B&B Transcript Tuesday 5/21/02

The Bold and The Beautiful Transcript Tuesday 5/21/02

By Linda
Proofread by Becky

["Bridal chorus" plays ]

Erica: Brooke Logan's wedding is happening right now, right downstairs. Oh, how cool is this? And here I am, stuck inside Rick and Amber's bedroom. Erica, just stop whining. At least you're in the same house. A month ago, you were in Mystic, Connecticut, just reading about these people. Mother, if you could see me now. God, am I sure glad you can't. Just the thought of it -- no, you can't think about that. L.A. -- It's a big city. She'll never be able to find me.


[ "Bridal chorus" plays ]

[ Deacon thinking ]

Deacon: No, Brooke. Don't do it.

[ Brooke thinking ]

Brooke: God help me.

Minister: We are gathered here today in the presence of friends, family and in the presence of god to celebrate something simple, yet something so essential to life. We are here to celebrate love.

Minister: The love that we gather to celebrate today fills every corner of this room. It's an energy, a life force. I -- I can certainly feel it. I'm sure all of you can, as well. It's the love of two people who can no longer tolerate being apart. They must be one. Their hearts demand it. Their souls yearn for it. And so they come before us to commit their lives, their entire beings, to each other. They ask us to witness this commitment, to joy in it, to support it. You see, from this moment forward, they will cling to each other, forsaking all others. No matter what challenges life brings forward -- and there will be many -- nothing can prevent two people sharing this kind of love from being together. This type of a commitment doesn't fall in the face of difficult, even threatening circumstances. Nothing is impossible, no mountain too high, no challenge too formidable, when a love this deep, this lasting, is present. And it is present, my friends, here in this room today. So we bow our heads, and we pray. Dear god, our heavenly father, bless the love that is present in the hearts and souls of the two people standing before you today. Let it not be held against them that they have sinned. We have all sinned. Give them the opportunity to bring their sacred love to the light of the world so that all can benefit from it. We ask this in your holy name. And now, into the sacred covenant Brooke and whip come forward to be joined. If any of you here can show just cause why they should not be married, speak now, or forever after hold your peace.

Whip: I guess it's all systems go.


[ Little Eric laughs ]

Erica: Whew. My my, Rick Forrester. I bet you had all the girls in your senior class falling all over you. Yeah, I would have been how old? Whew. Let's not even go there.


Minister: Brooke and Whip have asked their matron of honor to read from the first book of Corinthians, chapter 13.

Bridget: "If I have the gift of prophecy and with full knowledge comprehend all mysteries, if I have faith great enough to move mountains but have not loved, I am nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. Love is not jealous, love does not brag and is not arrogant, it does not act unbecomingly. It does not seek its own things. It is not provoked. It does not rejoice over righteousness, but rejoices with truth. It puts up with all things, believes all, hopes all, endures all. Love never fails. [ Trailing off ] never fails. Never fails.

[ Brooke thinking ]

Stephanie: Brooke, you've got to consider your daughter in all of this. You've got to be unselfish for her sake. She's counting on you to marry Whip. You've got to come through for her. [ Echoing ] you've got to.

Whip: I love you, Brooke. And someday you're going to love me, too. I wouldn't marry you if I didn't [ echoing ] believe that.

Megan: Follow your heart, Brooke. It's your life. It's your future. Don't let anyone tell you [ echoing ] what you have to do.

Bridget: I've never admired anyone more than you, Mom. You're the one person I know I can always trust.

Deacon: You can't marry this man. You can't turn your back on us, on me. Brooke, please, I love you. I love you, Brooke. I love you, Brooke.

Minister: Brooke, we are ready for you to recite your vows.


Erica: Tennis champion. Wow. It's amazing. Somebody growing up the way he did, a kid with every advantage -- money, celebrity parents. You would think he'd be spoiled rotten, but he's not. He's cool. He's really cool.

[ Erica clears throat ]

Rick: How's everything going up here?

Erica: Good.

Rick: Where's Eric?

Erica: Uh, he's -- he's in his room. He's taking a nap. What are you doing up here?

Rick: I just put Amber to bed?

Erica: During the ceremony?

Rick: Yeah. She passed out.

