AMC Transcript Thursday 2/17/11

All My Children Transcript Thursday 2/17/11


Episode #10559

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by

Scott: Good morning. I was hoping to get back before you woke up.

Madison: Has the panic set in yet?

Scott: Panic? Panic about what?

Madison: Well, you kind of sort of told Ryan that you were the father of my baby.

Scott: I remember.

Madison: And I'm grateful. Spared us all from a very uncomfortable moment on his wedding night.

Scott: Sometimes I'm pretty good at thinking on my feet.

Madison: Well, you've been good to me, and I appreciate it. But now it's the dreaded morning after. I have a lot to figure out about this baby.

Scott: Yeah, well, it got a lot more complicated. Something happened last night.

Greenlee: Anything?

Ryan: Maybe. Actually, Marissa's car was stolen, and we think that it's a pretty good bet that Annie was behind the wheel.

Jesse: We've got an APB out on the car, and everybody that we can spare is out on it. FBI's here, too.

Greenlee: Hey, you've been up all night. Maybe you should come home, get some sleep.

Ryan: Were there any more calls? Did you get any more calls?

Greenlee: No, no, and I had the home phone forwarded to your cell.

Ryan: I don't understand how Annie is doing this. How is she slipping through?

Greenlee: Ryan, I wish there was some way I could get you to rest.

Ryan: I can't rest. I can't rest knowing that Emma is out there someplace. I can't.

Greenlee: I know. I know, but for all the horrible things that Annie has done, keep remembering there's no way she would let anything happen to her. She meant what she said in that message. She'll take care of Emma. It's just a matter of time before the cops find them.

Ryan: And I will be there when they do.

Amanda: Hey. Going out already?

Jake: Yeah, I just --  I got Tad on this track of finding out who the person is that's been stealing the drugs from my hospital, you know, so he has some information, so I'm gonna go and talk to him about it.

Amanda: Oh. I was hoping we could have breakfast together.

Jake: Babe -- you're good with us, right? I mean, everything's ok? Isn't it? Because you know you are the only woman in the world for me and the only woman that I love. Cara is in the past where she belongs.

Amanda: I'm sorry. Cara who? [Drops her towel]

Jake: I don't -- what were we talking about just -- 

Amanda: And your meeting with Tad?

Jake: That was -- so funny, because that was delayed.

Amanda: Ah. And breakfast?

Jake: Breakfast is gonna be with my wife, right in this room. Yeah. Maybe we could work up an appetite first. [Kissing]

Voice on P.A.: Paging Dr. Battaglia. Call Extension 198. Dr. Battaglia, Extension 198. Extension 198 for Dr. -- 

Griffin: Hasn't wearing that thing caused you enough trouble? Maybe you should put it in a box. File it away.

Cara: It's gotten me through some really tough times, Griff.

Griffin: It wasn't the ring. It was you. And it might piss some people off.

Cara: Already has. Amanda tried to rip it off my neck last night.

Griffin: See, that's exactly what I'm saying, Cara. Why don't we go have a cup of coffee?

Cara: I think that you have a patient that you need to check in on. Right? Didn't you promise somebody that -- something that you've never promised another?

Griffin: Yeah, and that promise was fulfilled. When are you gonna stop ragging me about it?

Cara: When it stops being so much fun getting a rise out of you.

[Machine beeping]

Kendall: No. Don't go. [Wakes up] Hey.

Ricky: Hey.

Kendall: How long have you been here?

Ricky: Not long. Bad dreams?

Kendall: Frustrating ones.

Ricky: Zach again?

Kendall: Yeah. It's like I'm at the bottom of this pool, and I'm looking up, and I see Zach's face through the water -- and he's trying to tell me something, but I can't figure out what it is.

Ricky: Maybe he just wants to know you're ok, let you know he loves you.

Kendall: Yeah. Get me out of here.

Madison: Ryan must be going out of his mind with worry. I should call him.

