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General Hospital Transcript Friday 5/18/18
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Episode #14040 ~ Finn is apologetic; Ava tries to entice Griffin; Josslyn connects with Oscar; Valentin pleads with Nina; Peter's plans are delayed.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
The recipient of the first-ever port charles pioneer award, alexis davis![ Cheers and applause ] Why would you think I -- can we stop? For one moment in time, can we just stop playing games with one another? Why are you carrying on like this? 'Cause I still care about you. I never stopped. You're never far from my mind or my...heart. And I wouldn't want anything to ever happen to you without you knowing how much I care about you. It means a lot, having you here with me and the baby. Yeah, well, I wouldn't be anywhere else.
[ Monitor beeping ] Oh. This is a surprise. Hey. I wanted to check in with you. I can come back another time. Uh, no. Yeah, actually, the doctor's coming to examine nelle any minute now, and, uh, she'll need some privacy, anyway. You okay for a few minutes? Yeah, absolutely. Okay. [ Sighs ] Jason: Hey. Hi. How are you -- how are you holding out? I'm trying not to think about it too much. I -- I don't want to think that mom could have done this to nelle. Carly didn't push nelle, and I think deep down, you already know that. Finn: It's you, anna. It's been you since you blackmailed your way into my life. I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you that.
[ Creaking ] I don't -- nina, please. I don't know why you're so eager to -- to leave the ball. I wanted to see the rest of the acts, especially yours. Well, the house in morocco's got a baby grand piano. I'll give you a private performance. Yeah, that does nothing to support the nurses' ball. You promised lucy. Don't let her down. Well, I'll write another check. Is there something going on?
[ Sighs ]
[ Lighter clicks ] Sam: "C.F." Cesar faison. Jason: Anna confirmed that faison does have a pewter lighter engraved with his initials, and he was carrying it when he broke into anna's house and attacked dr. Finn. Oh. But it wasn't in his personal effects after he died. Well, then, maybe henrik took it. Maybe he was at the hospital the night faison died. That's the theory. Find the lighter... find henrik. Find the lighter... find henrik.
I should, uh -- oh, yes, you should. Yes. Lucy: Um, my sincerest apology for, uh, this teeny, tiny little glitch in tonight's proceedings, so...
[ Cheers and applause ] Alexis! Alexis! Alexis, wait! No, no, no. No, no, no. It's okay.
[ Speaks indistinctly ] Uh, alexis looks kind of upset. You -- you -- you want to go after her? No. From the look on alexis' face, I don't think she wants anything to do with me tonight.
[ Crowd murmuring ] No, the only thing going on is I want to spend time with the people that matter the most to me. That would be you and charlotte. Well, listen. It was last year's ball that you spontaneously played that number and made me realize, no matter how hard I fought it, that I shouldn't stop loving you. And I screwed it up. Well, here's your chance not to do that again.
[ Chuckles ] Come on. Hmm. Peter was in the hospital the night faison died.
[ Book clattering ] Just like it happened in the book. I know you'll always defend my mother, and I love you for that, but you weren't there. Neither were you. What -- what does nelle say -- say happened? She said mom lost control and pushed her. Nelle is -- nelle's lying. Right there, that's your proof. What is? Wh-- nelle is carrying your baby. Carly would never risk hurting your child. No matter how angry she got. No matter what else happened. You know that, michael, because you know your mom. You know your mom would lie down in front of a train for your child. Yes, under normal circumstances, but my mom's behavior has been anything but normal lately. Because nelle has been sabotaging her. Lucy: It really wouldn't be a nurses' ball without some added drama, right? But we are not going to let this ruin our good time, are we? No, no. We're gonna have a great time still.
[ Applause ] Okay. Thank you. On that note, then, let's just kick it up a notch. Some people call him the rocker, eddie maine, but around here in port charles, we call him mr. Mayor. And his lovely first lady, together, they're spearheading the rebuilding of our wonderful city. So please, give a warm, warm nurses' ball welcome to ned and olivia quartermaine!
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ "(What's so funny 'bout) peace, love and understanding" plays ]
As I walk through
this wicked world
searching for light in the darkness
of insanity
I ask myself
is all hope lost?
Is there only pain and hatred
and misery?
'Cause each time I feel like this inside
there's one thing I want to know
what's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?
Oh, what's funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?
As I walked on
through troubled times
my spirit gets so downhearted sometimes
so where are the strong?
And who are the trusted?
And where is the harmony?
Sweet harmony
'cause each time I feel it slippin' away
just makes me wanna cry
what's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?
what's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?
So where are the strong?
And who are the trusted?
And where is the harmony?
Sweet harmony
'cause each time I feel it slippin' away
just makes me wanna cry
what's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?
what's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?
what's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding? Hey!
