B&B Transcript Monday 3/31/08

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Monday 3/31/08


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Becky

Taylor: Rick, stop. don't have a choice. My daughter is in love with you.

Rick: Please, please, don't walk away from me.

Katie: You're having unacceptable thoughts about me?

Nick: Is that what I said?

Katie: What does that mean?

Nick: It could mean a lot of things. Sit down.

Katie: Okay.

Nick: What if I said I'm interested in you?

Katie: Why would you say something like that?

Nick: To make a point.

Katie: And what point would that be?

Nick: To convince you that I'm over Brooke. I should be over my past entirely maybe. I don't know. Wouldn't that be a healthy choice? There are other women in the world than Brooke and Bridget...

Katie: This is true.

Nick: Like you, for example.

Katie: Me?

Nick: Yeah, you.

Katie: You don't even like me.

Nick: I do. I like a lot of things about you. You're quirky, funny. You have a very good attitude. You got a great body.

Katie: Okay, you can stop there.

Nick: The point is that there are other women in Los Angeles other than Brooke and Bridget, and I don't want to continue to make the same wrong decisions.

Katie: Is that so?

Nick: (Slaps table) New attitudes, new choices, and maybe it should start with you.

Katie: (Laughs) You've got to be kidding me.

Katie: (Laughs)

Ridge: Hey.

Ashley: Hi.

Ridge: How was Genoa city?

Ashley: Talk about a whirlwind. The launch party was a who's who of fashion. I was so impressed by my brother Jack's project, so proud.

Ridge: "Restless style," huh?

Ashley: Yeah, and the whole print online magazine-- it's such a terrific concept. I love it.

Ridge: What did my little sister think about it?

Ashley: Felicia agrees. She even committed to a limited a xt1ertising run. So we'll have to see what happens. I think we should get our fragrance line involved.

Ridge: That's a very good idea. We can't do it without a name, though.

Ashley: Okay.

Ridge: We're waiting for clearance on the name belief, same as the fabric.

Ashley: Oh, I like that. Ooh, it'd be great if we could make it happen.

Ridge: Well, legal's working on it. We should know pretty soon.

Ashley: Great. You know, I really appreciate you being so supportive of the fragrance line. I know you're not as hands-on as you used to be, but it's nice to know that you still think about it.

Ridge: I think about you all the time.

Ashley: Really? Um, you mean the fragrances, right?

Ridge: No. I think about what an extraordinary woman you are and how any man would be very, very lucky to have a life with you.

Ashley: Any man but you, right?

Ridge: Ashley, when I left you to go back to Brooke, it was because of our history, because of a child and because of a promise of a commitment, and that promise has yet to be realized. Brooke's in the middle of a rather large dilemma right now, but she still promises me her full focus and attention.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. You're still not getting it, though, are you?

Ridge: I come into work. I, uh, do my job, but I still find myself doing a lot of soul-searching and just wondering.

Ashley: Yeah, well, that's probably pretty smart. I mean, you should take your time, make sure you're certain. Oh, boy, you know what? I gotta tell you something. I really care about you and I-I support you, but I don't think it's so good for me to be your sounding board anymore where--where Brooke's concerned.

Ridge: I am sorry. I don't mean to be insensitive about this.

Ashley: No, it's--it's okay. It's okay. I don't know what you want me to say because it's so obvious to me. The writing is on the wall. You're gonna have to accept Brooke's involvement with Nick.

Ridge: I just want her to be honest.

Ashley: Okay, well, I'll be honest with you. You left me because you thought things were gonna be different with Brooke this time. You said it was gonna be smooth sailing and that you were gonna have your "Happily ever after." So where is this fairy tale? Because I don't see it. And I don't think you see it, either.

(Door opens)

Phoebe: Hey. Rick, you're soaking.

Rick: (Sighs) it's okay. Your mom just took off with the umbrella.

Phoebe: Yeah, it's really coming down out there. (Sighs) I've been--I've been meaning to thank you, actually.

Rick: For what?

Phoebe: For all you've done for my mom. I mean, you've been so supportive and caring and just a real friend when she's needed one most, and it means a lot to me. (Thunder rumbles)

Phoebe: It's actually one of the things that made me realize how much I still care about you.

Rick: Phoebe, you know that that's-- It's all in the past.

Phoebe: I never stopped loving you. Rick, I-I ended things because it felt like we were in completely different places in our lives, you know? I mean, I was so young and inexperienced compared to you.

Rick: Well, um, we've grown, you know? And a-a lot-- a lot has happened since then.

Phoebe: I agree. That's--that's why tonight I want to prove to you how far we've both come. So, Rick Forrester, prepare for an evening you'll never forget. (Voices speaking indistinctly)

Taylor: (Thinking) What am I doing? How could I let my feelings run away like that? Rick is so young. It's ridiculous.

Man: Can I pour you a drink?

Rick: Mmm. My compliments to the chef.

