The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Friday 4/7/06
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Nick: You're not serious about this?
Massimo: What is it that you don't like about Vegas, now? Granted, it was once seemingly, very raw and crass --
Nick: Leave my relationship with Brooke alone.
Massimo: Well see, the thing with Vegas is that it matured -- it saw its mistakes and it corrected them.
Nick: What's your point?
Massimo: My point is that a disreputable city that improves itself earns its own applause, does it not? Not less so for a disreputable woman.
[Massimo sighs] Your brother Ridge has elected to accept Brooke back as his wife. Your intentions disgrace her, disgrace him, disgrace all of us. She is not for you.
Jackie: Megan?
Megan: Jackie!
Jackie: I didn't know you were here.
Megan: Oh, well, you must've been with a client. Listen, I just put a folder on your desk. I'm in promotions now at Forrester.
Jackie: I heard. You've been moved up, congratulations.
Megan: Thank you, I'm very excited. Anyway, on that note, if you see any materials that we could use to help your sales, you just say the word.
Jackie: I'll do that.
Megan: Great.
Jackie: And thank you. For the personal touch, thank you.
Megan: Always. Bye bye.
Eric: What's this frown on your face? Oh, never mind, it's gone.
Jackie: I just go a little crazy when I don't see you.
Eric: Me, too. I've gotten all your messages. I've listened to each one ten times. I'm so sorry, I --
Jackie: No, please don't be. Really, I understand. I can't even imagine what life has been like for you since losing Felicia. And I'm sorry if the run-in that I had with Stephanie made things more difficult.
Eric: Run-in? What run-in?
Jackie: In my own defense, I thought that you had asked her for the divorce. I mean, after all, it was understood that the marriage would be dissolved once Felicia was gone.
Eric: Jackie, a miracle has happened. Felicia's alive.
Brooke: You and I are not the subject here. And I shouldn't have to apologize for taking R.J. away overnight. Weeks would go by, you wouldn't even know if he was in Malibu or Madagascar.
Ridge: You're hurt, confused. You think the life we had is past recovering, but you're wrong. I even went to my mother and asked her to step down so that you and I could run Forrester Creations again.
[Brooke laughs]
Brooke: Wow, I'm sure she had a pretty good laugh about that one.
Ridge: Well, she's a strong-willed woman. She raised a strong-willed son. She knows when I'm not gonna give up. And if you don't know that about me yet, you should.
Nick: My father's changed his mind. Take us back to Van Nuys now.
Massimo: You found it a little bit too comfortable speaking for me, haven't you?
Nick: I'd say that's the other way around, wouldn't you?
Massimo: Brooke is the mother of your wife. She is the mother of your nephew R.J. She has a family with your brother. Any closer connection would be disgraceful.
Nick: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, I'm sure in time you'll adjust.
Massimo: In time, you could be sorrier still.
Jackie: Stephanie let you all think that Felicia had been cremated and she let you hold a memorial service?
Eric: Well, she said she didn't want to just get everybody's hopes up just to maybe lose Felicia again.
Jackie: And you accept that?
Eric: Yes. Well, no. I mean, if she had told me what she was doing, she knew that I would've put a stop to it. But in the end -- look, I'm glad she lied.
Jackie: What about Felicia's wishes?
Eric: It wasn't Felicia's wish to die.
Jackie: Of course it wasn't. But if that experimental treatment hadn't worked, what would you have wanted? For the woman to have just basically been tormented until her last breath, and in secret?
Eric: But it did work. Can't you get behind this? I mean, my god, when I thought I had lost Felicia, it damn near killed me.
Jackie: Yes, which was Stephanie's doing. Why are you all right with that? And why is this so different to the woman's infamous non-heart attack, which I also watched you suffer through?
Eric: There is no comparison at all. Jackie, I've been given this wonderful gift. My god, Stephanie was just minutes away from giving Felicia half of her liver, for god's sake. Look, it isn't what I would have done -- it isn’t. But I have my daughter back now. It's a wonderful, wonderful gift, and I cannot feel anything but gratitude.
Nick: What are you gonna do, Pop? Break my knee caps? I am your right hand man, I know how you operate.
Massimo: Is this the way you speak to me? Your father? And over a woman.
Nick: I'm happy, but I don't expect you to understand what it's like to feel that way about someone.
Massimo: No? I was idealistic once. And what good did it do me? I had a wife with an insatiable appetite for betrayal.
Nick: Don't bring my mother into this. Besides, I'm sure you don't want to get into a discussion about who's better at betraying whom.
Massimo: I don't think I'm such an old fogie that I can't appreciate the attraction of one Brooke Logan. She's warm, she's simple, she's loyal. To far too many men, but she's loyal in her own way.
Nick: I think I'm the only man that she wants to have a life with.
Massimo: This month. What do you take me for Dominick? Huh? Some kind of weakling, like Eric Forrester? Do you think I'll be content to stand by and watch scandal eat its way through my family, like it did his? You can't do this to your brother. You've got to let Brooke go.
Nick: He walked out on her. His son, your grandson.
Massimo: To be replaced as his father when you get out of the picture. You know, you're not good at self-deception. Okay, Dominick? You are not rescuing a family here, you're destroying one.
Nick: Forrester did that, and you know it.
Massimo: Look, I'm not saying that ridge has not made mistakes, okay? But if you refuse to believe that you're wrong here -- then at least I'll have one son -- one set of grandchildren -- that can enjoy what I've spent a life time amassing for them.
