The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Wednesday 9/27/06
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Phoebe: You saw the accident.
Shane: Phoebe --
Phoebe: You saw my mother hit Darla?
Shane: Hey, hey, listen to me, listen -- hey!
Phoebe: What do you want from me, Shane?
Stephanie: Well, hi.
Eric: How was Taylor's meeting?
Stephanie: Very interesting. I'm very proud of her.
Eric: 60 days sober. I hope she's proud of herself, too.
Stephanie: I think she is, and she's getting her life back on track. You know, she's getting over that terrible depression that she was in after Ridge left her.
Eric: I would like to have seen her. I'm surprised you didn't bring her home for dinner.
Stephanie: Well, I would have, but Thorne's planned dinner for the two of them.
Taylor: I just -- I can't believe you did this. It's perfect.
Thorne: I'm glad you like it.
Taylor: I just -- I don't know what I did to deserve it.
Thorne: Taylor, you've done more for me than I could ever thank you for.
Taylor: So, that's what this is? This is a thank you?
Thorne: Is that what you want it to be?
Taylor: I don't want a thing right now. Except maybe to take a peek at what smells so delicious over here --
Thorne: Dinner can wait. How about we work up an appetite first? May I have this dance?
Taylor: I haven't danced -- I haven't danced in a long time.
Thorne: Well, it has definitely been too long.
Hector: Yeah, look, I need that cab here right away, please. McGrath knows. He was there the night Darla got killed. And now he's going to use it against us. He's going to blackmail us or -- or worse. And Phoebe's with him right now. Alone. I've got to find her. She has no idea what she's up against.
Phoebe: Don't touch me.
Shane: Phoebe, calm down.
Phoebe: Leave me alone!
Shane: Calm down. I'm not going to bother you, all right? Just relax. That's why I was there that night. That's why I'm here right now -- to help you.
Phoebe: No, that night, you left.
Shane: I couldn't. You were stranded out here on this highway in the middle of the night with some flat tire. I couldn't do that. I walked away because I thought you were afraid of me. I'm not going to leave you out here alone.
Phoebe: You were watching the whole time?
Shane: Yes, I was watching. The entire time, I saw everything. I saw your -- I saw your aunt. She was changing the flat tire and she fell into the road.
Phoebe: Stop it. Shane, stop it.
Shane: Your mom was coming around the bend.
Phoebe: Stop it.
Shane: She hit the windshield. She came crashing down to the ground. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wish there was something else I could have done. I watched the news, I saw the stories in the paper, and I knew when the investigation stalled that the police didn't have anymore leads. Because you didn't tell them anything else. I know you couldn't have said anything else.
Phoebe: Is that what you want me to do? You want me to turn in my own mother --
Shane: No, no, I just want you to listen to me. I know you were afraid of me then. But you have no reason to be afraid of me now, okay?
Eric: Thorne and Taylor are on some kind of a date tonight? That's why we're watching Alexandria?
Stephanie: You surprised?
Eric: Well, you certainly seem to approve.
Stephanie: You don't?
Eric: Taylor was married to Ridge, for God's sake.
Stephanie: Well, he left her, for God's sake.
Eric: Because of Brooke. And now she's convinced herself that she's found the one man in the world who will never disappoint her.
Stephanie: No offense, darling, but that man doesn't exist.
Thorne: The finest sparkling cider money can buy.
Taylor: Thank you.
Thorne: You are very, very welcome.
Taylor: You have no idea how much I needed this. I had no idea how much I needed this.
Thorne: Oh, I had a feeling.
Taylor: Gosh, it's so nice. I don't even know what to do with myself. I mean, just to be able to sit here and relax and just enjoy being together.
Thorne: Yeah, we've been through some very difficult times lately in our lives. You lost ridge, started drinking. I lost Darla -- you know, when we're together, though, all those difficulties just seem to slip away. Everything seems all right. Well, better than all right.
Taylor: And when we're apart?
Thorne: Who says we have to be apart? Why keep tiptoeing around what I know we're both feeling? There's nothing to be afraid of.
Taylor: I know.
Thorne: There's nothing to feel guilty about. I'm happy. You make me happy. Taylor, I'm ready to take this relationship to the next level.
Hector: I can't let this happen. I've got to get there.
[Doorbell rings] Oh, thank God, the cab. Hey, you've got to get me to the Bikini Beach right away.
Harry: Hector, it's Harry.
Hector: Harry -- Harry -- Harry, is there a cab out there?
Harry: No.
Hector: Damn it!
Harry: Is everything okay?
Hector: Phoebe's in trouble. She's having dinner with that gardener, McGrath, only he isn't who she thinks he is. I've got to find them.
Harry: All right, I'll take you.
Hector: Wait a second, on your bike?
Harry: No, no, I got Nick's car. Come on!
Phoebe: All this time, you knew the truth.
Shane: Yeah. I knew the truth.
Phoebe: And you pretended to be our gardener?
Shane: No, no, no, I only took that job with the landscaper so I could get close to you.
Phoebe: So you could blackmail me?
Shane: No, no, nobody's going to blackmail anybody.
Phoebe: But then, why would you do this to us?
Shane: I had to do this for myself. Don't you see, Phoebe? I had to come see you. I had to track you down because you're the only person that understands what I'm going through right now. You're the only person that saw what I saw that night. I've got this horrible image in my head about Darla hitting the windshield, and your mother's car, and then -- that's the reason I tracked you down. That's the reason I'm here right now.
Harry: You said Shane's not who Phoebe thinks he is. What did you mean?
