AMC Transcript Wednesday 2/16/11

All My Children Transcript Wednesday 2/16/11


Episode #10558

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by

Bianca: So where is the amazing Dr. Castillo?

Kendall: I'm pretty sure he's busy with other patients. He has spent more than enough time dealing with me.

Bianca: Well, he saved your life, and for that, he's my official hero.

Kendall: He was pretty amazing. I was so sure I was gonna die, but then he looked me in the eyes, and he promised me I wouldn't, and I believed him. That's what kept me going.

Bianca: He said that to you? Really?

Kendall: Yeah. Why?

Bianca: Mom said he told her he never make promises like that to his patients. I guess he made an exception in your case.

Griffin: Quieres ser mi Valentina, mi amor?

Cara: It's very sweet of you. It's just, you know --  those words from my brother, they don't have that same effect.

Griffin: Oh, you didn't seem to mind so much when we were younger, Cara.

Cara: Well, you were the only guy allowed in my life back then. Can't let sick Cara date, because she could catch something deadly. Let me see. What is this? Are these leftovers from your legions of female admirers?

Griffin: I actually bought these for you, Cara.

Cara: I'm sorry. I'm grumpy today.

Griffin: Must have been hard telling Jake the truth.

Cara: Yeah. Yeah. It sucked, actually, but it needed to be said, and I think he was pretty blown away to hear that I was still in love with him when I left him.

Griffin: Forget about how he feels. How are you doing?

Cara: Um --  I think my heart hurts as much now as it did the day that I walked out on him.

Jake: Wait. So walk in and -- ready?

Amanda: Oh --  first the dinner, and now all this?

Jake: Happy Valentine's Day.

Amanda: Happy Valentine's Day. I love it all. Thank you.

Jake: Yeah.

Amanda: Hey, what is it?

Jake: What? What's what?

Amanda: Oh, you have been so wonderful all day, but I feel like there's something going on in there. I feel like -- I don't know -- something is bothering you, and you were tossing and turning all night last night.

Jake: You saw that, huh? So I'm not putting up a good front? Is that what you're saying?

Amanda: Why would you need to with me?

Jake: There's something I have to tell you about Cara, my ex.

Ryan: Where's Annie?

J.R.: You tell me, we'll both know. Marissa and I are both looking for her, as well.

Marissa: Yeah. What happened?

Greenlee: Emma is missing. We think she took her from our wedding reception.

J.R.: Well, the police are already here. They're searching the grounds.

Ryan: What? Why?

J.R.: For a couple reasons.

Marissa: Annie has lost it. She left Colby handcuffed down at the beach cottage.

Greenlee: What?

Marissa: Yeah, and then she tried to kill me.

Ryan: Ok. All right. I want to know everything that went down, ok? When was the last time you guys saw her?

J.R.: A couple hours ago. Annie, she was getting worse in her head. I was trying to convince her to check herself into treatment at Oak Haven.

Ryan: What? You knew all this was happening? You knew Annie was spinning out of control? You didn't do anything?

J.R.: Ryan, listen. I was trying to help her.

Ryan: You should've called me. You should've told me that she was getting worse. Now she has got Emma, and if anything happens to her, it's on you.

Caleb: This stupid --  hey, you here by yourself?

Asher: Yeah. I am now.

Caleb: I broke down and bought one of these things. Can't figure the damn thing out.

Asher: You're asking for my help?

Caleb: Yeah.

Asher: That's the power button.

Caleb: I know where the power button is. Managed to make a few calls.

Asher: Well, that's pretty hardcore of you.

Caleb: What do I do if I want to send an e-mail, huh, in case somebody is too lazy to answer the phone?

Asher: Well, you want to tap this e-mail button right there, type in your user name and password, and then just click "Send Mail."

Caleb: It's too much work.

Asher: Why'd you get one in the first place?

Caleb: Business. I figured it was time to enter the real world. I don't know. How are things going with J.R.?

Asher: Yeah. Good. Can't complain. Oh, you actually got a few texts already. Here. Tap that button, and it will open up the text screen.

Caleb: Which button?

Asher: Right there.

Caleb: Chandler, you son of a bitch.

