The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Thursday 1/26/06
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Eric: Hi, sweetheart.
Kristen: Hi, Dad.
Eric: All right. Now we're all
here. Come on.
Ridge: How was your flight?
Kristen: Oh, it was fine. Just
Thorne: How are Tony and Zende?
Kristen: Good.
Thorne: Yeah?
Kristen: Yeah. They wanted to come,
but -- I didn't know what to expect. I mean, I no sooner started packing to
come to see Felicia when this weird invitation arrives.
Ridge: Yeah, well, that's our
little sister's handiwork.
Kristen: So you're not getting
Thorne: Oh, he is. I'm going to
take these upstairs for you.
Kristen: Thank you. Dad, I'm going
to need a scorecard to keep track of you and your weddings. I thought you and
mother were barely speaking?
Eric: Sweetheart, Felicia wanted
this to happen. It's important to her to see some peace in this family. She
thinks that once your mother and I remarry, in spite of the fact that she asked
us to, that eventually it'll be something that we don't regret.
Kristen: Well, who knows? Maybe
she'll be right.
Jackie: It's gorgeous, isn't it?
Nick: Well, I think gorgeous. Especially
when you're happy, so -- if Eric makes you happy --
Jackie: Oh, he does, Nicky. He
Nick: Congratulations -- as long as
he's figured out marriage isn't something you do when it's too cold to play
Jackie: He wants to spend the rest
of his life with me. That's what he said.
Nick: Have you two set a date?
Jackie: That depends on family
Nick: Which family circumstances?
You mean Felicia, right?
Jackie: That, yes. And, well, he's
going to have to get a divorce first.
Nick: Mother, he's already
divorced. You should keep up with these things.
Jackie: Well, I know that. But he's
umm -- marrying Stephanie again tonight.
Nick: Did I just hear you right?
Jackie: And it's only temporary.
Nick: Hold it, hold it. He proposed
to you yesterday, and he's marrying someone else tonight?
Jackie: He's just arranging things
this way to humor Felicia, that's all.
Nick: Well, that's not going to
happen with my mother.
Dr. Nomura: And, so how's your pain
Felicia: About a three? Seven. But
I'm not taking anymore pain medication. I don't want to be out of it. I have a
very big night. My parents are getting married.
Nomura: Congratulations.
Stephanie: Oh, well it's not
actually -- thank you.
Dr. Nomura: I see the hospice nurse
came by.
Felicia: Yeah. She brought me all
this stuff. You know, dying should really attract some better designers. This
stuff's so ugly.
Dr. Nomura: Look, let's talk about
the pain. How's your supply of Morphine?
Stephanie: That's so addicting,
isn't it?
Felicia: Yeah, Mother. I'm going to
die a dope fiend, just like you always predicted. Dr. Nomura, I just want to
tell you, I know this can't be easy for you. You're supposed to make people
better, but I want you to know that -- I am better. I mean, I know that I'm
sick, and it's getting worse and all that, but -- something's healing, in me
and in my family. And I want you to always remember that you made that possible
for us.
Dr. Nomura: Thanks.
Kristen: How bad is she? I mean,
you guys haven't told me anything.
Ridge: You pretty much know what we
know, Sis.
Eric: She's not in great shape. But
she's still our Felicia.
Kristen: I don't know if I'm
prepared for this. I don't want to fall apart in front of her. That wouldn't be
Thorne: Don't worry, I'll go with
Ridge: We'll all do this together,
Dr. Nomura: You can just call my
service if you need me.
Stephanie: All right, I will. Thank
you. You didn't tell me that you were in pain.
Felicia: You're still my favorite
person to lie to.
Stephanie: You know, this wedding
doesn't have to take place today.
Felicia: You still think you're
doing this for me, don't you? You and dad think you're going to get married
tonight, tie the knot tonight, and then as soon as I'm gone, you're going to
run down to the courthouse and untie it.
Stephanie: Let me see now -- could
I get used to your father again? Well, he does kind of grow on you like a
Felicia: But you think he's hot to
dump you for Jackie Payne.
Stephanie: He's moving on.
Felicia: Not gonna happen. No.
