The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Thursday 4/10/08
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Proofread by Becky
Bridget: There really is another woman, isn't there, Nick? Isn't there? Oh, just forget it. I know exactly who it is. I just can't believe that she would have the nerve to do this.
Brooke: You must have misunderstood him.
Storm: Oh, I don't think so. You know Ridge. He uses simple words, things like, "You're fired." Not much room for misinterpretation. I'm not even supposed to be in the building. Actually, I'm kind of surprised he didn't tell you. Well, then again, maybe he doesn't want to make waves. I don't know.
Brooke: He certainly is making them now. What reason could he have to fire you?
Storm: Oh, he, uh-- he thinks I'm dangerous, especially after he found out that Ashley and I had lunch together. Yeah, he's warned me that I'm never to see her again. Oh, and the kicker is he doesn't want me anywhere near my niece and nephew. Until further notice, I am to stay away from Hope and R.J.
Brooke: What? No. No, that's not right. You know, I'm gonna talk to him. I'm gonna make sure that I straighten everything out.
Storm: Well, thanks. You don't have to do that, but I do appreciate your help.
Brooke: Well, I need your help, too. It's about Jack.
Storm: Yeah, I got your message. You sure you want to do this?
Brooke: He is my son, and I need to do everything that I can to protect him from Taylor.
Taylor: (Sobbing) (sighs)
Rick: Taylor? Taylor, what happened? You sounded upset on the phone.
Taylor: She's doing it, Rick. (Sobbing) I knew she would do this. The minute I found out the truth, I knew that she would do this.
Rick: Okay, okay. W-what are you talking about?
Taylor: Your mother-- she came over here after you left, and she threatened me. She said she was convinced I'm unstable and that Jack isn't safe with me. (Sobs)
Rick: (Sighs)
Bridget: I just don't know how I could love someone so much, and someone that I've trusted for so long could turn around and stab me in the back like this. I mean, she's been in your home a lot lately, though, and I know she feels about you and Jack. She's really integrated herself into your life, and let's face it. I-I pushed her. I let her do it. I-I-I mean, my God. I'm so stupid. How many times am I gonna put myself through this? (Sobs) So just tell me. It's my mother. You're still in love with my mother.
Nick: No. No, no. God, Bridget, this has nothing to do with her. She's with Ridge. That's--that's over.
Bridget: (Sighs) Well, thank God.
Nick: And your mother loves you. She--she will always, always love you.
Bridget: Oh. Okay. Then I don't understand. Why are you so confused?
Nick: You know that I love you. You know that.
Bridget: I love you, too.
Nick: (Sighs) I just don't... I just don't know if I can give you what you need.
Bridget: Do you think you're overthinking this?
Nick: Bridget, I am going through a very difficult divorce right now, and you deserve the best from a man. You need a man to be completely available for you.
Bridget: Would you shut up, Nick? That is the biggest cop-out I have ever heard. (Clears throat) So you're trying to tell me that you don't want me in your life? Sure hasn't seemed like that in the bedroom.
Nick: (Sighs) Bridget, everything's moving so fast for me. I-I really am not sure what the right move is.
Bridget: Who said anything about a move? Slowly-- I thought we were taking this slowly, right?
Nick: Well, that is what we said, but--
Bridget: No buts, Nick. No buts. I know you. I know you better than you know yourself sometimes, and I think you're just scared. That's essentially what this is about.
Nick: It's a lot of things.
Bridget: I'm sure it is a lot of things. I know it is. That's why I wanted to--to come here and--and help you out with your child and support you. Listen to you. I still want to give you those things. Do you still want them from me?
Nick: Of course I do.
Bridget: Okay.
Bridget: Let's just do what we originally planned on doing. Take this slowly.
Nick: Okay.
Bridget: Okay. I gotta run.
Rick: So let me get this straight. You're--you're telling me that--that my mother wants custody of Jack?
Taylor: I think that's exactly what she's trying to do.
Rick: (Sighs)
Taylor: She wants to prove that I'm unstable.
Rick: My God, what--what is wrong with her?
Taylor: I knew it. I knew it would come to this.
Rick: Taylor, this is my fault.
Taylor: No. No.
Rick: No, it is. It is. Listen to me. I love you. You know that, but if my involvement with you risks you losing Jack in any way, then I-I don't--
Taylor: This is exactly what she wants. She wants one of us to crumble and then push each other away.
Rick: Did she say that?
Taylor: She said a lot of things, Rick.
Rick: What do you want me to do?
Taylor: I don't know. I don't know. You know, she donated the eggs, but the baby is not hers. I-I just can't even imagine that the judge would grant custody to her.
Rick: Well, I couldn't imagine that my mom actually wanted custody of Jack, and look.
Taylor: No, it's beyond that. She wants to prove that the child needs protection from me.
Rick: You know what I think? You need protection from her.