[ Cheers and applause ]
I'm here with an update from the 2018 general hospital nurses' ball, and we have seen some spectacular performances already, and we're just getting started. How's everyone's evening so far?
[ Cheers and applause ] Our coverage continues. Stay tuned for more glamour, excitement, and surprises. We got calls from a pay phone near the place morgan was killed. You got a replica of his scarf showing up at carly's office, and then it disappeared. And then the power goes out at bobbie's house. There's an intruder, a-and carly goes upstairs to check morgan's room, and there's a picture of him broken on the floor. You think [Clears throat] You think nelle did all that? And I'm gonna prove it. Just like I'm gonna prove that blanket your mom said she and nelle were fighting over is real. W-w-where's the blanket, then? How -- did it just vanish? Michael, that's -- that's what I got to find out.
[ Cellphone rings ] Oh, it's sam. Oh, take it. No, no, hold it. Wait one second. Hey, uh, c-can you hold on for a second? Listen to me. I need you to be careful. For the baby's sake and for yourself. You gave me a lot to think about. Hey, what's going on? I need to see you. It's important. Hey! Whatever you just said to upset my mother, she was completely humiliated, so don't bother apologizing or trying to fix it, okay? Just accept the fact that you're a jerk and leave her alone. Oh. Dear. Well, that... didn't go exactly as planned. No, I think it was the lack of planning that's the problem. Yeah. For the record? I'm not dying. For the record... I meant everything I said. I care a lot about you, too.
[ Indistinct conversations ] Hey. Why don't we take advantage of your room upstairs? I could use a little warmup before I take the stage.
[ Laughs ] I, uh, I-I actually want to watch the rest of the show. You do? Yeah, if -- if that's cool. Yeah. Yeah, that's totally cool. This is manifestly none of my business, but sometimes an outsider can pick up on things we ourselves are too close to see. Where are you going with this, miss stella? You have a stare that could freeze a blast furnace.
[ Laughs ] And your putting it on that woman who also happens to be the mother of your child may not be the wisest tactic. Well, you have to forgive him, stella. My boy has a hell of a temper. Explosive when hot and deadly when cold. Hmm. It's just very difficult to be in the same room with ava, especially tonight. But you're -- you're absolutely right. It's -- it's -- it's not a good thing to -- to show the world how you feel. Yes. Absolutely. So, are you sure you two have everything you need for the performance? Yes. Yes, yes? Okay. Drew: Hey. Drew. I didn't know you were coming. Neither did I. Yeah, well, I was on the fence, but when I heard that you were playing, I can't miss that. Thanks, dad. I owe it to alexis to find her and to apologize. Oh, my god, yes, you do. You...gonna be sticking around a little? No. I mean, uh, no, not much longer. Um, I have A... a meeting. Probably something you can't tell me about. I can't tell you about it. No, but after tonight, I think I'll be a lot closer to it all being over. Are you gonna be okay? Yeah. Go find alexis. What can I get for you?
[ Sighs ] Hey. Hey. Well, the doctor just gave me the all-clear to be released tomorrow. Isn't that great? That's great news, yeah. Something wrong? Jason, he -- he was telling me about what's going on with my mother. Yeah, she thinks someone's been harassing her. Messing with her head. For, uh, for months now. Finn: Hi. You found me. Concierge saw you take the elevator.
[ Sighs ] That's not a double vodka, is it?
[ Glass slams ] It's a club soda. You know, I really wish people would stop acting like I'm gonna dive for a bottle of gin every time I feel crappy. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. You -- you have nothing to be sorry for. You didn't hurt me, all right? I just...hurt. Look, this was stupid for us to do what we were doing. I knew that you still cared about anna, even though you said that it didn'T. And it's not on you. You didn't do anything. It's me. It's me, all right? I allowed myself to be a prop in this game that you're playing with anna. Hey. Oh, hi. So, what was that between you and finn? Oh. [ Sighs ] I don't know. It's just -- it's kind of too complicated to talk about, you know what I mean? Let's just go join the show, shall we? Hmm?
[ Cellphone dings ] More work e-mails? Yes, but these are the last ones, okay? Okay. I'll see you at the table. Okay. I was getting a little nervous for finn there. I thought you might deck him. Julian, um, I really don't want to fight with you because you did save my life. Mm. But my mom is in a really vulnerable place right now, so please think long and hard before you do anything, okay? For her sake. I'm not really sure what you mean. I think you are. So, what are you gonna do about alexis? Um... you know what? I told you I'm here with you. Maybe we should get back to our seats since your boy is about to perform. Ladies and gentlemen, the nurses' ball has a very proud tradition of spotlighting our younger performers. So please, welcome to the stage oscar nero and josslyn jacks.
