B&B Transcript Wednesday 1/2/08

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Wednesday 1/2/08


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Becky

Brooke: To me, Stephanie. You will tell the police you saw the person that shot you, but it was not my father, and it was not my brother. You owe me this. You will make this happen.

Donna: You know, Brooke should be home. What time is it?

Storm: Five minutes after the last time you asked.

Donna: Look, I-I told her I didn't like this plan. Going to Stephanie? Asking her to get Dad out of jail? It's just... (sighs)

Storm: I'm not even thinking straight. I mean, what--what Brooke is doing could be considered obstruction of justice. Oh, this is great. This is great. I'm turning my sisters into criminals now-- not exactly what I had in mind.

(Doorbell rings)

Donna: Eric.

Eric: Hey.

Donna: Oh. Hi, baby.

Eric: Hi. (Laughs) hey, Storm, uh, am I interrupting? 'Cause I-I just uh-- I-I could have called, but I was in the neighborhood, so...

Storm: Yeah, I'll just give you guys some privacy.

Donna: Don't you go leaving the house. We're not done talking.

Eric: Is everything okay?

Donna: Yeah. There's just, um, you know, been a break in my dad's case. But I can't-- I can't really get into it.

Eric: Okay. I'm on my way over to see Stephanie.

Donna: Oh. Did she call?

Eric: No. No, she doesn't expect me. Uh, I just wanted to let you know what was going on, though. I'm, uh-- I'm taking divorce papers over to her. I was thinking of having a lawyer do this, you know? But I'm not sure a process server would be the way to go, so I'm gonna do this-- I'm gonna do this myself.

Donna: Now?

Eric: Y-yes, now. I thought you would be happier about this.

Donna: No, of course. Of course, I'm happy!

Eric: Oh, good. Good.

Donna: I'm--I'm happy.

Eric: Good. Good.

Donna: Uh, I-I'm proud of you for, you know, not being afraid to confront this.

Eric: Well, thank you.

Donna: I just worry about, you know, the timing is all. It's just-- you know, maybe we should just wait just a-a little while.

Stephanie: You don't understand what you're asking me to do.

Brooke: I'm asking you to help me.

Stephanie: No, you're asking me to go to the police and to lie to protect someone who's obviously dangerous.

Brooke: Storm is not dangerous.

Stephanie: He shot me.

Brooke: In a moment of extreme emotional distress.

Stephanie: And has deliberately set up his father to take the blame for this.

Brooke: It's because of the pain that Dad caused him when he left us.

Stephanie: Look, this was not just something that was obviously done on impulse. This took a lot of thought and planning. He stole the gun from your desk, and somehow or other, he--he got a video camera and set it up to implicate your father. This-- Brooke, this is diabolical.

Brooke: No, he's a good man.

Stephanie: Did he plant the gun in your father's hotel room?

Brooke: Stormy has been protecting his family his whole life. That's all that he was trying to do.

Stephanie: Suppose someday he perceives me as a threat again? Or--or Ridge disappoints you in love? Or--or Eric were to break it off with your sister? Then what? Is he going to just snap then?

Brooke: No, he won't.

Stephanie: You're not being realistic about this, and I understand it. I can't do what you're asking me to do. I can't.

Brooke: What about your word, Stephanie? You told me you would do anything to make amends for what you did to me. Well, this is what I want. I need you to help me save my family.

Eric: Uh, I'm not sure I understand. I thought you actually, uh-- wait, you don't want me to get a divorce from Stephanie?

Donna: Not right this minute.

Eric: Uh-huh. Why not?

Donna: Well, Stephanie has been thinking of a plan for peace, and Brooke came up with one. She's at the house right now.

Eric: And if I take the papers over there, then...

Donna: Bye-bye, peace. (Laughs)

Eric: Look, if--if Stephanie has some kind of a-a truce going on with Brooke, maybe she'll be in a good mood. It would be a good time to take the papers over. And if not, it's not gonna matter anyway. So--so w-what are you talking about?

Donna: Look, Eric, there--there are things going on, things I can't... it's my dad's case, o-okay? The shooting.

Eric: Donna, I told you, none of that has anything to do with you and me.

Donna: It could.

Eric: Not if we don't let it.

Donna: Whatever happens, we can handle?

Eric: That's right. Now look, listen to me. I'm gonna go take care of this, all right? And then...

