As The World Turns Transcript Thursday 11/20/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Emma
Alison: [To her unborn child] Just do me a favor, kid. Just lay low until I can figure out how to tell everybody that you're coming. I've wrecked enough lives already.
[Phone rings]
Alison: Hello?
Susan: Hi, it's Mom. Your supervisor is looking for you. You should have been at work a half an hour ago.
Alison: I know. I overslept.
Susan: I'm not surprised. You were up half the night after that visit from Aaron and Lucy.
Alison: I'm okay.
Susan: I know you feel guilty about breaking them up. But, you know, Aaron played a role in that, too.
Alison: Mom, do we really have to talk about this right now?
Susan: All I'm saying is that when you're emotionally drained, you're susceptible to all kinds of bugs. In fact, why don't you stay home from work today? I'll schedule a physical for you instead.
Alison: No, I don't need a physical.
Susan: I think you do. I've been very worried about how rundown you've been lately.
Alison: Don't be. I'm okay. I'm on my way. Just tell Nurse Ratchet to keep her shirt on. Okay?
[Doorbell rings] I'm on my way. I've got to go.
Lucy: I didn't sleep all night.
Alison: Join the club.
Lucy: I have a few things to say to you.
Alison: Yeah, I get that you're hurt, but I really have to get to work. I'm late, so --
Lucy: Well, then call the hospital and tell them you'll be a while longer. This is an emergency.
Margo: Hey.
Katie: Hey.
Margo: You look at you, all up and out and stuff.
Mike: I'm still hobbling.
Katie: Oh, come on. Give yourself a little credit. This is the second time this week Mike's been here.
Margo: Yeah, you hear for the pancakes, hobble?
Mike: Yeah. Katie's the pancake hound in this operation. I'm just her cover.
Katie: Oh, nice. Where's Tom?
Margo: He should be here any minute. I guess I should call him. But I left my phone on the desk. Can I borrow your cell phone?
Katie: I left my purse in the car. I'll go get it, though. I shouldn't have my purse in the car. I'll be right back.
Mike: Good, we have a minute alone. All right, I need your help. I need you to convince Katie to have a memorial service for Simon.
Margo: A memorial service after all this time?
Mike: Yeah.
Margo: Why me?
Mike: It sounds better coming from her sister than from her -- well, from me. You know, Katie needs to grieve for Simon in a formal way. You know what I'm saying?
Margo: Mike Kasnoff, you amaze me. I do believe there isn't anything you wouldn't do for my little sister.
Mike: Not that I can think of.
Margo: You don't have a selfish bone in your body, do you?
Mike: Believe me, Margo, my motives are entirely selfish.
Emily: So, no school this morning, huh?
Will: No, it's staff improvement, or whatever they call it.
Emily: So you have any plans?
Will: Um -- uh, no, not really.
Hal: Really? 'Cause the way you keep looking at your watch, I could swear you've got an appointment or something.
[Will remembering]
Barbara: Meet me tomorrow morning at the courtyard. And remember, it's our secret. Love, Mom.
Will: No, I just wanted to know what time it was.
Barbara: Nothing's gonna keep me from seeing you, Will -- not some restraining order or a hurricane or World War III -- or even Rose D'Angelo.
Dusty: Is this gonna take long?
Jack: Well, that depends on you. Just got to ask you a few questions about Rose D'Angelo's car.
Dusty: Well, somebody trashed her car, but not me. So why are you wasting my time?
Jack: My wife is a bridesmaid at Rose's wedding. I just want to make sure there's a wedding for her to go to. So I'm gonna ask you again. You got any idea how Rose's car ended up being scrawled with death threats?
Dusty: No.
Jack: You were there, Dusty. You had the opportunity.
Dusty: Opportunity? What are you talking about? I saw the car at the same time she did. Besides, what are you -- why would I threaten Rose?
Jack: You tell me.
Dusty: Now you're insulting me. If you want to find somebody who threatened Rose, you talk to somebody who wants to harm her. You talk to Paul Ryan.
Rose: Paul?
Rose: Hey.
Crater: Good morning.
Rose: Hey. Ooh. Um, have you seen Mr. Ryan this morning?
Crater: He left out early, said he had some errands to run.
Rose: Hmm, I didn't even hear him leave.
Crater: Well, he didn't want to disturb you 'cause you had such a rough night.
Rose: Oh, yeah. Thank you.
Crater: Sure.
Rose: That's not Mitzi's. Paul?
[Rose sees a duffle bag on the floor]
[Rose remembering]
Paul: Whoever did this committed a felony.
Dusty: Don't forget to ask him about the voice alternator that Molly found --
Paul: Dusty, that's enough!
Dusty: -- In his pocket!
Rose: Nah, Rose, just cut it out.
Paul: Hey, leave that alone.
Jack: Paul Ryan. Let's leave Paul Ryan out of this for now.
Dusty: How you gonna leave him out of this when he's walking around with weird devices in his pocket? You know, the kind that keep you from getting busted when you want to play phone games.
Jack: What -- what are you talking about, Dusty.