Erica: Oh, my god, Rick! Are you serious?

Rick: At my mother's own wedding. What a disgrace.

Erica: Well, what about the ceremony?

Rick: It's still going on.

Erica: You don't want to go back down?

Rick: And face them after what happened? No. No. I just -- I just want to forget about this.

Erica: Gosh, Rick, I feel so -- I feel so sorry for you.

Rick: Yeah, you and everyone else. Save the pity.

Erica: I didn't mean it that way.

Rick: Yes, you did. Go ahead and say it -- I -- I'm stupid. I -- I'm a fool. Amber has been using me. She has been lying to me. She has been embarrassing me over and over, and still, I take her back every time.

Erica: That's because you're trying to make your marriage work, Rick.

Rick: No, not anymore.

Erica: What?

Rick: It's over.

Erica: Rick, you don't mean that.

Rick: You know, Amber was the first girl I ever really went out with. I didn't party, I was never dating anybody -- I gave up all the things that a normal teenager does for Amber. And now it's too late.

Erica: Too late for what?

Rick: To turn back time. If I was a teenager, and I met somebody like you, my life would be so different.

Erica: You don't have to go back in time to meet somebody like me. I'm right here. And those days, they aren't over for you. Maybe they're just beginning. What you need is a fresh start. You need to find somebody who cares about you, who is wild about you and who's going to do everything in her power to make you happy in every way possible. How does that sound?

Rick: Don't tempt me, Erica -- not now, not after what just happened.

Erica: I'm not.

Rick: Because I might just –


Minister: Brooke, you have chosen Whip to be your husband. Will you live with him, cherish him and protect him? Will you invite him into your heart in times of joy and in times of sorrow? Will you include him in all the important decisions of your life as someone who is no longer separate from your strength, your success, your life? Will you always be true to whip?

Brooke: I will.

Minister: Whip, will you take Brooke's hand in yours? Look at your bride and repeat after me -- "I, Whip Jones."

Whip: "I, Whip Jones."

Minister: "Do here and now, before god and these witnesses."

Whip: "Do here and now, before god and these witnesses."

Minister: "Join myself to you, forsaking all others, to be your husband."

Whip: "Join myself to you, forsaking all others, to be your husband."

Minister: "I shall comfort you in times of sorrow."

Whip: "I shall comfort you in times of sorrow."

Minister: "Guard you in times of trouble."

Whip: "Guard you in times of trouble."

Minister: "Provide for you in need and give myself entirely to you."

Whip: "Provide for you in need and give myself to you entirely."

Minister: "From this moment forward, we shall be one."

Whip: "From this moment forward, we shall be one."

Minister: Now Brooke, will you take whip's hand in yours? Look at him and repeat after me -- "I, Brooke Logan."

Brooke: "I, Brooke Logan."

Minister: "Do here and now, before god and these witnesses."

Brooke: "Do here and now, before god and these witnesses."

Minister: "Join myself to you, forsaking all others, to be your wife."

Brooke: "Join myself to you, forsaking all others, to be your wife."

Minister: "I shall comfort you in times of sorrow."

Brooke: "I shall comfort you in times of sorrow."

Minister: "Guard you in times of trouble."

Brooke: "Guard you in times of trouble."

Minister: "Provide for you in need and give myself entirely to you."

Brooke: "Provide for you in need and give myself entirely to you."

Minister: "From this moment forward, we shall be one."

Brooke: "From this moment forward, we shall be one."

Minister: The rings, please? "With this ring, I thee wed."

Whip: "With this ring, I thee wed."

Minister: "I believe with all my heart that this is forever."

Whip: "I believe that with all my heart that this is forever."

Minister: Brooke, would you place this ring on whip's finger? "With this ring, I thee wed."

Brooke: "With this ring, I thee wed."

Minister: "I believe with all my heart that this is forever."

Brooke: "I believe with all my heart -- that this is forever."

Minister: In accordance with the laws of this state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Whip, you may kiss your bride. Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to present to you Mr. And Mrs. Whip Jones.

[ Applause ]

[ "bridal chorus" plays ]

[ Deacon thinking ]

Brooke: I will always love you, Deacon. Always. Always. Always.


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