B&B Transcript Thursday 8/11/05

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Thursday 8/11/05


By Boo
read by Becky

[ Bridget panting ]

Bridget: My god. This is crazy. What am I doing here? Where else am I gonna go? There is nowhere else to go. Nick is with my mother. Nick is with my mother.

[ Cell phone ringing ]

Bridget: Nick.


Steffy: It's going to be a blast. We're gonna go to the zoo.

Thomas: And take lots and lots of pictures.

Hope: Can we play gumball bingo?

Phoebe: We can play whatever you want.

Nick: Sounds to me like her social calendar's filling up pretty fast.

Thomas: We miss having her around.

Brooke: Where's Bridget?

Nick: I left a message. She's probably just planning a coming home party for the two of you.

Thomas: Did you hear that, Hope? You know what that means?

Hope: Ice cream!

Thomas: Ice cream!

[ All laugh ]

Phoebe: That's right.

Dr. Sobel: Well, hope. Looks like we're going to be missing you around here. You get to go home today.

Phoebe: Goody, goody.

Dr. Sobel: I've reviewed all the tests, and you, young lady, get nothing but gold stars.

Brooke: Oh, that's wonderful, sweetie.

Thomas: All right. Way to go, Hope.

[ All laugh ]

Dr. Sobel: I'll have you bring her in for a follow up next week, but it's safe to say we're out of the woods.

[ Brooke sighs ]

Brooke: Thank you, doctor, so much.

Dr. Sobel: My pleasure.

Hope: Can I go swimming, please?

Dr. Sobel: Medically, there's no reason she can't. But I would like her to wait until after the follow-up, just to be on the safe side.

Brooke: You really want to go swimming, sweetheart?

Hope: I'm not afraid.

Nick: That's because you're the bravest little girl I know.

All: Yes, you are.

Thomas: Yes, you are, Hope. All right, now where's the ice cream?

[ Hope giggling ]


Bridget: Oh, my god. It might be about Hope.

Operator: One new message.

Nick: Bridget, it's me. Well, the news is all good so far. We've got Thomas and the girls here now. Hope's having a good ol' time. I guess you know I spent the night at the hospital with your mom. Hope wouldn't let me go. She's really something. Anyway, give us a call here when you get the message, okay? Love you.

Bridget: You're with her. You're with my mother.

Nick: You and this little girl just mean everything to me. And I promise you from this day until the day I die I will make sure that nothing bad happens to you. I mean that with all my heart. Until the day I die I will make sure that nothing bad happens to you. I mean that with all my heart.

Bridget: No. They wouldn't do this to me. You wouldn't do this to me. Oh, my god.

Stephanie: Bridget, I saw your car outside. What are you doing here?

Bridget: What are you doing here.

Stephanie: Well, it's my cabin. I thought I'd come up and spend some time. I mean, I had no idea that you and nick would be here. If you'd just called me, honey, I certainly wouldn't have driven up and interrupted your little romantic getaway.

Bridget: Nick isn't here.

Stephanie: Well, what are you doing here?

Bridget: I don't really want to talk about it. Please, would you just go?

Stephanie: From the looks of things, I thought you were leaving.

Bridget: Well, I'm not. And I really would like to be alone. So can you please leave?

Stephanie: Bridget, clearly something is wrong. I don't think I should leave you here.

Bridget: Then I'll go.

Stephanie: No, stop this. Has something happened between you and Nick?


[ Talking over each other ]

Nick: See you guys later.

Brooke: Thanks for coming.

Nick: Good bye.

Brooke: It meant a lot to Hope and to me. Thank you so much. Bye.

Thomas: See you.

Hope: I hear you've been bugging him again?

Nick: He didn't though, did he?

Hope: No.

Nick: Hey, before we go, I want to talk to you about something. Now, you may not remember everything that happened --

Hope: When I got hurt?

Nick: Yeah. Yeah, when you got hurt. You see, it's my fault that you had to come here. And I just want you to know how sorry I am.

Hope: I know.


