AMC Transcript Tuesday 2/2/10

All My Children Transcript Tuesday 2/2/10


Episode #10302

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Gisele

[Knock on door]

Adam: Colby, you can't be asleep already. I know you're angry with me. You're upset about this whole trust situation. You just have to understand --


Damon: Hiya.

Annie: You're good. I want you to teach me everything.

Liza: All right. Well, before I file this lawsuit, I want you to read this over carefully.

Jake: All right. Well, why don't you just tell us what the specific claims are that we're gonna make.

Liza: It's listed right here on page 2. Basically, you're gonna go after a misrepresentation of facts, intentional infliction of emotional distress -- those are the big ones. We're gonna go after compensatory and punitive damages, and we're gonna list every shady stunt that David has ever pulled. You know the second that we file this the press is gonna be all over this. And any evidence that we bring to this is pretty much gonna guarantee that his reputation and his career are over. So I just want to make sure that everything in here is 100% correct.

Jake: Ok.

Amanda: God, I don't want to get up on the stand and relive all this.

[Phone rings]

Tad: Hello?

Jake: Hey, I don't know if we're gonna have a choice. He doesn't want to seem to leave us alone.

Tad: Thanks a lot. That was Jesse. Apparently, Hayward brought a friend back with him.

Greenlee: Just get me out of here.

Jake: What friend? David doesn't have any friends. Who did he bring back with him?

Tad: Jesse couldn't say -- just that Hayward showed up with someone.

Liza: And how does Jesse know?

Tad: Because I asked him as a favor to do some follow-up on David's reappearance. He said three people got off the plane that brought Hayward back -- Hayward, the pilot, and someone else -- hat, coat, couldn't tell who it was.

Amanda: Where are you going?

Tad: Well, Hayward's pilot, so far, has been holed up at a hotel until now. Apparently, Jesse's guy says he's headed over to ConFusion to get a late night supper. So I think I'm gonna go over and shake the tree, see if I can come up with a little information about Hayward's new buddy.

Jake: I'm gonna go with you, ok?

Tad: Oh, jinkies, this should be fun. This is a finesse job. We're gonna finesse this, ok?

Jake: Sure.

Tad: It's Hayward's pilot. It means he works for him. A head-on confrontation is not gonna work.

Jake: All right.

Tad: Is this thing on?

Jake: Yes. No problem. "Finesse" is my middle name.

Tad: No, Joseph, "Henry" is your middle name.

Jake: Why you got to tell everybody that?

Amanda: Be careful. I hate this. Why did David have to come back?

Liza: Because that's David. That's the way he plays.

Amanda: Let me see this. If we end up in court, then David could be in town for a lot longer. You know, maybe we should wait to file this, see if he leaves like he said he would.

Liza: Oh, please. David lives for confrontation. He's probably waiting for us to file something. Wait, where are you going?

Amanda: I'm going to go talk to him.

Liza: Amanda, please. That is not a good idea.

Amanda: I can get through to him. I can convince him to leave.

Liza: Amanda, please.

Amanda: I have to end this.

Greenlee: How long?

David: Ryan and Erica?

Greenlee: Yes. How long has it been going on? How long?

David: I'm not sure. A few months, I think.

Greenlee: Oh, no, no. No, no, no. I will not crack. I will not let them do this to me. Tell me, did he even mourn me at all?

David: Greenlee --

Greenlee: I have to know.

David: Yes. Of course, he mourned you. He was devastated. I saw his pain. Everyone did.

Greenlee: Including Erica. And she used it -- no. No, no, no, no, no. As much as I'd like to, I can't blame all of this on Erica. He was supposed to love me and never stop loving me, never give up hope -- not so soon. Did it even matter? He's moved on. He gave up on us. I never should have walked away tonight. I should have gone in there and let him know what he's done to me.

David: Wait a minute, wait a minute. What do you think you're doing?

Greenlee: I am gonna go back there and let Ryan know that I'm alive, and I am going to make him hurt.

