B&B Transcript Monday 2/6/06

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Monday 2/6/06


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Becky

[Dog barking]

[Brooke remembering]

Ridge: I can't believe the dream is dead. I pray to god it isn't. I need you, Brooke. I will never let you down again. Please tell me that there's some hope here.

Brooke: I can't, Ridge.


Thorne: You're working late.

Ridge: Don't worry, everybody knows this is your office now. I was just dropping off some sales figures. Looks like we did pretty well in Europe.

Thorne: Thanks to you.

Ridge: I didn't go over there to play around.

Thorne: No, and you couldn't wait to tell everyone how well you did, huh, Ridge? Especially me.

Ridge: Well, you are the president, Thorne. I think you'd be happy there was some work going on around here. Given mother's not so stellar business decisions, this company's actually still making money.

Thorne: Don't you have some place better to be tonight, Ridge?

Ridge: I'm not going to let this company flounder, Thorne. No matter what's going on in my personal life.

Thorne: So this is your new home? Is that it? The one place you still feel needed? Truth is, Ridge, you have nowhere to go. No woman who wants you.

Ridge: Well, thank you for that generous summation of my life. For your information, Thorne, one of the reasons I lost Taylor was because I was over in Europe covering your butt.

Thorne: You didn't lose Taylor, Ridge. You walked away from her for Brooke. And now Brooke doesn't want you either. It's funny. All my life I had to hear about me being the loser.

Ridge: Feel vindicated now, Mr. President?

Thorne: It does feel good, but I'm talking about family, Ridge. The way that I handled my life. See, I have a wife at home that I love and who loves me, and we have a beautiful daughter that we adore.

Ridge: Well, gee, all you need is your pipe and slippers, then.

[Thorne laughs]

Thorne: It may not be as glamorous or as exciting as yours, Ridge, but it is one hell of a life.

Ridge: It sounds like a beer commercial, Thorne.

Thorne: You know, I'm glad I'm not like you, big brother. Nothing's ever good enough. Always looking for something else. Faster cars, faster women. What's the next shiny object that's going to catch your eye? Or who's the next woman that you're going to hurt? I feel sorry for you, big brother. So take a look at your life. What do you really have to show for it? What good have you really done anyone?


Hector: Taylor. Taylor. Taylor! Taylor. It's okay. You're going to be okay. I'm here now. I'm going to take care of you, okay?


Ridge: Thorne, you were right about one thing. I had a lot of great years with Taylor. We raised an incredible family, and then I lost her. I grieved, Thorne. But I had children to think about, so I had to move on. Thank god I had Brooke in my life to help me get through. And then something happened. Something no one could have anticipated. Taylor came back.

Thorne: And you immediately put her in competition with Brooke, Ridge. Who's going to win? Ridge Forrester. The grand prize.

Ridge: I did the best I could given an impossible situation.

Thorne: Having two women grovel at your feet?

Ridge: You have no idea what happened between Taylor and me. You have no idea what it was like being on the receiving end of decades of mother's manipulations.

Thorne: I'm supposed to feel sorry for you because you were mom's favorite? Because you had all the advantages? Blaming mother for the mess that you're -- please, Ridge. You made your choices! You hurt Brooke when you left her for Taylor, and now you're hurting Taylor by leaving her for Brooke. Do you have any idea what real commitment is, Ridge?

Ridge: You're really taking pleasure in this, aren't you?

Thorne: I'm making you look at what you've done, Ridge.

Ridge: I don't have to look at it, Thorne. I'm living it. You think I'm happy about what happened? You're standing here in my office, having had your happy holidays, enjoying rubbing my troubles in my face. What? This is what gives you your piece of mind, Thorne. So you just go ahead, keep playing Mr. President, okay? Looking down your nose at me. But I'm not going to forget this. I'm not going to forget anything you said today.

Thorne: I hope you don't.


Hector: Why don't you go sit down a minute, okay?

Taylor: I'm fine. I'm fine, Hector. I don't even think I'm hurt.

Hector: Yeah, well, you might have a concussion.

Taylor: I know where I am. I know who you are. It's no concussion.

Hector: All right. Do you know who the president is?

Taylor: Roosevelt.

Hector: Teddy or Franklin?

Taylor: Eleanor.

[Hector laughs]

Hector: Do you know how lucky you are?

Taylor: Yes. My car, on the other hand --

Hector: Don't worry about your car, okay? I called a tow truck company. They're going to have it at the garage first thing in the morning.

Taylor: Thank you.

Hector: The only reason why we didn't go to the hospital is because they could have asked you questions, you know? Tested you for drinking.

Taylor: Oh, I had one glass of wine, you know? Champagne.

Hector: Yeah, that's more than enough. Do you know how many times I've been called to the scene of an accident where the driver wasn't so lucky? I could've lost you.

Taylor: It wasn't because of the alcohol. It was the phone call from Ridge.

Hector: Ridge?

Taylor: I'm just trying to forget about him. I was just going on, moving on with my life. And then I get this call from him in my car. He's pretending to be concerned about me or something when everybody knows he's moved on with his life with Brooke. I hung up. I was upset. And that's when I lost control of the car.


[Phone rings]

Brooke: Dr. Barnett?

Ridge: No, Logan, it's me. Is everything all right?

Brooke: Everything's fine, Ridge.

Ridge: Dr. Barnett's our pediatrician. What's wrong?

Brooke: R.J. has an ear ache, but he'll be fine once he gets his medicine. The problem is, the doctor called the prescription into the pharmacy that doesn't deliver, and Catherine's off for the night, so --

Ridge: The pharmacy we use in Beverly Hills?