Molly: Jack, I found a voice alternator in Paul’s pocket.
Jack: When?
Molly: Just after Rose got that threatening call. And I told Dusty about it.
Dusty: That's when I went to see Rose to tell her what a nut she was about to marry. And that's when we both discovered her trashed car at the same time.
Jack: Okay, where is this voice alternator now?
Molly: Paul has it. I guess. I don't know. I waved it in front of his face, told him what I thought he did with it, and he said that he bought it as a gift for Will or something.
Dusty: Paul's been intentionally scaring Rose, so much so, that she has permitted him to hire a bodyguard to watch her every move.
Jack: Why?
Dusty: 'Cause he's pathologically jealous. That's why.
Jack: Frankly, Dusty, the idea that Paul would terrorize his fiancée to keep her from stepping out on him is a bit of a stretch.
Dusty: Yes.
Jack: Don't you think?
Dusty: So is pretending you're dead so you can spy on your grieving family and friends. You know what your problem is? You still think Paul Ryan is the nice guy he used to be -- the guy everyone knows and loves. But we're dealing with a different guy, now. The guy who wants to punish everyone who ever did him wrong. The guy's a Stenbeck!
Molly: Jack, what if he really is out to hurt Rose -- you know, to get her back for dumping him?
Dusty: Believe me when I say, it's worth checking out.
Molly: You have to, if for no other reason then because Rose is friends with Carly. And you said yourself, Carly wants this wedding to happen. So you got to make sure that nothing gets in the way.
Dusty: Yeah, do it for your wife. And please, do it for Rose.
Paul: That doesn't belong to you.
Rose: No, it doesn’t. Are you hiding something from me?
Paul: What are you looking for?
Rose: Well, I thought it was Mitzi -- I'm not breaking a law here. I'm just, you know --
Paul: It's just some stuff that I brought over from my house this morning.
Rose: Oh.
Paul: 'Cause I was hoping that you would ask me to spend the night again. What's wrong with you? You look rattled.
Rose: Death threats will do that to you. I guess sleeping next to me was no joy. I mean, jumpin' around like a little jumping bean all night.
Paul: It didn't help that Dusty accused me of making the phone calls and wrecking your car.
Rose: No. But the thing that kept me up all night over and over in my head, he was talking about this voice alternator thing the Molly McKinnon found in your pocket. Why would he make up that up?
Paul: Sour grapes. He can't have you, so he wants to make me out to be some kind of a monster.
Rose: Oh. Thank you.
Paul: Mm-hmm. Is that what you were looking for? Some kind of voice changing thing?
Rose: No, no. I just wanted to see whose bag it was. Just curious.
Paul: You know, all right, I had really hoped to do this later tonight, but I know how your mind works, and I can hear you thinking about it from here. You're going to obsess all day about what was in my bag.
Rose: You gonna help me out there, aren't you? Okay.
Paul: Now I saw this in Paris and -- go ahead. I ordered it, and it just arrived today.
Rose: Oh, what is it? It's beautiful. Oh, I know what it is.
[Rose gasps] it's gorgeous. Thank you.
Paul: I was hoping we could put our wedding pictures in it.
Rose: Oh. Oh.
Paul: Yeah?
Rose: I just -- I just hope our wedding pictures are as beautiful as this album. Thank you. You didn't have to get me anything.
Paul: I'll give you everything. All my love for the rest of our lives.
Rose: You know, you keep treating me like this, I'm just gonna explode. And I think about this. I see this on a coffee table with all of our wedding pictures in it right there in Paris. And I think about that, and I forget about the car business like it never happened.
Paul: Well, that's how it's supposed to be. Smooth sailing from now on.
[Knocking at door]
Paul: Hey, Carly.
Carly: Hi. I hope this is an okay time to do a fitting for the wedding dress.
Rose: My wedding dress is in that bag?
Carly: Uh-huh.
Rose: My wedding dress is in that bag.
[Phone rings] could you get the phone?
Paul: Hello?
Jack: Hey, it's Jack Snyder.
Paul: Oh, hey, Jack. Carly just walked in with this huge garment bag over her shoulder. Hold on, I'll put her on.
Jack: Actually, I want to talk to you.
Paul: Oh, okay. When?
Jack: How's now? Stay where you are, I'll be right over.
Emily: So what's going on with Will?
Hal: I don't know. I had this nagging feeling yesterday, but I let it go. Emily, when you were at Al's last night with Will, were you with him the whole time?
Emily: Yeah. I mean, except when I took Daniel to the ladies' room. Why?
Hal: "Will -- meet me tomorrow morning at the courtyard. And remember, it's our secret. Love, Mom."
Emily: Oh, my God. She delivered that while I was in the ladies' room? I didn't see anyone.
Hal: Who knows, Emily. Maybe she had somebody else deliver it for her. But at least it explains why the kid's on pins and needles this morning.
Alison: Yes, something came up. Something urgent. But I'll get there as soon as I can. So, do you want some coffee or something?