J.R.: Ryan, I shouldn't have let it get this far. I'm doing everything I can to find her. I'm real sorry about Emma.

Ryan: You know what? Don't do anything, ok, because you screwed up enough already. Just call me if you hear from her. Come on. I'm not waiting for the cops.

Marissa: Oh, my God, whoa.

J.R.: Hey, hey, hey, you ok?

Marissa: Yeah. No. I'm just a little dizzy.

J.R.: Yeah. Well, Annie knocked you out. You've been inhaling all that gas. You need to go to the hospital, get checked out.

Marissa: No. I can take care of myself.

J.R.: Well, I'm not letting you drive anywhere, ok? Come on.

Bianca: Did he use those exact words -- "I promise you won't die"?

Kendall: Yeah, pretty much, and I know he meant it. He never talks about personal stuff.

Bianca: I guess that makes you something special in his book.

Kendall: No. It was an intense situation. He saw how scared I was and about to be operated on in a wrecked ambulance like that.

Bianca: Or -- 

Kendall: Or what?

Bianca: Well, maybe he really cares about you.

Kendall: Ok. You know what? I don't want to talk about me anymore. How are you doing? Mom told me that Reese never showed.

Bianca: Yeah. I am not too happy about it, but what could I do?

Kendall: Well, the two of you are having problems, and you have been for quite some time, but staying away from each other like this is not the way to solve them. Do you still even love her?

Cara: Don't give me that look, ok? You can stop. These feelings that I still have inside of me, I'm not going to act on them, ok? I promise. Trust me. Jake is happy. Ah! All right. Let's talk about something fun, you know, like these. Come on. Sit down. Let's take a look. What'd you bring me? Oh, it's a mix. Want one?

Griffin: Of course.

Cara: Of course. Look at you taking the whole box. My God. Oh, God, you're destroying them. Why are you doing that? Come on. Stop it. What are you -- 

Griffin: I'm just looking for the caramel one.

Cara: Oh, my God, that's just --  you know, that drove me crazy.

Griffin: No. This one is yours.

Cara: No. That's disgusting. Stop it. Ha! No. It always drove me crazy when you would destroy them. Stop it. Stop it.

Griffin: Why do you think I'm still doing it?

Cara: Ha ha ha! Well, there you have it. You were the fun part of my childhood.

Griffin: Hmm. You got dealt a lousy hand -- always sick, in and out of hospitals. I just did what I could to make up for it.

Cara: I'm glad we're back together again, even if it is for a little while.

Griffin: Me, too. Ah, look at this -- caramel one. Mm.

Cara: Mm-hmm. I got to say, though, this is the first Valentine's Day I've seen you without a hot date. Something wrong with you? Because I'm thinking the chicks, the single chicks, at the hospital are devastated right now. What's going on? Waiting for Miss Right, perhaps? So when's the last time you checked up on Kendall Slater's heart?

Amanda: When did Cara tell you all this?

Jake: Uh --  the accident. Kendall's accident. And there's something else. She was wearing her wedding ring, what was our wedding ring, around her neck. I didn't tell you that because I was trying to protect you, ok, but I realize I should've told you immediately, immediately, and I'm sorry that I didn't.

Amanda: She still loves you. She's still in love with you.

Jake: However Cara feels, however she felt, it doesn't change us at all.

Amanda: Well, you wouldn't even be with me if she hadn't walked out, and you were still in love with her when she left, and now you find out -- 

Jake: Baby, please don't do that. Everything in my whole world changed when I met you, babe. What she told me or didn't tell me, it doesn't mean anything.

Amanda: Oh, how could that not mean anything? How? She's still in love with you, you know? That is why she came here, Jake, because she's trying to see if you still felt the same way.

Jake: That's not how it went down, babe. You weren't there.

Amanda: Yeah. Well, no. You didn't say that.

Jake: Of course not. Of course not.

Amanda: How did it make you feel when she told you the truth?

Jake: Whenever somebody comes back into your life, and they dump all this kind of information on you, you feel like you've been kicked in the head, but mostly because you don't know how to tell your partner. That's what that is, and it shouldn't make you doubt me. It shouldn't make you doubt us.

