The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Thursday 4/24/08
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Proofread by Becky
Storm: I have to tell you, this--this is a little, uh, un-unsettling to me. It's upsetting. I tell you my most shameful secret, and--and--and you barely react. I mean, you're acting like you already knew, because you did, didn't you? You've been lying to me and pretending like you didn't. Why?
Ashley: What do you want from me? I-what do you want me to say?
Storm: Well, you can stop pretending like you've never heard it before, for one. I mean, Ridge told you. He told you already that I shot Stephanie and set my father up. The thing is I wanted you to hear it from me. But you already know the truth. So now I need to make you understand.
Felicia: Hey, guys. Ooh, hittin' the hard stuff already, huh?
Thorne: (Chuckles) Can you blame me? Dad's wedding's just around the corner, and Mother has called another one of her infamous meetings.
Ridge: Make mine a double, please.
Felicia: Good thing I'm not drinking. Somebody has to be sober enough to pry Mother's hands from around Dad's throat.
Thorne: I think her anger will be aimed just a little lower.
Felicia: (Scoffs)
Ridge: Mother will be going for the heart, his heart, this house, the company.
Thorne: (Exhales deeply)
Felicia: That's right. There's no way she will let Donna Logan walk off with her husband and her legacy, too.
Thorne: (Groans)
Stephanie: Hi. I thought I heard your voice.
Felicia: (Laughs)
Stephanie: How was the trip?
Felicia: It went so great, Mother. My meetings with Nick Newman were very productive. How are you?
Stephanie: I'm fine.
Thorne: No, really, how are you?
Stephanie: I'm fine, sweetheart.
Felicia: Okay, now I'm worried.
Stephanie: Why?
Felicia: Not only are you smiling. You're wearing a festive top.
Stephanie: (Laughs)
Ridge: Mother, if you think Dad's gonna call off his wedding, then--
Stephanie: Oh, I don't think he's going to call off the wedding. And I'm not even gonna try and change his mind. I'm through fighting.
Thorne: Ohh.
Felicia: Well, if you need to take a breather, just ask one of us to jump in the ring for you.
Stephanie: I don't need you to do that. I want you to get on with your life, all of your lives. I'm going to get on with mine. And that's why I asked you to come over. Your father, as usual, is late. So I'm just gonna tell you what I have to say. I made two decisions. The first one-- I'm going to, um, I'm gonna step back from any public role in the company.
Felicia: What? You can't let Donna Logan run you off.
Stephanie: I'm not doing that. The second decision is a little more... personal, in a way. Look, your father's going to get married, and I think it would be perfectly fine if he got married here at the house. Would you make me one of those drinks?
Katie: Look, I know you think I'm crazy defending Storm after everything he's done.
Nick: He's your brother. I think that you love him.
Katie: I do. And he loves me and Brooke and Donna. He's just been dealing with so much anger at--at my father and at Stephanie. He hates seeing the people that he loves being treated unfairly. And he stands up for us. He defends us. That's who Storm is. And I think Ashley would be lucky to have someone like that in her life.
Storm: (Sighs) Look-- are you frightened?
Ashley: Yes, I'm frightened. Please go.
Storm: Oh. (Chuckles) yeah, I was--I was pretty sure you were frightened at the lab, too.
Ashley: Could you please just go, Storm? Please? I promise you that I won't tell anybody what you told me, okay? You can trust me. You can trust me.
Storm: Well, Ashley, I-I do trust you. And I trust you to believe me when I tell you I-I-I'm not dangerous. I'm not a violent man. Ashley, you have to believe me. I could--I could never be violent towards you. As a matter of fact-- look, I have to be honest with you. Ashley, it's okay. It's okay. Look, I just have to tell you I-I think-- I think I'm falling in love with you.
Ridge: You want Dad to marry Donna here?
Thorne: (Chuckles) Obviously, we're not the only ones partaking in the whiskey this afternoon.
Stephanie: Excuse me, this is my first drink of the day. But I have given this a lot of thought. I think I've made the right decision. If your father wants to get married here, he should be able to do that.
Thorne: In your house?
Felicia: You're gonna booby-trap the place, aren't you?
Stephanie: No, I'm not going to booby-trap the place.
Thorne: (Laughs)
Felicia: Yes, you are.
Stephanie: Look, it's your father's home, as well, isn't it? And if he wants to get married here, he should be able to.
Ridge: No, really, what are you planning?
Stephanie: No, I'm not planning anything. Look, I can't get my husband back, but I can bring the family back together again, can't I? So if he weds Donna, I think you should be here and support him.
Felicia: Not me.
Thorne: Neither will I, Mother.
Stephanie: See, this is exactly what I don't want, okay? (Sighs heavily) I'd like you, the three of you, to show Donna and her family that we are, as a family, united. And, you know, all the disagreements and upsets we've had over the years, we've always been able to recognize one thing-- that we love one another and we can overcome those disagreements, okay? So I'd like it if your father decides to get married here that you'll show up, be here.
Eric: Very well said, Stephanie. I'm just not sure I believe it.
Nick: Katie, your brother did not shoot Stephanie to protect you and your sisters.
