The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Monday 3/24/08
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Proofread by Becky
Brooke: Stop it. Stop it, you two.
Taylor: (Giggles)
Brooke: (Sobbing) Stop it! You are disgusting.
Taylor: (Gasps)
Brooke: (Breathing heavily)
Katie: I can't quite believe I said that.
Nick: Yeah, me either.
Katie: We are nothing alike.
Nick: No, nothing. (Scoffs)
Katie: Except for maybe the pigheaded part.
Nick: Right.
Katie: And stubborn. I guess we're kind of stubborn.
Nick: Well, you're a bit more stubborn than I am, but what do I know?
Katie: Not much if you're actually considering not putting things back together with Bridget.
Nick: I don't know if it's right. I thought I explained that to you.
Katie: How could something that is so great be wrong?
Nick: God, here we go again.
Katie: You know what I think? I think you're chicken.
Nick: Chicken? Me?
Katie: Yeah, I-it's--it's classic. You're a man who doesn't want to commit. And maybe you're still holding out for Brooke.
Nick: I'm not holding out for Brooke. She made her decision. It's over.
Katie: What does that mean? Your life is on hold. It's not on hold. I'm not real clear on that.
Nick: It means I just got out of a relationship. I don't think it's right to get back into another one. But you wouldn't understand that, because you're a little too inexperienced.
Katie: You're such a jerk.
Nick: What do you do? Just carry this around and throw it at people?
Katie: You want to know what I do with that? I'll show ya. Challenge me to a game of 1-on-1, and you'll find out.
Ridge: Hey, Ashley.
Ashley: Hi.
Ridge: Looking for my dad, but running into you is so much better.
Ashley: Well, thank you.
Ridge: I was just going over some numbers. The sales for your fragrances have gone through the roof.
Ashley: Well, come on now, was there ever any doubt?
Ridge: Not for one second, none at all. I've believed in your talent since the very beginning. I think I just didn't realize how successful fragrances could be.
Ashley: Then you see, you should never underestimate the power of the nose.
Ridge: I guess not. You're a moneymaking machine. I think we should maybe add a, uh, Ashley Abbott wing onto Forrester creations.
Ashley: (Laughs)
Ridge: That's what I think.
Ashley: That's very nice to hear, especially because sometimes I've questioned making the move to L.A. But, um, lately I'm--I'm pretty happy about my decision.
Brooke: You stay away from my son, Taylor. You are a sick woman.
Rick: Mom, what the hell is the matter with you?
Brooke: I know what you're doing. You're using him just to get back at me.
Rick: No, it's not like that at all.
Brooke: I mean, how pathetic can you actually be? You think that I took your son, so now you're actually taking mine?
Taylor: Oh, of course you would think that way. That's the way your mind thinks, because all you're capable of seeing is schemes and manipulations, because that's how you think.
Brooke: Don't you dare deny this.
Taylor: Did I deny anything? I don't give you an explanation for anything.
Rick: Mom, Mom, I am-- I'm a grown man, okay? I can make my own decisions here.
Brooke: Honey, please, open your eyes. She's using you just to get back at me. Whatever is going on here between the two of you, I want it to stop. I am not going to allow this. Do you understand me?
Nick: (Chuckles) 1-on-1, huh?
Katie: I'm really good.
Nick: Really?
Katie: Yeah. Challenge me. I dare you.
Nick: I'll keep it in mind.
Katie: Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk.
Nick: How are you at darts?
Katie: I can hold my own at darts.
Nick: Would you care to challenge me at darts?
Katie: You know, we've kind of gotten off the subject here.
Nick: Thank God.
Katie: We were supposed to be talking about Bridget.
Nick: That relationship is none of your business.
Katie: I don't understand why you're holding back.
Nick: I know you don't, because you have absolutely no experience. I just came out of one relationship. I'm not ready to jump into another. It's not right.
Katie: Why not? It makes sense to me.
Nick: Because this isn't a fairy tale. You know, prince charming doesn't show up with a glass slipper, and all of a sudden it's, uh, a perfect world. You know, that's--that's not how it really works in real life.
Katie: Why couldn't it work that way?
