B&B Transcript Thursday 12/7/06

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Thursday 12/7/06


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Becky

Brooke: But the way your mother always talked about her father --

Ridge: Yeah, I know.

Brooke: Was it something she didn't remember until she got into therapy?

Ridge: No, it's just something she never talked about.

Brooke: All that anger. I have to look back on that in a different way now.

Ridge: Yeah. Damn him.

Brooke: Honey -- the one man that is most important to a woman is usually her own father.

Ridge: Drinking too much, getting ugly, losing control -- that's all unforgivable. But the thing I can't comprehend is my grandmother. Why wouldn't she put a stop to that?

Ann: It was a great disappointment to your father that his first born wasn't a son. But you were so strong and independent. He used to say, beaming with pride, "Our little Stevie can do anything a boy can do." That's why I didn't teach you to sew or sing or -- your father wanted you to be a leader of men. You climbed trees, you played baseball, you had fights -- schoolyard fights with the other children. Oh, I dreaded those calls. "Your daughter beat up my son." Do you remember the time you were showing off and you fell from the 2-year-old colt your father wanted to race?

Pamela: Two cracked ribs. And your face was so swollen, you had to eat through a straw.

Ann: Yes, I saw bruises. Your own stubborn nature. And now you want to take me to task for allowing you to be the person you wanted to be. You want to blame me, and worse yet, your father, who can't defend himself, for the fact that you can't get along in life. Your husband can't manage you, you're a trial to your children, that's how you've always been. You like nothing better than trouble, and stirring it up is the only reason you're here today. Well, Stephanie, my answer is the same as it was then -- shame on you.

Eric: No, ann. Shame on you.

Brooke: Maybe your grandmother was scared of him.

Ridge: She worshipped the ground he walked on.

Hope: Mommy!

Brooke: Honey, what's wrong? Can't you sleep?

Hope: Tomorrow's our dress rehearsal. But I didn't get to practice my dance.

Brooke: Well, that's what dress rehearsals are for. But you practiced a lot with nick.

Hope: Could you tell Nick to come back now?

Brooke: I'm sure Nick would want to do anything in the world for you, but I'm pretty sure he's sleeping right now.

Ridge: Hope, how about if you practice by teaching the dance to me? I mean, what unless you put both of us to work? What do you think?

Thorne: You know, there's a boy in Ally's preschool that I wonder about. Every time I see him, the kid is scraped up or bandaged.

Taylor: Well, ask him some questions.

Thorne: I did, the last time. He said he'd fallen off the monkey bars.

Taylor: Did you believe him?

Thorne: I don't know. You know, kids are always awkward talking to adults they don't know.

Taylor: And children want to protect their parents even if they're the ones abusing them. You could talk to his teacher and ask her if she sees anything that she's concerned about and let her ask questions.

Thorne: You know what? I'm gonna do that.

Taylor: At least we have a better understanding about child abuse, and there's a lot more awareness. It's just sad when somebody has their suspicions and then they don't do anything about it because they expect someone else to. And then the child goes unprotected and have somebody stand up for them.

Eric: How do you live with yourself?

Ann: You're a guest here. All but a stranger.

Eric: Well, whose fault is that? You keep guilt-tripping my wife because she chose to wash her hands of you years ago, and what's the matter with you? You can't pick up a phone and call her once in a while? No, no, no. It's a lot easier to just sit here and enslave her sister with your passive aggressive wheedling.

Ann: This is between my daughter and me, I will thank you to stay out of it.

Stephanie: It's no use.

Eric: What is it that's actually missing with you? You know, my daughter was dying of cancer, and her screams of pain drove me crazy. It was like a nail being driven into my brain. It drove me crazy! How -- how could you sit and hear your daughter being beaten in the next room and not have it drive you mad?

Ann: It did not Ann: You weren't there.

Eric: You weren't there, Ann. You weren't there. You're barely here now. You have an opportunity today, right now, to be a living, breathing mother to Stephanie, and you refuse. My god, I used to be grateful to you for raising such an extraordinary woman. The strongest, most intelligent, loving, protective woman I've ever met in my life. And you know what? I love her more right now than i ever have, because you proved to me today, without a shadow of a doubt, that she did all that by herself. While you were plugging your ears and covering your eyes, she built herself from the ground up. And the real tragedy here is that you will never know what a magnificent job she did of it.

Eric: Are you ready to go? Pamela, I'm very sorry that we've met again under such difficult circumstances. If you ever need anything --

Pamela: Thank you, Eric. I just wish -- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Stephanie: No, no, no, no.

Pamela: I'm sorry. You weren't wrong. Somebody should've done something.

Stephanie: No.