Brooke: No, Ridge. You don't have to.

Ridge: No, I'm going to, Logan. I'm going to pick up the prescription and I'll be right over, all right?

Hector: You're going through a rough time, Taylor. But alcohol is not the answer.

Taylor: No more drinking and driving, I promise.

Hector: You know it's a depressant, right? And only --

Taylor: It makes mood swings worse. It clouds judgment. I know, I realize all that. I'm not letting it get out of hand, okay? It's not like I'm slamming back shots of tequila or something. Call it self-medication. I know that it's not the right thing to do. I know that. It's just, you know, it's a temporary stage. It's something I've got to work my way through. And if a glass of wine maybe gets me through that now and then --

Hector: You barely weigh 100 pounds. It doesn't take much.

Taylor: Are you calling me a lightweight?

Hector: Yeah, I guess I am. I know what you're going through is a temporary situation. A stage in your life. But what's going to help you more than anything else is for you to focus on something other than the end of your marriage to Ridge.

[Taylor scoffs]

Taylor: You can say that again.

Hector: You know, we've talked about this before. The sacrifices that you've made. The things that you did for Ridge that weren't really who you were. You've wasted a lot of time with that guy and now it's time to start thinking about you.

Taylor: If I only knew who that was.

Hector: Taylor, you have achieved so much despite Ridge. Don't waste your gifts.

Taylor: Well, I'm open to some suggestions.

Hector: Volunteer at a shelter. How about that? You have no idea how many people could benefit from what you have to offer. Come on, I've given it a lot of thought. Listen, if you're interested, there's a couple places I have in mind.

Taylor: Well, I guess wallowing in self-pity is not helping anybody, is it?

Hector: Well, a little bit of wallowing is okay. But, you know, then --

Taylor: Then you have to get back on the horse.

Hector: Right. Hey, if nothing else, working at the shelter is going to keep you so busy, you're not going to have time to think about Ridge.

Taylor: Actually, that sounds like a pretty good idea.

Hector: Glad I could help.

Taylor: It's just, this isn't -- it isn't what I expected at this point in my life, Hector. Honestly, I'm a little scared. I'm glad you're here.


Brooke: Thank god, he's finally sleeping.

Ridge: You're so great with R.J. when you hold him, sing to him while he drifts off.

Brooke: He's such a sweet little boy. Tries to be so brave, when you know he's hurting.

Ridge: I can't imagine where he gets that from.

Brooke: Well, he has a pretty tough dad. Sleep is the most important thing for him right now.

Ridge: You must be exhausted.

[Brooke sighs]

Brooke: Well, there's nothing worse than watching your child in pain and there's nothing you can do about it.

Ridge: You could've called me.

Brooke: I didn't want to send you the wrong signal.

Ridge: About us?

Brooke: I didn't want to confuse you. Let you think that I opened the door to you again.

Ridge: Brooke, I know the difference between a mother who needs a little help and a woman letting me back into her life.

Brooke: I'm glad that you were here for us. And I'm glad that you called when you did.

Ridge: Me, too. I've been thinking a lot about what you said to me earlier. How you put your faith in me. I let you down. I let us down. Our dream.

Brooke: You know, I've been thinking about that, too. And I think I was foolish to even believe in that dream. Romantic love. It doesn't exist. Only in novels. It's not lasting, or it's not real.

Ridge: See, that's where I think you're wrong. What we have may exist in novels. But it's here too, Brooke.

Brooke: Maybe once upon a time.

Ridge: No. It's forever.


Hector: I don't have to go.

Taylor: Yes, you do.

Hector: Is that what you want?

Taylor: With you, Hector, I can't trust what I'm thinking. What I'm feeling, I mean. I mean, you're just this amazing man. You just keep showing up when I need someone the most.

Hector: You know that I just want to help you, don't you? I want to take you and guide you and nurse you back to health, so if you need me to stay --

Taylor: It's too soon.

Hector: When you're ready. I know you hurt, Taylor. I really do. But I'm happy for you. I'm happy that you're free of that burden that's been dragging you down and holding you back. I know you don't see this, but I do. You're the most amazing woman that I've ever met, and nothing can stop you from doing great things. And hopefully, one day we'll be doing those things together.

Brooke: You let go of our life together, ridge. I gave you everything that I had. And I trusted you never to let me down. And you walked out on us. Me and our family. A family that you wanted for a long, long time. Just to be with Taylor.

Ridge: She came back into my life after I thought she'd gone forever. I'm not trying to make excuses, it's just that those kind of circumstances, who ever would have imagined? When I left here earlier, I went back to the office. Thorne was there. He railed me over for the way I've been acting. The way I've treated you. I haven't treated you the way I should have, Brooke. I think I took you for granted far too often. That's not going to happen anymore, Brooke. I will protect you. I'll protect you from anything, anyone that dare try to harm us. Including the dragon I call "mother."

Brooke: Ridge.

Ridge: Have you ever seen me like this? This isn't an act. I'm the guy who's scared to death of blowing the best thing that's ever happened to him. You've lost faith in what we had? You've stopped believing that our relationship is special?

Brooke: Yes.

Ridge: But it is special. I know I've seemed to have done everything possible to kill what we had, but I'm not going to let that light go out on you. I know what we share and I know that you are what I need. Someone who believes that anything is possible. I believe it. R.J. and hope. Who better than you and I as parents to teach them that? That they can conquer anything in this world if they just try. I need you in my life, Brooke. Forgive me. Don't let our love story end. It may be a little threadbare, maybe pieces of it are a little shattered, but it's not the end. And it can be better than it ever was if we just let it. This, right here, is the middle of our love story, Brooke. Not the end.

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