The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Tuesday 12/19/06
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Proofread by Becky
Taylor: So, this Captain Kramer would come to your apartment when he was in town?
Nick: Yeah. He'd come by. People come by, right? Drop by.
Taylor: It's okay. I'm on your side. Did something happen? Was there a reason you didn't want him to come around anymore? Do you know what that reason is? Did you really feel like, Captain Kramer was your friend?
Nick: He brought me stuff, presents.
Young Nick: Wow, what is it?
Captain Kramer: Those are boar's teeth. Real boar's teeth. Comes from the Tahitian islands. Show that to your friends.
Young Nick: Thanks, Captain Kramer. I love it.
Captain Kramer: Now, Where prey tell is that beautiful mother of yours?
Nick: He was a great guy. Jerry. Jerry Kramer. That was his name. Captain Jerry Kramer. And he liked me, I can tell.
Taylor: But something changed. I don't get it. You said later, you wanted no part of the guy.
Nick: I don't know. I was young. Maybe I just outgrew the whole friendship. Plain and simple is that.
Jackie: Why can't I hear anything?
Security guard: Ms. Marone? Is the door locked?
Jackie: No, no, everything's fine. I'm just waiting for my son, Mr. Marone to finish a meeting.
Security guard: You sure let me know if I can help.
Jackie: Will do.
Nick: I think we ought to be honest about this here, huh? I mean, let's face it. Sometimes if you don't catch fish, you throw your net into other waters.
Taylor: You're a complex human being, Nick. You're a little tougher, a little more experienced in the world than most people, but essentially we're all made up of the same thing. A lot of people block out memories. They bury them, the minds play tricks on them. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Nick: I'm not ashamed. But you refuse to believe that I've got nothing to hide.
Taylor: No, you're right. I don't believe you. But if I'm wrong, I'll be the first one to admit it. I'm just saying, I think we need to dig a little bit deeper. We need to try a little harder. Come on, it will be worth it, nick. Please. Please.
Nick: You are just not going to be happy until you come up with something, aren't you?
Taylor: No, I'm not. Listen, all I'm asking you to do is dig a little bit deeper, okay? Now, you remember Captain Kramer. He was coming to your apartment all of the time. You remember he was bringing you gifts. And then you remember after a time, that you didn't want see him anymore. Every time we get about that far, that's when you want to end the session. You just shut down.
Nick: Well, I don't know. Maybe the guy stopped bringing me presents.
Taylor: What happened, Nick?
Nick: I'm sorry, Taylor. I can't do this. I've got a business to run. I can't sit around yapping about myself all day, please?
Taylor: Okay. Tomorrow.
Nick: After Christmas.
Taylor: Promise?
Nick: Promise.
Taylor: Great.
[Phone ringing]
Ridge: Now, the more I think about it, I don't think it's wise to let Taylor take the chance.
Thorne: Well, with all due respect, that's not your call.
Ridge: Even though she's a shrink, she shouldn't be playing mind games with a malicious nut job like Marone.
Thorne: And I'm saying that the situation is under control, Ridge.
Ridge: I just don't want her getting hurt.
Thorne: Okay. Hang on, big brother. I'm the one who's marrying Taylor, okay? Yes, you're the father of her children, of course, you will always be a part of our lives. But Taylor and I are looking out for each other. So, I don't need you coaching me, okay?
Ridge: Okay. If you ever need back-up --
Thorne: You'll be the first I turn to. Which is a nice intro into something I need to ask you. It's a favor.
Ridge: What's that?
Thorne: It's about Taylor's and my wedding.
Jackie: How was your session with Taylor?
Nick: Interesting.
Jackie: In what way?
Nick: She got me thinking about things that I completely forgotten.
Jackie: Like --
Nick: I don't know. People, places, I don't know what good it's going to do me. I don't feel any different. It's interesting.
Jackie: I've always thought that digging about in the past is perfectly pointless. I mean, you don't need to pay someone to help you remember the good times and the bad times. I'll forget them.
Nick: Seattle, actually. I haven't thought about our times in Seattle for a while at the old apartment on Porter Street.
Jackie: They were great times, weren't they?
Nick: Well, we definitely were poor.
Jackie: Yeah, we were. You don't hold that against me, do you?
Nick: No, of course not. You did the best you could.
Jackie: I did.
Nick: I love my life. I love living by the ports, watching the ships come and go, enjoying them in the sailboat.
Jackie: Do you remember that little boy. He lived down the street. He was a funny little thing. He looked --
Nick: Captain Kramer. Jerry Kramer. You remember him? How can it be offensive if it's true?
Jackie: Kramer. Kramer, you know I'm not sure --
Nick: Captain Jerry Kramer. He's the guy that bought those pearl earrings from Australia. He brought them to me, I gave them to you for Christmas when Iwas about 10 years old or so.
Jackie: Oh, yes. Why, yes, I do remember the earrings.
Nick: They're nothing fancy, but you know, I was very proud of those.
Jackie: I was so touched.
Nick: Do you still have them?
Jackie: I've kept everything you have given me.
Nick: Can I see them?
Jackie: I'll look in my jewelry box. It's been such a long time, but I'm sure they're still there.
Nick: He was a decent guy, wasn't he? Mr. Kramer?
Jackie: Um, yeah. I suppose so. I can't recall his face.
Nick: I remember his face. I can't imagine you'd let somebody hang out if they weren't a good guy, right?
Jackie: No, I don't suppose I would. Oh, Nicky, where is all of this coming from? Someone we knew barely -- so long ago, I would think we're too busy to be thinking about this right now.
Nick: It's just that Taylor brought this up, and I was -- it seems as though, it all changed for some reason. Like I didn't want the guy coming around anymore. And I can't remember why that happened.