There is a higher court, and I'm going to be there first.
Stephanie: But some things that you
say --
Felicia: Only to you. Here this
fantastically interesting thing is happening to me -- the big one, the sweet by
and by -- and nobody can stand to here me talk about it. Oh, yeah, look -- I
know you hate it, too. But you, I don't mind tormenting.
Stephanie: When did you get
Felicia: I don't know who to blame
for that, actually. Because I always swore I would never be that crybaby who
went sniveling to church the second I got my diagnosis. It's not like I have
any leverage, anyway. I never did God any favors.
Stephanie: You've always had a
peculiar way of thinking, Felicia.
Felicia: Well, it's true. I mean,
I'm not as bad as some -- I never murdered anybody. But I'm not exactly a
credit to the human race, either. Which is why I cannot figure out for the life
of me why he's always around.
Stephanie: Well, I've actually been
saying some pretty terrible things to god lately. I promised him a lot of
money. Then I promised him a lot of prayers. And then I promised him that I
wouldn't do again all the things that I've done. I promised him all that if he
would just keep his hands off of you.
Felicia: Well, don't do that.
Stephanie: Why? Why shouldn't I
fight for you? Why shouldn't I hate him?
Felicia: Mother, sometimes in the
middle of the night, I feel that I can't breathe. And I start to panic.
Stephanie: Did you tell the doctor?
Felicia: What can he do? It's so
loud. It's like a hurricane ripping the top of my head off. And I can't find my
next breath. And then suddenly it stops. It's like somebody is breathing for
me. And I know I'm going to be okay. It's not adrenaline; it's actually the
opposite of adrenaline. So yell at him, Mother. He's not touchy. It'd be like
yelling at the moon. But don't ask him to leave me.
Stephanie: Okay.
Stephanie: Kristen --
Felicia: I knew you'd come. Yeah, I
know, I look like hell.
Kristen: No.
Felicia: No? What do you mean no?
Everybody has to agree with everything I say. Right, boys? Sweetheart --
Kristen: I'm sorry.
Felicia: Come here. I know what
you're thinking. It's not going to happen, okay?
Ridge: What are we talking about
Felicia: Kristen thinks she's
taking a look at her future. You do. You think you're seeing how your end is
going to be with Tony, but you're wrong. It's not going to be like this. Tony
is healthy, and he's going to stay healthy, okay? HIV is a relatively new disease,
so they're coming up with new and better things to manage it all the time. It's
not like wily, old colon cancer. End of lecture.
Kristen: How'd you know? And you're
only partly right. You're my sister.
Felicia: I know. And I know that
you love me. We all worry about whether we're going to be equal in the end. Me,
too. We should be closer. What's in Miami anyway? We have beaches here. You
know what? Forget it. Forget I asked that. I'll stop nagging you. You're here
now, and -- I need your help so badly.
Kristen: What? What can I do?
Felicia: Can you please help me
with my hair for this wedding?
[Kristen laughs] No, I don't
trust mother. She'll make me look like Dame Edna.
Nick: Eric -- I think we need to
discuss something. Are we alone?
Eric: Yes, we are, Nick. I
understand how this must look to you.
Nick: You're marrying Stephanie,
but you're still engaged to my mother.
Eric: Stephanie and I have both
drawn up prenuptial agreements. We've both agreed to end this marriage
amicably, once it -- serves it's purpose.
Nick: No. If you're going to stay
engaged to my mother, you're not marrying Stephanie. I want you to call this
wedding off.
Eric: I can't do that.
Nick: I mean it, Eric!
Eric: Nick, we're doing this for Felicia.
Nick: Well, then answer me this --
does Felicia know that you're already engaged?
Eric: No. And she's not going to
know that.
Nick: Oh, for crying out loud,
she's not a little girl anymore. You know, if she asked for something really
special, it's okay to say no. Especially when you're marrying your ex-wife.
Eric: Maybe I don't want to say no
to my daughter right now.
Nick: Well, I can only try to
understand that. But make sure you understand that I'm not going to let my
mother say yes to a man who's commitments are made out of cardboard.