Scott: And say what?

Madison: I don't know. I'm sorry. Offer my help.

Scott: Are you gonna tell him about the baby?

Madison: He needs to stay focused, you know, until he brings Emma home. Telling him about this kid isn't gonna make him miss Emma any less.

Scott: I think you're right about that.

Madison: This isn't your problem. I can't ask you to keep up a secret like this. It's not right, and we barely know each other. The other night, when I came on to you like I did -- I remember thinking what a good guy you were to stop me, knowing that I was doing it for all the wrong reasons. I really did want to get to know you better before we -- I mean, as friends or -- 

Scott: Yes, yes. And this isn't what you had in mind by "getting to know me better."

Madison: No. I mean, I thought we would start with what kind of movies you like or what's your favorite food.

Scott: Instead you got instant daddy.

Madison: So what are we gonna do?

Amanda: I turned my phone off last night. I just now got the messages. Annie ran off with Emma?

Greenlee: The FBI issued an Amber Alert. So far nothing.

Amanda: I'm so sorry.

Ryan: Hey, have you talked to Annie? Has she called you? Did you speak to her at all yesterday, by any chance?

Amanda: No. I haven't really talked to Annie at all lately. I've been kind of keeping my distance.

Ryan: How come?

Amanda: Well, she's just acting sort of clingy and needy and something was off. It was kind of weirding me out a little.

Ryan: When did that start?

Amanda: The night of the Chandler break-in. She called me and Jake over, and she was just kind of odd. I don't know.

Ryan: That's because she staged the whole thing. She's the one who knocked Marissa out herself. You guys went over there? Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you tell me that you were worried about her? Something.

Amanda: Ryan, I had no idea she was -- 

Ryan: You know what? We all saw the signs. Me included. And what the hell did I do about it?

Jake: So I can't -- Ryan must be going out of his mind.

Tad: Yeah. And I know what that's like.

Jake: You gonna pitch in?

Tad: Absolutely. I told Jesse I would do anything -- 

Jake: You need me, I'll do anything. You said that you had some information about who's stealing my drugs at the hospital?

Tad: No. I said I had some information on something I agreed to look into. I didn't tell you what.

Jake: So you have information about Cara. What is it?

Tad: She was smart to get out of dodge, Jake.

Jake: Right. This about the guy in Africa she didn't save?

Tad: This is a very bad man. Very bad, with even worse friends.

Jake: I knew that.

Tad: These people aren't very happy about Cara.

Jake: Did you just say that in the present tense? She made me believe that this was all in the past -- 

Tad: She's wrong.

Jake: What?

Tad: She's wrong. She's a marked woman, Jake. Cara's in a whole lot of trouble.

Cara: Hey.

Griffin: Yeah?

Cara: Just making sure you're not gonna go in there and harass Kendall.

Griffin: Harass her? Is that what you call trying to save someone's life?

Cara: Just don't go in there telling her what to do, how to behave, that whole thing.

Griffin: What if she's not doing the right thing for her recovery?

Cara: She knows what to do.

Cara: Ooh! Oh, it's a note from her. Ok, ready? "Dear Dr. Castillo. If you're reading this note, you're probably turning red right now." Ha! She got ya.

Griffin: Read.

Cara: Sorry. "Don't worry. I will be back. I had to go home for something very important." She put a little smiley face. I like her already. And look! Chocolates. Want one?

Griffin: No.

Ricky: I'm already regretting this.

Kendall: I'm fine, ok? I'm just a little winded, that's all.

Ricky: Yeah? Tell me again how I let you talk me into this.

Kendall: I am a very hard person to say no to.

Ricky: Amen to that.

Kendall: Besides, nothing's gonna happen to me. I've got the Lord on my side.

Ricky: See, now, that's just shameless.

Kendall: Yeah, it is, a little. Thank you. Thank you for going along with my crazy plan to come be around Zach's things and figure out my dream.