Stephanie: Hope almost drowned and no one bothered -- no one in the family bothered to call me.

Bridget: Do you blame them?

Stephanie: Is she going to be all right?

Bridget: She'll be fine.

Stephanie: Good. Now, why aren't you at the hospital with your mother? At a moment like this, your mother shouldn't be alone.

Bridget: She's not alone. As if you even give a damn.

Stephanie: So Nick is with her, is that it?

Bridget: Yeah, Nick's with my mom. So what?

Stephanie: She's forgiven him?

Bridget: Yeah. She forgave him.

Stephanie: Even though the little girl almost drowned.

Bridget: Why are you harping on this?

Stephanie: I didn't think I was.

Bridget: Yeah, and Nick feels responsible. Hope asked him to stay, and so he spent the night at the hospital. It's really not a big deal.

Stephanie: And you spent the night here.

Bridget: So?

Stephanie: And your fiancé and your mother --

Bridget: You don't need to go there.

Stephanie: Honey, we both know the history that your mother has with this man. What is it that you're not telling me?

Bridget: I'm telling you just to shut up. I'm not listening to you anymore. Not after what you've done with your phony heart attack. You're not manipulating us anymore, especially not me.

Stephanie: Look, you can be as angry with me as you want to be. But what I've done is not important. What's important is that I love you, I care about you, and I know you better than you know yourself. Obviously, something is going on. Tell me what's wrong. You saw them at the hospital together. Something frightened you -- what?

Bridget: Hope nearly died.

Stephanie: Yes. Oh. The possibility of that has brought out the truth about your mother and Nick.

Bridget: You don't know that.

Stephanie: I know that he's still in love with her.

Bridget: Shut up! Shut up!

Stephanie: You didn't want to see it before, but you've seen it now, haven't you?

[ Bridget sniffling ]

Bridget: I was looking through the window door. Then I saw my fiancé and my mother. And I just saw the way that they looked at each other, and the way the he touched her, and -- he's never looked at me that way before. Hope was right there. They weren't doing anything improper. They just looked like a family. And I felt like the odd woman out. But how else am I supposed to feel, though? When the man that I'm in love with is in love with my mother?


Nick: Uncle Nick did something -- he did something real bad. The worst thing that he's ever done in his life.

Hope: What?

Nick: Well, I was supposed to be watching you and protecting you, and I wasn't.

Hope: I was swimming and I got caught.

Brooke: Oh, honey, it wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything wrong.

Nick: No, it wasn't your fault at all. You see, it was my fault, because I looked away. And I promise you, I'll never, ever look away again, ever. Okay?

Hope: Okay. Mommy's sad.

Brooke: No, sweetie, mommy's not sad. Mommy's grateful to have a little angel in my life.

Hope: Me?

Brooke: Yes. You.

Nick: You know, we love you so much. We just never want to lose you. Can you forgive me?

Hope: I forgive --

Nick: Didn't hear you -- what?

Hope: I forgive you.

Nick: You do. I'll never, never let you down again. Never. I promise.


Bridget: Nick promised me that he would always love me. I was just stupid enough to believe him.

Stephanie: He does love you in his own way, it's just that --

Bridget: He loves my mother more.

Stephanie: Make no mistake about it. This is about your mother. Ridge has rejected her, and now she's going to make a move on Nick.

Bridget: No. My mother hasn't done anything wrong.

Stephanie: Yes, of course she has, honey. I've seen you like this before. When you found out about your mother and Deacon. You didn't want to believe then that something like that could happen. You didn't want to believe that your mother was capable of that. Honey, it's her pattern. It's her insecurities. It always makes her think that she has to have a man every moment. And the man of the moment, right now, is going to be Nick.

Bridget: It's not like that. No, no!

Stephanie: It's exactly like that. Don't dare defend her.

Bridget: No, no, you hate my mom. I know that. I'm not going let your hatred influence me. My mother would never intentionally hurt me.

Stephanie: What are you talking about? She's already intentionally hurt you. And now she's making her move. She's got her sights set on Nick.