Eric: Nick, I like you, I respect
you. I'm not marrying you. And Jackie has accepted my proposal, and all the
circumstances that go along with it. Maybe once your daughter is born and you
understand a father's mind a little bit better, you and I will have some common
ground to talk. But right now, I don't think we can.
[Knocking on door]
Nick: Felicia? It's Nick, you
decent? Felicia? Oh, my God! Oh, my God, what happened?
Felicia: Oh, stupid me. I just lost
my balance. Can you just give me a hand?
Nick: Yeah, yeah. Hang on. Here.
Are you hurt?
Felicia: You know, it's so funny.
They told me to be careful not to slip in the shower, but nobody warned me
about afterward. Can you do me a favor and hand me that over there? That
garment bag on the back of the chair? Please? Can you sit with me?
Nick: Sure.
Felicia: Can I ask you the truth
about something? Kristen worked on my hair for a half an hour. Is it wrecked?
Nick: It's a little cock-eyed.
Felicia: What is wrong with me? Why
do I even care? Why am I such a girl?
Nick: You can talk to me. What is
Felicia: I'm just -- I wanted
everything to be perfect. Sorry -- including me. For the first time in my life,
here I've done this really nice thing -- I've managed to pull off getting
everybody together, to be good to each other. And I've forced them to remember
that love can protect you from death. And everybody thinks it's a stupid idea,
and they think the wedding's a joke. You do, too, don't you? Admit it. And now
I'm going to stumble in like some lush who's uninvited.
Nick: Shh. Hey, hey, come on. Don't
talk like that. Now, I'm right here. I will do whatever you want me to do.
Felicia: Whatever? Okay. This dress,
my dad picked it out from Forrester for me to wear tonight. Can you help me get
it on?
Nick: Well, maybe I ought to get Stephanie
to help with that.
Felicia: Hell, Nick, you've seen
the goods before. Come on. Besides, I already kicked Stephanie out.
Nick: Okay.
Felicia: I'll try to concentrate on
this hair repair, and maybe I won't be such a disaster. Please don't tell
anybody out there that I cried. It's just that I get on overload sometimes and
I can't help it.
Nick: You've got a lot to think
Felicia: What'd you come see me
about anyway?
Nick: I just wanted to see you. Let
me get this --
Felicia: I'm not gonna need that
Nick: You know, maybe you should.
Felicia: No! Absolutely not. I'm
not going to walk into my parents wedding an invalid. I am not. I am not!
Eric: Joe! There you are. Hi.
Judge Bolan: Hi, Eric.
Eric: Hi. You remember my sons, and
this is Thorne's wife, Ddarla.
Judge Bolan: Of course.
Thorne: Good to see you, judge.
Kristen: Mother? He's here.
Judge Bolan: I'm so sorry about -- Stephanie
tells me that your youngest --
Eric: Oh, thank you, Joe. Thank
Judge Bolan: I take it she's not
well enough to be here?
Ridge: She better be here.
Darla: Do you think maybe we should
call the guesthouse?
Judge Bolan: Oh, here's the
blushing bride!
Stephanie: And here's my favorite
judge. It's so good to see you. And thank you for doing this on such short
Judge Bolan: Of course.
Eric: Wait, this is -- I designed
this, didn't I?
Stephanie: Yes, for the opening at Forrester
Eric: That's right.
Stephanie: I had Thorne update it.
Eric: Good job, Thorne. It looks
Stephanie: Where's Felicia?
Kristen: Um, I'll go see.
Stephanie: Maybe you should go with
her. Your sister might need some help coming across the courtyard.
Ridge: No, no. She won't have any
of that.
Thorne: The nurse left the
wheelchair, Mother.
Felicia: Hi. Judge Bolan, how is it
possible you're still so handsome? Thank you for presiding tonight. You know,
they say that seeing is believing. But I actually believe the opposite is true.
Look at us, all here together looking so beautiful and unscathed. Like nothing
ever hurt us, or ever will. I believed that's how we were meant to be. And here
we all are.
Nick: Enjoy your evening.
Eric: Nick -- thank you. Thanks for
letting Felicia have this evening.
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