Katie: Well, he kind of did.
Nick: She was alone in the showroom.
Katie: He thought he was protecting us. And now it's up to us to protect him.
Nick: Keeping this a secret is not the best way to protect him.
Katie: He's getting better. He's working through his anger.
Nick: Well, that's not what I heard. I heard from up there that he was blaming Ridge for interfering in his relationship with Ashley.
Katie: He likes her. He thinks that if she found out what he did that her feelings would change about him.
Nick: Well, it should change her feelings. He shot somebody. The question is how will he deal with that?
Katie: Why are we talking about this? Why are you turning Storm's feelings for Ashley into some kind of crisis?
Nick: Answer me. How will he deal with it if she dumps him when she finds out? What's he gonna do? Katie? Where are you going?
Katie: Where do you think I'm going? I'm gonna go see Ashley.
Storm: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I-I-I've shocked you. Um--
Ashley: Storm, if I'm really that important to you, would you please just do as I ask and go, please?
Storm: Well, I know my feelings make you uncomfortable, and--and I'm--I'm sure you think I'm a bad guy, especially after what Ridge told you. He probably... (sighs) made me out to seem like the devil.
Ashley: I don't know. You shot his mother.
Storm: Did he tell you why?
Ashley: I don't need to know why, Storm, I really don't.
Storm: Well, I-I know, but I j-I just thought if you understood, maybe--
Ashley: Maybe if I-if I let you tell me your side of the story, if I sit here and listen to it, would you please do as I ask and go?
Storm: Of course, Ashley.
Ashley: Please?
Storm: That's--that's all I ever really wanted, okay?
Ashley: Okay.
Storm: Here, please, have a seat.
Ashley: Okay.
Storm: I'm gonna just--
Ashley: Okay.
Storm: Um... (chuckles) this is, uh, this is a little more difficult than I thought it was gonna be. Um, look, it's just that I've, um, I've had this, uh, this anger inside of me for--for a lot of years, you know, this anger towards my father, anger towards myself for not being able to, you know, provide for my sisters like they deserved. It was my job to protect them, Ashley. It was my job to help them succeed, and they were succeeding until the day that Brooke met Ridge and the Forresters came into our life. And then everything I had ever sacrificed, everything I'd ever worked for just went down the drain. And you--you can't... (laughs) you can't even imagine how that made me feel to be humiliated by the Forresters over and over again. Did I tell you-- did I tell you that--that Stephanie-- Stephanie sent a rapist into Brooke's home? Does that make me worse than her? I-I don't know. But I-I couldn't take it anymore. My father comes back into town, and he--he vows to get even. The man who abandoned my family thinks he can come back in and save the day. That's when I snapped. I saw an opportunity to get even with two people that had caused my family the most pain. So I took it.
Ashley: You got away with it, right?
Storm: No, I d-I didn't get away with it, Ashley. I mean, Stephanie forgave me. But I'm the one who has to pay for that. I pay for that every time I look into my sisters' eyes and I see pity. They used to revere me. They did. And I know that probably-- I know that probably sounds absurd to you that, you know, anybody could respect me, but, uh, they did. I'm sorry. I've... (scoffs) I've probably ruined things for us already, haven't I? Please, please, please don't-- let me, um, let me ex-- let me explain. Let me at least show you this. Um, this-- I just wanted to show you this.
Ashley: (Gasps)
Storm: No, no, it--I-- is this what you're afraid of?
Ashley: Please don't.
Storm: Well, Ashley, I-it's nothing, really. I just--
Ashley: Please don't. Please don't.
Storm: Is this the man you think I am?
Ashley: (Crying) Please don't.
Ridge: She says she's serious.
Stephanie: I am.
Eric: You want me to marry Donna in this house?
Stephanie: Don't worry, I'm not gonna be here. So if you'd like, your new wife can decorate every square foot of the place with animal prints, red velvet, whatever she'd like.
Felicia: I won't let her move a single dust bunny.
Stephanie: Yes, you will, because it's gonna be her house, and your father and Donna can do whatever they want here.
Ridge: Mother, what are you talking about?
Stephanie: Talking about selling the house. I've spoken to the real estate people and the lawyers, and if you would like to buy me out of the house, I will sell it to you.
Eric: Stephanie, this is your home.
Stephanie: Yes, and it's your home, too. And what I've come to realize-- I've been here alone long enough to know I don't want to continue to live here alone.
Felicia: Mother, then sell it to me or to Ridge or Thorne. But Donna Logan will never be queen of this castle.
Stephanie: That's not the point, okay? Look, she can't-- she can't erase the memories that we've all had here in this house, okay? But if I'm not going to be living here, why shouldn't your father live here? And I don't want any of you to feel that you're being disloyal to me because you would come here for Christmas and thanksgiving and pool parties and birthday parties and all of that. This is where the family belongs. Ridge, I want that to continue just as it always has.
Thorne: (Scoffs) Not like always, Mother. Mnh-mnh. Not even close.
Stephanie: Sweetheart...