Ricky: Oh, come on. I've heard crazier.

Kendall: Ok. I think I was robbed.

Tad: This guy that died over in Africa. I want you to tell me everything you remember about him.

Jake: He had a smuggling ring. He practically owned the entire town. This is right near where we were working, and I think it was heroin. I think he was sending heroin down to Mexico, and they were sending guns back. All I could tell is everybody was terrified of this guy.

Tad: With good reason. I got a friend in the State Department. Took him about five minutes to call me back and tell me that the man that died on that operating table was part of a Mexican drug cartel. Something called the Sinaloa Federation.

Jake: Oh, my God.

Tad: No, wait. It gets better. It's not just this guy's local Sudanese goons that are looking for Cara. He had a brother. That brother has put a contract on Cara's head.

Jake: How is she even alive? How's she not dead already?

Tad: Because she's been using a different name. Keeping a low profile. I don't care. Either way, it doesn't matter. What's important -- these people are very serious. They have a long memory and a lot of money. Cara goes anywhere near Mexico, she's not coming out. If I were her, I wouldn't even go near the border.

Jake: She wants to go to Doctors Without Borders as soon as her papers are through.

Tad: Big mistake. Hopefully she'll change her mind once we clue her in to what's going on. We owe her that much.

Jake: I should be the one that talks to her about it. I'll handle it.

Griffin: See, this is the problem.

Cara: With what? Being a doctor?

Griffin: No, with getting involved with your patient.

Cara: Oh, you mean like promising someone that you'll save her life?

Griffin: Not just someone. This is Kendall Slater, and she seems to love putting herself in harm's way.

Cara: And making you crazy.

Griffin: You have that in common.

Cara: Ha ha. Now go. And be nice, ok?

Griffin: I'm always nice.

Cara: Ha ha!

Kendall: I'm in the hospital and someone does this? What if the kids were home?

Ricky: Can you tell if anything was taken?

Kendall: I don't think so. All I wanted to know is if Zach was trying to tell me something. Could this be related?

Ricky: What do you mean -- like he was trying to warn you? About what?

Kendall: I don't know. I don't know what I mean. Before Zach died --  never mind. It's just really weird.

Ricky: It's scary. Tell you what -- at least everybody's safe.

Griffin: You and I have a different definition of what "safe" is, Padre.

Madison: How do we deal with this?

Scott: Very carefully?

Madison: Understatement.

Scott: Look, it's still early, right? Emma's everyone's priority right now, so we don't have to decide on any plan of attack other than what kind of Danish you want right now.

Madison: Do you have apple?

Scott: Do I have apple? Let's see. Do --  no, I don't have apple.

Madison: That's ok.

Scott: And looks like --  something happened in transit. You deserve so much better than this. I'll tell you what. Why don't we go out, grab a bite to eat, and then we'll see if there's anything we can do to help out Ryan.

Madison: Think I could grab a change of clothes on the way?

Scott: I think that would be a great idea. Yeah.

Madison: Very comfortable bed, by the way.

Scott: Madison, the lies, they keep coming. I don't know.

Ryan: Did Annie say anything to you about going someplace or about wanting to go someplace, anything like that at all?

Amanda: I wish I could say something that could help. I'm really sorry.

Ryan: It's definitely not your fault. Like I said, we all saw signs. We all thought J.R. could handle this, and that was our big mistake.

Jesse: All right, chopper spotted a car that matches Marissa's off the side of a road just a few miles out of town.

Ryan: I'll be there.

Greenlee: I'll stay here in case they need someone in town.

Ryan: I'll call you as soon as I get there.

Greenlee: Go.

Cara: Ok, if you walk by 14, you're gonna notice that Kendall's taken a leave of absence -- 

Jake: Can we talk about something, please?

Cara: Ok. Sure.

Jake: It's not that it's still, you know, a little quid pro quo.

Cara: Ok. What's going on?