Taylor: She wants to go in there and prove that the feelings that we have for each other are ugly and evil and wrong, and I'm so tired of her ruining things for me. I'm so tired of it. (Voice breaking) I've already lost so much to her. And I'm done with it. No more!
Brooke: I'm frightened for my baby son. He--he really shouldn't be alone with Taylor. Can you help me?
Storm: Yeah, Brooke, I'll help you in any way I can. Of course.
Brooke: (Sighs) Thank you.
Storm: But I am warning you. You did sign away your parental rights, so it might be a pretty big obstacle.
Brooke: Well, there's gotta be a way around that. Things are so different now.
Storm: Yeah, well, obviously, Taylor isn't turning out to be capable of raising Jack-- not something you could have imagined when you signed those papers. And Taylor's behavior of late has been extremely erratic. I mean, she's already lost temporary custody of Jack to Nick. I don't know. Maybe you do have some legs to stand on.
Brooke: Ohh, God, why? Why did I sign those stupid papers?
Storm: Hey, hey, hey, hey, sis, look at me. Look at me. You know what? Jack will always be a part of you, and no piece of paper can change that.
Brooke: I need you to make this happen. I really need to play a role in my son's life.
Storm: (Sighs)
Katie: Don't you worry about a thing, Pammy. I am keeping 'em all nice and wrapped up, nice and snug-- keeping an eye on them for ya. All right, don't hurry back. Bye. Oh, yum.
Bridget: Oh, Katie, I've been looking all over for you. I-can you talk for a second? I-it's about Nick. I think there's something wrong.
Katie: What do you mean?
Bridget: Well, he's just-- he's backing away from me a little bit, and although he says it has nothing to do with my mom--
Katie: You don't believe him?
Bridget: No, I do. I want to. He's just going on and on about how he's going through a divorce-- and all of this never stopped him before-- and how much he doesn't, you know, couldn't love me the way that I deserve to be loved right now and--
Katie: Bridget, I am so sorry. I never should've encouraged you to pursue this.
Bridget: No, it's okay. I took a pretty strong stand. I mean, I think he's just scared and confused. Right now a lot's going on. I didn't feel like it was really the right time to walk out on him.
Katie: Yeah, you're right, he's probably just scared and confused.
Bridget: So you've talked to him?
Katie: Um--
Bridget: We--I mean, there is something going-- I mean, I don't want to believe it's my mom, but I think it is.
Katie: No, you--you should believe him.
Bridget: Katie, what--what's going on here? Is--is there another woman?
Katie: (Sighs) did you know that one in five American adults
Bridget: Katie?
Katie: I-I don't really know what to say to you, Bridget.
Bridget: Well, don't try to spare my feelings. Tell me what's going on with Nick. If it's my mother, I can handle it. She's betrayed me before.
Katie: No, it--it's not your mother. Nick is--is not seeing Brooke anymore.
Bridget: Well, how do you-- how do you know that? How can you be so sure?
Katie: Because he's told me many times.
Bridget: And you believe him?
Katie: Yes. Uh, he said the same thing to both of us.
Bridget: That's true. Okay, so it's really not my mom. Thanks. I mean, that helps.
Katie: So what are you gonna do?
Bridget: Well, I'm--I'm not gonna just give up and walk away. I don't feel like that's the right thing to do. And I know Nick. I know how he operates. And I know he loves me.
Katie: Of course he does.
Bridget: I'm so grateful I have you to talk to, Katie. (Elevator dings)
Bridget: I'll be in touch.
Katie: Okay.
Katie: (Exhales deeply)
Taylor: I hate this. I hate what it's doing to you, getting you stuck in the middle of it.
Rick: No, there is no middle, Taylor. I'm not stuck anywhere. Brooke is my mother, yes, and I love her, but she should not be doing this to you.
Taylor: I am just so afraid she's going to convince some judge that the baby is hers on a technicality or something.
Rick: No, no, li-listen to me. You--you are Jack's mother. Do not forget that.
Taylor: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Taylor: (Sighs)
Brooke: So what's the first step? How do we proceed?
Storm: Well, for starters, I think you need to leave me out of it.
Brooke: I thought you just said you were going to help me.
Storm: I will, and I am, but I meant as a-- I meant as your lawyer. And of course, if it comes to that, I'll represent you, even if we have to go all the way to the supreme court. But I think your first step is, uh, is much simpler than that. So before we start talking about going to court, I think there's somebody you need to talk to first.
Nick: (Exhales deeply) (sighs) (door opens)
Katie; we need to talk.
Nick: Well, obviously, you don't need a key.
Katie: Bridget suspects that there's another woman, and I-I think that we need to be honest with her. I think we need to tell her that we kissed.
Nick: Maybe you should have this.
