B&B Transcript Friday 6/27/08

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Friday 6/27/08


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Becky

Phoebe: What?

Steffy: What are you doing down here in shipping?

Phoebe: Were you expecting Marcus?

Steffy: Careful. Somebody might pack you up and ship you.

Phoebe: Steffy, seeing him is a really bad idea.

Steffy: Can you, like, try to not act like you're 12? If I were seeing anyone, what would be wrong with Marcus?

Phoebe: I know what you were talking about at bikini beach.

Steffy: Okay, I don't know what you heard or from which of your adoring fans, but--

Phoebe: I was there, and I heard plenty.

Steffy: You. You heard us talking. You went to dad, didn't you?

Phoebe: Donna's his mother. Don't you care what she's done to the family?

Steffy: Look, I may not be her biggest fan, but you know what? She hasn't done a thing to me or to you. Neither has Marcus.

Phoebe: People have a right to know who they're dealing with. Dad's taking care of that right now.

Steffy: (Gasps)

Eric: You are Donna's son?

Marcus: Yes. But I'm not asking you for anything, sir.

Eric: There are certain things that you tell a husband before you marry him. And I would say that this is one of them.

Donna: I know. I waited too long to tell you, and it was wrong. Please don't hold this against me.

Katie: Has mom seemed a bit reserved to you, or is it just me?

Stephen: Well, she's probably overwhelmed a bit by everything, don't you think? I mean, with me, she used to have a lot of anger, and I think those old wounds are starting to heal.

Brooke: Were you going to, what, leave us a note? Or were we even supposed to know?

Katie: Who's downstairs with mom and Brooke?

Stephen: I don't know. I'll go see.

Brooke: What could be so terribly urgent, more urgent than what's going on here for us?

Beth: I have a life to get back to, Brooke.

Brooke: What's it like, mom? I'd love to hear all about it. Obviously, it doesn't include us.

Stephen: Is there a problem?

Brooke: (Sighs heavily) Mom's leaving.

Stephen: Well, do you need a ride somewhere, Beth, or what?

Brooke: For Paris first thing tomorrow morning.

Stephen: Beth, you just got here. Are you all right?

Beth: I'm fine. And I had a lovely visit. It was such a wonderful surprise. But I wasn't given enough time to even pack decently or make arrangements. (Scoffs)

Brooke: Mom, what do you need? We'll get it for you.

Stephen: Uh, Brooke, honey, could I speak with your mother for a minute, please?

Brooke: (Sighs) If you want to try.

Beth: (Scoffs) I wish everyone would stop treating me like a child.

Stephen: Beth, you have to admit, it's unexpected. You flew halfway around the world to get here, and now you want to turn around and go back?

Beth: All right, but if I say it's necessary, why isn't that enough?

Stephen: Well, think about it. The family's together for the first time in how long? And we've all suffered a terrible loss. Donna and Brooke are just sick with fear about what's going on with Katie, and everybody just wants to be with you. If you walk out on them now, you'll be doing something irrevocable, whether it's what you intend or not. Believe me, Beth, I should know.

Beth: (Sighs)

Eric: You have a son, and you didn't tell me.

Donna: My own sisters didn't know. Eric, I was so young. But I-I looked older, and men noticed, and I got into trouble. Mom and Storm made up a story about me doing a semester abroad. I-I was really with my aunt in Reseda. The adoption people didn't-- didn't even want me to see him. It was hard, and it was sad. But that's what a girl did back then not to disgrace the family.

Eric: But if you gave up a baby for--for adoption, then how, uh, how--

Marcus: Well, I-I came across an old birth certificate that I thought was mine. I hired a private investigator to investigate. He's the one that alerted me about the wedding announcements in the paper, so--

Thorne: Oh-ho-ho. And you saw that she had married a very wealthy man. Is that right, stepbrother?

Donna: Marcus hasn't even asked for a dime. Even the job here was my idea. I-I just didn't want to lose him again.

Ridge: Well, if it were that innocent, why have you been lying?

Donna: Because of all of you. I knew what you would make of it.

Felicia: Oh, I'm sorry, but the two of you have zero credibility at this point. There has been a clear intention to manipulate and deceive.

Steffy: Not by Marcus. I can vouch for him. What he's telling you is true.

Brooke: (Sighs)

Katie: Hey, is Donna back yet?

Brooke: No. Why?

Katie: Well, I heard you talking with someone downstairs.

Brooke: (Exhales deeply) Mom and I were just having words.

Katie: Why? She just got here.

Brooke: Well, let's just hope that dad talks some sense into her.