Lucy: No, I don't want some coffee. I just want an answer from you. How did you end up in bed with Aaron?
Alison: Well, it's not really something that I can -- it just happened.
Lucy: You know, my mom used to say "things don't just happen all by themselves. People make choices and follow through on them." Whose choice was it?
Alison: You know, please, Lucy, don't put me in this position.
Lucy: You put yourself in this position, Alison. God knows you waited long enough for your big chance. Who started it? You or Aaron?
Alison: It is none of your damn business!
Alison: Maybe every move that you make is planned, Lucy. But the rest of us? We just put one foot in front of the other and things happen. And the thing that happened? It is between me and Aaron.
Lucy: I loved Aaron. And he lied to me. Do you have any idea what that feels like? I trusted him, and I fought for him.
Alison: And I'm sorry, honest. In fact, right now, I wish I’d never even met either one of you.
Lucy: Why can't you just give me an answer?
Alison: I can't make it okay that Aaron and I slept together. So what am I supposed to say? That I was so upset about breaking up with Chris that I lured Aaron into my room and I strapped him on the bed and made him to do it with me? If that'll make you feel better, then that's what happened.
Lucy: Is that your answer? To make fun of all of this? Is this a joke to you?
Alison: Believe me, nothing is a joke to me. Life is just about as serious as it gets. But you wouldn't understand that. And I really have to go, so just leave. I have to get to work, okay?
Lucy: We're not finished!
Alison: Yes, we are! Ow!
Lucy: I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Alison: I can't -- I can't -- if anything happens, this is all your fault.
Margo: How can you say that you feel that you're being selfish by wanting Katie to have a memorial for Simon? I mean, most guys would be afraid that it would bring up a lot of old feeling for her.
Mike: I'm a little scared, too, all right? But if Simon’s death stays open-ended for her, she won't be free to even think about me.
Margo: Usually, I would be the first person to say that Katie’s got to do this ritual good-bye thing because it puts closure on everything. But I don't know. Maybe -- maybe she hasn't had a service for Simon because she wants to deal with his death on her own privately.
Mike: If that were true, I'd honor it. All right? But I think the reason that she hasn't had a service is because she's been so caught up with me. You know, we came back and then, boom, the accident. You know, and taking care of me has been such a big job, she hasn't had a chance to mourn.
Margo: Do you think that she feels like she's still married?
Mike: Yeah. And short of encouraging her to have an official good-bye, I don't know what will ever change that.
Katie: Tom, hey.
Tom: Hey. I thought I was going to be late.
Katie: No, no, Margo’s inside. I just had to get my purse. But can I ask you a question before we go inside?
Tom: Sure.
Katie: This is going to sound a little weird, but what do I do about my marriage to Simon? I mean, are we still married legally? Or do I have to do something to officially become a widow?
Tom: Well, your tax status has changed. There may be some insurance issues. But as far as some legal procedure to make you officially single, well, you already are. I mean, you're totally free.
Katie: If only it were that simple.
Barbara: Will?
Hal: You know, I didn't think it was possible that you could make things any worse for yourself, Barbara. But you found a way.
Carly: Jack is on his way over here? What is he doing? Following me around?
Paul: Well, I think he just wants to ask some questions about what happened to Rose's car.
Carly: Oh. Yeah. I'm -- he told me about that. I'm sorry, I was so excited about the dress, I forgot to ask. How are you doing? Are you okay?
Rose: I'm great. Are you kidding me? I grew up with graffiti, you know that.
Carly: Jack said that it was more than just spray paint, Rose.
Paul: You know Rose, she doesn't want anyone to know she's scared.
Carly: I hope Jack gets to the bottom of it.
Paul: Yeah, I'm gonna wait outside for him; leave you girls to do your do wedding dress thing.
Carly: Rose?
Rose: Yeah?
Carly: Are you really okay? Between the nasty phone call and trashing the car --
Rose: I'm okay.
Carly: -- It's a lot to handle.
Rose: I know, I’ve got, you know, Crater the bodyguard watching over me. I got Paul watching my every single move. There's nothing to worry about. I don't want to talk about it. I want to talk about a wedding dress. That's what I want to do. Let me see.
Carly: Okay. All right.
Rose: Oh. It's -- it's unbelievable. It's -- like belongs in a bridal magazine. It's absolutely perfect. It's even better than we talked about that. Oh, my gosh.
Carly: Do you like it? I'm so glad that you like it.
Rose: I just want to try it on. I can't believe it. Can you believe it? The two of us happy? You're married to Jack. I'm marrying the greatest guy in the world that -- I never, ever thought -- me marrying a guy like that? Not me, not my luck, right? I gotta show you the presents that Paul got for me for our wedding pictures.
Carly: Wow.
Rose: Huh? Isn't that gorgeous?
Carly: Oh, Rose, that is so pretty.
Rose: Yeah.
Carly: Where'd he get this? I've never seen anything like it.
Rose: That's my Paul. He's got great taste.
Carly: Well, yes, he does. That's why he's marrying you. No, don’t. I didn't mean to make you cry, Rose.