Donna: (Sighs)

Eric: (Laughs) I want you to meet me over at Forrester Creations, okay?

Donna: That's right. You did promise me an after-Christmas celebration.

Eric: Mm. I promised you a lot more than that. And I meant it.

Donna: Whatever happens, we can handle it.

Eric: That's right. Don't you forget it.

Donna: (Laughs)

Eric: Okay. I'll see you later.

Donna: (Sighs)

Brooke: Storm knows what he did was wrong. He feels terrible.

Stephanie: He feels terrible?

Brooke: He wanted to confess, but I stopped him.

Stephanie: Why would you do something foolish like that?

Brooke: Because I know he's not a monster. If you just talk to him, Stephanie, you'll see.

Stephanie: I would see that he's obviously mentally unstable. Brooke, he shouldn't be out walking the streets.

Brooke: Yes, that's right. He needs help, and he's not gonna get that in prison. You know that.

Stephanie: I understand. I understand that he's emotionally had a very hard life because of your father.

Brooke: Right. He snapped.

Stephanie: You don't think this is part of some plan of his, do you? You know, sending you over here, asking me to give you some help?

Brooke: No. He didn't even want me to come over here. I told you, he wanted to confess.

Stephanie: Well, then I suggest you let him do it. I-I can't-- I can't help you with this.

Brooke: You don't want my forgiveness?

Stephanie: Of course I do. You know I do, but what-- I-I can't put my own life at risk, my--the lives of my family at risk.

Brooke: He's not gonna do anything to hurt you, Stephanie! My, God. What do I have to say? What do I have to do to get you to believe me? I would do anything to save my family.

Stephanie: I know you would, and so would I. Go see your brother and say good-bye. Tell him to get his affairs in order and to turn himself in to the police, because if he doesn't, I'm gonna have to call lt. Baker.

Brooke: How could you do this to us?

Stephanie: I'm not doing this to you. Look, if he's convicted, I will go to the judge. I will beg the judge. I will beg him to be lenient. I mean, what more can I do than that?

Brooke: Don't act like you're doing me any favors, Stephanie. You owe me. God! How stupid I was. (Sobbing) how stupid to think that you would help. I mean, I must be a fool to think that you would do anything for anybody else but yourself! (Slams door) (stomps out) (slams door) - I had no idea. - No clue.

Katie: Where is Storm? He didn't go to the police.

Donna: No, he's in the kitchen. (Door opens)

Donna: Brooke, you're back.

Katie: Oh, no.

Brooke: I'm sorry.

Donna: Stephanie won't help us?

Brooke: (Sighs) after everything she's done to me and to this family, she just couldn't do this one thing. Damn it!

Katie: Well, we knew it was a long shot.

Brooke: After all the lies she told to hurt us, to cause us pain, and she couldn't say one more?

Donna: (Sighs)

Katie: Well, you tried. I mean, no harm done. We're no worse off than we were before.

Brooke: I hope not.

Donna: Brooke, what does that mean?

Brooke: (Sighs) I told her that Storm did it.

Donna: No!

Katie: Oh, my God!

Brooke: No, I know. I didn't mean to.

Donna: Brooke, that was not part of the plan!

Brooke: I know! But she was saying all this horrible stuff about Dad and how guilty he was. And then I had to defend him, and it just kind of slipped out. So I had to put all the cards out on the table.

Donna: You know, just--just stop right now, okay? This is just getting worse by the minute.

Brooke: I made a plea to her sense of decency and her family unity, and I really thought she'd understand, Donna, but she didn't. She called Storm "dangerous" and said what he did was "diabolical" and "calculated."

Donna: What?! Who the hell is she to be calling our brother "dangerous"?

Brooke: I know. (Sobbing) and I thought she would get it, but she didn't. It doesn't benefit anybody to send Storm to jail-- not our family, not hers. Anyway... (sighs) she gave us a couple hours to spend with Stormy and then say our good-byes. Then he has to get his affairs in order and then go down to the jail and turn himself in.

Storm: Well, then, I guess somebody should break out the champagne, huh? Oh, come on now. We don't have a lot of time. Let's get this bon voyage party started, shall we?

Katie: (Crying)

Storm: (Whispers) It's okay.

Stephanie: You don't have your key?