Nick: I don't know whether to call you crazy or cute.
Katie: (Sighs) please don't call me cute.
Nick: You got it, crazy.
Katie: All I care about is Bridget.
Nick: Good. That makes two of us.
Katie: I thought that if the two of you had this wonderful reunion, then you'd be on cloud nine, you'd be thanking your lucky stars, not vacillating back and forth.
Nick: I am not vacillating. But let's not forget here you're the one who got Bridget all charged up about the two of us getting together.
Katie: Yeah, well, it didn't take much convincing. I think it's what she really wants, and I think deep down it's what you really want, too.
Nick: Well, maybe it'll happen. Maybe she is the right thing for me and my son. But this thing is going to take time, because there are a lot of complex, complicated feelings here it's not like some romance novel that you read.
Katie: Romance novel? (Laughs) right. Honestly, you should have thought about that before you slept with her.
Nick: What matters is what's right for me and my son, 'cause if that's not right, nothing else will be.
Ridge: I'm very glad you didn't leave.
Ashley: Well, I sure wasn't gonna let some measly failed love affair dictate my life.
Ridge: That's one of the things I've loved about you, Ashley-- your strength, your independence and the fact you don't need a man to make you happy.
Ashley: Let's say I try not to, anyway. But I'm glad I stuck around L.A. It gave me a chance to work through some things and come out the other side.
Ridge: I just don't want you getting any, uh, funny ideas about leaving L.A. Again. I know you and Felicia are going off to your restless style launch party and all that today, but, um, I just don't want you to think about staying in Genoa City, okay?
Ashley: Hmm. I don't think I'll be staying there. Things are far too interesting in Los Angeles.
Ridge: Hmm.
Ashley: Anyway, I think your jet's waiting for me.
Ridge: Yes, it is.
Ashley: I'd better go, right?
Ridge: Right. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Let me know how it goes.
Ashley: Okay.
Ridge: Okay.
Ashley: (Giggles) bye.
Ridge: Bye.
Taylor: I am not using your son, Brooke. He's been a lifeline to me.
Brooke: Oh, how convenient. My son is your lifeline.
Taylor: Well, how does that feel now, Brooke, being on the receiving end, hmm?
Brooke: There. You just admitted to using him.
Taylor: I admitted to what? What?
Brooke: It is clear that this is an orchestrated attempt to get revenge by manipulating my son's feelings.
Rick: Oh, my God. Mom, will you just stop it, please?
Taylor: Oh, my gosh is right. That's something you would pull, but not me. No, I am just starting to realize what a wonderful young man Rick is.
Brooke: That's right, he is wonderful, and he is young, much too young for you.
Taylor: Well, that's exactly what I used to think. But you know what? He's been the only person who's been there for me, supporting me and standing beside me, even standing up to you, Brooke, his own mother.
Brooke: Oh, my God, this is making me absolutely ill.
Rick: Can you stop being so dramatic?
Taylor: Rick, I am very thankful to you, and I'm honored, and I'm flattered. I'm flattered about the feelings you have for me. You've been there for me at a time that's been absolutely horrific.
Brooke: (Scoffs)
Taylor: And I care about you. I do care deeply for you, too. And it is kind of like you said. Um, you are the only man that your mother can't steal away from me, so--
Brooke: So I am right?
Taylor: Well, actually, you thought of it, not me. So I guess you did take my son away, so now I'll just take yours. All's fair in love and war.
Brooke: (Inhales sharply) Rick, Rick, I need to speak with you alone.
Rick: No. Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of Taylor.
Bridget: Katie... (laughs) thank you. Thank you so much.
Katie: Uh, for what?
Bridget: For what? I would never be this happy if it wasn't for you.
Katie: Well, don't give me all the credit.
Bridget: Are you kidding? I have to. It's--it's working. All the things that I-I loved about Nick and I loved about our marriage, they're all still there. I was just living in fear and not going after what I wanted. But you convinced me that it's okay. It really is all because of you. .
Brooke: I'm really worried about you, honey.
Rick: Don't be.
Brooke: Are you acting out? I mean, are you upset with me about something?