Hector: He's up to something.
Harry: What?
Hector: I'm not sure, but whatever it is, it's not good.
Shane: I lied to you about who I was because I knew it would freak you out, Phoebe.
Phoebe: It does.
Shane: I just thought that maybe if you got to know me first --
Phoebe: I don't know you!
Shane: But you do know me. You do. We both witnessed a very horrible accident. Nobody else saw what we saw. And nobody else is carrying around what we have inside of us. And I know you're having nightmares like me. I know you are. I wake up in the middle of the night, Phoebe, with the sound of this accident just echoing in my head. And I have this vision of Darla hitting the windshield. And your mom's car -- and your voice, screaming. And it haunts me, too, Phoebe. All right? I know she was your aunt. I know you really, really loved her. I know it must've been really horrible seeing her lying out here on the side of the road -- right here in this spot. All right? I know it haunts you.
Phoebe: Yeah.
Shane: I know it does.
[Phoebe sobbing] Hey, hey, hey, come here. Shh. Come here. It's okay, Phoebe.
Phoebe: How could I trust you, Shane?
Shane: You can tell me anything you want.
Phoebe: You can put my mom in jail with what you know. You could ruin our lives.
Stephanie: Taylor and Thorne are just trying to get their lives back on track.
Eric: Stephanie, a tragedy like Darla's death -- it takes a long time to get over.
Stephanie: Well, of course it does. But at some point you have to move on with your life.
Eric: At some point in the future.
Stephanie: You think it's too soon?
Eric: Yes, I do. But Thorne and Taylor have both been through a lot separately, and they've come to depend on each other for comfort. And you're right, that's a good thing. I'm just concerned.
Stephanie: Well, I don't think they spend a lot of time together because -- just because he's lonely. I think he really cares for her.
Eric: I think she cares about him, too.
Stephanie: Well, what, are you worried about what people might say or how it might affect Alexandria?
Eric: Look, everyone loves Taylor. She's an incredible woman --
Stephanie: So was Darla. I think Taylor's the person that might -- might help Thorne find happiness again.
Taylor: You want to take our relationship to the next level?
Thorne: Yep. Don't you? I mean, we're both adults. It's time. I think it's time we tell everyone.
Taylor: Tell everyone?
Thorne: I would like to start with ridge first. I mean, you guys have three kids together. I think it's only fair that he knows.
Taylor: Well, your mother already knows.
Thorne: Well, my mother knows everything. Nobody can keep anything from her. But I want to be honest with the rest of the family. You know? I want them to know that, you know, this relationship started out as friendship and then it grew into something wonderful, something completely unexpected. Taylor, you are incredibly important to me. And I couldn't imagine my life without you now.
Taylor: I feel the same way about you. It's just that, you know, we can't expect everybody to be excited about it. We have to be realistic. There maybe people who think it's too soon. They might not like the way it looks.
Thorne: You know what? I don't give a damn.
Thorne: My daughter is crazy about you, Taylor. And I am, too.
Harry: Wait -- hey, Hector, I think we just passed Phoebe's car on the side of the road.
Hector: Where are we? What was the last street we passed?
Harry: Uh, Big Rock. We just passed Big Rock.
Hector: Turn around. It's them. Get back, get back there now!
Shane: You know, this could ruin my life, too, Phoebe. I could also be thrown in jail. Just because I didn't come forward with the information about the accident.
Phoebe: Well, that's what it was. It was an accident. She fell back into the road. You saw that --
Shane: That's exactly what it was. It was an accident. That's exactly what I would have said to the police had I spoken to them, but I'm not going to say anything. Because this is not what this is about.
Phoebe: You're not going to tell anyone?
Shane: I'm not going to say anything. Your secret is safe with me.
Phoebe: Then why would you -- why would you do this then? If you're not going to do anything, then why would you tell me?
Shane: I needed to find somebody to talk to. Phoebe, I gotta get this off my chest. I gotta get it out of my head. Phoebe, you've had your mother to talk to the entire time. I haven't had anybody to speak to. I've been walking around with a secret inside of me this entire time. Can you imagine?
Phoebe: I'm sorry.
Shane: It's okay. You can trust me. I just want you to know that. Listen, I just want to be friends with you. That's all.
Harry: Don't you touch her!
Phoebe: Harry? Stop it! Harry, wait! Harry, stop it! Stop! Harry!
Hector: Phoebe -- Phoebe, get out of the car.
Phoebe: What's going on?
Hector: Shane's not who you think he is.
Phoebe: I already know. He told me everything. I already know. Harry, stop it! Harry -- Harry, let him go, it's okay. Harry, stop it! I said stop it! Let him go!
Eric: So you think Taylor can make Thorne happy?
Stephanie: I think so. She seems to understand him, what he needs -- she needs him, too. I think it's equally important for her as it is for him.
Eric: What's going on? I've been married to you long enough to know when something is going on. Something's upsetting you. What is it?
Stephanie: I just want Thorne to be happy again. If only --
Eric: Only what?
Stephanie: He will be. He will be. He will.
Thorne: I don't care what this looks like or what people think. Beside my family thinks you're great.
Taylor: I haven't been feeling so great these days.
Thorne: Well, you are, Taylor. You're great for me, you're great for Alexandria. I want you in my life. Part of my family. Part of my future. I need you, Taylor. I feel like I'm falling in love with you.
Taylor: I feel like I'm falling in love with you, too.
Taylor: Oh, God, forgive me. Darla, forgive me.
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