B&B Transcript Tuesday 5/30/06

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Tuesday 5/30/06


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Becky

Brooke: What did you say?

Nick: I said you're the new CEO. You're in charge here. You run the place.

Brooke: Nick, I don't understand. You said that --

Nick: Forget what I said. You made this company what it is today. Now I'm not gonna take that away from you. Nobody should. I want you to be happy.

Brooke: Are you sure?

Nick: Well I definitely am now.

Brooke: Thank you!

Nick: I -- I gotta go.

Brooke: Yeah -- okay. Nick -- thank you. You're not going to regret this.

Nick: Take charge.

Felicia: Oh, no, no, no. You're going to warm this thing up before you touch my skin with it. Here?

Christian: That'll work. All right, now take a deep breath. Good. Exhale. Again.

Felicia: Does this thing tell you what I'm thinking?

Christian: Just listens to your heart. Exhale.

Felicia: So what's the prognosis, Doc?

Christian: Not good, I'm afraid.

Felicia: Really?

Christian: I'm sorry to say -- you no longer need your physician living under the same roof. Your recovery is solid.

Felicia: Yes!

Christian: I knew you could do it. You can tie up now.

Felicia: Do I have to?

Christian: You know, I'm gonna miss you.

Felicia: Good. You know, I think it should be written somewhere that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be around --

Christian: Yeah, well -- we're all glad for that.

Felicia: Christian? What is it?

Christian: You know, ever since I was little -- I wanted to be a doctor. I hated to see people sick. And since then, it seems like all I've been doing is studying, working -- never really looking up. In all of that, people just became -- organisms.

Felicia: So that's how you looked at me?

Christian: No, no, no. What I mean to say is -- I've learned a lot from you. Not just as a patient. It's you, Felicia -- the woman -- who's taught me the most -- who reminded me what it is to really care.

Ridge: All right, Logan -- enough with the suspense already. Make it official.

Brooke: I accept your offer to be CEO of Forrester Creations!

Eric: Bravo, bravo! That's great! We're going to do incredible things -- you'll see.

Stephanie: This is a new beginning for us. You'll see.

Ridge: You're home, Logan. You're home at last.

Nick: All right. I just agreed to let Brooke be CEO at Forrester, so you'd better have what you say you have.

Stephen: Here it is. Taylor's 2% signed over to Brooke.

Nick: Well they -- this stock gives Brooke controlling interest of Forrester.

Stephen: Now she doesn't have to choose between you and the company. She has both.

Nick: I want my attorneys to take a look at this. If it's legit, you've done something amazing here. You've given your daughter a great gift. Freedom. Freedom from that Forrester family once and for all. Yeah, is Demarco back from Singapore yet? Well good. Send him in. Harrison too.

Felicia: Christian, I had no idea. I, uh -- I just thought --

Christian: That I moved in with you because I'm fascinated by your liver?

Felicia: Wouldn't be the weirdest explanation I've ever heard.

Christian: I took your mother up on her offer to live with you because of who you are.

Felicia: But you barely knew me. I was just an organism to you.

Christian: I had the video from your mother.

Felicia: Trust me, she just put my best moments on there. The bad ones? Not only would I be lucky to get an "R" rating, but it would take you years to watch.

Christian: It showed me who you are.

Felicia: When did you find the time?

Christian: Late at night.

Felicia: Late at night. I like the sound of that.

Christian: I'm trying to tell you I'm interested in you as a woman, you make jokes.

Felicia: With you I have to. Either I make jokes or blush.

Christian: I like your jokes. And I'd love to see you blush.

Felicia: Do you think it's just me, or does every woman quiver when you touch their scar?

Christian: Actually --

Felicia: Don't answer that. Listen -- frankly, I'm really surprised that while living under the same roof I didn't do any more than kiss you that one time. But I'm not sure where it stands between Bridget and Dante. And if there's a chance that my son can be raised by his biological parents, well then I --

Christian: Enough said. Dominick deserves that.

Felicia: I'm not saying it's going to happen -- but I really feel like I have to try. You better get out of here, before I do something impulsive.

Christian: I'm going. But, you should know -- I'd really like to stay.

Ridge: Feels good, doesn't it?

Brooke: Oh, yes. It does. You know, I came here thinking that I was going to be returning the stocks and also turning down your offer of being CEO.

Eric: What changed your mind?

Brooke: Nick.

Ridge: Nick?

Stephanie: He certainly seems to have had a sudden change of heart.

Ridge: He wanted you to say no to the stocks, and walk out on all of us, didn't he?

Brooke: Yes. And I agreed. Nick means that much to me.

Ridge: So what changed his mind?

Brooke: I don't know.

Eric: What does it matter, why he changed his mind? All I care about is that you're back here. Right where you belong.

Brooke: Thanks, Eric.

Ridge: And that goes for me too, Logan. All that matters now, is that you're here.

Stephen: Harrison and Demarco sounds like a law firm.

Nick: It is, mine. When the Forrester’s find out that Brooke has controlling interest, they're going to fight this. This has got to be ironclad. This cannot be contested.

Stephen: I consulted my attorneys before I ever spoke to Taylor.

Nick: Well, I want to make sure. And speaking of Taylor, the last you said -- she was hanging on to her stock. What happened?

Stephen: Well, it was her intention to hang onto it, but you know Stephanie, she can never be wrong. She had to make Taylor see things her way. Well, now Taylor knows Stephanie for exactly who she is, because things got heated, and Stephanie slapped her.

Nick: Ouch. Big mistake.

Stephen: Of epic proportions.

[Knock at the door]

Nick: Yeah?

Demarco: You wanted us, Mr. Marone?