Jake: It's just that you had told me something about yourself that I didn't know, and I thought maybe it's my turn.

Cara: Ok.

Jake: When you left the Sudan, I was kidnapped. I'm not saying it had anything to do with the people that you were having problems with, but it was, you know, scary, and I was lucky to get out of there alive.

Cara: Why are you telling me this now, Jake?

Jake: Well, because I want you to know that I actually know what it's like to fear for your life. I don't want that for you. So --  you can't leave. You can't go back.

Griffin: You are aware that she just had major surgery.

Kendall: It's not his fault.

Ricky: It's ok, Kendall.

Griffin: Is it? Were you in the ambulance with us when her life was hanging in the balance?

Kendall: I was.

Ricky: And so was God.

Griffin: That's great. Are we done here? Please?

Kendall: Actually, no. I don't think we are. Look around. It's a little messier than usual.

Griffin: You were robbed?

Kendall: Maybe. I don't know. That's what we're trying to figure out.

Griffin: All right, well, can we figure it out back at the hospital?

Ricky: You know what? He's right. You should probably go.

Kendall: But the cops are on their way.

Griffin: Well, I'm sure Reverend Ricky wouldn't mind sticking around and talking to them.

Ricky: Yeah, I don't have a problem with that. And you know what? I'll let you know what they say, ok?

Kendall: Thank you. For everything.

Griffin: What she said. Let's go.

Amanda: They will find her. Annie is a clever girl, but nothing is gonna stop Ryan.

Greenlee: I don't care about Annie. All I care about is Emma coming home. This is killing him.

Amanda: What a horrible way to spend your wedding night. I am so sorry. I never thought that Annie was that far gone.

Greenlee: Yeah, well, you know what? We all need to learn a little something about taking action before things get out of control.

Amanda: Listen, I'm gonna go, but call me if you need anything, ok?

Greenlee: Thank you.

Scott: Hey. Any word on Emma?

Greenlee: Ryan's out right now with Jesse chasing down a lead.

Madison: What can I do to help?

Greenlee: I know you're not working today, but maybe you could go into Fusion and field media calls. I'm sure the phone's ringing off the hook. Maybe someone will call in with a tip.

Madison: Yeah. You bet. I'm just gonna get breakfast to go, ok? I'll see you later?

Scott: Sure. Yeah.

Greenlee: So -- Daddy -- 

Scott: That's funny.

Greenlee: Gotta say I wasn't expecting that.

Scott: Yeah. Kind of surprised myself, too. Words just came out of my mouth.

Greenlee: Well, whatever the reason, it was pretty incredible. I'm very grateful. Thank you.

Scott: Well, don't thank me, because I sure as heck didn't do it for you.

Ryan: There. Over there. Behind that tree.

Jesse: Ryan, she could be armed! All units. Suspect's car is confirmed abandoned. No sign of suspect or the child. Let's get Forensics out here, check on all newly reported stolen cars in the area.

Ryan: She knew that as soon as Marissa found her car missing that we would come looking, so she got new wheels, Jesse. She got new wheels. She's still got Emma.

Scott: Do you really think I stepped forward as a father to save your wedding?

Greenlee: All I said was thank you.

Scott: The person you should be thanking here is Madison.

Greenlee: I'll be sure and do that. What is wrong with you, anyway?

Scott: I'm beginning to think you don't know what you're talking about.

Greenlee: I'm not following.

Scott: Madison. You came to me in prison, and you painted this picture of her and that's not who she really is.

Greenlee: Then who is she?

Scott: She is someone who's been knocked down a hundred times in her life, who lost her way, and now she is fighting so hard to keep moving forward, fighting for her baby, and fighting not to be dependent on Ryan for anything.

Greenlee: That's fine. I'm happy for her.

Scott: What does the girl have to do to prove that she is not a threat to you?

Greenlee: I know she's not a threat.

Scott: Greenlee, if she wanted to use this baby to get to Ryan, she would've done it a long time ago.

