The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Tuesday 8/1/06
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Proofread by Becky
[This transcript is missing the first minute of the show. Sorry about that.]
Ridge: The better news is the designer pops for take-out. If you're available.
Donna: I'm all yours.
Stephanie: Now, that's my particular recipe for stone soup.
Alexandria: It's a trick.
Stephanie: You're too smart for your own good. Have I ever tell you that? Oh, honey, I thought you were going to get some rest.
Thorne: I can't sleep.
Stephanie: Why don't you finish coloring that picture. Don't spill your tea. And I'll come back in a second. Come on, honey.
Thorne: She knows that Darla's not coming back. Taylor and I told her last night.
Stephanie: Oh, I'm happy that honey, to help you.
Thorne: Yeah, she's been a godsend mother. I don't know where we'd be without her.
Hector: Hello? Hey, are you all right?
Taylor: Hector, what are you doing here?
Hector: You haven't returned any of my calls.
Taylor: I know. I'm sorry.
Hector: I stopped by after Darla's funeral. And you weren't here.
Taylor: I'm not avoiding you. I'm just thinking.
Hector: Where were you?
Taylor: With Thorne.
Hector: Well, you must have not told him the truth, or you'd be in jail right now.
Taylor: I couldn't.
Hector: But you wanted to. Taylor, you cannot confess to killing Darla. Think about what could happen to me? To Phoebe? We would be accessories after the fact. I know it's hard. But you have got to think about your daughter.
Donna: But when you said take-out, I imagined paper napkins and cardboard cartons of Chinese.
Ridge: Well, I thought tonight called for something a little more memorable.
Donna: Escargot?
Ridge: Yeah, you know, and a nice French champagne.
Donna: This is too much.
Ridge: Oh, it's just snails and old grape juice. That's all.
Donna: All of this. The press conference. This photo shoot. The new job.
Ridge: It's a little daunting to you right now?
Donna: I'm not sure I can do this.
Ridge: You're doing fine.
Donna: I feel like I'm stepping into my sister's shoes.
Ridge: Well, then you're just have to make them your own.
Donna: Can I? Because if I can't, maybe this isn't the right place for me. I want to be a lot more than Brooke Logan's little sister.
Stephanie: You know, I'm relieved that she was able to help you handle. I'm relieved in a way for both of you.
Thorne: You're relieved for Taylor?
Stephanie: Well, it's been a very rough year for her. And she's changed. Not for the better. She doesn't seem to have her confidence or her focus. And she's drinking too much. It hasn't been the same since Ridge left her.
Thorne: Well, maybe Darla's death put all that back in perspective for her.
Stephanie: Well, I hope so. Normally, Taylor can handle just about anything with real, you know, grace and dignity.
Taylor: I can't -- I can't Hector.
Hector: Yes, you can.
Taylor: I didn't ask you to protect me.
Hector: Well, now you have to protect phoebe. Because your daughter needs you.
Taylor: Little Alexandria needs her mother, but now she's going to grow up without her, because of me.
Hector: Confessing is not going to bring Darla back.
Taylor: I didn't confess.
Hector: But you could've. That's why you went over there.
Taylor: Yes.
Hector: You can't. Do you understand? You have to stay as far away from Thorne as possible.
Taylor: Do you think I can hide this forever? I mean, the truth is going to come out. The police are still investigating this.
Hector: Not every case gets solved.
Taylor: Okay, and that's supposed to make me feel good. I'm supposed to feel great about the fact that I might get away with it?
Hector: No. You're not supposed to feel glad about it. But there is a lesson to be learned. I warned you what would happen if you kept drinking. But I'm here now. And I'm going to see you through this. And I know you're scared and you're confused, but our lives can go on. They can.
Taylor: Hector, don't.
Phoebe: You heard my mother! She said no, Hector.
Donna: Don't get me wrong. I love my sister. I look up to her. But growing up in her shadow wasn't easy.
Ridge: That's the same thing my brother said about me.
Donna: It wasn't easy for her either. She took it really hard when dad left.
Ridge: That really affected your whole family, didn't it?
Donna: Yeah, but she was always his favorite. Like you and Stephanie.
Ridge: You know that's one thing she's never really gotten over.
Donna: You wanted to help her with it?
Ridge: Yeah, for all the good it did.
Donna: No, it was incredibly thoughtful, and Brooke and my father should be very grateful to you.
Ridge: I don't think I'm really going to wait around for a "thank you" with that one.
Donna: Because that's the kind of man you are. You're not afraid to put yourself out there. To take a risk for love.
Ridge: I always thought if there's no risk, then the thing might not be worth doing.
Donna: Spoken like a true creative genius.
Ridge: Or idiotic thrill seeker.
Donna: Well, I guess that depends then if the risk pays off.
Ridge: Very true. You know what Donna? It's "Brooke's bedroom." What we're doing here, I think this is a risk that's going to pay off big time.
Taylor: Phoebe? It is okay. Hector is just trying to comfort me.
Phoebe: Mom, I know what he was trying to do.
Hector: Phoebe, I'm trying to help your mother.
Phoebe: But we don't need your help anymore. We're home. Everything is fine.
Hector: No, it's not. But it will be. If we could just calm down.
Phoebe: You're the one who needs to calm down.
Taylor: Phoebe!
Phoebe: But Mom, I heard what he was saying. Blaming all of this on you and your drinking.
Hector: I'm concerned about your mother. But she's not the only one I'm concerned about. Look, we are under a lot of stress right now. Okay? I lied to the police. I could go to jail for that. And so could you.
Taylor: Hector, stopping scaring her! Okay, look nobody's is going to jail. Everything is going to work out.
Hector: Once we have had a chance to talk about it.