Thorne: (Exhales deeply)
Stephanie: Please believe me. It would be so much more painful for me to stay here. Eric, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you privately.
Ashley: What are you doing?
Storm: No, Ashley, please.
Ashley: Please don't. I-I-I'm just-- I'm just trying to show you that I'm not the man that Ridge says am. That's all.
Ashley: Why did you bring a gun here?
Storm: No... (scoffs)
Ashley: What?
Storm: I-I just-- I saw this gun in a pawn shop window, and I bought it because it--it looks like Stephanie's gun. It's--it's small like this. I just thought if you saw it you might understand.
Ashley: Understand what?
Storm: Ashley, okay, please, just--just hear me out, okay? I mean, it wasn't like it was-- it was premeditated. It wasn't like that at all. I didn't just cultivate some plan to go and shoot Stephanie. I just happened to find a gun like this in Brooke's drawer. I didn't go looking for it. I just found it. And when I saw it, it just was so small. For some reason, I picked it up, and I put it in my pocket. Ashley, I-I had no idea I was gonna run into Stephanie that day in the showroom. Please, you have to believe me. Ashley, I could never do anything like this ever again.
Ashley: Why did you bring it here?
Storm: I wanted you to know that I'm not just some crazed lunatic. I'm just an ordinary guy, Ashley, who--who went over the edge. It was just a point in my life where I just couldn't-- I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't see my father break my sisters' hearts one more time. I couldn't let Stephanie cause my sisters any more pain. I just couldn't do it.
Ashley: So you did it for your sisters, is that what you're saying to me?
Storm: (Scoffs) Ashley, I-I-I raised them. I was like a father to them. That's the man I want you to see, not--not this. I don't... (chuckles) look--look, the point is I loved my sisters, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for them. I was like a hero to them, especially--especially Katie. She was so young when my father left. She, uh... (laughs) she used to follow me around-- she used to follow me around the house.
Storm: (Laughs) I used to dry her tears when she wouldn't get asked to the dance. When I was in college, Katie got this, uh, this infection that, uh, that spread to her kidneys, and there was a chance that she might lose them. So I, uh, I got tested to see if I could give her one. And luckily, it didn't come to that 'cause she got better. But the point is there's nothing I wouldn't do for my sisters. And I'm sure that's the way you feel about Abby.
Ashley: Yeah.
Storm: That's the man I am, Ashley. That's the man that I want you to see. I-I-I don't--I don't believe in--in--in violence. I believe in justice and family. And I just--I just believe in doing anything that I possibly can to help somebody that I care about. And--and that includes you.
Ashley: Okay.
Katie: Oh, my God. Storm, what are you doing?
Storm: Katie, I'm-- what are you doing here?
Katie: Put the gun down!
Eric: You're sure you want to do this?
Stephanie: No. I don't think I've ever made a good decision that I've hated more.
Eric: Well, you're right about the memories.
Stephanie: Yes, that's why I have to go, because this house is filled with nothing but memories for me.
Eric: You can still make new ones.
Stephanie: You will. You will with, uh, our children and our grandchildren. Look, promise me that the grandkids will do the same things here that our children did, okay-- Christmas, all of that.
Eric: I would assume that you would-- that you would be a part of those celebrations, too.
Stephanie: In a way, I will, if in spirit only.
Eric: The ghost of Christmases past.
Stephanie: (Laughs) I'm moving out, Eric. I'm not moving on. Although, in a way, I guess I am moving on, finally.
Eric: I assumed that you were calling this meeting to draw a line in the sand, sort of force the children to, uh, pick sides about this wedding. But I was wrong. I'm sorry.
Stephanie: Don't be. If we'd had this discussion a few days ago, you probably would have been right.
Felicia: Are you listening to this?
Thorne: Yes, but we shouldn't be. Felicia, this is private.
Felicia: No, it's incredible. What she's doing-- our mom is an amazing woman.
Eric: I wasn't sure what I was walking into here. I wasn't expecting this, though. Although maybe I should have. Sometimes you're a very classy lady, Stephanie Forrester.
Stephanie: Thank you, Eric. When, uh, when we agree on the price, the lawyers will draw the papers up, and then we can both sign them, okay?
Eric: Okay.
Storm: Katie, it's not what you think.
Katie: What are you doing? Give me the gun. What, did she reject you, and you brought a gun over here? Storm, give me the gun.
Katie: What are you doing?
Storm: Lis--listen to me for a second.
Katie: Storm, give it to me!
Storm: Now calm down.
Katie: Give it to me!
Storm: Just calm down, and let me explain it to you.
Katie: Just give it to me. Give it to me, Storm. Drop it. Give it to me.
Storm: Stop it.
Katie: Storm, let go. Let go of it.
Storm: Katie, would you stop? For God's sake, stop it.
Katie: Storm. (Gunshot)
Ashley: Aah!
Katie: Ahh, Ahh.
Storm: Katie? Oh, my God.
Ashley: Oh, my God.
Storm: Katie, Katie, come on.
Ashley: Katie?
Storm: Katie? Katie? Can you hear me? Katie?
Ashley: Katie?
Storm: Please, Katie. Katie?
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