Rose: It's just that everything's coming together. You know, it's like my dream is finally gonna come true.
Paul: So, Crater, I want you to do me a little favor.
Crater: Yeah.
Paul: Yeah, when the cops ask, and they will ask, where I was, I want you to tell them that I was with you when Rose's car was vandalized.
Crater: I don't get it.
Paul: Well, you know, I was -- I had my car all alone. It's not just much of an alibi.
Crater: You asking me to lie for you, Mr. Ryan?
Paul: Yes, I am. I am.
Coming up on "As The World Turns" --
Hal: But you actually did it, didn't ya?
Barbara: Did what?
Hal: You're the one who threatened Rose's life.
Bob: Your mother and I agreed that we have to have that knee x-rayed.
Katie: You can't x-ray her.
Lucy: There. See, you're okay. Nothing's broken. What hurts?
Alison: No, it's my knee. I can't put any weight on it.
Lucy: Is that what you meant when you said if something bad happens, it's all my fault? You want to send me your knee surgery bill?
Alison: Nothing, just forget it. Ow!
Susan: Alison? What is going on? Your supervisor told me you had an emergency. What happened?
Alison: Not much just attempted murder.
Susan: Uh-oh.
Lucy: Alison fell and hurt her knee.
Susan: Okay.
Alison: Oh, fell? Right.
Susan: I'm taking you to the hospital right now. We need to get this looked at.
Alison: Ow.
Susan: Just stay off it. Stay off it. Okay. Okay. Take your time. Oh, Alison. Alison.
Dusty: Look, I'm sorry, whatever I did to lead Aaron astray. Shut the door on your way out. Have a good day.
Aaron: Dusty, look, wait --
Dusty: No, buddy, I'm sorry. I got a lot on my mind.
Holden: Dusty, Aaron would like to have his old job back. And I'm here to tell you that it's okay with me.
Dusty: Kid, you want your job back?
Aaron: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you thought I was a pretty good worker, right?
Dusty: Yeah, of course, I did. But I don't need your old man looking over my shoulder, you know?
Holden: Hey, as long as you keep him out of anything illegal, I'll stay out of your business.
Aaron: That's not gonna be a problem, right, Dusty?
Dusty: No, no problem. I do have some boxes that need to be unpacked.
Aaron: Great. Look, give me as many hours as you can possibly give me.
Dusty: Mm-hmm. What about your girlfriend?
Aaron: Lucy? Um -- a non-issue.
Dusty: Good. Start on those boxes tomorrow.
Aaron: Thanks a lot. You're not gonna regret this, Dusty.
Dusty: Yeah. Okay.
Holden: Yeah. Thank you.
Molly: Hey, is that Holden here with Aaron?
Dusty: Yep. It's a regular Snyder reunion here today. And unless I’ve been smokin' something, Holden just gave me his blessings for his kid to work here again.
Molly: You're kidding me? That's great. That's like a really good sign.
Dusty: I don't trust signs.
Molly: No, no, no, think about it. If Holden’s willing to give you and this place a second chance, then maybe Jack will back off.
Dusty: Because I'm not worried about Jack. My alibi's solid. I am worried about Rose.
Molly: Really? I didn't know that.
Dusty: Hey, hey, hey, hey. I know it bothers you that I'm so worried about her. I want you to know that, Molly; you've been a real doll helping me out like you have.
Molly: Yeah, I'm a regular Mother Teresa.
Dusty: Well, at least you see now. At least you see somebody's got it in for Rose, right? We both know who that is.
Molly: I know. That's why we have Crater on our side now. If he so much as catches Paul looking at Rose cross-eyed, he'll let us know everything.
Dusty: Yeah. Let's hope so.
Paul: This is the cop I was telling you about Jack.
Jack: Hey, Paul.
Paul: Jack. What's up?
Jack: Is that the bodyguard you hired for Rose?
Paul: Yeah, Crater. His name's Crater.
Jack: I know. I recognize him. He did some security for some friends of mine. He's good.
Paul: Yeah, I really hope so. Listen, do you mind if we talk out here? 'Cause your wife and my fiancée are in there with pin cushions and tape measures. It's like this elaborate female bonding ritual.
Jack: Yeah. Well, Carly was up all night working on that wedding gown. But, you know, I was -- just follow-up. You know, it shouldn't take so long.
Paul: Yeah. Look, don't tell Rose, but this whole harassment thing has got me pretty spooked. And I hope you get to the bottom of it soon. Have you -- have you talked to Dusty?
Jack: Not very fond of you, is he?
Paul: No. No, he thinks I have some evil plan for Rose. In fact, he's gone so far as to accuse me of walking around town with some like voice changing device that I use so that I can make anonymous threats.
Jack: You know, this voice changing -- Molly McKinnon claims that she saw it in your possession. Now what would you be doing walking around with something like that?
Paul: Careful, Rosie.
Someone's got it in for you. This? This -- this is a toy, Jack. This is a toy. It's for Will. I told Molly that.
Jack: Yeah, Molly doesn't seem to buy it.