Rick: No, Mom, this has nothing to do with you.
Brooke: Honey, I-I just can't possibly understand why you would want to get involved with Taylor.
Rick: That's the thing. It's not for you to understand.
Brooke: (Sighs heavily) okay, you've got my attention. I get it. You're making a statement.
Rick: No, that--that--that's ridiculous. I'm not making a statement, okay? Taylor is important to me.
Brooke: So what are you saying-- that you're falling in love with her?
Rick: What if I am?
Brooke: That's ridiculous.
Rick: It's not ridiculous. Mom, I don't know where this is gonna go, okay, but I'd really like to find out. Taylor and I have genuine feelings for each other. This is not about her trying to get back at you for anything.
Brooke: Don't you understand? She is using you. She is doing this out of spite.
Rick: Spite--Mom, no, this is not manipulative or--or--or sordid or dirty or--or anything like that. This is about two people who have found something special in each other.
Bridget: I mean, honestly, I can't remember the last time that I felt this wonderful.
Katie: Well, it's good. You--you look really happy.
Bridget: Thanks. I mean, words just really can't describe. And I really do owe it all to you. If you hadn't just pushed me, I would have never, ever gone after Nick.
Katie: Well, I-I didn't exactly have to twist your arm.
Bridget: But you did. I mean, you had to convince me that it was okay for Nick and me to have another chance. I've just been hurt so much in the past. I would have never gone after it. But you gave me the courage. Oh, gosh, Katie, I don't really know how to thank you.
Katie: No thanks, no thanks necessary. I just--you know, I do want you to take care of yourself. You know, don't--don't go head over heels. You don't know what's gonna happen.
Bridget: I know. I'm trying not to get ahead of myself. It's just hard. I really think this could be our time. I believe that. I've talked to Mom, and she's definitely not gonna be a factor. And who else could ever come between me and Nick? And Katie, you've gotten to spend some time with him, helping out with Jack. Honestly, isn't he the greatest?
Katie: That seems to be the consensus.
Rick: I can't get over my mother.
Taylor: Uh, me either.
Rick: Taylor, I'm so sorry.
Taylor: For what?
Rick: For what she puts you through.
Taylor: Oh, you develop a pretty thick skin after a while.
Rick: Fortunately. It still doesn't excuse the way she treats you. (Laughs)
Taylor: Mm-hmm.
Rick: Still, it's a funny thing about her.
Taylor: What is?
Rick: This need she has to control me, like I was still 12 years old.
Taylor: Yeah, I think that's true of a lot of mothers. Maybe you were using me to make a point with her.
Rick: Well, I was trying to make a point, yeah.
Taylor: So that's the reason you planted the big kiss on me in front of her?
Rick: Well, it really got to her, didn't it?
Taylor: I am so not feeling the love now.
Rick: Okay, well, I see. You di--my mom is so convinced that you're using me, and now you're--you're wondering if I'm using you.
Taylor: Are you?
Rick: You know, something has just come over me, and I can't really explain it.
Taylor: You mean when you kissed me...
Rick: Yeah.
Taylor: In front of your mother? The kiss--was it for me, or was it for her?
Rick: Both.
Taylor: (Scoffs) well, at least you're honest.
Rick: Everything I've ever said to you has been honest.
Taylor: I believe you.
Rick: You know, I have to tell you I-I sometimes-- I get this--this little voice in my head, and I just--I can't control it.
Taylor: Hmm. And what does this voice say?
Rick: It says, "grab this woman and kiss her."
Taylor: Do you hear this voice often?
Rick: Oh, only if I'm around the right woman.
Taylor: Are you hearing this voice right now?
Rick: (Grunts)
Rick: Does that answer your question?
Taylor: I'm hearing a little voice, too. It's saying, "let's get out of here before your mother comes back," okay?
Rick: Yeah. (Sighs)
Brooke: Ridge, we have to talk.
Ridge: Let me guess. It's about Nick and Bridget. You are way too involved in your growing kids' lives.
Brooke: No, no, no, it's not about that.
Ridge: Well, then it's gotta be about the baby. The boy is gonna be fine, Brooke.