Taylor: Later. Right now, we have to leave.
Hector: Where?
Taylor: I promised Thorne I would stop by and check on Alexandria.
Hector: You are taking a risk. You know that? I'm telling you, this is dangerous.
Thorne: As hard as it gets, you just have to do it, right? You get dressed. Take care of your daughter. That's how you get through it. People do get through it, Mom.
Stephanie: Yes, honey.
Alexandria: See my picture?
Stephanie: Let me see. A dog with a blue nose. What a beautiful picture.
Alexandria: It needs sparkles.
Stephanie: All right, we'll put sparkles. Where are they?
Alexandria: I don't know.
Thorne: Did you check your craft drawer?
Alexandria: No. Mommy put them somewhere safe.
Thorne: Oh.
Stephanie: Well, you know what honey? I'll just have to find them. And if we can't find them, we'll buy you some. Okay?
Alexandria: Okay.
Stephanie: Okay. I think this will be fun. This will be a treasure hunt. We can begin looking here.
Thorne: Sweetie, come here. I'll get it. Thanks, Mom.
Ridge: I've been thinking about the other night. What you said about how I treated you when I used to come over and pick up your sister.
Donna: I totally humiliated myself.
Ridge: It was sweet. It was very, very sweet.
Donna: I was gushing like a school girl.
Ridge: Well, I felt flattered. I thought it was good to have somebody say something good about me for once. You were good for me, Donna Logan. In fact, I think you're just what I needed.
Thorne: See. I told you we could make it shiny.
Alexandria: I like it.
Thorne: You do? Well, we'll add some more sparkles tomorrow, okay? But I think it's pretty shiny, don't you?
Alexandria: I like it, Daddy.
[Knock on door]
Thorne: Come in, it's open.
Taylor: Hey, I hope we're not intruding.
Thorne: No, no, not at all. Hey, Phoebe.
Phoebe: Hey, Uncle Thorne. Hi, Alexandria. Wow!
Taylor: Uh, listen, I brought that book I was telling you about on grief. It's not a cure for grief, but it does kind of go through the stages and the process and what's normal. I thought you might like it.
Thorne: Here, you dropped something.
Taylor: Oh. Thank you.
Thorne: No, Taylor, thank you. I can't tell you how grateful I am for your help with us last night.
Taylor: It's the least I can do.
Thorne: I'm still not sure if she understands that Darla's never coming back. But then I don't think I get it either. This morning, I was standing in the bathroom shaving, and I realized I was waiting for Darla to bring me a cup of coffee. She did it every morning. I actually was wondering what was taking her so long.
Taylor: Well, that's normal.
Thorne: Is it?
Taylor: Yeah, and it will probably happen for a while. It's just -- it's a part of the process.
Thorne: So, that means I am going to get through this.
Taylor: Yeah, yeah. You are. You will.
Thorne: You have no idea how bad I needed to hear that, Taylor.
Taylor: Well, that's why I'm here. And if you forget, I'll be here to remind you.
Donna: It's incredible.
Ridge: What's that?
Donna: What's happening to me.
Ridge: It's an opportunity of a lifetime.
Donna: Scary one, too.
Ridge: Like I said. No risk, no reward.
Donna: You're the one taking the risk. I'll be wearing Ridge Forrester originals. I can't go wrong.
Ridge: Regardless, I don't think there really any sure things in this business.
Donna: No sure things anywhere.
Ridge: I'm beginning to believe that myself.
Donna: Maybe it's not such a bad thing.
Ridge: No?
Donna: Makes life more exciting. Not knowing what's next. Look at us. I certainly couldn't have predicted being here tonight.
Ridge: It wasn't what I expected either. A little while ago, I thought I had the world on a string. Now, I just feel like I'm hanging by a thread.
Donna: My sister really broke your heart.
Ridge: Yeah, only into a million pieces.
Donna: Well, lucky for you, I'm good at puzzles.
Ridge: I bet you're good at a lot of other things too.
Donna: Well, I hope so. Or else Forrester made a big mistake hiring me.
Ridge: We didn't. I know that. You're gonna be a hit, Donna Logan. You're beautiful, smart, driven, and sexy. How could anyone not fall in love with you?
Thorne: I see so much of Darla in Alexandria. More now than ever before. Is that normal, too?
Taylor: Very.
Thorne: Would you and Phoebe like to stay for dinner?
Taylor: Oh, I don't know.
Thorne: I mean, it's okay if you have other plans. It's just that my neighbors keep dropping off these casseroles. And I'll never be able to eat all this food by myself. The truth is, I think Alexandria and I are running out of stimulating conversation.
Taylor: Well, we don't have any plans. No, thanks for inviting us.
Thorne: Well, great. I already have two casseroles in the oven.
[Knock on the door] Excuse me. I invited some other people. Ah, Lt. Baker, right on time.
Lt. Baker: How are you doing, Thorne?
Thorne: Good.
Lt. Baker: These are detectives Orbach and Barton. They're in charge of the hit and run investigation.
Thorne: Nice to meet you guys. This is my daughter Alexandria. This is my niece, Phoebe. This is her mother, Taylor Hayes Forrester. I thought we could eat and go over the case at bit.
Lt. Baker: Ah, maybe. Your niece should take your daughter to the other room.
Taylor: Yeah, I think that would be a great idea.
Thorne: We can talk about the case over dinner. Right now, I just want to tell you how grateful I am for all the attention that you are putting on the case. I want you to know that I will do anything in my power to help you. Including a cash reward for any information.
Lt. Baker: That's not really necessary.
Thorne: It is, if it helps catch this monster who killed my wife. Because I'm not going to rest until this murderer is caught and is brought to justice.
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