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Guitar playing ]
I never knew, I never knew
all that life can put you through
I never knew, I never knew
I never knew
I never knew, I never knew
all the worry and despair
I thought life was always fair
I never knew, I never knew
all the things that people face
and they do it all with grace
I never knew, I never knew
that it was possible to feel the way I do
or that I could feel these things for you
but I do
I never knew
I never knew, I never knew
of course, I knew I could be sad
and that sometimes, things were bad
I never knew, I never knew
that it was possible to feel the way I do
or that I could feel these things for you
but I do
I never knew, I never knew
what a smile could look like until it came from you
I never knew, I never knew
that a friend could be so true
I really never knew
all those games I played and books I read for school
time spent worrying about if my clothes were cool
no one told me that this is getting real
or that I could ever feel this way
I never knew, I never knew
all the good and all the sad
but with you there, it won't be bad
I never knew, I never knew
about the little urge to cry
'cause I know that you're nearby
I never knew, I never knew
but now I do
[ Cheers and applause ] Oh, hey, what's going on? Okay. This is faison's lighter, the one that went missing the night he died. Where did you find this? Peter's office. And I remember peter saying that he went to see faison the night he died in the hospital. That he had to confront him about something. That's exactly what happened in the book, right? I can't believe that faison actually told the truth for once. He said that henrik was hiding in plain sight. I know. I know. I found the lighter, and I still can't believe it. Henrik faison is peter august.
[ Elevator bell dings ] So, how did you find this? Peter's always... been so careful. It was there on his desk. I went right past it the first time I searched. Why were you searching his office? I've been working on a case looking into peter. That's -- that's why you stayed at aurora? So, yes. I went -- I went past it the fist time I searched, but I kept looking. And -- and I picked up these papers, and the lighter was there. And I was really confused at first because peter said that he -- he wasn't a smoker. And then I picked up the lighter and I turned it around, and it... ...it says, "C.F." That was terrific.
[ Laughs ] Your mom would be very proud. Well, I'm glad that you were here. Me, too. Oh, well, what -- what do you think, old man?
[ Laughs ] You were spectacular, sweetheart. Oh, thank you. Can I?
[ Laughs ] And -- and you were good, too, really, um... oh, um, oscar. Oscar, right, right, right. And -- and how lucky are you to have such a pretty date?
[ Both chuckle ] Almost as -- as gorgeous as mine.
[ Scoffs ] There you go with the compliments again.
[ Laughs ] She acts like it -- I annoy her, but... he might be right about that. I'm just acting.
[ Laughter ] Oscar: Oh, if you'll excuse us, I wanted to go say hi to my mom and my dad. Oh, sure. Yeah. Tell 'em they should be very proud.
[ Laughs ] Oscar: Hey!
[ Kim laughs ] Hey, um, do you mind if I play seat-filler for a little while? Oh, god, please do. Otherwise, it'll stay empty all night.
[ Chuckles ] I thought you were sitting with dr. Bensch? Yeah, I just felt like hanging out with people my own age for a while. Ooh! Congratulations! Wow. Oh! You two were so amazing! Aren't you glad that I insisted you take those music lessons?
[ Laughter ] You guys were great. Did my, um, my mother mention any of that to you when you two were arguing on the stairs? Your mom mentioned something about, uh, disappearing notes and morgan's cologne. Sh-she wasn't making any sense. Is this, uh... is that why she -- is that why she pushed me? Because she -- she thinks that I'm --
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Monitor beeping rapidly ] What is that? Is that -- oh, no, no, no. Is that the baby? You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. Your heart rate just went up. Everything's okay.
[ Sighs, sniffles ] Just breathe.
[ Gasps ] You're okay. Is peter still in the ballroom? He's with maxie tonight. Oh, god, maxie. How are we gonna do this?
[ Sighs ] I don't know. There's a lot of people in there. We got to be careful. Somebody's gonna get hurt. How are you holding up? I'm actually not feeling so great. Would you mind taking me home? No, of course not.
Robin: Mom? Yeah? W-- are you leaving already? I mean, there's so much of the ball left. Are you meeting up with finn? Yeah, we have plenty to discuss, you know.
[ Laughs ] Okay. Are you sure this doesn't have anything to do with the e-mails that you've been receiving all evening? I wouldn't leave if it wasn't important. Okay. I understand. Tell emma she's doing a great job backstage.
