The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Wednesday 9/13/06
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Bridget: I thought this was already decided, Nick.
Nick: Well, it's not decided. Bridget, you're my ex-wife, and we came together in a moment of comfort. And it was wrong. I cannot keep that from Brooke. I'm sorry, I can't do it. It's not who I am.
Bridget: Okay, fine. But what about me? Do I have no say here anymore? Let's say she does forgive you -- maybe she loves you that much. But me, she'll never be able to look at again.
[Knock at the door] Yeah, she's here.
Nick: She knows you. Say what you want, but she'll see right through you.
Bridget: Hi, Mom.
Brooke: So --
Bridget: So?
Brooke: So, who was that on the phone? You think you can fool your own mother? A little bird told me that you were all happy and bubbly about life. So who's the secret admirer?
Nick: Hey, where you been?
Harry: You know, I don't remember a curfew.
Nick: Ah, so it's gonna be that way. What're you doing?
Harry: Packing.
Nick: For what?
Harry: So that you and your girl on the side can have the place to yourselves.
Phoebe: Yeah, yeah. It sounds like a great idea.
[Shane remembering]
No, I'll just wait in the car. Did the phone wake you up?
Taylor: No. Who was it?
Phoebe: Oh, it was Uncle Thorne. I thought you were taking a nap in the den. He wanted to tell me about dinner. He asked me if I could come, too.
Taylor: Oh. Well, that was nice of him.
Phoebe: You didn't tell me today was aunt Darla's birthday.
Taylor: I know. I forgot, too. I guess it makes sense why Thorne doesn't want to be alone tonight.
Phoebe: He actually -- he asked if we could stay over. Apparently, Aunt Darla promised Ali that she could have friends spend the night on her birthday, and she chose us.
Taylor: He didn't tell me about that part. I guess he didn't want to pressure me or anything. I guess we can do that for Ali, right? Listen, sweetheart, there's something I really want to talk to you about since we're all going to be together tonight. I'm sure you've already noticed, but something's been developing between Thorne and me. I mean, I don't know where it will go, but I just want to know how you feel about that.
Phoebe: Well first of all, I want you both to be happy, obviously. I just -- it worries me, because I know how hard it must for you not to -- your feelings have to be all over the place. I mean, mine are.
Taylor: Yes.
Phoebe: And I just -- I know you care about Thorne --
Taylor: I do. I do care about Thorne. And that's exactly why I want to talk to you about this. Because my feelings are all over the place, and I just want to make sure I'm not coming from a place of guilt or obligation. I really do -- I really do care about Thorne. I just want to know how you feel about it.
Phoebe: Like I said, I just want you to be happy.
Taylor: Okay. So why don't you take your car, because you have school early in the morning, and I'll just meet you there.
Phoebe: Okay, yeah. And Thorne said he was on his way to get you.
Taylor: Oh. Okay. Well, then I better go get ready.
Shane: Dr. Forrester.
Phoebe: Oh, Mom, this is Steve. He's working temporarily with Jorge and the landscapers.
Shane: Actually, it's Shane.
Phoebe: Oh, sorry. Shane.
Shane: That's okay.
Taylor: You really are working late tonight.
Shane: Yeah, well, your house happened to be the last one today. Anyway, you got some spider mites that are out here on your terrace, so I thought it might be a good idea if I came and check your house.
Taylor: Oh, fine, yeah, whatever. You know this job better than I do.
Shane: Wow. Did I say something wrong?
Phoebe: No, no, no, it wasn't you. Go ahead.
Shane: Thanks.
Phoebe: It's just been a really weird day, actually.
Shane: Yeah?
Phoebe: Yeah. My Aunt Darla died not too long ago, and today was her birthday.
Shane: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.
Phoebe: Thanks. It was pretty bad, actually. A car accident.
Shane: You don't say.
Taylor: So, we're not going to be home tonight. Alexandria asked us to stay over.
Hector: Alexandria, huh?
Taylor: Yeah. Maria will be here, so if you need anything, you know how to buzz her.
Hector: Thorne's going to make his move.
Taylor: We're not having this discussion.
Hector: You know, I -- he's going to get you alone, he's going to tell you how much he loves you and trusts you, and you're going to say, "you know, this is a great guy. He deserves to know the truth."
Taylor: Hector, today is Darla's birthday, all right? I seriously doubt that he'll be wanting to have a discussion like -- I don't even know why I'm explaining myself to you.
Hector: Don't say I didn't warn you.
Taylor: That's all you do is warn me. We used to talk about other things.
Shane: You know, you can never really get rid of these mites, but at least this stuff, it'll at least keep them down for a while. I swear, sometimes killing bugs is harder than killing people. Wow. Did I just say that? I'm sorry, I didn't -- I wasn't even thinking. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.
Phoebe: You know, actually, my Uncle Thorne is going to get here really soon. You should probably not bring up the accident.
Shane: Right, right. So that was his wife?
Phoebe: Yeah, and a really wonderful person.
Shane: Oh. Man, that must've been really hard. I mean on you, too.
Phoebe: I was there when it happened.
Shane: You were there?
Phoebe: Yeah.
Shane: Wow. That's a lot to carry around.
Phoebe: Maybe you read about it in the papers or saw it on the news or something.
Shane: No, I really don't read the paper that much, and I definitely don't watch the news.
Phoebe: Okay. So yesterday, how did you know my name?
Nick: Son, you got something to say to me, just say it.