Brooke: Ridge, I loved the life that we had. And I wanted it to last forever. But you're the one who threw it away, and there's no getting it back.
Ridge: Mother didn't say no.
Brooke: She's not going to say yes! Turning Forrester over to me?
Ridge: To us. Don't be so sure. Mother's lost her appetite for playing corporate mogul. Since Felicia died, she's never there. She relies on dad more than she ever has. You're gonna run out of reasons for saying no to me, you know that?
Brooke: All right. If I take R.J. out of town, I will let you know.
Ridge: Thank you. In the future, you're not gonna have to look for me any further than the side of the bed, though.
Brooke: Ridge, you have to hear me. That's not going to happen.
Ridge: You think I'm a risk.
Brooke: I'm committed to nick.
Ridge: Because you think he's not a risk. I'm gonna change your mind about that one, too. I'm gonna show you who it is safe to trust.
Brooke: You see, there's a problem there. Because when I commit to somebody, I don't change my mind. You do.
Ridge: You'll see. You'll see.
Nick: So what happens now? You cut off my allowance?
Massimo: Now you're being childish.
Nick: I don't think so. When it comes to what's important to me, where do you really think that inheritance falls? I've been broke before. I do broke very well.
Massimo: I'm aware of that. But it was love and loyalty, not to mention hard work and talent that secured your position at Marone. But I thought that a place in this family still meant something to you.
Nick: And it does. I'm just not gonna say, "how high?" When you say, "jump."
Massimo: I don't think I'm as autocratic as all that. You seem to do what you want despite my advice most of the time. Isn't that so? This is different. This would have you cuckolding your brother. And it would follow through generations. And it's not a matter that can be left up to individual choice. I am the head of this family. And sometimes difficult decisions must be made. I have made this one.
Nick: Well, I guess we're at a crossroads, aren't we? Because loyal I am, but I know where my happiness lies. And I know what I can do without, which is your money and your approval. If a door closes between us, I won't be the one to shut it. But I won't fight it. Just be sure that making an enemy of me is what you intend.
Jackie: I understand now why Stephanie feels so sure of herself, and of you.
Eric: Jackie, Stephanie and I haven't begun to discuss our marriage or anything personal. She doesn't even know where things stand between you and me.
Jackie: Oh, she does now. I told her, because I thought you had told her.
Eric: Well, our minds have been on other things.
Jackie: Yes, so you keep saying. God, it must seem terribly trivial of me to bring up anything that isn't a matter of life and death.
Eric: Jackie --
Jackie: Don't, all right? Just don't ask me to be patient or understanding, because patient I have been and understanding I have been. When does it get to be my turn? And, god, why do I feel so selfish asking? Why do I have to remind you about the promises that you made to me.
Eric: Is it so hard for you to understand that what has happened for Felicia here -- she's the way I look at everything?
Jackie: No, it's very obvious to me. Stephanie thinks that by bringing Felicia back to life, she's done the same for her marriage. Is it true?
[Doorbell ringing]
Brooke: Oh --
Nick: Hi.
Brooke: Took you long enough.
Nick: Sorry.
Brooke: It's okay. It's just as well. Ridge was here.
Nick: Well, that's interesting timing. I just had what I think was lunch at 30,000 feet with my old man.
Brooke: What did he want?
Nick: Would you still love me if all I had was the shirt on my back? 'Cause if you had your eyes on my shares at Marone Industry, Ridge is gonna look a lot better to you. As of this afternoon, it's all his.
Jackie: It was understood that you would stay with Stephanie until Felicia was gone. Has she bought herself a reprieve?
Eric: My god, Jackie, do you think that Stephanie saved Felicia's life just to hang onto me?
Jackie: I don't know what to think. That's why I'm asking, and I'm not getting any answers. All I'm hearing is you defending your wife, like a good, loyal husband.
Eric: Would it be incomprehensible to you if I said that I'm not up for this conversation right now? I haven't had a good meal or a night's sleep in days --
Jackie: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You go. You eat, you sleep, you do whatever you have to do. I've got my answer.
Eric: No -- no, Jackie. You think I'm trying to backpedal my way out of our engagement. I'm not. Stephanie and I do not have a romantic marriage. But what we do have is this avalanche of family complexities coming down on us, and I'm -- I just don't know how a divorce right now would help us deal with all of that.
Jackie: Neither do I. I've said it so many times before, I can say it again. Take all the time that you need, okay? Go. You look exhausted, go get some sleep. I'll beat up on you another time.
Eric: I'll call you.
Jackie: You better.
Nick: I'm not telling you all this to worry you.
Brooke: But Nick --
Nick: Brooke, I was fine before I worked for my old man, and I'll be fine afterwards.
Brooke: You love that job.
Nick: I think I might feel a little differently after today.
Brooke: I can't believe he threatened you.
Nick: Come on, let's not be naive here, huh? Men like him don't get to be rich and powerful by walking little old ladies across the street. Besides, I got what I need right here. I'll just have to ask my mom to baby-sit once in a while, maybe.
Brooke: He seems like such a lonely old man. I never did really understand why he and Jackie couldn't work things out.
Nick: Well, now you can.
Brooke: Yeah. Boy -- I never cost somebody a billion dollars before.
Nick: How were you going to make that up to me, anyway?
Brooke: Hmm, let me see.
Nick: Yeah?
[Phone ringing]
Massimo: Is it done? Excellent. Excellent, indeed.
[Operatic music plays]
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