Katie: Look, I-I know she's been out of touch for a long time, but she's--she's back. That's all that matters.

Brooke: (Sighs) We'll see.

Katie: Coming back to L.A. has got to be strange for her. Let's just give her a few days to get back to her old self.

Brooke: If she'll give us a few days. Mom booked a flight back to Paris first thing tomorrow morning.

Katie: No, you--you must have misunderstood something.

Brooke: No. No, Katie, I didn't.

Katie: She hasn't seen Hope or--or R.J.

Brooke; (sighs)

Katie: She can't leave. She can't.

Stephen: I walked away from you and the girls, and look at the result.

Beth: The result is the lives we have. Could it have been otherwise? We'll never know.

Stephen: Don't--maybe we can. Beth, maybe we can. Instead of talking about flying away tomorrow, maybe we should talk about staying-- both of us, permanently. The girls have worked through their issues with me, even Brooke. Every time I'm here, it's easier. And unless I'm mistaken, it's getting easier between you and I.

Beth: Well, if you live long enough, everyone does things they never dreamed they'd do. Oh, Stephen, you're forgiven, if that's what you want to hear.

Stephen: Then maybe it's not too unrealistic to think that if we're here together, we might become closer, too. Look, this talk about leaving-- what is that about? I can see that you're hurting. Can you trust me enough to tell me what's going on?

Beth: Paris is my home. My life is there. That's all that's going on here. You stay with the girls. I did it for years. I don't owe anybody anything.

Ridge: What do you know about this, Steffy? You knew that Marcus is Donna's son, and you didn't say anything? Where the hell is your loyalty?

Steffy: I am as loyal to this family as anyone else in this room. I mean, Marcus didn't do anything wrong, and it wasn't our business.

Thorne: Oh, the hell it isn't, Steffy.

Steffy: He wanted a chance to get to know his mom before it all got out of hand. Keeping it a secret wasn't his idea.

Donna: No, it was mine. Look, I just thought that if everyone got a chance to get to know him first, then I could introduce him--

Felicia: Marcus, none of us have anything personal against you, all right? I'm just-- I'm sure you can understand-- this younger woman comes along and breaks up our parent's marriage. And then this stranger pops up out of nowhere, a son, no less.

Marcus: Look, she could have easily hid me away, done anything to get me out of town. Look, I was ready to leave, but she wouldn't let me because she cared. Now you may all have issues with her, but Donna is a good person. Sir, I never cared what anybody in this room thought about me, but you because I know how much this woman loves you like crazy. Now I'll be fine no matter how all this shakes out, but just, please, please do the right thing by her. , You're past menopause and treating osteoporosis.

Eric: Thank you, Marcus. Donna... you were so foolish, so foolish not to bring Marcus to me right away to tell me the truth about this whole thing.

Donna: I am so sorry.

Eric: I understand why you didn't, though.

Felicia: Really? Well, then can you please explain it to us?

Eric: It's because of you, Felicia, the three of you, lurking in the shadows, waiting for some scandal to descend upon this family. Well, this is not a scandal. You are not a scandal, Marcus. You're an honest young man, and I look forward to getting to know you better. Obviously, I'm not the only person impressed with you.

Thorne: Okay... (chuckles) Okay. Let's just assume that you're telling the truth, okay, not that I'm convinced by any means. But you've had your experience with Donna, and I've had mine. So why didn't you know about this before you were married?

Donna: It was so long ago. I-I honestly never thought--

Eric: Don't--don't do this, Donna, don't. I won't have you defending yourself to them. You don't have to answer to them. I don't suppose there's an ironclad rule that says that we have to reveal every detail of our private lives to each other when we fell in love. I know I certainly didn't. And you and I have, uh, the rest of our lives for that.

Donna: I promise you I will never lose faith in us again.

Eric: (Whispers) Okay.

Ridge: That's it?

Eric: Oh, I'm sorry, Ridge. You're disappointed.

Ridge: Oh, come on, Dad. You can't accept this so easily. Where's your loyalty to us?

Eric: I will not have you question my love for you or my loyalty for you.

Ridge: Do you even get that it's because of our love and our loyalty to you that brought us here? This time it's a secret son. What the hell is it gonna be next time? And will there be anyone in your corner, huh? (Scoffs) I don't believe this. I'm out of here.

Felicia: Me, too.

Thorne: (Chuckles)

Stephen: So the anger isn't all gone, is it?

Beth: I always knew that you loved our children. And I believe you loved me. But did it ever occur to you that there might be things in my life, private things, that I can't bring to Los Angeles, things that just won't work here?