Harry: You know, if you want to marry the mother and still sleep with the daughter -- hey, I'm sure you got your reasons. I'm not gonna tell anybody.
Nick: You don't know the situation.
Harry: You've been decent to me, better than that, so I don't know what I'm complaining about. You go on living your life the way you want, and I'll go on living the way you taught me.
Bridget: Well, that would have to be Felicia, your little bird. Yeah, of course it was, because she's an authority on everything -- especially me. I didn't say there was a secret admirer, because there's not.
Brooke: Well, she never really did say that.
Bridget: What I told her was that things are going well, because they are. What? Sometimes, I think of Nicole.
Brooke: Oh, sweetheart --
Bridget: No, Mom, I'm all right.
Brooke: Losing a child is never something you get over.
Bridget: No, that's not entirely the case. I think I'm beginning to understand. You know, the way it affected my thinking, my relationships, and really, the way that I looked at my life.
Brooke: I was wondering when you'd be able to talk about this.
Bridget: So you knew?
Brooke: I don't miss much when it comes to you. So tell me. Tell me everything.
Bridget: There's just some things that I did --
Brooke: That you see differently now? Or that you regret?
Bridget: Yes.
Brooke: Such as? Or do I already know?
Bridget: Maybe -- maybe you do. I'm still in love with Nick.
Shane: The company that I work for, I guess they want us to know a little bit about the families just so we don't let the wrong person in by mistake. I guess.
Phoebe: Yeah, but I have a twin sister. How did you know it was me?
Shane: Jorge told me that you had a twin sister and that she was in Europe somewhere.
Phoebe: At school.
Shane: Yeah. Hey, you know what, I had this friend one time that won this all-expense-paid trip to Europe. So lucky.
Phoebe: Really?
Shane: Yeah.
Phoebe: Yeah, it's fun, I guess, if you like old architecture and stuff.
Shane: Well, I mean, this is what I like. I mean, this is not too old, it's not too new. I mean, this is just like -- wow. I mean, it does seem a little big for two people, though.
Phoebe: Yeah, I guess it's what you're used to.
Shane: Try and get used to a 6' by 10' cell. I mean my room. My room is a little small.
Phoebe: We actually have company staying with us. I should probably go bring him dinner.
Shane: Okay, all right. Hey, it was nice talking to you.
Phoebe: Yeah.
Brooke: You're still in love with my husband?
Bridget: The day that I set Nick free to go and break up your wedding, I never thought that that would happen. I thought you would tell him no because you had what you really wanted.
Brooke: And then Nick would come back to you.
Bridget: That wasn't even the worst part of it. When that didn't happen and you went on and married Nick, I thought I had seen that before, too, with dad and Thorne and Grant and Whip, so I knew exactly what that meant. They had to learn the hard way, and so Nick would, too. I have been waiting for your marriage to end so that mine could begin again.
Shane: Hi.
Thorne: Hi. Isn't the garden outside?
Shane: Yeah. We're a full service outfit. We do houseplants and office plants. I think I got a card somewhere.
Thorne: No, that's okay, I'm kosher.
Shane: You sure? You must be the uncle. I'm really sorry about what happened to your wife.
Thorne: Thank you.
Shane: You know, I hope they threw the book at whoever was driving.
Taylor: Oh, have you been here long?
Thorne: No, I just walked in. Wow, you look nice.
Taylor: Oh, thank you. So Phoebe will be down in a minute, and she's going to take her own car.
Thorne: Okay, well then, we're ready. Here.
Taylor: Okay. Are you about done here?
Shane: Actually, Mrs. Forrester, I was just getting started.
Taylor: Oh, well, because we're about to leave, and my daughter's coming down, and she's gotta go, so she needs to lock up. Could you not leave that there?
Shane: Yeah, sorry.
Taylor: Okay, thanks. Thank you. Ready?
Thorne: Yeah.
Taylor: Let's go.
Shane: Yeah. Bye-bye to you, too, Taylor.
Shane: Hey, hey, Phoebe? Can you tell your mother something for me? I need to talk to her tomorrow.
Phoebe: About what?
Shane: I have an idea.
Phoebe: Well, she trusts Jorge.
Shane: Yeah, I know. But this is my idea.
Phoebe: Okay, yeah, I'll tell her.
Shane: Okay, good. Hey, hey, hey -- drive safely.
Phoebe: I will.
Bridget: Whatever you're thinking, it's all right. I deserve it.
Brooke: I'm not really one to cast the first stone. You know all about my failings and my life more than anybody else.
Bridget: Mom, did you just hear what I said?
Brooke: So we're in love with the same man. Hasn't it been that way? I mean, nothing has changed, really. Except maybe now, we can look at it head-on. Honey, there's nothing that you could do to make me hate you.
Bridget: No, Mom, there is.
Brooke: What are you talking about?
[Shane sighs]
[Shane remembering]
Shane: I can help.
Phoebe: I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine!
Phoebe: Darla! Darla!
Taylor: For the love of God, no! No, no!
Phoebe: She fell into the road --
[Sirens wailing]
Hector: Taylor?
Taylor: Thank God!
Hector: Step aside, we'll take care of her. We were right down PCH. Darla! Darla, it's hector, can you hear me? How did this happen? Where's the driver?
Thorne: Phoebe? Hey, what is going -- are you okay?
Phoebe: I'm fine.
Thorne: Taylor?
Shane: Yeah, it's a terrible thing, Mr. Forrester. It's a terrible thing that one man's loss should be another man's gain. But I tell you something -- come tomorrow, it's payday for me.
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