B&B Transcript Wednesday 10/4/06

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Wednesday 10/4/06


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Becky

[Brooke remembering]

Brooke: Tell me it isn't true. Tell me you didn't sleep with bridget. She is not pregnant with your child!

Ridge: Nick is not perfect, Logan. You go on and on about how you've let him down, but he's gonna eventually do the same thing to you. He will let you down.

Brooke: No, he won't.

Ridge: What is all this?

Donna: Well, I know how you feel about airplane food. I heard that in how many countries?

Ridge: You pick me up at the airport, fix me dinner, turn this funky, little guesthouse into something that looks like -- kind of like home.

Donna: Well, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you.

Stephanie: All right.

Eric: Was his flight detailed?

Stephanie: No, he cancelled his limo. Ms. Logan was sweet enough to pick him up at the airport. Donna.

Eric: Well, that's nice.

Stephanie: Well, you don't have to have ESP to know what she's got in mind.

Eric: Yeah, everybody knows only sluts hang out at LAX.

Stephanie: She has her sights set on him, Eric.

Eric: Well, that might explain why they were sucking face on national television.

Stephanie: Oh, put the newspaper down and listen to me, please. This is serious. She isn't in his league.

Eric: I don't think anybody but Brooke really is. But that's a lost cause, isn't it? She went off and married somebody else.

Stephanie: Temporarily.

Eric: I'm not gonna sit here and help you plan the demise of Brooke and Nick's marriage.

Stephanie: I'm not planning or plotting anything. The marriage is over, and -- if you had a brain in your head, you'd see that. I don't know why -- I don't know why she puts Nick on such a pedestal. One of these days, he's going to fall off. And when he does, she's going to turn around and say, "oh, what have I done?"

Bridget: Well, yeah, I tried his cell phone. Yes, I tried my mother's, too. I'm sure he's with her somewhere, I just can't get a hold of them. Well, you're his secretary, don't you have some way of paging him or something? All right. Thanks. Just call me. The baby isn't yours, Nick.

Nick: Brooke! Brooke! Damn it. Damn it!

Stephanie: The lights are on in the guesthouse.

Eric: Oh, good. Well, I'm sure he'll be up to say hello later.

Stephanie: Oh, think again. He's over there with Donna. As a matter of fact, I think I'll go over there and throw her out.

Eric: No, don't do that.

Stephanie: He doesn't want her.

Eric: Honey, Ridge is not 12 years old anymore. Now, leave him alone, get away from there. Come down here and have a drink with me. Come on.

Stephanie: You know, Brooke, if he sleeps with her -- oh, my god. If he sleeps with her sister, she'll never forgive him.

Eric: She'll only have herself to blame.

[Stephanie laughs]

Stephanie: And since when has Brooke ever blamed herself?

[Glasses clink]

Ridge: I can't believe you went to all this trouble.

Donna: Me? Think of it as a thank you for showing me around Europe, giving me the time of my life.

Ridge: Hey, I enjoyed seeing everything through your eyes.

Donna: Yeah, if you didn't mind all my gushing. Coming home was kind of hard.

Ridge: What, do people seem more interesting when they speak a foreign language?

Donna: No, I mean being with you everyday and then, suddenly not.

Ridge: Well, you didn't miss much. After you left, it was just mostly dad stuff. Steffie's doing really great now. I have to admit, I got kind of homesick myself. Now I just want to make sure R.J. knows I'm home.

Donna: It's later than you think here. He's probably in bed.

Ridge: I guess it'll wait until morning. Then I'd really like to take a shower.

Donna: Oh, go right ahead. I'll take care of these dishes.

Ridge: Thank you. I'll only be a minute.

Donna: Take your time.

[Brooke remembering]

Ridge: We can be happy, I know you can. You know that, too. Tell me you'll come back to me.

Brooke: I am going to stick to my vows that I made with Nick. No matter what I put him through, he's always been there for me. And he will be forever. I can't apologize enough for everything I've put you through. For you to forgive me and give our marriage one more chance -- I don't deserve you, or your devotion.

Brooke: God, what a fool I was.

Stephanie: Hello, this is the guest house at the Forrester residence. If you wish to leave a message, please do so when you hear the tone.

[Answering machine beeps]

Brooke: Ridge, pick up. I know you got in tonight. I was wrong. I was so wrong, and you were right. Just call me when you get this.

Answering machine: Message erased.

Bridget: Oh, Nick, thank god.

Nick: For what? What are we thanking god for?

Bridget: You told her.

Eric: Stephanie, for god's sake, stop spying on our son.

Stephanie: Well, at least the lights in the guesthouse are still on.

[Stephanie sighs] Why, why, why couldn't Bridget just stay with Nick? If she had, Ridge and Brooke would be married by now.

Bridget: How did she react?