Scott: What do you want?

Annie: I want to learn everything there is to know about Chandler Enterprises. And since you're double checking all the divisions for the big audit, I thought now would be the perfect time.

Scott: Annie, first of all, I'm not an accountant. I'm struggling myself here. And secondly, I'm working at home so that I can concentrate -- peace and quiet, without all the office interruptions. So if you don't mind --

Annie: No, no, no. I want to help, Scott. I want to help. So just let me know which divisions are being audited, let me know how your spreadsheets are laid out, and I'll backstop you.

Scott: I appreciate the offer, Annie, but it's complicated, and it's time consuming and I --

Annie: Excuse me. Are you saying the numbers are too big for my pretty little head?

Scott: No, I'm just saying that I'm under a time crunch, and I don't have time to play teacher.

Annie: I will let you know I worked on budget a lot when I worked at Fusion, and I was really, really damn good at it.

Scott: I'm sure you were.

Annie: Kendall and Greenlee were stupid to fire me.

Scott: I don't think you were let go because of bad math skills.

Annie: Ok, fine. That's fair. Greenlee was a vindictive little brat who wanted to make my life a living hell. But that being said, I can crunch numbers in my sleep. Let me help.

Scott: No. Annie --

Annie: Let's see.

Scott: Ok.

Annie: Ok, so you're making sure each division has met their all events task for their income and their expenses.

Scott: Yeah. Ok, so maybe you do know something about this.

Annie: Let me do it with you, Scotty. We'll make a great team. I'm sure of it.

Adam: I want an answer. Who the hell are you?

Colby: Get out. And don't come barging in my room like this again.

Adam: This is my house.

Colby: Fine. You want me to move out, I can be gone tonight.

Adam: You did this on purpose, rubbing that boy in my face because you're mad at me.

Colby: You're the one who came in here uninvited. And it's not like I'm parading him around in a towel in the halls.

Adam: I want him out.

Damon: Wow. Wow, the guy who falls for you is in for a treat.

Colby: Yeah. Dad is, uh, pretty alpha. How's your head?

Damon: Better. Still throbbing a little.

Colby: Well, I brought you some food, an icepack and an aspirin.

Damon: Wow, thanks. And thanks for, you know, believing me. Nobody else seems to want to.

Colby: Well, you have a big knot on your head, and you wouldn't have hung around if you actually tried to rob us again.

Damon: You know, this place has its upside. You know, the service is really good and so is the staff, even if the management hates my guts.

Colby: My father isn't the one you need to convince you're innocent.

Damon: Don't waste your time. It's pretty clear Bailey has already given up on me.

Erica: Val actually texted me. He told me about the first headline of the night.

Ryan: Oh.

Erica: "Kane cuffs hubby 11." Don't laugh. It's not funny.

Ryan: Ok, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Erica: They just all assume I'm the serial bride.

Ryan: Well, I personally -- I don't care at all what they think.

Erica: That's good, because believe me, I have no intention of changing anything. I am very happy with things the way they are. I promise I will not be cuffing you.

[Phone rings]

[Knock on door]

Ryan: Ok, if that's a reporter, I swear to you --

Erica: Ok. You know what? Just send them away. Please don't hurt anybody.

Ryan: I can't promise anything.

Opal: I caught the news. Just loved the announcement. I'm so excited for the two of you.

Ryan: Hello, Opal.

Opal: Oh, hi.

Ryan: Hi.

Erica: Yeah, I could tell.

Ryan: Yeah, exactly. Thank you very much for the surprise.

Opal: Oh, what surprise?

Ryan: What are you talking about? That surprise.

Opal: Oh, lovely. Well, I wish I could take credit for it, but that's not my work.

Greenlee: Get out of my way.

David: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You can't let your anger do this to you. Your first instincts were good. You walked away.

Greenlee: I want to make Ryan hurt. I want him to know what he's done to me.

David: I understand. But you can't.