Stephen: You're seeing someone?

Beth: Oh, Stephen, it's not always about love or the lack of it.

Katie: Then what is it about, Mother? I'd like to know where we stand. I'd like to know why-- how you could leave us at a time like this.

Steffy: Dad, you are not gonna make me feel I was in the wrong.

Ridge: Steffy, they made you an accomplice to their lies, and you let them.

Steffy: I am not defending Donna. If she's screwing up, defrauding the company, cheating on Granddad, I'll be the first one to lay down the law. But giving a baby up for adoption is neither a scandal or a crime. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Just think how the witch hunt felt if you were in Marcus' shoes. It wasn't right.

Ridge: You should've come to me.

Steffy: No harm was done.

Ridge: He played on your sympathies.

Steffy: No. But I feel for him.

Ridge: How well do you know Marcus?

Steffy: You've hardly seen me in four years, and now you're trying to tell me who I can be friends with?

Ridge: Oh, come on, Steffy. The kid lies just a little too smoothly. Sweetie, I'm your father. I love you, and I'm concerned about you. Stay away from Donna's son, okay?

Eric: I am deeply embarrassed by this chain of events.

Donna: I made a terrible mistake.

Eric: No, no, it's not that. It's that this-- this climate of fear that you've had to function in-- I'm--I'm so sorry. And, Marcus, that--that you would think that I would be anything less than happy to get to know you, I mean, that's upsetting to me.

Marcus: It's okay, sir.

Eric: No, it's not. You need to start calling me Eric now. And I would ask you both to remember that since my children were very little, this company has been subject to attack from inside and from out by people we shouldn't have trusted. And so I'm not excusing their behavior, but I know that they're just trying to protect me.

Marcus: I'm glad. And as of today, if you need it, I got your back, too. That's a promise. But you don't need protecting from this woman. It's been good finding out that I have a mother who loves someone as much as she loves you.

Katie: Will you give us a minute, Dad? I need to talk to mom, and apparently, she has a flight to catch.

Beth: It's not until the morning.

Katie: Were you gonna say good-bye?

Beth: We still have plenty of time left to visit.

Katie: Oh, well, what would you like to do? Would you like to watch old movies and eat popcorn? Do those memories even mean anything to you anymore?

Beth: I'll be back, Katie.

Katie: When?

Beth: And you'll come to visit me in Paris.

Katie: No. No, see, I-I can't do that, not right away, because we don't know what the change in air pressure would do to the heart. And then there's the risk that I could throw off a clot, and it could go to my lungs or my brain and kill me. But don't look too concerned, because let me tell ya, mortal danger is not what it's cracked up to be. I've been hanging on by a thread and pulling through miraculously, and I know that's kind of boring. So if I kick off, will you come to my funeral?

Beth: Oh, Katie.

Katie: Oh, yeah, I didn't think so, because I'm no more important than Storm, right? Only Storm thought so.

Katie: You know, I have-- I've hated, for a long time, the thought that his heart is beating inside my chest, and--and you hate it, too, don't you, Mother? You--you blame me for his death, don't you?

Beth: No, I don't.

Katie: Well, you must. You must, because that's the only explanation for this. That's the only reason why you want to run away. That's the only reason why you can't even look at me.

Beth: That is not true.

Katie: Prove me wrong. Stay. I can't go to his grave. I know that Donna and Brooke have--have found a beautiful place for his ashes, but I can't go there, even now that I'm feeling better. I just can't do it. And I think maybe I could if I was with you.

Beth: All right... next visit...

Katie: (Laughs)

Beth: As soon as you're stronger.

Katie: You will say anything to get out the door, won't you, to get away from us, away from me. Wh--I-I don't know why you're waiting until tomorrow. Why don't you just take an earlier flight? There must be one.

Beth: I know you're frightened. I know that you are not well, but I don't think you know how demanding you're being.

Katie: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for being demanding. Please excuse me for wanting you to be my mother. Please forgive me for needing you, for needing you to be--be there for me through part of this. You know, just because you don't want to be my mother anymore doesn't mean that you can't. (Crying)

Beth: Your mother doesn't exist. She's gone. I am not the mother you remember, Katie. (Sighs heavily) I've had a stroke, a series of them. My memories are slipping away. They think it might be the onset of dementia. And there is nothing I can do to stop it. The woman that I once was, I-well, I just--I can't be that anymore. The only thing I can be is a burden to you, and I will not do that. So just let me go, Katie. You will be better off. You'll live your life. Just, please, darling... (voice cracks) let me go.

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