Phoebe: Thank you.

Rick: This orange chicken is amazing. Where did you possibly learn how to cook like this?

Phoebe: Well, there's a lot you still don't know about me. I'm glad you like it, though. I was--I was actually trying to re-create one of our first meals at that little place downtown.

Rick: (Gasps) ye--

Phoebe: (Laughs)

Rick: Yeah, you remember that?

Phoebe: I'm never gonna forget our times together, Rick.

Rick: Neither will I. Look, um, Phoebe, I-I want you to know that I-I see you as--as just such a-a wonderful, amazing woman. And--and, um, we had a lot of times that, quite frankly, I will never forget. But you do know that nothing could ever-- ever happen be--between us.

Phoebe: Because of my father? No, I-I believe he's not gonna interfere this time, Rick. You're too important to me, and things are different, you know? I'm not some lovesick little girl anymore. I know what I want.

Rick: I don't-- I don't think you do.

Phoebe: Look, I've been trying to move on, okay? But every day, I think about our relationship. I don't know when it's gonna happen. I'll be walking across campus and I'll see a couple kissing, and my mind immediately goes back to our first kiss and your truck and the rain. I mean, it--it was perfect. It's like when two people are meant to be together, it's-- God, it's--it's magic.

Rick: I know the feeling.

Phoebe: I've been so scared to tell you, but I have to do it. I wasn't ready before to take our relationship, you know, to the next level, but I am now. I'm ready to prove to you how much I still love you.

Man: Can I get you something? A-a glass of wine perhaps?

Taylor: Um, no. I-I think just a little sparkling water for now.

Man: Right away.

Taylor: (Sighs) It could never work for Rick and I. (Sighs) But the feelings are so real.

Man: Attention, everyone. Let's hear it for the newlyweds.

All: Aw.

Man: A drink for everyone-- nothing but the finest champagne.

Taylor: No, thank you. It's--it's okay.

Man: Cheers.

Ashley: I tell you that I don't want to talk about Brooke, and here I am talking about Brooke.

Ridge: It's okay. It's okay. I want to hear what you have to say.

Ashley: Okay. I'm sorry. I know that you thought this time things would be turned around with Brooke, and instead, you got more of the same.

Ridge: Ashley, I appreciate your candor, but I really believe that this time, it could be different.

Ashley: (Scoffs) How can you say that?

Ridge: Because Bridget's back in Nick's bedroom. Brooke's even encouraging Bridget and Nick to be together now.

Ashley: Why? Why am I having this conversation? I mean, you're just gonna stay with Brooke no matter what she does to you.

Ridge: Oh, Ashley, I don't want to upset you.

Ashley: I'm not upset. I don't want to be upset. What I want is to be past this, and for some reason, I'm not. (Sighs) (clears throat) (sighs) Ridge, I still care about you, and obviously, I'm still vulnerable to you. And I've been struggling with these feelings since our relationship ended, and I've been keeping it to myself. But you know what? I just really need to tell it the way I see it. Brooke needs therapy. When she's with you, she wants Nick. When she's with Nick, she wants you, not to mention she's been married to both your father and your brother. That's sick! It's sick. You need to get out. You need to cut your losses while you still can. I mean, the bottom line here-- Brooke needs serious help.

Ridge: I don't completely disagree. (Laughs) ever since Nick's come into the picture, Brooke's heart has been divided. I want that life that we always dreamed about. I'm just not sure that that's even possible now.

Katie: Okay, you can stop making fun of me. You're either joking or having a midlife crisis.

Nick: Whether I'm joking or having a midlife crisis, let me ask you something again. What's with the chip on your shoulder?

Katie: I don't have a chip on my shoulder.

Nick: Is it me, or just men in general?

Katie: (Sighs) Look, Nick, you're not my shrink. I'll say it one more time. I don't hate men, and contrary to popular belief, I'm not a prude.

Nick: Clearly.

Katie: Just do me a favor. Don't hurt Bridget. . (voices speaking indistinctly) (cell phone rings) (rings)

Taylor: (Sighs) Rick, what are you doing calling me? Where's Phoebe?

Rick: Phoebe's in the kitchen. Where are you?

Taylor: I'm out.

Rick: Look, Taylor, I'm sorry. But I have to tell Phoebe about us.

Taylor: No. No, Rick. No, don't.

Rick: Uh, listen. Listen, Taylor, I love you. Phoebe needs to know the truth.

Taylor: Listen to me. Please, listen to me, Rick. If you love me at all, you won't do it. Please, don't do that to Phoebe. Please, I pride myself on being the antithesis of your mother, and I am not going to be the mother sleeping with her daughter's boyfriend. (Tearfully) Rick, I-I do love you for everything you've done for me, but I love my daughter and my relationship with her more.

Rick: Phoebe and I have never been intimate. We've been over for months now, and in fact, Phoebe's the one who dumped me.