Amanda: I don't. I know that you love me and Trevor and everything that we have together, but obviously, what Cara told you threw you for a loop, which is why you can't answer my question, isn't it?

Jake: I can answer your -- what?

Amanda: You don't know how you feel.

Jake: I know exactly how I feel. You want to know how I feel? I feel angry, and I feel confusion, and I feel betrayal, and I feel like why does somebody have to even come back into your life? Just leave the past where the past belongs. That's how I feel, but I can sum it up like this for you, ok? When I think about her, I think of all those types of things. When I think about you, I just think about love.

[Cell phone beeps]

Amanda: You're on call.

Jake: Hospital needs me.

Amanda: Ok.

Jake: Baby, I'm sorry this is happening, but it will not affect us, I swear. I love you. I love you.

Bianca: Of course, I love Reese, but there's not much more I can do right now except wait it out.

Kendall: That's what you've been doing. You've been waiting this whole time, and nothing has happened except the two of you have grown further apart. When was the last time you spoke to her?

Bianca: This afternoon when she called to say she couldn't come.

Kendall: What'd you say to her?

Bianca: I said I understand, that it was ok.

Kendall: Is that the truth?

Bianca: No. No, of course not. Of course it's not ok. I miss her. I'm lonely without her, and the girls miss her, too, and that makes me angry. And at the same time, I'm scared because if I press too hard, then that might lead to the end of it all. I don't want that to happen, because I love her.

Kendall: Ok. Ok. Now, I want you to say exactly what you just said. You need to say it to Reese.

Griffin: Kendall's BP is strong and steady. There is no signs of leakage around the stents -- 

Cara: Ok.

Griffin: And I would say that's just a brilliant example of your amazingly talented brother.

Cara: Mm.

Griffin: What?

Cara: Amazingly arrogant and talented brother who, by the way, is working this "strictly professional" angle way too hard.

Griffin: What are you talking about?

Cara: Well, you broke the cardinal rule. You promised to save her.

Griffin: Yeah. It was unusual circumstances.

Cara: Well, you're involved. You care, heart care.

Griffin: Ha! Listen to me. I made her a promise. I kept it. She made it through. End of story.

Cara: Or is it just the beginning?

Griffin: Ha ha! You really think I would turn into some lovesick idiot over one of my patients? Not a chance, sis.

Cara: Oh, getting all testy.

Griffin: I'm getting back to work.

Cara: I'm coming with you, and I'm taking my date, too. Thank you, my Valentine. Let's go.

Asher: Hey, what was that all about?

Caleb: Can't believe this. It's Marissa. Annie Chandler tried to kill her tonight.

Asher: What?

Caleb: Kidnapped her daughter at Ryan's wedding, and now she's on the run.

Asher: J.R. said he has this under control.

Caleb: What do you mean? You knew about this? What do you know about Annie?

Asher: Sort of. I mean, I just got to get back there.

Caleb: No, no, no, no. Wait a minute. What's going on with Annie? What do you know about this?

Asher: Well, she went after Colby, too. I found her handcuffed at their beach house way out of town.

Caleb: Oh, really? This is J.R. It all comes down to Junior. When are you gonna see that the Chandlers are poison? Don't you understand that? Why don't you get out of there while you still have time? Come stay with me.

Asher: Like I said before, not interested. Why do you keep pushing this, anyways?

Caleb: Because you're my son. Look. I know you're still angry at me for not having been there for you when you were growing up.

Asher: By choice, yours, remember?

Caleb: It's a choice that I regret.

Asher: It's a little too late in the game, don't you think?

Caleb: The past is the past. I would hope that we could still have some kind of relationship, but I'll tell you something. Junior Chandler is not the answer to the family that you're looking for.

Asher: He has been there for me, even before I moved into the house, so trash-talk J.R. all you want, but he's the one that's hurting now, and he's the one that needs support, and I will support him because he is my family.

J.R.: Excuse me. She needs to see a doctor right away.

Nurse: Registration is right over there.

J.R.: But she needs to see a doctor right now.

Marissa: J.R., hey, I'm not at death's door, ok? I can wait my turn -- 

J.R.: Ok.

Marissa: And let go of me. I don't want you taking care of me.