Greenlee: Why not?

David: Greenlee, I've been down this road before. I know what it's like to want to punish someone, to make them pay, to make them feel the same pain that you're feeling. But you have to ask yourself, "How is it gonna play out?" What are you even gonna say?

Greenlee: Exactly what I'm feeling.

David: Yeah, but you're feeling all sorts of things right now, aren't you? All right, so you go in there. You reveal yourself. You start screaming, lashing out, accusing. What good will that do? Ultimately, what will it accomplish?

Greenlee: Do you think I'll just make a fool out of myself?

David: I think your first thoughts back in Gloucester were good. You didn't want to come back here unless you can walk back into his life the way you were when you left him, right? Unless everything was exactly the same way.

Greenlee: But it can't be, and it's never gonna be the same no matter what I do. Get me away -- from him, from all of this. Help me start a new life somewhere -- anywhere. Anywhere but here.

Scott: I am under too much of a deadline to bring you on board now. Besides, Adam has already paired me up with J.R., remember?

Annie: You and I both know J.R. has not been dependable lately. He's been taking time off, disappearing for days at a time. I am dependable. Come on, Scott, I'm bored.

Scott: Well, maybe you should get back out into the workforce, then.

Annie: Hello? What do you think I'm trying to do?

Scott: Annie, I don't need you. Chandler Enterprises doesn't need you.

Annie: Why are you being so negative? You and I both know we would make a great team.

Scott: We would not make a great team, and you know why.

Adam: If my pacemaker leaps out of my chest and runs screaming into the night, then my daughter is to blame. What's going on in here?

Annie: Scott's afraid to work with me.

Damon: Now that your dad's seen me and thinks I'm some one-night hookup, do you think I can get out of here without being nailed for breaking and entering?

Colby: I thought you agreed to spend the night. You might have a concussion, you know?

Damon: Nah, just a bump -- hard head.

Colby: So, where you gonna go? What are you gonna do?

Damon: Not sure yet.

Colby: So you're just gonna take off, not even talk to Bailey?

Damon: Pretty clear she thinks I'm a lying thief, so --

Colby: You are not kidding about the hard head, huh? Oh, God, guys can be so thick sometimes. You are not going anywhere yet.

David: You ready?

Greenlee: Yes.

David: You sure? It's ok. Before we leave, I want you to be absolutely certain that you're done with all of this -- done with Ryan, with Pine Valley.

Greenlee: Don't worry. I won't be having second thoughts. If he came through that door right now, I'd only want to see him hurt, see him in the kind of pain I'm in.

David: He did think you were dead, Greenlee, that he was never gonna see you again.

Greenlee: He trashed everything we had by sleeping with Kendall, and then, of all people, Erica. Man, he really twisted the knife in my back by handing over my company to her. I mean, he knew how much Fusion meant to me. I just wish I could take something from him -- from both of them -- the way they've taken everything from -- from me. David, there's something I have to do before I go, but I'll need your help.

David: Help with what?

Greenlee: I need you to get something for me, and it won't be easy. But I'm gonna leave them a little farewell present before I go.

[Knock on door]

Greenlee: Go away.

[Knock on door]

[Door opens]

Amanda: David? David, it's Amanda.

Liza: Hmm. Well, someone is not happy about Ryan and Erica being together.

Tad: The guy on this end -- he matches the guy's description.

Jake: You know that already? What do you want me to do?

Tad: I just want you to disappear for awhile, ok? Just let me work the guy first.

Jake: All right. Go ahead.

Tad: Um, do me a favor. Give me any beer in a bottle. Just surprise me, ok? How you doing?

Man: Fine. Hey, could I refill of this coffee? And any sign of that delivery I'm supposed to get?

Bartender: I just checked, and I'll keep an eye out.

Tad: Just the bottle. Thanks. Mm. God. Tastes good. I've been looking forward to this ever since passing over the Boston V.O.R.

Man: You a pilot?

Tad: I'm George -- George Grayson.