Taylor: I'm sorry. (Sniffles) I'm sorry, Rick. It can't happen. (Hangs up phone)

Taylor: (Sighs)

Ridge: If you wanted to review the, uh, fragrance projections, Ashley just left.

Brooke: Oh. Yeah, I don't need to know about those projections. But I am kind of curious what you thought about Ashley's projections regarding us.

Ridge: You overheard?

Brooke: I just can't believe that you would actually talk to her about our relationship.

Ridge: Logan, I'm not going to apologize for the way I'm feeling about this.

Ridge: Honestly, I believe that you're way too involved in Nick's life.

Brooke: (Sighs) Ridge, please, don't question my commitment to you.

Ridge: I was engaged to Ashley. I left her because you promised me something-- complete and total commitment and that Nick would be out of your life. That has yet to happen. And I'm sorry, but until it does, there's very little hope for the life we want to have.

Phoebe: Time for dessert. Come here and get a fortune cookie.

Rick: Oh.

Phoebe: Open it.

Rick: Okay.

Phoebe: Go ahead, yeah.

Rick: "Vote Rick and Phoebe-- Boldface challenge."

Phoebe: (Laughs)

Rick: You still have these?

Phoebe: Yeah, only, like, a couple hundred packed away in the garage.

Rick: Uh, I guess I got a little carried away trying to get people to vote for us.

Phoebe: Ah, you-- you wanted to win so you could prove to everyone how much you loved me. And now I want to prove to you how much I still love you.

Nick: I don't want anyone to get hurt, especially Bridget.

Katie: Good, because I have talked to Brooke about this, and she's very concerned about your commitment to her. And I have to say, I respect that you're assessing things before you get more involved.

Nick: You take being her aunt very seriously.

Katie: I don't want anyone to hurt her. I can't stand the thought of anyone hurting her, especially you, knowing that I encouraged this.

Nick: (Burping) Excuse me. I told you you shouldn't have gotten involved with this.

Katie: Did you just burp?

Nick: Well, if you haven't noticed, this is my house.

Katie: That is disgusting!

Nick: You've never heard somebody burp before?

Katie: Uh, only Jack after I'm through feeding him.

Nick: Well, I just ate, so I guess I was due a burp.

Katie: You should warn someone before you do that. Gosh.

Nick: I'm sorry. I said excuse me. Did I not?

Katie: (Indistinct)

Nick: I'll be more conscious of being mysterious then.

Bridget: What's going on here?

Katie: Um, hey.

Nick: Hi.

Katie: Uh, nothing's going on. We were just, um, eating.

Nick: Yeah.

Bridget: It was slow at the hospital.

Nick: Oh.

Bridget: So I just thought I would sneak back, you know?

Jack: (Crying)

Katie: I'm gonna go check on Jack.

Nick: Okay. Hey.

Bridget: Oh, okay. How was dinner?

Nick: Uh, good. Good. You were missed. Nice you get some time off.

Bridget: Thank you. I'm glad I did, too.

Brooke: Ridge, I am not involved in Nick's life.

Ridge: Brooke, how can you say that? There are two biological parents to Jack-- you and Nick. And you're very involved in that child's life. You--you--you can't separate yourself from him.

Brooke: No, I-- of course, I can't. He--he's my flesh and blood. There is something innate inside of me as a mother, as a human being, and if you're asking me to give that up, Ridge, I... (sighs) I'm sorry. I can't.

Ridge: This is not just any baby or any biological father. It's Nick...

Brooke: (Sighs)

Ridge: The guy you were married to, the guy you seem to have difficulty getting out of your heart. I'm not gonna ask if Nick is out of your heart, Brooke, because I know he isn't. You know he isn't, and Nick knows he isn't. That's what I don't like about this. That's what I can't live with.

Brooke: Why are you doing this? Why are you saying all of these things? Is it because of what Ashley just said to you? Tell me, Ridge. Are you beginning to have second thoughts about having left Ashley?

Taylor: (Sniffles) (sighs)

Rick: Hi.

Taylor: Rick, what are you doing here?

Rick: Getting ready for bed.

Taylor: (Gasps) where's my daughter? Where's Phoebe?

Rick: No, no, listen. It's okay. It's okay. She actually had to-- she had to go to work. She had to go to Forrester, and, um, she had a-- an unscheduled photo shoot or something like that.

Taylor: What are you doing here? What are you thinking?

Rick: Just l-listen to me. Listen to me. You just--you have to trust me, okay? I want you to know how much I care about you.

Taylor: (Sighs)

Rick: Make love to me, Taylor. Make love to me, and everything else will fall into place.

Taylor: What-- what are you saying? Do you even know what you're saying?

Rick: I came here tonight to have an unforgettable evening with you, and that's exactly what I intend to do.

Rick: You mean everything to me. Let me prove that to you tonight.

Rick: Let me show you how much I love you.

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