Jackie: Okay, so this is what she's got you doing, right?
Nick: It's just feels like I was mad at the guy for some reason --
Jackie: Memory exercises. If Mr. Kramer was worth remembering, I'm sure you would.
Nick: But why would I be mad at him --
Jackie: Will you let it go? I'm sorry. It's just, those men that you hung out with, those sailors and such, they were very fun. They were exciting for you. But they were also -- all got sorts who --
Nick: Who what?
Jackie: Who drank too much.
Nick: Yeah. Drank too much. And they taught me how to cuss. And smoke --
Jackie: Yes, yes --
Nick: Not everybody gets to grow up like that, you know.
Jackie: No, they don't. Not everybody gets to grow up on a dairy farm either, or in an igloo for that matter. I mean, we all have different experiences. The point is, that your childhood was healthy. And we got by, and look at you now. You are a business tycoon. You have big responsibilities. And how you got here, what happened decades ago, didn't happen. Doesn't matter. And I must say, if Taylor is so interested in dealing with your issues, she should be concentrated on helping you get over the pain of losing Brooke. She should be dealing with the now, not delving into your past, trying to get you to remember things that are absolutely no importance --
Nick: Shh! Shh! Okay -- all right -- it's okay. Taylor's not trying to hurt me. There's nothing to worry about, is there?
[Jackie laughing lightly]
Jackie: No. Of course, there isn't.
Nick: Okay.
Jackie: Oh, my goodness. Look at the time. I've got work to do. I'm going to go, okay?
Nick: Okay.
Jackie: I love you.
Nick: I love you, too.
Thorne: Look, Taylor and I -- we want a simple wedding. Just family, no bells and whistles.
Ridge: I hope you're at least going to have a couple rings.
Thorne: And I'm going to need somebody to lose them at the last minute to create a big panic.
Ridge: That would be your best man. You're asking what I think you're asking?
Thorne: If I was, what would your answer be?
Ridge: Well, you already checked out best man in the phone book?
Thorne: Hm-mmm. Clarke's busy.
Ridge: Well, then, in that case, maybe I'd better do it. You'd just rent some guy, no telling who'd you get.
Thorne: Sure?
Ridge: Yes, I'm sure.
Thorne: Thanks, Ridge. This means a lot of me, okay? And I was only kidding about losing the wedding rings.
Ridge: Oh, okay.
Thorne: I think the full focus of this wedding on my beautiful bride.
[Knock on the door]
Taylor: Come in.
Jackie: Hello.
Taylor: Hi, Jackie.
Jackie: How did your session with my son go today?
Taylor: Well, I can't really talk to you about that. Patient confidentiality.
Jackie: There's nothing wrong with him. If you want to do him some good, then you'll help him get over Brooke. And I don't mean by talking about her.
Taylor: I appreciate that bit of advice. But --
Jackie: But you don't, I see --
Taylor: Psychiatry doesn't work that way, you know. There isn't really a road map that I follow into a patient's mind. They pretty much tell what they need to talk about, and we go from there. That's why it can take a long time.
Jackie: Because, they don't want to tell you?
Taylor: Or themselves.
Jackie: Or maybe you're just wondering around, looking for something that isn't there.
Taylor: Sometimes that can happen. But usually by the time a patient is willing to sit down and ask for help, there's something else in their life that isn't working.
Jackie: And this has to be because of something in the past? You know, I'm sorry, Taylor, this is just way over my head. But what I do know, is that Nicky had a very healthy childhood. It wasn't perfect. We were poor. The man who he thought was his father wasn't particularly nice to him. But he knew that I loved him. And that's what's important, right? That a child knows his mother loves him and will protect him.
Taylor: Well, it's a little more complicated than that. You know, I will tell you this. Nick hasn't uttered one word that contradicts anything you just said.
Jackie: Then, why then are you digging into his past? What do you hope to accomplish? I mean, you should be dealing with his life today. You should be helping him get over Brooke. He's just lost his family, hope and Brooke they meant the world to him --
Taylor: We'll be getting to that -- we will get to that. I'm sure very, very soon.
Jackie: If you want Nicky to have a revelation and give the Forresters back their company, that is what you should be concentrating on, not the past. Taylor, I'm very fond of you and I realize you're a doctor, you deal with people in a certain way. Why can't you see Nicky is a man -- he's so much more suitable for you than Thorne.
Taylor: He's my patient.
Jackie: Then help him, deal with the issues now. Stop routing about in the past.
Taylor: You seem so concerned.
Jackie: I am. I am his mother. I would do anything for my son. Anything. You know what, it doesn't matter to you. You're not hearing me and I've taken up enough of your time.
Taylor: Oh, I'm listening. I heard everything you just said.
[Nick remembering]
Captain Kramer: Huh, huh? Now, wait 'til you see what I got for your mother. Listen, why don't you give it to her, sport?
Young Nick: Hey, mom?
Jackie: Oh, Nicky. Oh, they're gorgeous. But how --
Young Nick: Captain Kramer.
Captain Kramer: Merry Christmas to you, Nick.
Young Nick: She loves the earrings.
Jackie: Thank you for giving Nicky the earrings, but they're so extravagant. I can't possibly accept them.
Captain Kramer: Oh, you got to take them. They look much better on you than they would on me.
Jackie: But they're worth so much.
Captain Kramer: Not nearly as much as a friendly face and home cooked meal to a lonely sailor.
Captain Kramer: Hey, Nicky.
Young Nick: What are you doing here?
Captain Kramer: Taking a load off, what's it look like?
Young Nick: I want you to leave.
Captain Kramer: I don't think your mother would agree with that.
Young Nick: I mean it. I want you to leave and never come back. Did you hear me? Never come back. Never come back. Never come back --
Nick: What is it? Something's missing. What did he do?
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