Paul: Yeah, that's because Dusty has convinced her that I'm evil. He's trying to spin this as some kind of proof.
Jack: Okay. I'm gonna have to hold onto this.
Paul: Well, you gotta give it back, because I do really want to give it to Will.
Jack: Fine. Listen, where were you when Rose's car got trashed?
Paul: Oh, come on, Jack.
Jack: This is formality.
Paul: I was in your driveway. I was in Crater's car. We were talking. I thought Rose was still inside at the shower. You can check it if you want to.
Jack: I'm gonna have to. One more thing.
Paul: Oh, come on.
Jack: You seem pretty eager to protect Rose, right?
Paul: I would give my life.
Jack: Right. So why didn't you call the police the second you found out she got that threatening phone call?
Paul: I'll tell you what I told Hal when he asked me the same thing. I don't know. I thought maybe it was just a prank or it was one of my mother's tricks again. And I hired a bodyguard.
Jack: Rose has been victimized before. You know that. Rose has been victimized before. And I would have thought any threat, especially one from Barbara, you'd take very seriously. I know I would, right?
Paul: Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't know whether I was just being stupid or I was in denial. But, Jack, this whole thing with rose has really got me spooked. This is -- Crater, this is Detective Jack Snyder.
Jack: Hey.
Crater: Hey. I've seen you around.
Jack: Right.
Paul: You know, I'm sure you're gonna ask him a couple of questions. So --
Jack: No, it's -- no, please. Where were you when Rose's car got vandalized?
Crater: This is last night 'round 7:00, right?
Jack: Right.
Crater: I was with Mr. Ryan. We were sitting in the car parked in front of a house in Milltown. It was your house, wasn't it?
Jack: Right. Thank you.
Crater: Sure.
Jack: Thank you. I hope everything goes swimmingly from here on out, Paul.
Paul: Really good to see you.
Jack: Good to see you. Listen, do me a favor. Okay? Keep me in the loop. Anything that happens, no matter how minuscule you might think, report it. Okay?
Paul: I'll do that.
Jack: All right.
Paul: You wanna come in and say hi to Carly? I'm sure she's done.
Jack: No, I know better than to go near her when she's got a mouth full of pins.
Crater: How'd I do?
Paul: Perfect. Why don't you take the rest of the morning off?
Crater: Thanks.
Carly: Hey, Rose?
Rose: Hmm?
Carly: Who do you think would be threatening you?
Rose: Well, at first thought it was Dusty, because he was there. But, I mean, Barbara with the spray paint incident and everything. But I don't know.
Carly: You know something? For a nice girl, you sure have a lot of people mad at you.
Rose: Don't I know that.
Carly: I know that she's your friend. But have you -- has it occurred to you that maybe it could be Mitzi?
Rose: Mitzi, no. She's mad at me. But, no. Trashing my car? Impossible.
Carly: Oh. She's kind of kooky.
Rose: Oh, she's kooky, but she's not crazy. Whoever did this was a real psycho.
Hal: Your secret little rendezvous with Will. Not only are you in violation of a court order, but do you have any idea what kind of position you put Will in?
Barbara: He wants to see me. He needs to see me. What is so wrong with giving him a few minutes of what he wants?
Hal: Because you’re giving is ripping him apart!
Barbara: I was just trying to protect Paul from that predator Rose D'Angelo. She doesn't love him, you know? She's merely after his money and after his name. And she thinks she can buy herself a little dignity. And I'll tell you, you can call it whatever you want, but I know what I'm talking about. She is nothing but a slut, Hal. She is a cheap, grasping whore.
Hal: And to think I defended you. But you actually did it, didn't you?
Barbara: Did what?
Hal: You're the one who threatened Rose's life.
Bob: Your mother and I agreed that we have to have that knee x-rayed.
Katie: You can't X-ray her.
Lucy: There. See, you're okay. Nothing's broken. What hurts?
Alison: No, it's my knee. I can't put any weight on it.
Lucy: Is that what you meant when you said if something bad happens, it's all my fault? You want to send me your knee surgery bill?
Alison: Nothing, just forget it. Ow!
Susan: Alison? What is going on? Your supervisor told me you had an emergency. What happened?
Alison: Not much, just attempted murder.
Susan: Uh-oh.
Lucy: Alison fell and hurt her knee.
Susan: Okay.
Alison: Oh, fell? Right.
Susan: I'm taking you to the hospital right now. We need to get this looked at.
Alison: Ow.
Susan: Just stay off it. Stay off it. Okay. Okay. Take your time. Oh, Alison. Alison.
Dusty: Look, I'm sorry, whatever I did to lead Aaron astray. Shut the door on your way out. Have a good day.
Aaron: Dusty, look, wait --
Dusty: No, buddy, I'm sorry. I got a lot on my mind.
Holden: Dusty, Aaron would like to have his old job back. And I'm here to tell you that it's okay with me.
Dusty: Kid, you want your job back?
Aaron: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you thought I was a pretty good worker, right?