Nick: Yeah, come in boys. I need to know if this stock purchase is valid. I want you to check the Forrester bylaws, let me know if there's anything that prohibits the sale or transfer of that stock. You do realize that if this transaction's legitimate, the Forresters, their company, it's all over. They're finished.

Nick: You know, there's something I'm not clear about. Taylor could've been part of all of this, but she sold her stock instead. Why would she do that?

Stephen: What I saw as justice, she saw as revenge. But either way, she's free of the Forresters once and for all. And maybe that's better for Brooke. You know how much she loves Forrester Creations.

Nick: I don't want to see her hurt again. I don't want to see her repeat the same things with those people -- the same disappointments from Eric, Stephanie, and Ridge.

Stephen: Well then, she's in control of the company. Her first order of business can be to fire Eric, Stephanie, and Ridge.

Demarco: Mr. Marone?

Nick: Yeah? What's the word?

Demarco: Forrester Creations is a privately owned company whose stock can be sold between parties.

Harrison: There's nothing in their bylaws that prevent it, provided that the signature on this agreement is authentic.

Stephen: Well, I was there and watched her sign it.

Demarco: Then Brooke Logan is the new majority stockholder of Forrester Creations, and has irrevocable control of the company.

Harrison: As soon as the agreed upon amount is transferred into Taylor Forrester's account.

Nick: Well, you boys go do that. Actually, double that amount.

Stephen: Well, you are a generous man.

Nick: Sometimes.

Eric: Brooke, we'll have all of your stuff moved in here by the end of the day.

Brooke: No, Eric. This should be your office.

Eric: No, you know what? The change has done me good. I've had my time up here. It's your turn now.

Stephanie: He's right. And you're being very gracious. You're the new CEO. This should be your office. C'mon.

Brooke: Okay!

Stephanie: Good.

Ridge: Okay, good. Let's go through all the things we talked about. All the possibilities. The bedroom line -- biggest re-launch in history.

Eric: Yeah, well let's not get ahead of ourselves. There might be some resistance, still.

Stephanie: Absolutely, look, I already -- the company is headed in a new direction, and I've already told you that the bedroom line is fine with me.

Thorne: Did I just hear what I think I hear?

Eric: Absolutely. It's a done deal, Thorne. Brooke is our new CEO.

Thorne: Really? Congratulations. I couldn't be happier.

Brooke: Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Darla: Congratulations, Brooke.

Brooke: Thanks, Darla.

Thorne: Well, the rumors are flying everywhere.

Ridge: Look, we're going to have to make a formal announcement now.

Brooke: Yes, we should gather everybody, and the sooner the better.

Ridge: Press needs to find out now.

Thorne: Well, they've been camped outside of the building ever since they heard mom's offer to Brooke.

Brooke: Oh, my gosh! So much to do!

Ridge: Fun, fun, fun, huh?

Brooke: The best. The best. I feel like I'm right back where I belong. Only this time it's better. It's much better. Better than I ever could have imagined, because I finally have your acceptance.

Stephanie: It's a new beginning. Not just for all of us, but for the company, the family -- you're part of this family. Let's just never forget that.


Christian: All right. That's it.

Felicia: If I said I hate to see you go --

Christian: I'd believe you. Listen, I've taken a job in university hospital, so I'll be in town.

Felicia: They'll be so lucky to have you.

Christian: You're doing the right thing, Felicia, thinking about your son. A chance with Dante.

Felicia: Do you have a place to stay?

Christian: Yeah. I'm going to stay at my brother's until I find a place.

Felicia: Well, you better be careful. You know firemen. He will get you into so much trouble.

Christian: All right, I'll keep that in mind. Man, why does it feel like I'm walking out on the best thing that ever happened to me?

Felicia: Trust me, you are better off without me. I am just a messed up naughty girl who's full of contradictions. You are this straight laced doctor. Who happens to be the greatest kisser.

Christian: Graduated first in my class.

Felicia: Father of my child, or a great kissing doctor who saved my life? What's a girl to do?

Brooke: You're not overdoing things, are you ridge? There's been a lot going on around here for somebody with a heart condition.

Ridge: Hey, the condition of my heart is fine. I'm as good as new.

Brooke: I'm serious.

Ridge: Logan, having you back here, where you belong has done more for my heart than any doctor or any medicine ever could.

Brooke: Good. Because I can't have anything going wrong with my lead designer. I have big plans for you.

Ridge: I would expect nothing less.

Brooke: Is this really happening?

Ridge: Yes, this is really happening.

Brooke: Yes, it is.

Ridge: Seeing you and my mother, the way you were hugging, talking with each other like that, that's what we always wanted. With you as CEO and my mother's support, Forrester Creations is going to be better than it ever was. We are going to take over the fashion industry.

Brooke: No prisoners.

Ridge: None whatsoever. Our son is going to grow up in a family without all the conflict, all the stuff that was going on. All that's over now. Anything's possible now, Logan. Anything's possible.

Brooke: Ridge. You know I've committed myself to Nick.

Ridge: You've also committed yourself to this company. It's been so much a part of our lives.

Brooke: Don't use our proximity.

Ridge: I don't have to use anything, Logan. It's always just happened for us, hasn't it?

Brooke: I really don't think we should be having this conversation.

Ridge: Look, I just want to get back to work. I feel like I've got my inspiration back. My muse. Watch out, Logan. This company, and you and I working together again -- the best is yet to come.

Stephen: You know, against the Forresters, I was always so helpless. But those days are over. I've waited so long to redeem myself in my daughter's eyes. And now she has the company she loves. All her hard work has paid off.

Nick: Stephen, you've done a good thing for the right reasons. You know that Brooke and I are family, and my mother and you are part of it. Ridge and Stephanie, they're finally out of her life. They don't have a hold on her anymore. She's free. She's finally free.

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