J.R.: I'm just worried about you.

Marissa: I'll be fine.

J.R.: I know I said this before. I'm sorry. This is my fault.

Marissa: Yeah. Yeah. It is, a lot of it, at least.

J.R.: I knew what she was capable of. I just thought I could handle it.

Marissa: Mm. Oh, how, by having a secret affair with her, playing with her head, getting her to think you loved her?

J.R.: I'm gonna make this up to you. I'm gonna make this right. I hated lying to you.

Marissa: Then you shouldn't have done it.

J.R.: No matter what you think of me right now, I thought that we were in a good place after the divorce with A.J. and us. That wasn't a lie, and all the times we spent together as a family the past few weeks -- 

Marissa: You know what, J.R.? Just stop, ok? Just get away from me now, ok? Go! Go!

Woman on P.A.: Paging Dr. Battaglia. Call Extension 198.

Ryan: Emma? Emma!

Greenlee: Jesse said they already searched here.

Ryan: I'm gonna search myself just in case they missed anything.

Greenlee: You'll find her. I know you will.

Ryan: I really don't have any idea how she can do this to her, how she can do this to Emma. I don't --  I pray to God. I pray to God that I get my little girl back. Please.

Ryan: This is Annie's work.

Bianca: God, Reese, my sister just lost her husband, and she almost lost her life. I can't go back now. No. No. Our family takes precedence, yours and mine. The girls miss you. I do, too. Well, I love you. I want to work it out, but I don't think we can do that 1,000 miles --  ok. I'll wait for your call. I pulled her out of a meeting she had to get back to, so she is gonna call me later.

Kendall: Do you hate me?

Bianca: No. I was afraid it would come out just the way it did, though, like it was an ultimatum.

Kendall: It was the right thing to do.

Bianca: I know, and if I don't hear from her tonight, that means there really isn't anything left.

Kendall: I'm sorry, Binks.

Bianca: I am gonna go take care of the girls.

Kendall: Ok. Let me know if you hear from her, ok?

Bianca: Yeah. Ok.

Kendall: Ok.

Griffin: Hey, Bianca.

Bianca: Hi.

Griffin: Everything all right?

Kendall: I don't know. Sometimes love really sucks, you know?

Jake: Whoa, hey, what are you doing here?

Tad: My job, sniff around a little bit, see if I can find out who's helping himself to your pharmaceuticals.

Jake: Mm.

Tad: You look like hell.

Jake: Really?

Tad: Yeah.

Jake: Well, I feel worse than I look. How do you like that?

Tad: What's wrong? Seriously.

Jake: Pbbb -- 

Tad: It's Cara, isn't it?

Jake: I told Amanda why Cara really ended my marriage.

Tad: Oh, Jake. Well, that can't have been easy for her. What about you?

Jake: What, how complicated my life has just become?

Tad: No, no, no. I mean, what about you? Is there's some part of you that's still in love with Cara?

Woman on P.A.: Dr. Forrest, dial 118, please. Dr. Forrest -- 

Amanda: Let me see it. Show it to me.

Cara: I don't know what you're talking about.

Woman on P.A.: Dr. Kravitz, you have a visitor in the main lobby.

Amanda: Take it off now. I know, Cara, about everything. Jake told me all about your little ring and your feelings, your lies to him, your lies to me. Why don't you just admit it? You came back to Pine Valley because you want Jake back.

Cara: I had hope, yeah, when I first came back. Once I saw you and Jake together, I realized that I didn't have a chance with him.

Amanda: Ha ha! Ok. So you just expect me to believe that you just accepted it and that's it?

Cara: Yeah.

Amanda: Ok. So then why tell him anything? Why open up about the truth now?

Cara: Because he accidentally saw the ring, Amanda, and I tried to lie my way out of it.

Amanda: Right. You wanted him to see it, or you wouldn't still be wearing it.

Cara: I wear the ring because it reminds me of a very precious time to me. Things weren't easy after I left Jake, ok, and this ring got me through some very tough times.

Amanda: You mean your love for Jake got you through those times?

Cara: Yes. It did.

Jake: I love my wife, ok? Let's me just be absolutely crystal clear about that.