[ Laughs ] And I'll see you later. Will do. I love you. I love you, too. Mm. See you. Yeah. Hey, excuse me! Hi. What are you doing? You got to get up here. It's your turn. Come on. Quick. Get up, quick. You're thinking about going after alexis, aren't you? I told you. I'm here with you. You know, we promised to be honest with each other, charlie. And I'm having fun. We're having a great time. But if you need an out... you know you got one. May I? You were never a prop. Although you were right. I fell for anna more than I was even willing to admit. But I was never using you. I wouldn't even know how to do that. I... I truly wanted to move on. That's why they call it a rebound relationship. You know, I think there's a really good reason why they don't want people in the same aa meeting to hook up. This has nothing to do with the group. This is all me, and you deserve better. I know that.
[ Sighs ] I'm fresh out. I really just -- I-I really need you to not be here right now.
Nothin' to say, baby I thought we were supposed to wait till the ball was over to pick up our swag bags. Well, I am taking advantage of my position as owner of this hotel to snoop. Ooh. I remember lucy said olay was sending a gift. Ooh, the regenerist micro-sculpting cream. Have you tried it? No, but I'm about to. Well, you're in for a treat. I use it at night and in the morning before I put on my makeup. Look -- look what it's done for my fine lines. You can barely see them anymore. And it's made my face feel nice and firm. How long does it take to actually work? I noticed a difference the first time I used it. I'm tempted to take my swag bag right now, but lucy would have a stroke, so...
[ Laughs ] Well, tell me what you think of the micro-sculpting cream. I won't need to tell you. You'll be able to see it on my face. Oh. [ Laughs ]
[ Laughs ] Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. It's okay. Carly's your mom. You know, it's understandable that you'd have questions. You know, but just -- just thinking about how out of control she was and how helpless I felt when she pushed me. Are you sure it wasn't an accident? Michael, carly absolutely meant to push me. She wanted me to fall. I-I'm sorry. You know what?
[ Sighs ] You know, let's not talk about it anymore, okay? You need some rest. Why don't you close your eyes and get some sleep, okay? I'll be fine here if you're with me.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sniffles ] I'm glad you came over because I have someone I want you to meet. Oh, hey, look who I found at the bar. My favorite nurse. Well, it is the nurses' ball, so the odds of running into me are pretty good. And I have another nurse I would like for you to meet. This is felix dubois. Mike corbin. Hi, mike. Nice to meet you. Hi. I think the two of you will get along well together. Oh. Oh. Uh-huh. Hey. Hey. Hi. Is your mom still here? I need to talk to her. No, she left a few minutes ago. What's up? I'm, uh, sure she'll explain when she has time. I'm sorry. I gotta go. Sam: Okay. I just spoke to molly. She said that peter left with maxie a little while ago. I think he's on his way to meet somebody. Who?
[ Sighs ] We need to get into peter's e-mail account. Okay. I'm sorry I made you leave your first nurses' ball early. Oh, don't worry about it. I have some work I need to take care of tonight, anyway. How are you feeling? Like the baby's doing a kickboxing workout.
[ Groans ] Wh-what's wrong? You need to pull over right now! Why? Pull over now! What's wrong?! My water just broke!
Your water broke? Yes! Are you sure? Um, very! And I've done this before. It is way too soon for me to be going into labor. All right, it's okay, it's okay. Everything's gonna be all right. I'm gonna take youto the hospital. We don't have time to get to the hospital. Aaah! Oh! Okay. Something is wrong with this baby. Hey. Hey.
[ Chuckles ] Mind if I join you for the rest of the night? I thought you were julian's date. Well, he needed to go see someone, so since we're both flying solo...
[ Sighs ] Hey, sure, why not? Please. I'm right over here on this back table.
[ Laughs ] Come on. Okay. Spinelli, call me back as soon as you get this.
[ Sighs ] I know spinelli taught you a lot. Unh-unh, no. I-I'm nowhere near his level. There's a good chance that this thing could go sideways, and we don't have a lot of time. You need to hack into peter's e-mail. Lucy: Ladies and gentlemen, I just have to tell you that you are the most enthusiastic, amazing audience ever, so give yourself a hand, hand, hand. And let's keep that momentum going!
[ Laughs ] All right. Thank you. Our next performer was a surprise addition to last year's ball, but he was so spectacular, we insisted he perform again. So please welcome to the stage valentin cassadine.
[ Applause ]
[ "The book of love" plays ]
The book of love is long and boring
no one can lift the damn thing
it's full of charts and facts and figures
and instructions for dancing
but I
I love it
when you read to me
and you
you can read me anything
the book of love has music in it
in fact, that's where music comes from
some of it's just transcendental
some of it's just really dumb
but I
I love it when you sing to me
and you
you can sing me anything
the book of love is long and boring
and written very long ago
it's full of flowers and heart-shaped boxes
and things we're all too young to know
but I
I love it when you give me things
and you
you ought to give me wedding rings
but I
I love it when you give me things
and you
you ought to give me wedding rings
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Thud ]
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