Greenlee: She has quite a defender in you.

Scott: Do you know why I claimed to be the father? Because I know what Madison wants, and it's not Ryan. It's independence, being able to look at yourself in the mirror. And even though this thing is so much more complicated than I can even process at the moment, I'm happy to help with that.

Greenlee: You're happy, I'm happy. All I'm concerned about right now is bringing Ryan's little girl home.

[Cell phone ringing]

Scott: You better get that.

Greenlee: Ryan. Was it Annie?

Ryan: It was Marissa's car. It's been abandoned.

Greenlee: I'm sorry.

Ryan: Don't be. FBI is on the trail. I'm gonna find her. I'm not gonna stop until I do.

Greenlee: Maybe you need to come home and regroup. Please, this is killing you. Ok, look, I'm gonna go to the hospital, see Kendall. I don't know what she knows, but I want to fill her in on everything we do know right now. Please come home.

Ryan: I'm gonna go over to the hospital, too. I'll meet you there. I'm gonna try and track down Dr. Burke and see if he's got any idea where Annie could've gone, ok? See you there. Let's get the hell out of here.

Griffin: Now it's your turn to give me all kinds of hell for being overprotective and not understanding why you need to be in your house and why the hospital is driving you up the wall.

Kendall: Thank you.

Griffin: Come again?

Kendall: I know that as a patient, I'm a pain in the ass.

Griffin: You -- 

Kendall: Yeah. Yeah. I know. I never follow directions. I act all irrational. I'm sure you think that Ricky's a jerk for helping me leave. He's my friend. And he's been there for me through all of this, but so have you, especially since the surgery.

Griffin: It's my job.

Kendall: No. Mm-mm. It's more than that. I know all about how you never take a personal stake in your cases. For whatever reason, you're making an exception with me. It means a lot, and I hope you never stop. Whatever you do, just don't stop caring.

Griffin: Why'd you leave the hospital? What were you doing in your house?

Kendall: It's just the dreams I was having about Zach. I don't know. I thought that maybe I could figure out what they meant and see if maybe there was a message.

Griffin: What kind of message?

Kendall: I don't know. I came home and the place was a wreck, and I just thought that maybe -- I don't know. I'm just trying to figure it out.

Greenlee: Hi. I hope I'm not interrupting, but can I talk to Kendall for a sec?

Griffin: Sure. You're not gonna bail on me, are you?

Kendall: Not this time. Hi. What are you doing here? What's going on? Shouldn't you be at your honeymoon?

Greenlee: Yeah, well --  plans changed a bit.

Tad: Griffin. Can I see you for a second?

Griffin: What's up?

Tad: It's your sister. She's gonna need our help.

Cara: So it's not over. [Sniffles]

Jake: Did you really think it was?

Cara: Um --  not really, I guess. I -- I was careful. You know, I kept my head down.

Jake: I think you are very, very lucky to be alive, that they didn't find you.

Cara: Yeah? Ok. Because --  I have two names. Two passports. I'm slick like that.

Jake: Slick.

Cara: I'm slick.

Jake: Do you know how serious this is?

Cara: I know how serious this is. I left my life because of this. I left you.

Jake: These people want to kill you. If you go back -- 

Cara: You know what? I knew the risks when I volunteered for Doctors Without Borders, ok? This just comes with the territory.

Jake: No, this isn't territory. Bounty on your head? Murderers that are out for revenge? Are you kidding me?

Cara: This is sounding like a movie. Come on.

Jake: You make fun of things like this? This is funny to you? You think it's like a big joke?

Cara: What do you want me to say, Jake? You want me to tell you that I'm scared? Yes, I'm scared, ok? Who wouldn't be? But I don't live like that.

Jake: Maybe you should start.