Tad: It is clear. So tell me about Cara.

Jake: Well, every time I see her, she comes up with something new about our past that I thought that I had buried -- 

Tad: What you thought was the past. It's big, Jake. It's true. I mean, she didn't leave, because she wasn't in love with you.

Jake: And that killed me, thinking she didn't love me. You saw me when I came home. I was like the walking dead, but I started a new life, right? I had a new love.

Tad: And had to walk smack into the middle of -- 

Jake: Yeah, telling me how she really feels and all of her --  it's just, what am I supposed to do with that?

Tad: Keep it simple. You love Amanda. Amanda loves you. As long as you and your wife work through this thing together, you will be ok.

Jake: Here's the thing, though. I'm actually worried about Cara.

Tad: Don't. You can't afford to be. Keep it simple. Don't say that ever again, even if it's true. You start pulling yourself in two directions, you will drive yourself crazy.

Jake: She sacrificed everything for me. I'm alive because of her. She's a person, right? What if she goes overseas and these drug people are after her?

Tad: You don't need to take care of it. I will.

Asher: Hey, I just heard about Annie taking her kid. Any leads or -- 

J.R.: No, and why did you let Colby out of your sight? She ran upstairs. She locked herself in the room.

Asher: She got the keys away from me.

J.R.: I should've seen this coming. I should've stopped her when I had the chance. Just drove her right over the edge. My father is gonna have a field day when he hears about this.

Asher: Dude, to hell with your father.

Orderly: Dr. Castillo? Sorry to bother you. I just didn't know where to put all this.

Kendall: Ah, popular guy.

Griffin: No. I just forgot to check my box. Put it right there, Louise. Thank you.

Kendall: In-house admirers?

Griffin: Nah. Just probably drug pamphlets.

Kendall: No. I'm talking about all that Valentine's candy you have over there. I bet your profile has gone up quite a bit since that miracle you pulled on me.

Griffin: That was a team effort. It was me, Cara, Jake, and David. You heard they're setting him free, huh?

Kendall: Yeah. Mom told me. If you're worried I'm gonna go gunning for him once I get out of here, don't.

Griffin: I wasn't thinking that at all -- much.

Kendall: What I tried to do came from a very dark place, a place I have no intention of going back to.

Griffin: Well, grief can make people do some pretty strange things.

Kendall: When I was out of it on the ambulance, I saw Zach. It was so real to me. Why would I see him like that?

Griffin: Here. For you.

Kendall: If you're asking me to be your Valentine, the answer is no.

Ryan: It's like a warped version of the children's stories that she used to write.

Greenlee: Children's stories? More like a Stephen King novel.

Ryan: And you know it's recent because it's got her and J.R. as the king and queen, Emma as the Princess Emmaline in a faraway land where nobody can find them.

Greenlee: Because the evil witch Marissa is chasing after J.R.

Ryan: I can't imagine what Emma is going through right now. She's with her mom, who she loves, but she's acting this way. She's got to be so confused, so scared.

Greenlee: Listen, listen. Emma is a very, very clever girl. She knows that her mother has problems. She'll find any way she can to reach out to you.

Ryan: Let's go home. If she does, she'll probably call home first.

Greenlee: Listen. We're family now. We're gonna bring her home.

Griffin: Don't think of it as a Valentine. Think of it as medicine.

Kendall: Right.

Griffin: It's true. Studies show that dark chocolate aids post-op recovery in heart patients.

Kendall: You're making this up.

Griffin: It's true. Hey, don't believe me. More chocolate for me.

Kendall: You are very sly. You got me to stop talking about Zach. In turn, you got my blood pressure back on track.

Griffin: And it worked, for a moment, at least.

Kendall: Hmm.

Griffin: What are you doing?

Kendall: Figuring out which ones have the caramel. Mm. Yeah, not that one.

Griffin: Mm.

Kendall: You know, I think those look more like Valentine's cards than pharmaceutical brochures.

Griffin: Mm-hmm.

Kendall: Aren't you gonna open them?

Griffin: No.

Kendall: Let me see those.

Griffin: Go ahead. Open my mail, please.