Eric: I, uh-- I was under the impression that Brooke was here earlier. I didn't want to interrupt anything.

Stephanie: Oh. Oh, uh, yes. Actually, she was. She, um, came by with a proposal to-- well, for me to earn her forgiveness. It was rather interesting.

Stephanie: What's that?

Eric: I think you know.

Stephanie: No.

Eric: I'm sorry.

Stephanie: Eric, don't do this.

Eric: Just sign it.

Stephanie: Look, this affair isn't going to last. It isn't. I mean, our marriage does not have to end.

Eric: It does.

Stephanie: If you file those papers, they become public record, and everybody will start talking.

Eric: Everybody's talking already. It's not fair. It's not fair to you or to Donna. This thing has to be resolved.

Stephanie: But Christmas day?

Eric: Stephanie, if I gave you the wrong impression getting our family together for Christmas, I'm sorry. I apologize.

Stephanie: You apologized -- but you were so happy, Eric. It was--I mean, I know you weren't even thinking about Donna. You were here at home where you belong with your family.

Eric: I will always be happy in this house with this family. I'm at home here. And this house and the life that you and I built together-- it'll all always be dear to me, as--as you will.

Stephanie: How can you say that in one breath and with the next ask me to sign these papers? You know I'll do anything, anything, to keep this marriage together. I mean it, anything.

Eric: It's time for me to move on.

Stephanie: You're going to marry her.

Eric: You and I haven't made each other happy for a very long time.

Stephanie: It's an affair.

Eric: No, it's not.

Stephanie: I can't do this, not now.

Eric: All right. I understand.

Brooke: God, I'm sorry.

Storm: That's okay. It's okay. You did everything you could, really.

Brooke: (Crying) I never should have told her you were the shooter.

Storm: No, it doesn't matter. I was gonna turn myself in before you went down there, and my plans haven't changed.

Donna: Only now you don't have a choice.

Storm: Well, let's be honest. I never really had a choice. Dad doesn't deserve to be in jail. I have to get him out.

Donna: There's got to be some other way.

Brooke: Stephanie has the power to free both of you.

Storm: Oh, please. She would have held that over us for years. I mean, that doesn't sound like freedom to me.

Katie: We can't lose you.

Storm: Oh, darling, you won't. Look, I may not be around, but I'll always be with you, okay? And you'll be with me every second I'm away.

Brooke: Stormy, you've always been there for us. We need you. Without you, there--

Storm: You'll be fine. You'll be fine. Look, we don't need to be together to be a family, the kind of family we were meant to be, okay? Now look, I'm ready to do this. I'm ready to take responsibility for this, all right? Dad's forgiven me. You've forgiven me. That's all I need.

Katie: We love you. We love you so much.

Storm: I love you, too, darling.

Brooke: Mm.

Storm: I love you all, more than I can say. But look, I have to go, okay? I have to go.

Brooke: No, look... (sighs) we'll go with you. I-I'll get a sitter.

Donna: Yeah, I'll--I'll call Eric and cancel my plans.

Storm: No. No, Katie will drop me off. I don't want to say good-bye at the police station. You stay here with your kids, and you go be with Eric. I want you two to get on with your lives and be happy, okay? You've done enough for me. That's all I need.

Katie: (Whispers) all right.

Donna: (Sobs)

Brooke: I know.

Donna: (Sobbing) (sniffles) (sobs)

Stephanie: (Whispers) I'll always love you.

Stephanie: How can you say that in one breath and with the next ask me to sign these papers? You know I'll do anything, anything, to keep this marriage together. I mean it, anything.

Brooke: What can I say? What can I do to make you understand? I would do anything to save my family. (Telephone rings) (rings)

Brooke: Hello.

Stephanie: Brooke?

Brooke: How dare you call me now?

Stephanie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I know you wanted to spend time with your brother, but--

Brooke: He just left. He went down to the police station to turn himself in.

Stephanie: Well, can you get him on his phone? Can you stop him? I mean, w-when did he go?

Brooke: A couple of minutes ago.

Stephanie: Well, call him. I--look, I'm on my way over. I want to talk to you.

Brooke: You want me to stop him from confessing?

Stephanie: You told me earlier that you would do anything that you could to keep him out of jail. Did you mean that?

Brooke: Yes.

Stephanie: Well, good. Maybe we can help one another.

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