Scott: I am not afraid to work with her. I am under a serious crunch with the audit coming up, and I am not taking her on just because she is bored and has this impulsive urge to learn the business.

Annie: There's nothing impulsive about it. I have thought about this for a really long time.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Annie: Listen, Chandler is a family business, right? Well, I'm family now. I want to be involved in all of it, and I am just as invested in the future of this business and company as you or Scott or J.R. or anybody else.

Scott: I really don't have time for this.

Annie: All right, listen. Remember what you said when we were all reading the merit trust? You said you wanted Scott to build Chandler Enterprises into a company that gave back to the community, right? Into a company that our family could be proud of. Well, that's what I want, too, and I have a lot to offer.

Adam: She's right. I want to give her that chance.

Erica: Well, whether you sent the wine or not, thanks for stopping by.

Opal: Well, I am just as happy as a clam at high tide for the two of you.

Erica: So are we. We were just finishing up.

Opal: Oh, oh, oh. I can take a hint.

Erica: Yeah.

Ryan: Ok. Well, good night.

Opal: You treat her good, you hear?

Ryan: Yes, I hear. Good night, Opal. Thank you very much. Ok, if Opal didn't set up the surprise, then who did? And how did they get in here?

Erica: It was Opal. She denied it because she thought maybe I'd get upset because she was pushing again.

Ryan: Yeah? I mean, maybe. It's just not really like Opal not to take credit for something.

Erica: Trust me. Oh, you said that you wanted to call Emma before she went to bed.

Ryan: Oh, yes. I do. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

[Knock on door]

Erica: David. I thought that you had left town.

David: I did, and I am. I'm moving back to Malaysia. I just came back to town to tidy up a few things first, one of them having to do with Kendall.

Erica: Come in. What about Kendall?

David: Well, obviously, she's been out of town for awhile, and I was her doctor after the transplants, so I just wanted to make sure that she had the proper care when she comes home. So I want to give you the name of a good doctor, and also my contact information in Malaysia just in case either one of you needs to get in touch with me.

Erica: Yes, that's a very good idea.

David: Cool. Oh. I left my pen and paper and my pad at home. Do you have something I could write with?

Erica: Sure. Of course, I do. I'll be right back.

David: Thank you.

Ryan: Hayward? What the hell are you doing here?

Amanda: I wonder why David tore that up.

Liza: I don't know. Well, he and Erica used to be together. Maybe he still has a thing for her.

Amanda: Erica? I never once heard him talk about her like that. Old friends, maybe, but never any jealous remarks about Ryan.

[Greenlee whimpers]

Liza: Did you hear that?

Amanda: Yeah.

David: I was just being a little OCD. It wasn't exactly hanging in line here, so, there you go.

Ryan: So what are you doing here?

Erica: David's actually on his way to Malaysia. He stopped by to give me some information to give to Kendall -- a referral for a cardiologist here, in case she needs one.

David: That's right. See that, Ryan? Nothing nefarious.

[Phone rings]

Erica: Oh. Ok, I need to take this. Excuse me. Hello? Could you hold on for a minute, please? David, take care.

David: You, too, Erica.

Erica: Ok.

Ryan: Hey, David, I heard what you did to Amanda and Jake -- tried to take their child.

David: Well, what can I tell you, Ryan? I'm not a very nice person. For what it's worth, I do regret what I did. Well, lucky for them, they won't have to worry about me any longer.

Ryan: I don't even think you understand the meaning of "regret."

David: Do you love Erica? Has she really taken the place of Greenlee?

Ryan: If you hurry, maybe you'll be able to catch the red-eye to Malaysia, David.

David: Oh, don't worry, Ryan. I'll be gone before you know it. Trust me, I won't be turning back.

Tad: This is after the First Gulf War. I left the Air Force, but I went into the import-export business. I couldn't stay out of the sky. So when I started having to go back and forth between Canada every week, I thought I'd buy myself a 414 to indulge myself.