Dusty: Yeah, of course, I did. But I don't need your old man looking over my shoulder, you know?
Holden: Hey, as long as you keep him out of anything illegal, I'll stay out of your business.
Aaron: That's not gonna be a problem, right, Dusty?
Dusty: No, no problem. I do have some boxes that need to be unpacked.
Aaron: Great. Look, give me as many hours as you can possibly give me.
Dusty: Mm-hmm. What about your girlfriend?
Aaron: Lucy? Um -- a non-issue.
Dusty: Good. Start on those boxes tomorrow.
Aaron: Thanks a lot. You're not gonna regret this, Dusty.
Dusty: Yeah. Okay.
Holden: Yeah. Thank you.
Molly: Hey, is that Holden here with Aaron?
Dusty: Yep. It's a regular Snyder reunion here today. And unless I've been smokin' something, Holden just gave me his blessings for his kid to work here again.
Molly: You're kidding me? That's great. That's like a really good sign.
Dusty: I don't trust signs.
Molly: No, no, no, think about it. If Holden's willing to give you and this place a second chance, then maybe Jack will back off.
Dusty: Because I'm not worried about Jack. My alibi's solid. I am worried about Rose.
Molly: Really? I didn't know that.
Dusty: Hey, hey, hey, hey. I know it bothers you that I'm so worried about her. I want you to know that, Molly, you've been a real doll helping me out like you have.
Molly: Yeah, I'm a regular Mother Teresa.
Dusty: Well, at least you see now. At least you see somebody's got it in for Rose, right? We both know who that is.
Molly: I know. That's why we have crater on our side now. If he so much as catches Paul looking at Rose cross-eyed, he'll let us know everything.
Dusty: Yeah. Let's hope so.
Paul: This is the cop I was telling you about Jack.
Jack: Hey, Paul.
Paul: Jack. What's up?
Jack: Is that the bodyguard you hired for Rose?
Paul: Yeah, Crater. His name's Crater.
Jack: I know. I recognize him. He did some security for some friends of mine. He's good.
Paul: Yeah, I really hope so. Listen, do you mind if we talk out here? 'Cause your wife and my fiancée are in there with pin cushions and tape measures. It's like this elaborate female bonding ritual.
Jack: Yeah. Well, Carly was up all night working on that wedding gown. But, you know, I was -- just follow-up. You know, it shouldn't take so long.
Paul: Yeah. Look, don't tell Rose, but this whole harassment thing has got me pretty spooked. And I hope you get to the bottom of it soon. Have you -- have you talked to Dusty?
Jack: Not very fond of you, is he?
Paul: No. No, he thinks I have some evil plan for Rose. In fact, he's gone so far as to accuse me of walking around town with some like voice changing device that I use so that I can make anonymous threats.
Jack: You know, this voice changing -- Molly McKinnon claims that she saw it in your possession. Now what would you be doing walking around with something like that?
[Paul remembers]
Paul: Careful, Rosie. Someone's got it in for you.
[Paul pulls a green walkie talkie out of his pocket, not the white voice changing device.]
Paul: This? This -- this is a toy, Jack. This is a toy. It's for Will. I told Molly that.
Jack: Yeah, Molly doesn't seem to buy it.
Paul: Yeah, that's because Dusty has convinced her that I'm evil. He's trying to spin this as some kind of proof.
Jack: Okay. I'm gonna have to hold onto this.
Paul: Well, you gotta give it back, because I do really want to give it to Will.
Jack: Fine. Listen, where were you when Rose's car got trashed?
Paul: Oh, come on, Jack.
Jack: This is formality.
Paul: I was in your driveway. I was in Crater's car. We were talking. I thought Rose was still inside at the shower. You can check it if you want to.
Jack: I'm gonna have to. One more thing.
Paul: Oh, come on.
Jack: You seem pretty eager to protect Rose, right?
Paul: I would give my life.
Jack: Right. So why didn't you call the police the second you found out she got that threatening phone call?
Paul: I'll tell you what I told Hal when he asked me the same thing. I don't know. I thought maybe it was just a prank or it was one of my mother's tricks again. And I hired a bodyguard.
Jack: Rose has been victimized before. You know that. Rose has been victimized before. And I would have thought any threat, especially one from Barbara, you'd take very seriously. I know I would, right?
Paul: Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't know whether I was just being stupid or I was in denial. But, Jack, this whole thing with Rose has really got me spooked. This is -- Crater, this is Detective Jack Snyder.
Jack: Hey.
Crater: Hey. I've seen you around.
Jack: Right.
Paul: You know, I'm sure you're gonna ask him a couple of questions. So --
Jack: No, it's -- no, please. Where were you when Rose's car got vandalized?
Crater: This is last night 'round 7:00, right?
Jack: Right.
Crater: I was with Mr. Ryan. We were sitting in the car parked in front of a house in Milltown. It was your house, wasn't it?
Jack: Right. Thank you.
Crater: Sure.
Jack: Thank you. I hope everything goes swimmingly from here on out, Paul.
Paul: Really good to see you.
