The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Monday 11/20/06
Provided By
Boo and
Proofread by Becky
Taylor: So, you heard?
Thorne: I came as soon as I heard they reached a verdict, yeah. Is storm here yet?
Taylor: Yeah, he'll be here soon.
Thorne: Well, they didn't deliberate long.
Taylor: You know, in a way, Thorne, the verdict doesn't really even matter.
Thorne: Taylor, what do you mean? This is ten years of life.
Taylor: What 12 strangers think of me could never touch what you said about me in court yesterday. I mean, how can you be so good? How can you care about me?
Thorne: Maybe I'm selfish.
Taylor: That you are not.
Thorne: You don't know -- how much I miss you. The only thing I could trust was telling the truth. And maybe I didn't know what it was until I was on that stand. You loved Darla. You didn't want to lie. But you did the best you could.
Storm: They want us in court.
Thorne: Okay, I'll see you in there.
Taylor: All right.
Thorne: All right. Is this a good thing, the jury reaching a verdict so quickly?
Storm: Well, apparently, they felt the issues were clear-cut.
Thorne: Well, I have a hard time seeing it that way.
Storm: Well, if it goes against us, we'll appeal. Shane McGrath is out there somewhere. Testimony the jury never heard.
Taylor: Let's get realistic, okay? I'm going to prison.
Thorne: Taylor --
Taylor: Look, Thorne, you know, I've already pled guilty to the two other counts. I've been sentenced. I'm okay, all right? I'm fine. I'm fine because of you.
Thorne: Don't ask me to lose you, too.
Nick: You're doing great.
Jackie: Are you sure your father's not here?
Nick: He's not here, Mother. The title of this house was in the name of Marone Industry. The house is mine. Come on in. Let's get you over to the couch. I don't want you wearing yourself out your first day at home.
Jackie: Will this really be home again? I'd forgotten how big it is.
Nick: Well, that's just more room for you to not run into things.
Jackie: Oh, god --
[Jackie winces]
Nick: Mother, are you all right? Can you find her pills, please? Mother --
Jackie: No, it's fine. It's -- it's passing. It's passing. You know, it actually does get less every time.
Donna: Welcome home.
Nick: Hey, Donna. Donna's been helping me out here, keeping the house together before you got home.
Donna: I didn't do anything, really. Your maid and your caretaker wouldn't let me.
Nick: Florence, this is Donna Logan. Florence will be helping out during the day when I can't.
Jackie: I'm going to be going back to work --
Nick: Well, we'll take our time with that, Mother.
Jackie: Nicky --
Nick: Patience. You really think I can run Forrester Creations without you?
Donna: What did you say?
Nick: Exactly what you think I said.
Bailiff: All rise. Court is now in session, the honorable Devin Owens presiding.
Judge: Be seated. Good afternoon. I've been informed that the jury has reached a verdict. Please be aware that their decision carries the full weight and dignity of the ideal of justice upon which this nation was founded, and conduct yourselves accordingly. You may bring in the jury.
Judge: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, on the matter of the state of California versus Dr. Taylor Hayes, have you reached a verdict?
Foreperson: We have, your honor.
Judge: Bailiff --
Judge: On the charge of vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence, do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?
Foreperson: We find the defendant not guilty.
Judge: Ladies and gentlemen, the court thanks you for your service, your patience and your wisdom. You're dismissed.
Storm: Excuse me, your honor. I request an immediate hearing on a motion to vacate.
Tartaro: Vacate what?
Storm: The judgment against my client on the charges of obstruction of justice.
Judge: On what grounds, counselor?
Storm: Manifest injustice, your honor. If no crime is committed, then justice was not obstructed.
Judge: Ms. Tartaro?
Tartaro: Your honor, this filing has just been placed in my hands. I need some time to --
Judge: You really want to go to the barricades on this one?
Tartaro: In the interest of justice, the people yield.