Man: Nice.

Tad: Can I buy you something stronger than coffee? Or are you on the bottle-to-throttle clock?

Man: No, thanks, Mr. Martin.

Tad: What? I told you my name's Grayson.

Man: No, it isn't. It's Martin. And my boss warned me about you.

Adam: Annie has a way of easing into things, and watching during an audit can get you well-acquainted with the company's various distribution techniques.

Annie: Adam, I will not let you down.

Adam: Well, then I will let you two to go at it. I'm gonna have a drink after that round I had with Colby.

Annie: Adam.

Adam: All right, a soda. That doesn't mean I can't pretend there's Scotch in it, can it?

Annie: Please don't be angry.

Scott: I don't have time to be angry. You won. You got what you wanted. Here, correlate each department's quarterlies with the matching audit.

Annie: I'd rather help you with the spreadsheets.

Scott: You agreed to follow my lead. So get to it.

Bailey: What's going on? Why couldn't you tell me over the phone?

Colby: I wanted to talk to you about Damon. I don't think he did what the police are accusing him of.

Bailey: You've seen him, haven't you? What, did he break into your house, too?

Damon: See? Told you she wouldn't believe me.

Amanda: I used to hear all sorts of weird noises in this house. Thought it was haunted for awhile, but then I just realized it's big and old.

Liza: Mm. Hey, listen. You know what? We should just get out of here. David's not here, and it wouldn't look very good for Jake's case if he found us here.

[Door opens]

David: What are you two doing here?

Amanda: I came to talk to you.

David: Oh, let me guess. Your husband sent you. And Liza here has his lawsuit ready to file if I -- what? Don't get out of Dodge?

Liza: Well, I mean you did tell Amanda that you were leaving.

David: Did you notice the boxes? I'm out of here, all right?

Amanda: Then when are you back?

David: As I told your husband, I just came back to tie up a few loose ends. All right, look. If you people want me to leave this town so badly, why don't you just get the hell out of my way and let me do what I need to do?

Liza: Mm. All right, then. Tie up your loose ends. Just don't take too long doing it.

David: Greenlee? Greenlee.

Greenlee: Oh.

David: Are you all right?

Greenlee: Yeah. I just need a pain pill. I got all twisted up back there. I'll be ok.

David: I'll get you some water. Then I want to examine your back.

Greenlee: No, forget the water. Did you get the flash drive?

David: Yeah. Yeah, I have it right here. Ok? No. No. I want to examine your back first. Come on.

Greenlee: Oh.

David: What's on that flash drive anyway? Why did you have it hidden over at Ryan's?

Greenlee: Ow! If I tell you now, it'll ruin the surprise.

Tad: I really think you have me confused with somebody else.

Man: No, I don't. Dr. Hayward described you and your brother in pretty good detail. Said one of you would probably corner me, ask me some questions. Don't waste your breath. Doc is a good man, a good employer. I do as I'm told.

Bartender: This what you were waiting for?

Man: Yeah. Thanks. Nice to meet you, Mr. Martin.

Tad: He made me. Hayward warned him. What the hell is that?

Jake: What, this? Well, I overheard the conversation that he was waiting for a box.

Tad: Yeah, so did I.

Jake: Good.

Tad: Come to think of it, Fusion's a pretty weird place for a drop-off. So, what the hell is this?

Jake: Well, I intercepted the box. I was outside, I saw the guy. I made him think the box was for me, right? So luckily I had a box in my car. It was about the same size. I peeled the label off this box and put it on that box, and now David's gonna get a pair of my brand new sneakers. Hope they fit.

Tad: You're a genius. So, what's so covert that he had to have it delivered here?

Erica: What is it? You seem pretty upset.

Ryan: No, I just -- something doesn't feel right about Hayward.

Erica: I know what you mean. If he had just wanted Kendall to have the number of a doctor here, I mean, he could have texted, he could have phoned -- anything.