Cara: Ok. You want me to start? Ok, now how do I do that? I got it. By staying here. Yeah, I'm gonna stay here, just like you want me to. Indefinitely, if you insist. I'll call Doctors Without Borders. I'll tell them, "Yeah, not interested anymore," because, you know, after all, this is a great, little city, and it sure doesn't hurt hanging around a guy that I used to be in love with all of the time, either. Yeah. I'm thinking this is meant to be.

Madison: No, we have no further statement on Annie Chandler or the time she worked here at Fusion. All of us are only concerned that Emma Lavery is returned safe and sound. Thank you. You got any news? You got an update?

Scott: No. I wish I had something. I just wanted to come by, check in on you, because breakfast ended so abruptly.

Madison: Yeah. I'm sorry.

Scott: Look, I want you to know something. I had a lot of thinking time available to me while I was in prison, ok? And I realized that if I was gonna get my life back on track, I needed a plan.

Madison: Right. And keeping up a lie as big as this one --  you pretending to be the father of my baby. It doesn't fit into that plan. That's ok. I understand.

Scott: See, Madison, I don't think you do. Yes, I've got plans at the hospital to move up and build my life back up to where I want it to be, but -- when it comes to you and our crazy situation --  I've got no plan. I'm kind of improvising here. And I just want you to know that -- I'm liking it.

Greenlee: I just -- I want to help him, and I can't. I don't know what I can do.

Kendall: I think you just have to keep doing what you're doing. Just be there for him. Do whatever you can to make sure he can keep going.

Greenlee: So when are you getting out of here?

Kendall: Well, I took a little trip today.

Greenlee: You went home?

Kendall: Yeah. Yeah, I needed to be around Zach's things. I needed time to think. Of course, when I got there, I had a nice, little surprise. Somebody broke in.

Greenlee: What? Where are the boys? How are the boys?

Kendall: The boys are fine. They're fine. They're safe. Let me ask you something. Ryan still has those P.I.s working on Zach's crash, right, and the casino partners that he was working with?

Greenlee: Yeah, but as far as I know, they didn't find anything. The case is still closed. Why? You think -- 

Kendall: No, no, I just --  I just want to talk to them, if that's possible.

Greenlee: Of course. Are you worried about something?

Kendall: No, I'm just being silly. Just this dream that I'm having about Zach. That's all.

Brot: To be honest with you, Reverend, the room doesn't look like it's been ransacked to me. Maybe just the work of some rambunctious kids.

Ricky: Yeah, yeah, you're probably right. But Kendall just had major surgery, and it was obviously too early for her to come home from the hospital. I blame myself.

Brot: I'm gonna take a look around a little bit more. Please tell Kendall if she wants to talk about it to feel free to call.

Ricky: Yeah, I will. Hey, thank you, Officer.

[Door closes]

Greenlee: I can't believe Dr. Castillo let you out.

Kendall: Well, he didn't. I hitched a ride with Ricky.

Greenlee: The reverend. You've been spending a lot of time with him.

Kendall: Yeah, I know. I'm not exactly a churchgoer, either, but he brings me a lot of comfort.

Cara: So sure, with all of that going on around me, I mean, why wouldn't I jump at the chance to stay?

Jake: Stop it. Stop. Your life is on the line. Hello.

Cara: Yes, Jake, "my" life. All right? And I missed out on a lot of living, because people were scared. I was sick and my family wanted me to be afraid of everything. But you know what? I don't live like that anymore, ok? I'm not gonna run and hide every time I hear a car backfire, and I'm not gonna make choices based on where I make the least noise.

Tad: Noise is bad, Cara. Noise will get you killed.

Jake: Finally -- the voice of sanity. Will you talk to her, because I -- 

Jake: [Stammering] I give up.

Tad: First I want to give you this. It's a pass key. I had it made for the house.

Jake: Thank you. We'll be in and out as quick as possible.

Tad: Come on. You stay as long as you like. You're gonna have to. I know the guy who's doing your job.

Jake: Great.

Tad: It's gonna take twice as long as he said.

