--in believing in a miracle? I'M... thinking that Eric's gonna come back to me, and everything's gonna be okay-- just the way it used to be.

Owen: Hey, you keep believing in miracles, Donna, and don't ever stop. Your sister got a miracle. Marcus finding you-- that was a miracle.

Donna: My, God. Thank God I have you. I-I-I don't know what I'd do without you.

Owen: Well, don't worry, Mrs. Forrester, 'cause I'm not going anywhere.

Steffy: I got it. I got it.

Marcus: What?

Steffy: I just thought of the perfect place for our next date.

Marcus: Okay. Where?

Steffy: It's a surprise, but you're going to love it, and it's very, very private.

Marcus: Where and when?

Steffy: I'll text you later. See ya.

Man: Been looking for you, man.

Marcus: Oh, what's up, man?

Man: Owen Knight--he's back.

Marcus: What? Are you sure? In L.A.?

Man: Saw him heading out of the building with your mom. She looked real upset. Figured you'd want to know right away.

Donna: Maybe I might not have a choice, and I'll have to let Eric go, and we don't know that he's gonna live. I mean, if the worst thing happens, how am I gonna get on with my life?

Owen: By reminding yourself that that's what he would want for you. He wouldn't want you to stop living your life just because he has. He told you that, remember?

Donna: Just the thought of losing him, I--

Owen: Look, I know. I know.

Donna: If I have to say good-bye, I don't know how I'm gonna do it. I don't even know where to start.

Owen: Okay, I'll help you.

Donna: How?

Owen: Focus on a-a moment that the two of you had together-- maybe right here in this room.

Donna: (Laughs)

Donna: We used to have dinner, and he'd, um... he'd open up the patio doors and let the breeze in and... (sighs) when he'd want to dance, he'd--he'd push the button on the piano and--

Owen: Wait, that's a player piano, too?

Donna: Yeah. And Eric loved piano music. He'd... (sighs) we'd dance the night away, in--in our own little world. (Sniffles) God, he'd just hold me in his arms, and I'd... I'd just want to be there forever.

Donna: (Sighs)

(Piano music playing)

Owen: You know, when I went back to San Diego, and I went back to my life there, it wasn't the same. Something had changed. I couldn't stop thinking about you. You know, I wanted to be near you and have you confide in me, knowing that I'd helped you, but most of all, I-- and I missed your beautiful smile and those...

Donna: (Laughs)

Owen: Those soulful eyes of yours. And that's when it hit me-- that I had to come back, and I think I came back just in time.

Donna: (Sighs) You did. If you didn't, Eric might not be alive.

Donna: Will you please just stay? Stay and help me get through this. Help me keep my hope alive.

Owen: Look, I'll stay as long as you need me, and when Eric gets well and he's back by your side, if--if you want me to take a hike, then--then I will. But until then, I think that you need somebody-- somebody in your corner, somebody to help you, and I want to be that person, if you want me to.

Donna: Yeah, I do.

Owen: (Sighs) But I'm not gonna lie, Donna. God, am I attracted to you.

Donna: Uh...

Donna: (Sighs) I would not--I'm-- I'm flattered. You're very attractive, but this can't happen. You have to understand that I--I want my husband back, and if you're gonna stay here, you--you have to respect that. Can you do that?

Owen: I promise. As your friend and your support, I won't cross the line. I'm sorry.

Donna: (Sighs) Okay. (Laughs) I'm just so glad to have you here.

Owen: Me, too.

Donna: (Sighs)

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