Ryan: He was looking at this thing when I came down the stairs. I have no idea why. Something was taped here in the back.

Erica: What do you think it was?

Ryan: I have absolutely no idea. But he took it.

David: So, what are you trying to do anyway?

Greenlee: Well, I need to log into the system first, but they've changed the passwords.

David: Well, that's a big surprise. It's only been almost a year.

Greenlee: Not "Bianca." Not "Kendall."

[Computer beeps]

Greenlee: Not "Ryan."

David: Try "Erica Kane" backwards.

Greenlee: I love you.

David: It's an old trick used too often at the hospital. I used to chew the doctors out all the time for being so unoriginal. So, now that we've solved that mystery, what exactly are you planning to do? Hmm? What's on that flash drive?

Greenlee: It's a worm. Kendall and I made a deal back when Cambias took over Fusion. If we ever lost control of the company, we could crash the whole system -- wipe out everything. I meant what I said. I'd rather see Fusion go under than have Erica running it, and that's what I'm going to do before I leave town.

David: Is something supposed to go kablooey?

Greenlee: Yeah. It should have a readout of files as they're deleted.

David: Maybe they improved the security system, put a new firewall or something.

Greenlee: I will not let her win. I will not let her have this company. I will not let her win. Ah! Oh, God! Oh, God.

Bailey: What are you doing here? Where have you been?

Damon: At the Chandler's.

Bailey: Why?

Damon: I needed a favor. The point is, when I was there, someone broke in, set off the alarm.

Bailey: Oh, these things are getting really coincidental, aren't they?

Colby: Bailey, please just listen.

Damon: Look, forget it. Forget it. She's already made up her mind.

Bailey: You're wrong. I just want to know the truth.

Damon: The truth is I got hit in the head by whoever broke in. But you're right. It's not looking good for me. I got to find out who this jerk is before I go down for what he's done.

Bailey: Wait, Damon. Please don't do anything stupid.

Damon: What would be stupid is sitting around here, waiting for him to pin all his break-ins on my ass while you keep doubting me.

Colby: Where are you going?

Damon: I can take care of myself. Don't worry.

Bailey: Damon, wait.

Annie: There you go. What's wrong?

Scott: This isn't making any sense. I've gone over it a dozen times.

Annie: What is it?

Scott: The third quarter detail -- it doesn't match up with the yearlies.

Annie: Well, do you want the preliminary detail or the final? See -- look at the name of the file there.

Scott: Oh, my God. Stupid, stupid. Thank you. I'm sorry I was rough on you earlier. That was a good catch. I would have been going around in circles forever. I guess I'm just getting tired.

Annie: You're just doing too much on your own. You need help, Scott. And I can give it to you. You just have to trust me.

Scott: I want to trust you, Annie. But I also want to trust myself when I'm with you.

Amanda: You were right to get me out of there. I was about to let loose on him again.

Liza: Yes, well, you see, threats are not gonna do anything good. We just have to sit back and see if he's gonna make good on his word and get out of here. Hey, did you find anything?

Jake: Kind of, sort of.

Amanda: Is that the medicine David was using when he was faking his illness?

Tad: Uh-uh. One of those is a major narcotic. You know, for pain? It's awesome.

Jake: Stop it. Behave yourself. These right here are steroids, and these over here are immunosuppressants.

Liza: What is that?

Jake: That is proof that David wasn't using this on himself. Maybe he was treating somebody. I don't know -- maybe a transplant, or perhaps stem cell therapy.

Ryan: David!

Erica: Listen, why don't we just go to Jesse and let Jesse take care of this. Ryan.

Ryan: Too late. David! David!

Erica: I thought David lived alone since Amanda left.

Ryan: Apparently not.

David: That's it. We're out of here.

Greenlee: No. No, David. David, no. I have to finish this.

David: Greenlee, forget about it. You've got to go.

Greenlee: I've got to finish this, David.

David: That's enough.

Greenlee: Wait. Wait -- look. It's working. Yes!

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