Pamela: I wish it had been me.

Stephanie: No, baby. It's all right. It's all right. I love you.

Pamela: I love you.

Eric: The next time we hear of you, Ann, it will no doubt be Pamela letting us know that you've gone. They say that with age comes wisdom. Well, may you spend the days wisely between now and then.

Hope: One, two, three.

Ridge: One, two, three.

Hope: You messed up again!

[Ridge laughs]

Ridge: I'm hopeless, I'm hopeless.

Hope: I'm Hope. Pleased to meet you.

Ridge: Oh, that's very funny. Did you teach her that? You must have. You are sandbagging, little schnookems. You could -- you know that dance backwards and forwards, you could probably teach it to a monkey in the zoo.

Hope: Monkeys don't dance.

Ridge: Oh, they don't, do they? They don't? Really? Really? Well, I'll show you. I'm going to teach you a little dance, then. Maestro, would you mind? A little music?

Brooke: Oh, yes, Mr. Monkey. Stephanie: Ed, please get this plane off the ground and back to L.A. As fast as you can.

Ed: Air traffic control will want us to deice again, ma'am.

Stephanie: Oh, no. Well, all right, do what you have to do, but do it quickly.

Stephanie: She's old and she's all but alone. And she has spent a lifetime with that smile plastered on her face and her head in the sand. And I'm sure that it's done her more harm than it has me, but I can never forgive her. Because the one thing as a child that I needed from her, she never gave me -- safety. I've never felt it. Until now. Until this moment.

[Music playing] I pray you'll be my eyes and watch her where she goes and help her to be wise help me to let go every mother's prayer every child knows need to find a place guide her with your grace give her faith so she'll be safe lead her to a place guide her with your grace to a place where she'll be safe

Ridge: There's no answer. It went to voicemail. Hey, mother, call me at Brooke's when you get in, will you? It doesn't matter what time. Look, all I really want to say is I love you, and I want to thank you for being my mother -- and an amazing, wonderful mother at that. Okay, I love you. Bye.

Pamela: If you're not going to bed, Mother, I am.

Ann: I don't blame you for anything that happened tonight.

Pamela: I can't think why you would.

Ann: I know how susceptible you are to your sister and how domineering she's always been. So I forgive you for the things you've said.

Pamela: Whatever makes it easiest for us to go on.

Ann: But I will never forgive not about me, but about your father.

Pamela: I don't think daddy would call her a disgrace.

Ann: Sometimes I think you would like nothing better than to walk out on me, too.

Pamela: Sometimes, so do I. Goodnight, Mom.

Ann: Music, Pam. Start my music.

["Que sera" plays]

When I was just a little girl I asked my mother what will I be will I be pretty

Eric: I'm sorry if today didn't go exactly the way you may have wanted it to. But you spoke your mind. And I think she heard you. The best thing about it is that your sister backed you up.

Stephanie: Yes, because of you.

Eric: Because I lost my temper?

Stephanie: You didn't lose it, you found it.

Eric: Stephanie --

Stephanie: You know, hearing you praise me that way, defend me that way -- it's something I needed someone to do my whole life. And I just don't -- I mean, I don't know why my modus operandi has always been to believe I could never count on anyone.

Eric: Well, I think I saw why today.

Stephanie: Yeah, it's almost destroyed me. Us.

Eric: It's never been easy to convince you that I'm on your side.

Stephanie: Well, being on my side has cost you your company, hasn't it? Are we going to do it together so long, there are those who would say that we already have.

Stephanie: That's not what I mean. Are you going to forgive me?

Eric: Please. How many times have I married you? My forgiveness is on autopilot.

Stephanie: I've never loved you the right way, have I?

Eric: Well, if loving me the right way means to you fighting me every inch of the way, you gave me everything you had to give.

Stephanie: Oh, don't say that. I have so much more to give. I know that trust has always been an issue, but not after today. Just don't marry Brooke anymore.

Eric: I'll try my best. I want to ask you something.

Stephanie: Oh, anything.

Eric: Are you going to put out?

Stephanie: You are implorable and will you believe me when I tell you that I love you?

Eric: You better.

Stephanie: Let's try and stop the quarreling, keep it to a minimum. Maybe just once a week.

Eric: Once a year.

Stephanie: I think monthly is probably more realistic.

Eric: All right, all right. Anything you say, sweet girl. Anything you say.

Stephanie: You think she has any idea what she's done to me? Think she heard anything I said? I don't ever want to see her again.

["Que sera" continues]

Will I be pretty will I be rich I tell them tenderly que sera sera whatever will be will be the future's not ours to see que sera sera what will be will be que sera sera

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