Jack: Good to see you. Listen, do me a favor. Okay? Keep me in the loop. Anything that happens, no matter how minuscule you might think, report it. Okay?
Paul: I'll do that.
Jack: All right.
Paul: You wanna come in and say hi to Carly? I'm sure she's done.
Jack: No, I know better than to go near her when she's got a mouth full of pins.
Crater: How'd I do?
Paul: Perfect. Why don't you take the rest of the morning off.
Crater: Thanks.
Carly: Hey, Rose?
Rose: Hmm?
Carly: Who do you think would be threatening you?
Rose: Well, at first thought it was Dusty, because he was there. But, I mean, Barbara with the spray paint incident and everything. But I don't know.
Carly: You know something? For a nice girl, you sure have a lot of people mad at you.
Rose: Don't I know that.
Carly: I know that she's your friend. But have you -- has it occurred to you that maybe it could be Mitzi?
Rose: Mitzi, no. She's mad at me. But, no. Trashing my car? Impossible.
Carly: Oh. She's kind of kooky.
Rose: Oh, she's kooky, but she's not crazy. Whoever did this was a real psycho.
Hal: Your secret little rendezvous with Will. Not only are you in violation of a court order, but do you have any idea what kind of position you put Will in?
Barbara: He wants to see me. He needs to see me. What is so wrong with giving him a few minutes of what he wants?
Hal: Because your giving is ripping him apart!
Barbara: I was just trying to protect Paul from that predator Rose D'Angelo. She doesn't love him, you know? She's merely after his money and after his name. And she thinks she can buy herself a little dignity. And I'll tell you, you can call it whatever you want, but I know what I'm talking about. She is nothing but a slut, Hal. She is a cheap, grasping whore.
Hal: And to think I defended you. But you actually did it, didn't you?
Barbara: Did what?
Hal: You're the one who threatened Rose's life.
Katie: Hey, you're barely even limping.
Mike: It's because I have such a good nurse/therapist.
Katie: Yeah. You're not gonna need any therapy anymore pretty soon.
Mike: In that case, I better stop recovering.
Katie: No, don't you dare.
Mike: All I meant is -- I'm kind of getting used to having you around, that's all.
Katie: Well, don't miss me yet. I'm not going far.
Tom: The simple fact that Katie asked me flat out if she was still legally married to Simon leads me to believe that she might have trouble letting go.
Margo: You think she wants to?
Tom: Yeah, I do.
Mike: Your sister is an amazing woman.
Margo: You know, Mike, I've been thinking about what you asked me. And you're right. I'm gonna tell Katie that she should have a memorial service for Simon.
Mike: Thank you. Thank you very much.
Margo: But, Mike, don't push her on this.
Mike: That's the last thing on earth I'd do. All right? Your sister means the world to me.
Barbara: What are you accusing me of now, Hal?
Hal: Come on, Barbara. Come on, the threatening phone calls to Rose, disguising your voice? And then you deface Rose's car with death threats?
Barbara: I would never do anything so childish.
Hal: Excuse me? Weren't you the one who spray painted Paul's apartment?
Barbara: Okay, okay. You know I hate her. But I would never do anything to actually hurt her.
Hal: You almost made her vanish once before, and you nearly succeeded.
Barbara: Oh, you are never gonna let that go, are you? Have you even forgotten what I have been through? I have paid for that, Hal. I have changed.
Hal: Not if you're still having thoughts of Rose disappearing. It's a dangerous fantasy to have, Barbara. I suggest that you abandon it.
Barbara: Are you going to dictate my thoughts now, Hal?
Hal: No. But I'm going to keep you away from will as long as you keep having them.
Barbara: No, no. Please. Please, don't do this anymore. Please, Hal.
Hal: I am tired, Barbara. You have exhausted my patience, my trust and my understanding. You have abused my generosity. And it is over.
Barbara: Hal, please -- please, just think about this. Please, Hal.
Hal: I have thought about it. And if I had any sense, I'd arrest you for violating this court order. But I'll tell you one thing. And I promise you this. If I find out that you were the one who made those death threats to Rose, I will personally take you downtown and I will personally throw you in a cell.
Carly: Okay, turn around. Oh, perfect. You're absolutely perfect. The whole wedding is gonna be perfect.
[Rose and Carly scream]
Paul: Hi.
Carly: No, no, no, no, no.
Rose: You can't -- no, no, no, no. You can't see me in my dress! It's bad luck! And we don't need any more of that.
Crater: Paul gave me the morning off.
Dusty: What are you talking about, pal?
Crater: But not before he asked me to lie to the cops for him.
Molly: Lie? About what?
Crater: He needed an alibi for the time Rose's car got trashed.
Dusty: Bingo! What did I tell you? This is it. This is the break we've been waiting for.
Emily: Hey. How'd it go?
Hal: Where's Will?
Emily: Upstairs. He barely said two words to me. Maybe you can get something out of him.
Hal: Well, I better simmer down a little bit before I go up there.
Emily: Okay. Do I even need to ask what happened here?