Katie: I jus-- I can't keep this from her. I-I-she's my niece, and I love her, and I know that it may jeopardize our entire relationship, but I have to be honest with her. I have to tell her that we kissed. (Exhales sharply)
Storm: You've got my fax number, right? Great. Yeah. Thanks. Sorry about that.
Brooke: No, no, that's all right. (Sighs) So you really don't think I should go to court about this?
Storm: No judges, no lawyers.
Brooke: Well, how do I remain in Jack's life? How do I make sure that he's safe?
Storm: Well, honestly, I think there's only one person that you need to convince of your importance to Jack. You need to talk to Nick.
Brooke: We've already discussed it. He agrees with my involvement.
Storm: Well, that's good. I mean, that's a start. But I have a feeling he's caught in the middle. He's probably looking at this like this is a Taylor-versus-Brooke situation, and that's just not the case here.
Brooke: Well, it sort of is.
Storm: Brooke... (chuckles) Brooke, this can't be about your--your history with Taylor. This can only be about Jack and the love that you have for him.
Brooke: The love that the three of us have for him.
Strom: Exactly. You Nick and Taylor are all his parents. And yes, you did sign away your parental rights. And truthfully, on a-on a legal level, I'm not sure that you ever had any rights. But on a human level, nothing could ever take that away from you. So you go to Nick, you make him understand how in your heart you know how much all three of you love Jack and that you want to find a calm, peaceful way to resolve this whole situation.
Brooke: And then?
Storm: And then you figure out a plan where all three of you play important roles in his upbringing. Look, all three of you are his parents. It's time that you just work together to find a solution to all this.
Brooke: I just never thought that this would happen. I mean, I always thought that Nick and Taylor would raise Jack together.
Storm: I know, I know. And it's unfortunate, but there's plenty of examples out there of parents who--who raise their kids in a loving environment even though they're divorced.
Brooke: (Scoffs) yeah, but my God, Storm. Taylor's been so irrational for the last few months. I mean, I can't imagine my son being raised in that kind of madness. I-I-I just won't allow it.
Storm: Well, Nick's gonna be concerned about Taylor and her feelings in all this.
Brooke: I know, I know. We've all been concerned about Taylor's feelings for months. But what about my feelings? I am just really concerned about Jack. I don't want to think of him living over there at Taylor's and then suddenly she just decides she wants to have a drink and get drunk and then becomes delusional again. I mean, it--it's just really frightening, Storm.
Storm: I know, I know. I'm sorry. Look, everything's gonna be fine. You'll talk to Nick, and you'll work it out. You'll find a way, I know. I'm sorry.
Brooke: Okay. (Sniffles)
Katie: (Exhales sharply) I can tell you're not wild about me telling Bridget that we kissed.
Nick: What gave you that idea?
Katie: It's just that I-- I don't have the stomach for this, seriously. I mean... (sighs) it's going to hurt her, but every time I-I see her, I just have this--this pit in my stomach. I just feel sick. I mean, why did I encourage her to pursue anything with you? Why couldn't I just stay out of it? And when am I gonna learn just to shut my big mouth? And--and now she's committed to whatever this is, this "Relationship" that you're in.
Nick: Whatever it is we're in went too quickly, and that's my fault.
Katie: And mine.
Nick: Well, that's true. The point is it escalated too fast. She was there when I needed something and--
Katie: And--and now she's-- she's not gonna let you go. She's in love with you, and she--she knows that--that something's changed. She thinks it-- it's another woman, but she can't figure it out. And the whole time I'm listening to her tell me this, and--and the only thing I can think of is-- I mean, you--you know Bridget. You know how much she's been through and how much she's had to overcome. She is this amazing beautiful person. I mean, she's a doctor. You have no idea how proud I am of her.
Nick: I-I do know. And she has been through a lot in her life.
Katie: And now she has this chance of happiness. And I know I'm-- ohh, I'm making too much out of this. I know I am, and I-I feel stupid. It's just a kiss. It was just a kiss. But this is just not me. It's--I don't do these things. I don't do these unexpected, unplanned things.
Nick: Why am I getting the feeling everything in your life is very planned...
Katie: (Laughs)
Nick: Like you already know what you're wearing tomorrow.
Katie: Of course, I do. I know what I'm wearing next week. I mean, that's how I life my life. That is how I feel comfortable. I-I'm practical. I think things through. I don't jump into the middle of situations without thinking about the consequences. I don't throw caution to the wind. I-that's Brooke. That's Donna. It's not me. My decisions make sense. And I just-- oh, God, I just feel so stupid. I just feel like such an idiot for doing something so unexpected.
Nick: It's--it's okay. It really is okay.
Katie: (Sniffling) Why did I get involved? God, why did I get involved? (Sighs) (sniffles)
Nick: It's okay.
Bridget: Um, Katie? Nick? My--my goodness, what's going on here?
Katie: Ohh.
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