Nick: She threw me overboard.

Bridget: Oh, god, Nick.

Nick: She hates me.

Bridget: Well, not as much as you're gonna hate me.

Nick: I actually convinced myself I knew what she'd say. She'd be hurt, she'd be angry, but she's still my wife. It just didn't come out the right way. I guess it's one thing to tell her that we slept together, but telling her that we're having a child was a little bit too much for her.

Bridget: Nick -- we're not having that child.

Ridge: Oh --

Donna: Am I being too obvious? I don't know how to do this.

Ridge: That depends on what you had in mind.

Donna: To tell you I love you. You don't look surprised. Good, I guess that's been obvious, too. Look, I don't know whether -- I know you care about me.

Ridge: Of course I do.

Donna: I can kid myself sometimes, I can imagine all sorts of things, but I know it probably isn't love.

Ridge: Maybe if --

Donna: I know. I know, if things were -- different.

Ridge: It's just that your sister and I -- well, you know all of that. And she and I have a son.

Donna: But Ridge, I'm not asking you for anything.

Ridge: Fair enough.

Donna: I'm just trying to get rid of the elephant in the room. Look, I know I'm not -- and never will be Brooke to you. It's okay, why not say it? It's no inferiority complex. Brooke's made her decision, she's not coming back. That part of your life is done. Well, we all have pasts. Look at me, I'm not a waitress anymore.

Ridge: I can see that.

Donna: So we're both starting over. You're never gonna love two people the same way in the same lifetime. And if you -- if you ever feel that way about me, it won't be because I'm second choice. It will be because you choose to love me. All right, I know that you can't say that yet. I'm a big girl. And if you end up breaking my heart in the end, so be it. We're never gonna have a chance if -- I don't put it on the line.

[Knocking at door]

Ridge: If that happens to be my mother --

Donna: That would be my guess.

[Ridge groans]

Ridge: Logan?

Brooke: Oh, Ridge –

Nick: What are you saying? I was there. Are you saying the tests were wrong?

Bridget: No. No, I'm definitely pregnant. I'm just -- I'm too far along.

Nick: I don't get it.

Bridget: I didn't see the hcg levels the first time, but they're too high to be consistent with the --

Nick: Stop the doctor talk! What are you telling me?

Bridget: The baby is Dante's.

Nick: You said --

Bridget: I was wrong.

Nick: Wrong? You were wrong? My god, Bridget!

Bridget: Look, I'm so sorry, Nick. I really, I thought that -- it doesn't matter what I thought. It was just a mistake. But I saw the ultrasound myself, and the baby is at least nine weeks.

Nick: Nine weeks? Well, it can't be mine.

Bridget: No.

Nick: That was the one thing that --

Bridget: I know.

Nick: I'd risk anything for a child of my own, a child that was mine. But it's not.

Bridget: I wish it was. Despite what it would do to all of our lives, I wish it was our baby.

Nick: Well, what are you gonna do? Have you told him?

Bridget: No. I came straight to you. What did mom say?

Nick: You don't want to know.

Bridget: But Nick, this could make a difference. A big difference. The three of us could conceivably put this behind us now.

Nick: Well, not for you. You can't. You're having a child with a man that's with someone else.

Bridget: Well, then for you and mom. You should call her.

Nick: Have you got a phone? Mine's a little damaged.

Stephanie: Oh, my gosh.

Eric: What?

Stephanie: Well, that's Brooke's car.

Eric: What, at this hour?

Stephanie: Yeah, thank god. I think she's come to her senses.

Ridge: Brooke -- Brooke? Look, come here. Something's obviously happened. You want to tell me what it is? Are the kids all right? Bridget all right?

Brooke: Oh, yeah, I guess she's all right.

Donna: Do you want me to call Nick?

Brooke: No!

Ridge: Is it him? Did you guys argue?

Brooke: I swore to myself that I would never let anybody hurt me the way that you hurt me. Why didn't I just come back to you, Ridge? I knew how much you loved me.

Ridge: Because what I did was unforgivable, that's why.

Brooke: But I do forgive you. I just was scared. I wanted to be safe.

Ridge: Yes, you did. You want the safety, that's what you want.

Brooke: Yes, I did. I did, and I wasn't safe, and I didn't listen to you. You told me! And I wasn't! I wasn't --

Ridge: Brooke, come here. Why did Nick do? What did he do?

Brooke: No, please, don't make me tell you. I just can't help wondering now if it's all too late.

Ridge: If what's too late?

Brooke: Everything. Us.

Ridge: No. No, Brooke, it's not too late. It's never too late for you and me. Look, you just got caught up in something, we both know that. But I never gave up on you, sweetie. Never. Because I knew that this day would eventually come. With you here, in my arms. The way it should be. Here with me, always. Always.

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