Judge: The judgment is vacated. Dr. Hayes, your sentence will be set aside and the charge dismissed.
Storm: We also petition the court to recall the judgment against my client on the charges of driving with a suspended license, your honor. Dr. Hayes has already served many weeks in detention, charged with the crime for which she has just been found innocent.
Tartaro: She violated probation. That's a matter of record.
Storm: To come to the aid of her daughter, who was in real physical danger. As we know all too well from what happened to Darla Forrester on the same night. Six months in prison is just too harsh a penalty for a mother's concern, your honor.
Tartaro: The people will fight any motion for relief.
Storm: Well, fortunately for us, the people have nothing to say about it. Section 1170d of the penal code gives you and only you the authority to revisit the sentence, your honor.
Judge: That is correct.
Storm: And I just happen to have a letter from the director of the east side mental health clinic, which owing to budget cuts is unable to meet its demand for psychiatric services. They are in great need of therapists of Dr. Hayes's caliber, your honor.
Judge: Dr. Hayes, please rise. You are well represented.
Taylor: Yes, your honor.
Judge: And under the circumstances that brought you here, it's among the saddest I've seen. Even the victim's husband has asked this court for leniency. Therefore, under section 1170d of the penal code, I hereby recall your previous sentence, and sentence you instead to 100 hours of community service at the east side mental health clinic. You are to remain in a recognized drug and alcohol rehabilitation program for the period of your probation. Do you understand me?
Taylor: Thank you, your honor.
Judge: Then you know what I'm about to say.
Taylor: No.
Judge: You're free to go. This court is adjourned.
[Gavel bangs]
Donna: Why don't we just --
Jackie: I don't want to put my feet up --
Nick: Hey, hey, what's going on? What's the problem?
Jackie: I just want some tea. That is all.
Nick: Florence is getting the tea.
Jackie: Well, Florence doesn't know to make it --
Nick: It's tea. You boil water.
Jackie: Look, I don't need a nurse. I don't need anybody hovering over me 24 hours a day --
Nick: She's staying. You're not strong enough or stable enough to be here on your own. I don't want anything happening that's going to cause a relapse. Now, tell me, you know that I'm right.
Jackie: You're right.
Nick: Well done. Come on, get some rest. You've had a long day.
Donna: She seemed to be improving leaps and bounds.
Nick: Yeah, slowly. I take it you haven't talked to Brooke.
Donna: I haven't seen much of her, and she's holding down the fort at Forrester.
Nick: Well, I've given the Forresters a choice. Either Stephanie takes a chance of going to jail, or they sell me the company.
Donna: Nick, that -- that seems a little extreme, don't you think?
Nick: Maybe you should take a look over at the couch, remember what my mother's been through.
Thomas: Hey, hey, let the celebrations begin.
Eric: Nicely done.
Taylor: Thank you, steffy. I'm sorry I'm calling you in the middle of the night like this. I'll call you tomorrow, okay? All right, honey, I love you, too.
Stephanie: Sweetheart?
Felicia: Storm, I have to say, I didn't think you were going to pull that off.
Storm: I'm not sure I did.
Felicia: Didn't you used to be older and kind of boring?
Storm: Annoyed all the time, big eyebrows?
Felicia: Yeah.
Storm: No, that was your father.
[Laughter] Got a drink, Eric?
Ridge: Hey, did I ever thank you?
Thorne: I think mom made you say it when you passed the beets one time.
Ridge: None of this would be possible if it wasn't for you.
Thorne: How is this -- how's this going to be for us, me and you, if --
Ridge: If what?
Thorne: I think you know what I'm asking.
Ridge: Hey, I'm not throwing a monkey wrench in your happiness. Or your love life, either, okay?
Thorne: You never did. You just thought you did.
Ridge: I do have one stipulation, though.
Thorne: What's that?
Ridge: Don't call her doc.
Thorne: Trust me, it's the stupidest nickname I've ever heard. How did she live with you as long as she did?
Ridge: Overabundance of charm, I guess.