Brooke: Well, I'm not sure, but this isn't about Nick. This is about Taylor. She is crazier than ever. You won't believe what she's doing.
Ridge: She started drinking again?
Brooke: I don't know. But this is about revenge.
Ridge: Revenge?
Brooke: Yes, with Rick. Taylor has seduced my son.
Bridget: How is Jack? He was asleep when I left this morning, but I managed to give his little chubby cheeks a kiss.
Nick: No, no, he's good. I just checked him.
Bridget: Well, good. Hasn't it been nice to have Katie around so much?
Nick: She's handy.
Bridget: Yeah. She's been so supportive, Nick, I can't even tell you. I-I-we've become really close.
Nick: Oh, that's good. She could probably use some friends. She's a little different.
Bridget: Yeah, she's, um-- do you think she's attractive?
Nick: Attractive?
Bridget: Yeah.
Nick: I don't know about that. She seems more abrasive than anything. Maybe she's attractive in a weird way. I was just thinking of how strange she is.
Bridget: She's not strange.
Nick: Oh, whatever. Maybe somebody could be attracted to her in a weird sort of a way. I don't really have an opinion on it.
Bridget: I was thinking that it would be really nice if we set her up with somebody.
Nick: Oh, please, I'm not getting in any kind of messy deal like--
Bridget: Nick.
Katie: I heard that. Uh, don't bother. I'm not interested.
Bridget: Oh, Katie, please. What if we could find someone like, um, I don't know, like Nick?
Katie: Huh, tempting as that sounds, uh, men like Nick don't grow on trees. They swing from them.
Bridget: Huh.
Nick: (Chuckles)
Ridge: Taylor seduced Rick.
Brooke: This is not funny, Ridge. Taylor is lashing out at me. They were even kissing. They were flaunting it before my very eyes.
Ridge: Oh, come on, Brooke. They didn't kiss. It can't be real. Someone's obviously pulling your chain here, and you're fallin' for it. You can't take this stuff seriously. There's gotta be more going on here.
Brooke: You're right. There is more going on. Taylor is using my son to get back at me.
Ridge: Don't you think you're being just a tad melodramatic?
Brooke: No, Ridge, I am serious. Taylor is using Rick, and Rick is falling for it, or so he believes. I mean, this is sick. This is absolutely sick. Taylor is sick.
Rick: Taylor, I'm sorry that that was such a shock-- kissing you in front of my mom like that.
Taylor: (Laughs) Oh, you could have knocked me over with a feather. Never in a million years did I see that coming. I had no idea you were gonna just grab me and start locking lips with me in front of Brooke. That was great.
Rick: I just--I wanted her to see that there's something real between us.
Taylor: Yeah, um, you know, we--about Phoebe-- we can't let her find out about that.
Rick: No, that--that's fine. I'm sure my mom's not gonna say anything to Phoebe.
Taylor: Oh, no, no, your mother has been known to do some pretty hurtful things. All I can do is hope she won't say anything to Phoebe. Actually, I don't know why she would anyway, because there's really nothing to find out.
Rick: I-I-I think-- I think there is. Taylor, I-I meant everything I-I said before.
Taylor: Well, all of those things you said were--were amazing. They were beautiful, very beautiful things. I-I mean, of all people to come and stand up to Brooke on my behalf-- I would have never thought it would be you. I--
Rick: Taylor, I've always admired you. I've always thought you were a beautiful and talented, caring woman. And yes, it's--it's-- it is a shock that things have--have developed the way they have. And it's understandable that people may think that you're just using me or that I'm--that I'm too young for you.
Taylor: Hmm. Well, like your mother does.
Rick: Yeah. But I mean, quite honestly, I-I really don't care about any of that, 'cause I know what's--what's in my heart. I need you to know that I think about you every second of every day. There's just no one I'd rather spend my time with. I want to be here touching you, kissing you, making love to you. Give me your hand. Feel this.
Taylor: (Sighs)
Rick: (Laughs)
Taylor: (Scoffs)
Rick: Do you feel that? My heart is just pounding.
Taylor: Yes, I feel that.
Rick: Taylor, I have fallen in love with you.
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