B&B Transcript Friday 12/29/06


The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Friday 12/29/06

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Akpene

Ridge: Hey, Sis. How's the slumber party at the guest house going?

Felicia: Oh, let's just say, whatever we're paying Catherine, it's not enough. Maybe I should go over there and help.

Thorne: And miss our first New Year's kiss? It's not going to happen, beautiful. Hey, did you reach Grandmother?

Stephanie: Oh, yes, I did. I was just on the phone with Pam and they all send their love and happy, happy good wishes for the New Year.

Taylor: It's too bad they couldn't be here.

Ridge: Yeah. You think Dad would have been able to rearrange that at least. He must be losing his touch.

Eric: Yeah, in more ways than one, I'm afraid. Sorry. Don't mind me. New Year’s Eve, we're celebrating, right? Here we are, Stephanie?

Stephanie: Oh, honey, I have one, thank you.

Eric: So what do we drink to?

Ridge: I think we should drink to the success of our new fashion venture.

Thorne: Yes, and by this time next year, we'll be up and running.

Felicia: Hear, hear.

Brooke: Yes, that would be great, wouldn't it?

Ridge: Lovely, lovely.

Brooke: Cheers, cheers.

Ridge: Dad? Don't you want to toast?

Stephanie: Well, now, look, we know we've lost the company, but I believe we're going to get it back sooner rather than later.

Felicia: Do you know something we don't, Mother?

Stephanie: As a matter of fact, I do. And I think this is just the perfect moment to tell you all about it.

Jackie: Nicky? Nicky, are you here?

Nick: I want to be alone.

Jackie: Nicky, please. I know the pain that I've caused you and I hate myself for it.

Nick: I don't want to do this. I really don’t. I get that you're remorseful. And I understand that you didn't want me to know about the men in your past. But at least I get to know myself a little better. I can now understand why I left home and I understand what I was running from. It just doesn't make it any easier to swallow.

Jackie: Any more than my saying that I made a horrible mistake and it raised your disappointment in me. But you have to understand, how ashamed I was. How ashamed I am, which is why I could never tell you. Which is why no mother could tell the son that she loves more than life itself, she has sex for money.

Taylor: Stephanie, may I see you out on the terrace real quick?

Stephanie: Well, yeah --

Taylor: No, right now. Please. Please.

Stephanie: Excuse me.

Brooke: What was that all about?

Thorne: If I didn't know any better, I would say Taylor’s taking Mother out to the woodshed.

Felicia: That would be fun to watch. But the question is why?

Stephanie: What's gotten into you?

Taylor: What's gotten into you? You can't be making a "pronouncement" like that.

Stephanie: Taylor, look, I'm worried. I'm concerned about my husband, all right? I thought if I told him we were going to get the company back, it would ease his mind.

Taylor: We don't know that yet. Just because he had a breakthrough, it doesn't mean --

Stephanie: Nick will give us this company back because he's given his word. And he's grateful to you. You've helped him. I mean, anything less than that is going to be unacceptable.

Nick: I meant what I said. I don't want to do this.

Jackie: Well, let me stay for a little while. I mean, you shouldn't be alone, not on New Year’s Eve.

Nick: I'm not alone. I got all the company I need right here.

Jackie: Alcohol isn't the answer, Nicky. Believe me. I should know that better than anyone.

Nick: It wasn't the booze that made you sell yourself for money.

Jackie: No. It was desperation. It was low self-esteem. It's a host of any other reasons that people, decent people -- they do things that they can't even imagine themselves doing under different circumstances. And then they wind up hating themselves to the point of suicide, or trying to drink themselves into oblivion. But alcohol, it can't dull the pain for very long. You free-fall down into more self-loathing, more misery. But then one day -- if you're lucky, a miracle occurs. You find a tiny piece of your pride and you grab on to it and you crawl and you claw your way up and out. And then you never ever stop working tirelessly so that you won't fall back down into that dark, miserable place. That's what I did. I turned my life around and I made a success of my life. But that doesn't mean a damn thing if I've lost my son.

Nick: I know you regret what you did. I know you're sorry. I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry that things are never going to be same with us again. I'm sorry I'm never going to be able to look at you the same way. It's killing me. Just like it's killing you.

Ridge: You know, I thought this new venture of ours would get Dad all fired up. But instead --

Brooke: It makes him miss Forrester even more.

Thorne: Has Dad shown you any designs for the new line?

Felicia: No.

Ridge: Me neither. Nothing.

Eric: That's because there are no new designs. I'm blocked. I'm totally blocked. I've been blocked for weeks now.

Ridge: Dad, come on. Every great designer gets that way. You get over. You get through it.

Felicia: And you are the greatest, Daddy. Everybody knows it.

Eric: No, you're the greatest for saying that. The fact is, if I don't get my creative juices flowing here pretty soon --

Stephanie: Oh, stop. You're going to get your creative juices flowing again, once you walk in through the front door of Forrester.