Jake: Will you do me a favor? Will you listen to these two, please?

Cara: They're just gonna sing the same song. What, Jake? All right. So. Who's good cop?

Tad: We both are.

Cara: No lectures. Go ahead.

Tad: No. What if I got something better? An idea.

Ryan: Hey.

Kendall: Hey. I am so sorry.

Ryan: We're gonna find her. We're gonna find her.

[Cell phone ringing]

Kendall: Excuse me, guys. Opal. Hi.

Greenlee: I'm sorry I've been so insistent with you. I just want you to take care of yourself.

Ryan: I know, but I can't go home. I gotta keep looking.

Kendall: Great. Ok. Spike saw the Amber Alert on TV.

Scott: Now, I don't know how long we can keep fooling them, but I want you to know that I will go along with it for as long as you want, ok? It's your call when you want to tell Ryan the truth.

Madison: Why?

Scott: Just seems like the right thing to do.

Madison: This is gonna get messier, you know. I mean, your friends, your family -- they'll find out.

Scott: And if you play your cards right, maybe they'll buy you some baby stuff.

Madison: That's a perk.

Scott: Yeah, see? I got a lot of them.

Madison: You got a lot of something.

Scott: Ha ha! All right, so what about you? Huh? I mean, we're pretty much stuck with our story. How do you feel about telling the world that you made a baby with a guy who just got out of prison?

Madison: And a one-night stand at that.

Scott: Not a one-night stand. I asked you out again.

Madison: You did?

Scott: I'm doing it right now. Would you like to go out with your baby daddy? Ha ha ha!

Spike: Why was Emma on TV?

Ryan: Well, she was with her mommy and they went on a bit of a trip. It was actually kind of like -- kind of like an adventure, except that her mommy wanted to surprise Emma with it, right, so her mommy didn't tell anybody about it, including me, so it has a lot of people really, really confused. But don't worry, ok? Because one day really soon, their adventure has to end.

Cara: I am not gonna be locked down in one place. Once my papers are cleared, I'm going back to Doctors Without Borders.

Griffin: It may not be safe.

Cara: Ok, look. They know me over there as Carolyn Finn. I will travel as Cara Castillo.

Griffin: You're not traveling anywhere.

Cara: This is my life.

Griffin: It's your life, yes, that you're putting at risk.

Tad: Guys. There might be a way. They want Cara dead. So let's give them what they want.

Amanda: Is this where I report an immigration violation? Yes. There is a Mexican national traveling on a fraudulent passport. Yes, she's traveling under an assumed name. The passport reads Carolyn Finn but her real name is Cara Castillo. Yes, I'll hold.

Kendall: What did the cops say?

Ricky: Oh, they think it's nothing to worry about, probably a dare or a prank. I've heard some of the kids down at the parish talking about a thing like this, you know. You prove how brave you are by climbing through an unlocked window and throwing some stuff around.

Kendall: Ok, well, I hope that's what it is.

Ricky: No, no, don't worry. I will keep on it.

Kendall: Thank you.

Ricky: Yeah. So -- I found this on the floor. I thought you might want to have it here. Maybe it'll help you with what you're trying to figure out about Zach. [Hands her a small photo album]

Kendall: Thank you. Again. I feel like I keep saying that to you. That's all I do is thank you for stuff, and you always know exactly what I need.

Ricky: Hey. I know. Well, you know what? It comes with the job. So I'll leave you to that.

Kendall: Thanks. There I go again. Sorry.

Ricky: All right. See you later. [Walks into the hall] What the hell was that? I've spent months trying to get Kendall to trust me, to let her guard down, and now the amateurs just bust in and toss her house? I don't want excuses. Now, you listen to me. Kendall Slater is a smart woman, and she's already asking questions. Now, if I'm gonna find what we're looking for, I'm gonna need her to keep thinking of me as her friendly neighborhood minister --  and not the man who killed her husband.  

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