The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Monday 7/3/06
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Ridge: Logan, that photo captures your essence. That is what's going to sell this collection.
Brooke: But if we don't use the lingerie shots in the ads --
Ridge: Okay, tell you what -- start out the spread with you in one of my designs, and we go on like that. At the end, the last page, we do the nude shot. "Brooke's bedroom or nothing at all."
Brooke: Well, it could work.
Ridge: It's brilliant and you know it. Come on.
[Glasses clinking]
Stephanie: I know how much you love her, Ridge. When Nick sees this photo –
Felicia: You don't have to drop the baby off and run. He's asleep, if you want to talk.
Dante: I can't.
Felicia: Bridget's waiting for you in the car?
Dante: Well, we're going to the beach.
Felicia: Don't let me keep you.
Dante: No, actually, I do want to talk. I have been meaning to call you. I have some good news. My sculpture won the Musee De Vorlay award.
Felicia: I know. I got invited to the ceremony.
Dante: Yeah, I gave them your name. I just wanted the committee to know who inspired the piece.
Felicia: At least I'm not the only one who knows how good we are together.
Dante: You going?
Felicia: Are you taking Bridget?
Dante: Mm-hmm.
[Knocking at door]
Bridget: Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt. It's just -- I have Dino's diaper bag. I'm sorry. I'll get it.
Felicia: So, you're going to the beach, huh? I thought you'd like the pool better.
Bridget: Oh, yeah, well, we were gonna lay out at mom's house, but Hope's having some friends over, so --
Felicia: So, why don't you use the pool here? Don't worry. I'll keep my distance.
Bridget: No, it's not that. It's just, I think --
Dante: You know what? Why don't we do that, use the pool here? We don't have to deal with traffic.
Bridget: Oh, well --
[Dino crying]
Bridget: Was that a dirty diaper cry?
Dante: We should go.
Felicia: I see you've had your fill of dirty diapers today?
Bridget: No! No. I mean, I love Dino. I never get tired of him.
Felicia: Well, then, great. Knock yourself out.
Bridget: Are you sure?
Felicia: Of course.
Dante: You know, when I dropped him off, he was asleep. I'd like to see him.
Felicia: Go ahead.
Nick: Aren't you in the wrong building?
Massimo: What's this?
Nick: That would be a wedding announcement.
Massimo: It can't be. I mean, if it was, your father would have received one.
Nick: You don't support this marriage. Unless, of course, you've changed your mind?
Massimo: No, I still think Brooke belongs with ridge. She's gonna disappoint you, Dominick.
Nick: You disappoint me.
Massimo: Sorry you feel that way. But I want you to understand one thing. I'm here for one reason, one reason alone. I'm your father, and I don't want to see you hurt.
Nick: Well, thanks for stopping by. It's always nice to know who your true allies are. Which reminds me, I should probably visit the other side. Never really know what they're up to, do you?
Massimo: Don't say I didn't to warn you.
Brooke: These are very artistic.
Stephanie: I think they're striking, they're fabulous.
Brooke: Good work, brio. They're very provocative, yet not salacious.
Brio: Thanks.
Stephanie: You're welcome. Thank you. The kind of publicity that this ad campaign is going to generate --
Brooke: This isn't usually the kind of advertising that you believe in, Stephanie.
Stephanie: Well, a leopard can change its spots. I believe this collection is going to sell because of your image. And I think this ad campaign is going to take the line right through the roof. I'll call the ad agency right now.
Brooke: Wait!
Stephanie: What?
Brooke: I didn't authorize this yet.
Ridge: Oh, come on, Logan, even mother's on board now. What's the problem?
Stephanie: Nick. You're afraid of how he's going to react. I don't understand. It's like he's holding you back, and you -- you're such a free spirit. I'm so surprised that you would want to marry someone who's actually going to try to restrain you this way.
Christian: I don't mean to intrude. I just wanted to see how you were doing.
Felicia: No visible injuries.
Christian: So, you're still angry with Dante and Bridget?
Felicia: After what they did? They're lucky I'm just angry. A less grounded person would be homicidal.
Christian: But you're not thinking of anything like that?
Felicia: Committing a crime of passion? No. But I did do a little harmless something.
Bridget: Honey, can you put this sunblock on me? Please?
Dante: Sure.