Hal: I called Barbara on her crazy, insane criminal actions, and she blamed it all on Rose. Emily, I think she was the one who defaced Rose's car and made that threatening phone call.
Emily: That's what I thought. I thought the exact same thing. But then I figured it was too insane. As if "too insane" and Barbara weren't exactly the same thing.
Hal: Right, I know. Well, believe me, I'm gonna look more into this.
Emily: No, you've got to have her followed. I mean, if she really means to harm Rose, you have to have her followed.
Hal: Without proof? Emily, how can I justify allocating the resources without proof?
Emily: Hal, what if Barbara's cracking up again? You and I barely survived the damage she caused the last time.
Hal: I know. I know. For right now, we're just gonna have to assume that Rose's bodyguard will keep her safe.
Emily: Listen to me. You bend the rules. You have her tailed. If she really means to harm Rose, it's gonna take more than a bodyguard to stop her.
Carly: You can turn around now.
Paul: Are you sure?
Carly: Yeah. All right. I'm gonna go and pack this baby up, okay?
Rose: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. I didn't mean it.
Paul: No, it's fine. I just -- I didn't know you were so superstitious.
Rose: Who me?
Paul: Mm-hmm.
Rose: No, I could walk with 13 black cats under a million ladders. It's just that so many bad things have already happened to us.
Paul: Well, the bad part's over. We got to the happy part.
Rose: Okay.
Paul: Uh-huh. Let me take care of you. Will you let me? Let me love you, cherish you until death do us part?
Dusty: You earned Paul Ryan's trust. Let me tell you something, pal. You did nice work.
Crater: Yeah, well, I'm not used to lying to a client.
Dusty: I'm your client now. Paul's the mark. Remember that. Now, Paul's gonna feel free to tell you things, things you're thinking of telling me. You got it?
Crater: Still, I don't know. Ratting out a boss -- that could ruin my professional rep.
Molly: This ought to help. Okay, how about we triple our initial investment, okay? This should soothe your conscience a little?
Crater: You're the client. Got it.
Dusty: I hope you got it. Because I need something solid on Paul Ryan. Something I can take to the cops.
Crater: What's my time frame?
Dusty: Yesterday.
Crater: Okay. I'm on it.
Molly: Is that what I get for anteing up again?
Dusty: No, that's what you get for having my back.
Molly: Well, you're welcome. But this does come with a stipulation, you know?
Dusty: So, stipulate, baby.
Molly: When this is over, I want your word you will walk away. You will make sure Rose is safe, and then you will put it out of your mind for good. Deal?
Dusty: What's wrong? I'm just sealing the deal.
Molly: No, wait a minute. I've got your body already, I want your word.
Dusty: You've got my word.
Molly: Okay. In that case --
Holden: Look, I don't mean to pry here, but what you said to Dusty about Lucy being a non-issue, what did that mean?
Aaron: That my life is my own now.
Holden: But don't you have to sell Lucy on the idea that you're going to be working for Dusty again?
Aaron: It doesn't matter what Lucy thinks anymore, okay? Thank you. I gotta go.
Holden: Where to? We just got here.
Aaron: I have to go to the hospital. Alison's working today.
Holden: Why is that so important?
Aaron: I kind of gave her a hard time last night. I just want to go check up on her. All right. See ya.
Katie: How'd it happen?
Alison: She got crazy and threw me across the room. What are you doing here?
Lucy: Give me some credit, okay? Just because I'm mad at you doesn't mean I want you to get hurt.
Susan: The thing is, there's more going on than just her knee. She's been very listless lately, no appetite, pale. And there's all kind of intestinal -- gastrointestinal problem, as well.
Bob: Well, she has a history of stress-related disorders. Any chills, fever?
Susan: Not that I know of. But she's been very emotional lately.
Bob: Oh, I know. When Chris ended their relationship, he left town in a hurry.
Susan: Broke her heart. To tell you the truth, that's maybe why she's acting out so much lately.
Bob: In what way?
Susan: Let's just say she made a few inappropriate moves.
Bob: Nurse, would you order a wheelchair, please?
Nurse: Right away, Doctor.
Alison: So what's going on?
Bob: Well, first things first. Your mother and I agree that we have to have that knee X-rayed.
Katie: No, you can't X-ray her.
Bob: Excuse me?
Katie: You can't give her an X-ray because -- because she's --
Susan: She's what? Oh, my God, Alison, please, don't tell me. You're not --
Alison: Just stop, everyone. Just mind your own business. Just take care of my knee.
Lucy: I can't believe it. You're pregnant, aren't you?
On the next "As The World Turns" --
Bob: If this child is his responsibility, he's gonna want to help anyway he can.
Alison: The baby's not his.
[Craig speaking baby talk.]
Craig: Rosanna have a thing for Paul?
Rosanna: I am not having this conversation again.
Craig: What?
Molly: This woman says that you've been following her. Is she right?
Bennett: Yes, ma'am.
Barbara: Oh, my God. The assassin said that someone had to die. It's me, isn't it? Is that why you're here?
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