Bridget: Nick is her friend, and she needs that right now! Ridge didn't reject her. He abandoned her.

Stephanie: Bridget. Bridget. If you're not really careful here, the same thing is going to happen to you all over again.

Bridget: Well, then it'll be my fault. Have you ever thought of that? That this is always been my fault.

Stephanie: Bridget --

Bridget: No, no. If something happens between Nick and my mother, it's my fault. It's not my mother's fault. It's mine. I'm the one that gets involved with men that are already in love with my mother. I'm the one that sets myself up time and time again. I am the one that keeps repeating the pattern. It's me. Not my mom. There's just something very wrong with me.


Hope: Was mommy mad at you?

Brooke: At first I was. Because you are so precious to me. I was scared.

Nick: Scared? She was mad. And she had every right to be mad, because I made such a big mistake. Buy you know what your mommy said? She said what you said. She said "I forgive you." And not everybody could do that. But your mommy's a special person.

Brooke: Uncle Nick didn't mean for you to get hurt. I know that. And it's important to be able to forgive.

Hope: You love him.

Brooke: We all love Uncle Nick very much.

Nick: And we all love you very much. Very much.

Hope: How much?

Nick: Um -- this much.

Hope: All the way around the world?

[ Nick laughs ]

Nick: All the way around the world and back. And back again.


Stephanie: You have a point.

Bridget: Something's very wrong, but it's not my mother's fault.

Stephanie: Yes, it is. It is most definitely your mother's fault. You have hidden all of the hurt and pain behind that smile. And you have convinced everyone, including yourself, that you are capable of forgiving the unforgivable. Mothers are supposed to protect us. They're supposed to be our best friends. But that's not the relationship with your mother. Your mother has abused her relationship with you.

Bridget: No. No. No, she hasn't.

Stephanie: Yes. Yes, she has. Yes, she has. And you have to face it. And you have to deal with it. Your mother has abused you psychologically and emotionally. And like many children that are abused, you have forgiven the abuser. Your mother has been pulling this act for so long, she's pulled you right into it. You are abusing yourself.

[ Bridget sighs ]

Stephanie:  Honey, I think that's why you are attracted to the men that she's in love with. I think that's why you have forgiven her over and over again. You want your mother to love you. If you don't face this -- if you don't face this truth, I'm really concerned about what's going to happen to you.

Bridget: But she's my mother. She's my mother.

Stephanie: I know, honey. No one wants to lose their mother. No one wants to lose their mother. But if it comes down to a choice between her and your sanity -- Bridget, you do want to be happy, don't you?

Bridget: Of course I do.

Stephanie: Well, then you have to face this and you have to say it. You have to admit that your mother has abused your love for her.

Bridget: No, I won't say it, I won't.

Stephanie: Yes, you will.

Bridget: No, I won't.

Stephanie: Yes, you will. You know why? Because in your heart you know that's the truth, and in your heart, that's the only way that you can start to heal. To free yourself, honey. You have to. You have to admit it. Go ahead and say it.

Bridget: No.

Stephanie: Yes! Say, say what your mother has done to you all these years.

[ Bridget sobs ]

Bridget: My mother has abused my trust.

Stephanie: Yes, she has. And you cannot allow that to continue. You cannot accept that anymore. Bridget, I know you don't want me to -- I know you don't want me to say but I'm telling you, you have to see your mother for who and what she really is, and you cannot let this continue. You have to say this for yourself. You have to admit it, you have to face it. It's for yourself. You've got to admit this.

Bridget: Oh, damn it, okay. I admit it.

[ Bridget sobs ] My mother has abused my trust and my love. She has. First with Deacon and now with Nick. And she swore to me that she would never, ever do it again. She promised me. Nick promised me. I saw them. The way that they were looking at each other, and they way that they were holding each other. Oh, god, please help me. It's happening all over again. Oh, dear god. No. It can't be happening again. She's my mother. She's my mother. She can't be doing this to me again. Not again! She's not -- please tell me she's not.

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