Eric: Taylor? Why don't you tell us how you feel.
Taylor: You know, if I -- if I try to make sense out of why things happened the way they did, I -- I just don't have any answers. I guess, the one good thing that did come out of it is that I learned I can't use alcohol to deal with my problems. I would like to thank my very brilliant attorney. If there ever was a hopeless case, that would be me.
[Applause] Thank you, Storm. And I would -- I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge Darla. I wish we didn't have to look upon her as a memory, but I want to promise every one of you that I am going to honor her memory, by being her example of what a good person really is. God bless you, Darla. Thank you.
Phoebe: Mom, you just need to relax. I'll take care of it.
Taylor: No, it's okay. Besides, we still have a guest out of there.
Thorne: Taylor, do you want me to take these up?
Taylor: Oh, those are the clothes from the courtroom. No, I'm not sure if I want to burn them or bronze them at this point.
Thorne: Well, I bet you're tired.
Taylor: Yeah, well, you would think. But I've had a lot of rest lately.
Thorne: I see my mother left her glasses.
Taylor: Oh, you think that's an accident?
Thorne: Or else, an excuse to come back and check up on us.
[Doorbell rings] Speak of the devil. Yes, Mother -- well --
Alexandria: You're back!
Taylor: Ally, I am back! I'm so happy to see you, I missed you.
Alexandria: I missed you, too. Did you like it in London?
Taylor: Oh, they didn't have very comfortable beds there in London.
Alexandria: Did you get scared being so far away?
Taylor: I was pretty scared, yeah.
Catherine: Did I misunderstand your message?
Thorne: No, Sally was here, but she left.
Catherine: Oh, okay. That's okay, I can take her to Sally's.
Thorne: Okay. Sweetheart, Ally, did you bring your sleeping bag?
Alexandria: Yes. Did you get my letter all the way in London?
Taylor: Yes, and I read it and I read it and I read it.
Alexandria: Don't go so far away anymore unless we can go, too.
Taylor: Ally, someday I'll tell you all about my trip to London. But right now, is it just okay if I tell how glad I am to see you, and I'm happy to be home?
Alexandria: I don't mind.
Donna: Is it fair what you're asking the Forresters to do?
Nick: Well, it is in my mind, and that's what counts.
Donna: Well, you know how I feel. Stephanie should be held accountable for what she did to your mother, and I'll see to it that that happens, but -- what will taking over Forrester accomplish?
Nick: It'll end the entitlement this family thinks that they have, especially over Brooke.
Donna: Do you think booting Ridge out of the building is going to keep him away from her?
Nick: Well, I guess she'll have to decide what's more important to her -- the work or the man.
Taylor: Just put those over there somewhere.
Thorne: It's going to be nice to sleep in your own bed, I bet.
Taylor: Oh, yes, it will be.
Thorne: Listen, what you said to Ally tonight -- you're right. We will tell her when she's old enough to understand.
Taylor: I just wonder if I'm ever going to be old enough to understand.
Thorne: Taylor --
Taylor: No, I mean -- you know, it's -- everything that's been happening, to me and with us -- I just -- I guess I don't understand how something that was the worst event in my life could bring me hand in hand with the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Thorne: I think we -- I think we were in the middle of a conversation.
Taylor: When?
Thorne: Before all this happened, up at big bear. I was asking you to be my wife. I don't have a big rehearsed speech, I don't have a ring. And it's too soon to get married for Ally, for you and for me. Well, you know what I mean.
Taylor: Yes.
Thorne: Taylor, life is too short. And second chances, they're so rare. And love -- love is strong. People are fragile. And time is never on our side. I have no uncertainty -- that's gone. I want you in my life. All of my life. Starting right now, from this moment on. If you want that, too --
Taylor: I said yes. Of course I want that. Yes. Yes. Oh, I know you love me. I don't know why -- I don't need to know. Now I'm free to love you. Will you let me love you?
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