Kendall: Yeah. I will. Ok. Let's see what we have here. Aww. Ok. "Two parts vodka, one part lime. I'm dressed in leather trimmed with lace. Na na na na na -- " what? Ok. Trish from Radiology, she is not shy about what she wants. Read that.

Griffin: Uh-huh.

Kendall: Hee hee! Ok. Let's see. Oh, ok. This is from "An admirer." "I'm happy we met. I'll be yours. You be mine. One night or forever, my gorgeous Valentine." Are you kidding me? I want to vomit from this.

Griffin: Well, you're the one who wanted to read them.

Kendall: You really are Dr. McLove around here, aren't you?

Griffin: What can I tell you? Some of us are just blessed that way.

Kendall: Yeah. Yeah. Ha ha!

Griffin: Really?

Kendall: Really. You want to start? Ha ha!

Amanda: You can't stay. I'm not gonna let you do this to Jake. You have got to leave Pine Valley.

Cara: You don't get to tell me what to do.

Amanda: Mm. So you admit it? You do still want him.

Cara: This actually has nothing to do with Jake and everything to do with Griffin. He's the closest family that I've got, and I'm out of here as soon as I get clearance to head back overseas, but until then, I am not leaving my brother or the job that I have here.

Amanda: You said you still care for Jake. Then you should know what you being here is doing to him.

Cara: Well, this shouldn't really be a problem for either one of you, Amanda. I thought your marriage was stronger than that.

Amanda: It is.

Cara: Ok. Well, then you shouldn't worry about me, right? Should you? I have to live with the fact that I had Jake, and I lost him, and you have to live with the fact that you are not the only woman he's ever loved.

Asher: Thank God Caleb decided to abandon me when he did. At least I'm not carrying him around on my back every single time I make a mistake.

J.R.: Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's not like that.

Asher: Then stop with the Adam talk. You're in control, not him.

J.R.: Where is this coming from?

Asher: You've been good to me. I'd really like to help you out if I can.

Greenlee: What? What's wrong?

Ryan: The lamp. It wasn't on when we left.

Greenlee: Are you sure?

Ryan: I'm positive. Do you remember turning it on?

Greenlee: No.

Ryan: Then they were here, or at least Annie was. She still might be. Stay here.

Kendall: Hey! You're doing what I'm doing.

Griffin: Yeah. This reduces the chances of anyone scarfing your chocolates when you're not looking.

Kendall: Right.

Griffin: What's that look for?

Kendall: That secret that you told me about taking drugs from the hospital. Why do you do it? I mean, I know you said you send it overseas to people who really need it, but why risk your entire career or maybe even going to prison?

Griffin: Some things are worth taking a risk for. I don't want you to think about that. I don't want you compromised. You just concentrate on getting better, understand?

Kendall: Yep.

Jake: Well, thank God because I didn't know if you were gone for ice or gone for good.

Amanda: I couldn't do that. I love you.

Jake: I know things have been crazy, ok, but I love you --  only you --  more than ever. [Kissing]

Tad: What's up, Doc?

Cara: Oh, nothing much.

Tad: You know, if you're waiting for a ride, something tells me there's got to be something seriously wrong with you first.

Cara: Ha ha! I think I might be close to that.

Tad: Well, how about some coffee? It's hot, reasonably fresh -- at least, I think so --  possibly brewed sometime this week.

Cara: Ha ha ha! Thank you.

Tad: Sure.

Cara: So, um, my whole deal with Jake, it doesn't put me back on your enemies list?

Tad: How could I possibly feel that way about a woman courageous enough to save my brother's life?

Ryan: They were here. Annie took some of Emma's clothes. She took some stuffed animals. Oh, my God, I should've been here. I could've stopped them.

Greenlee: There's a message.


Annie's voice: Hi. It's Annie. I'm not sure where I'm going, but I wanted you to know that Emma is safe with me. It was a beautiful wedding, Ryan. Should've been me and J.R. getting married. Your happy ending should've been mine, but I don't want you to worry about Emma. I would protect her with my very life if I had to, and I promise you, nothing bad will ever happen to her. Say something to your dad, sweetie.

Emma's voice: I love you, Daddy.

Ryan: Oh --  

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