Bridget: I fry like a lobster without it. I really don't want to be uncomfortable at your ceremony tonight.
Ridge: They are as good as you think they are.
Brooke: I didn't say they were bad --
Ridge: Well, then what is there to think about? It's about Nick, isn't it? Mother was right.
Brooke: I am marrying him. I do need to consider his feelings.
Ridge: What about your feelings, Logan? What's your gut telling you? You've got some of the best instincts in the business. What are they saying? Look, forget about Nick. Forget about me, mother, any other voice in your head. Just tell me right now, what is it you want to do?
Brooke: I want to think about it.
Ridge: What's happened to you? Where is the strong, independent woman I knew? Where is she? Huh? How long are you going to let Nick come between you and what you know to be right?
Stephanie: Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick. You think you know your fiancée, but you don't.
[Cell phone rings] Hello?
Massimo: My dear, Dominick may be on his way to Forrester. He may even be there by now.
Stephanie: Oh, well, good. It's good he didn't get here sooner, he would have gotten an eyeful. I was just going to call you. I need a personal favor.
Massimo: Anything.
Stephanie: I know that you are very close friends with Jeremy Meyers and his wife.
Massimo: Yes, so what?
Stephanie: Well, he's the CEO of our ad agency. But I have to see him today. Could you do me a big favor? Call him and ask him if he would extend me the courtesy of meeting today with his top hand people.
Massimo: No problem, why?
Stephanie: I can't talk anymore. Someone's coming up in the elevator.
Nick: Where's Brooke?
Stephanie: I think she's downstairs.
Nick: I see I missed all the fun.
Stephanie: Yes, she outdid herself. She was quite revolutionary.
Nick: It's underwear.
Stephanie: She's very proud of that underwear.
Nick: I'm proud of her. Although I can't say I like the fact that my fiancée is being seen in her lingerie by the entire world.
Stephanie: Oh, if it's lingerie that bothers you, then you have nothing to worry about.
Nick: You know, what really worries me is being lectured by you on how to appreciate Brooke.
Stephanie: You know, Nick, you're making the same mistake that a lot of other men have made, where she's concerned. You're trying to, sort of mold her into your version of her, have her play by your rules. The only rules that she's ever played by are her own.
Nick: We understand each other, Stephanie.
Stephanie: Really?
Nick: Hmm-hmm.
Stephanie: What happens if she swings and it's strike three? Why would you give her an ultimatum like that? What does that say about your relationship?
Nick: Will you ever learn to mind your own business?
Stephanie: Just trying to help.
Nick: Thanks.
Stephanie: If you don't want to listen, and you don't want to see --
Nick: I see just fine.
Stephanie: No, you don't.
Nick: I see what you're doing.
Stephanie: Nick, this is a woman who is not embarrassed by scandal or her own sexuality. She thrives on it.
Nick: No, no, no. Brooke does not thrive on scandal.
Stephanie: Oh, yes, she does. It's the very essence of her personality. It's --
Nick: It's what your family turned her into. And I'm offering her something that she can rely on.
Stephanie: The question is, can you rely on her?
Nick: This is hard for you, I know. But she wants a life with me, and I trust her. So you do whatever you have to do. There will not be a strike three.
Brooke: Nick has already put up with enough scandal.
Ridge: Oh, come on, it's an ad campaign.
Brooke: It's a very provocative one.
Ridge: Well, that's what makes it so interesting.
Brooke: Well, you and I understand that. We work in this business. And that kiss at the end of the runway -- that was a publicity stunt. But to nick, it was personal.
Ridge: That's because he doesn't understand you. Look, if he can't handle the real you, that's not your problem. That's his. Come on, Logan, you don't have to change for him.
Brooke: Marriage is about consideration, compromise.
Ridge: Hey -- you are letting him clip your wings, that's all there is to it. Don't do that now, Logan. Not when you're just beginning to soar.
Dante: It was really nice of Felicia to let us use the pool.
Bridget: I know. It really was. I hate all this tension between us. I mean, it's understandable. I wouldn't blame her if she never forgave us. But I really hope she does.
Dante: A step in the right direction.
Bridget: Yeah, it is. Who knows, maybe Felicia will be okay with us.
[Bridget sighs]
Christian: You put baby oil in her sunblock?