Taylor: Stephanie --

Stephanie: This is what I want to tell you. Thanks to Taylor, Nick's had a breakthrough. And he's going to give us back the company. Now, it hasn't happened yet, but --

[Phone rings]

Taylor: Hold on. Hang on. It might be Phoebe. Hello?

Nick: Hi, it's Nick.

Taylor: Oh, hi.

Nick: Listen, I know that it is New Year's Eve. You're probably celebrating, but could you come over? And I really wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.

Taylor: Well, let me see what I could do.

Nick: Thanks.

Taylor: Um, guys, that was Nick. I need to go help him with something right now.

Thorne: What? Now? Tonight?

Taylor: Yeah, I know. The timing's not great. But --

Thorne: Well, honey, it's New Year's Eve. I don't want you to leave.

Taylor: I know. I don't want to leave either. But you know, it's something I have to do. Okay? I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you.

Thorne: I love you.

Stephanie: Taylor, don't tiptoe around about this. Get Nick to promise to sell us the company, tonight. Hr go

Eric: You put up a pretty good front, but your old man can see right through it. Dante, huh?

Felicia: I keep telling myself that everything's okay. But the longer he's away -- the truth is I'm starting to feel like this commission sculpture of his is more important to him than his own family.

Eric: Did you say that to him? Does he know that's how you feel?

Felicia: But all I get are excuses. I mean, look, he didn't make it home for Christmas and now, New Year's -- what does that say about his priorities, Daddy? About the way he feels about me? What about our son?

Ridge: So this is our one and only New Year's resolution.

Brooke: To never let anyone --

Ridge: Or anything --

Brooke: Separate us --

Ridge: Ever again.

Thorne: Okay, you two. If I don't get to kiss my fiancée, you don't get to.

Ridge: It's all right, little brother. She'll be back soon.

Stephanie: Yes, she will. And hopefully with good news about the company. Your father sold the company to protect me, well, you all did. But it's really cost him dearly. And I'm not going to rest until we get it back for him.

Nick: Hi.

Taylor: Hi.

Nick: Come in. Come in. Thanks for coming. Just so you know, I wouldn't have interrupted your evening like this -- even if it's a special evening. This was important. My mother stopped by.

Taylor: What happened?

Nick: I can't even look at her.

Taylor: It's because you're hurting.

Nick: She did something I'm not sure I'm ever going to get past. And it scares the hell out of me because I don't like to feel this way.

Taylor: Well, it's like I tried to explain to you, we can't change the past. But we can learn from it to try to be happier.

Nick: Which is how all this got started. Because you said that you could uncover what was inside of me when I was hiding my anger. And in turn, I wouldn't want Forrester Creations anymore.

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, that was the challenge I gave you. I guess, the deal we made. Well, I feel like I delivered. Don't you agree?

Felicia: Hey. You wishing that was you and Taylor?

Thorne: It's almost the New Year, and the woman I love is spending it with another man.

Felicia: For a good cause, though. Listen, you -- I know you're disappointed about this. But look at this way. You have the rest of your life to spend with Taylor.

Thorne: Yeah, and you have yours with Dante.

Eric: Well, the point is -- it doesn't matter what the New Year has in store for us -- this family has never had a year -- more wonderful to look forward to than this one. All right, I was a little blue before, I'm sorry. I apologize.

Stephanie: Oh.

Eric: But looking at all of you, reminds me what's really important. It's the love we have for each other. And that we're all here together, no matter what -- it would be nice to get the company back. But the most important thing is that we're here and that we're healthy -- we're together. And relatively sane.

Brooke: Relatively. My gosh, what time is it? Oh, it's that time! 5!

All: 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!

Eric: Happy New Year, Mrs. Forrester.

Stephanie: Happy New Year, Mr. Forrester.

Eric: I love you.

Stephanie: I love you more.

Eric: I love you more.

Stephanie: I love you more.

Nick: Let's just tell it like it is. You came to me, offering your professional services and in turn, I would give back Forrester Creations. Now, that's nuts.

Taylor: At the time, you thought it was a joke.

Nick: Well, I'm not laughing anymore. Because of what you've done for me.

Taylor: Well, it was your discovery. I was just there.

Nick: You were there because I couldn't or wouldn't see the truth. I actually let myself justify my actions. An eye for an eye. Somebody hurt people that I love. And I'd go after them with everything that I got. But, you made me see that things happen, when you're a child. And then, later in life, in my case, you know, you lose a marriage. You don't have the children that you wanted and you realize --

Taylor: Your mother may have not made the wisest choices, but that's something you're dealing with -- and you will for some time. But you have to know that your mother loved you. And she always will.

Nick: I didn't ask you here tonight to talk about my mother. I got something for helping.

Taylor: A present?

Nick: Come on, open it. I circumnavigated the globe, and Marone Industries awarded me that --

Taylor: It looks like a little crystal ball.

Nick: Yeah, I just thought it was fitting that you have it because you've pretty much given me a new world. This is all, as I've said before, pretty new to me. And I know I got a long way to go, but I feel better. I feel a lot better. Thanks to you. Happy New Year, Taylor.

Taylor: Happy New Year.

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