[Felicia chuckles]
Felicia: Come on, it's a little funny, right?
Christian: Well, she could get sun poisoning.
Felicia: Oh, come on, it's not like I dumped her in the middle of the Sahara with an empty canteen. It's a little prank.
Christian: It's more than a little prank, Felicia.
Felicia: It's poetic justice is what it is. She burned me. So now, it's her turn.
Nick: There you are.
Brooke: Nick -- I didn't know you were here.
Nick: I was upstairs with Stephanie.
Brooke: Oh. So, did she tell you about the photo shoot?
Nick: She did. She said you were brilliant, but I already knew that.
Brooke: Did she say anything else?
Nick: Just her usual insanity. I tried to explain to her that I don't like my fiancée being photographed in her lingerie.
Brooke: Well, some men would be proud of that.
Nick: I think that we were raised just a little differently.
Brooke: What if they were tastefully done --
Nick: Brooke, I know what men think about when they look at ads like this. I just don't want them thinking about that when they look at you, that's all. Okay? Let's get outta here. Show me where we're going to have the wedding, shall we?
[Knocking at door]
Brooke: Oh --
Brio: Brooke. Oh, sorry.
Brooke: Brio. This is the photographer, Brio.
Nick: Hello.
Brooke: This is my fiancé, Nick.
Nick: Hi.
Brio: Hi. Have you made a decision about the pictures?
Brooke: We'll go with the first set.
Brio: But the second set was incredible. Really cutting edge. Maybe if you looked at them again --
Brooke: Yeah, no, no. No, it's not really negotiable. I mean, you did an amazing job. But I'll go with the first set. Come on, let's go. I want to show you -- I want to show you this wonderful place where we're going to get married and I'm going to become Mrs. Nick Marone.
Nick: Nice to meet you.
Massimo: Thank you, Shelly. Jeremy cleared his schedule so he could come and meet with you.
Stephanie: Thank you, Massimo.
Massimo: Alright, now, what is going on? Have you found a way to get between Dominick and Brooke?
Stephanie: You tell me.
Dante: You know, Felicia promised she wouldn't come down here.
Bridget: I think Stephanie and dad are still at work.
Dante: You know, I don't think anybody would notice if we snuck off to the pool house for a little bit.
Bridget: Really? You think? Ow! Ow!
Dante: What is it?
Bridget: Oh, my God!
Dante: Wait, wait, you used enough sunblock, what happened?
Bridget: Oh, my God! I know. I did. I don't know what happened. I -- ow! Oh, God. Please just don't touch me! I -- oh, my God! Oh, my God! I'm a French fry!
Steffan: Oh, these are good.
Jeremy: Very, very good.
Massimo: The slogan. "Brooke's bedroom or nothing at all." It's inspired!
Blair: So, what were you thinking? Print, outdoor, TV spots?
Stephanie: Oh, all of it. All of it. And I want to go on the internet. I want to be around the world, on the internet, by tomorrow.
Ridge: So Brooke is not going to do it?
Brio: No. She was very clear. She doesn't want to use the nude photos.
Ridge: Even though they're the best of the bunch?
Brio: A campaign like this could have set a new industry standard, won awards. How can she not see the potential?
Ridge: She does see it, brio. This isn't about what Brooke wants. It's about what Nick wants.
Brio: Well, that's too bad.
Ridge: Yeah, it sure is. For Forrester, and especially for Brooke.
Brio: We'll talk later?
Ridge: Thanks, brio.
[Ridge remembering]
Ridge: You've always been wild and free, Logan. He's never going to understand you. Never.
Brooke: Well, this is it.
Nick: This -- this is where you want to get married?
Brooke: I thought about sailing everybody out to the deserted island, but I really want to save that just for us.
Nick: Yeah. This is perfect.
Brooke: It's your home. It's where you're most comfortable. And this is where we fell in love. It smells like ocean, there's lots of boats everywhere.
Nick: This is -- this is a very good move.
Brooke: Yeah? Do you really like it?
Nick: I really like it, I really like you. Is this really going to happen?
Brooke: Yes. This is really going to happen. And I can't wait one more second. I am really wanting to be Mrs. Nick Marone.
Nick: I love it. I love it. I love it! I absolutely love it! And I love you! I love you.
[Doorbell rings]
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