All My Children Transcript Friday 1/29/10
Episode #10300
Provided by Suzanne
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Jesse: It looks good, but I think it's time I should take off, huh?
Randi: Why? Everything's just getting started.
Jesse: Yeah, but it's not really my scene, you know? Don't get me started on this room full of wannabe movers and shakers.
Randi: Yeah, like the one over there?
Liza: Oh, but it feels so good to be here, away from the police station.
Tad: Not to mention those handcuffs. I'll bet you 20 bucks Officer Torres takes those home tonight.
Liza: You know, you really are the first man that's ever staged his own arrest just to get me to smile.
Tad: Not everybody has such a gorgeous smile. Oh, gee. Speaking of smiles, Krystal's here with her pet architect.
Liza: Hi.
Colby: So Chase just happens to be here?
Adam: Yes. Yes. Do you honestly think I orchestrated this?
Colby: Oh, I don't think. I know.
Annie: Colby, how could your father have set this up if we didn't even know we were coming here?
Colby: Are you serious? My dad can arrange corporate takeovers over tee times. Arranging my marriage is a piece of cake in comparison.
Chase: Hope I'm not interrupting. I just wanted to say hello.
Colby: Oh, I didn't know you were so into makeup.
Chase: I'm not. My girlfriend -- I couldn't keep her away.
Adam: Your girlfriend.
Chase: Allison. Yeah, she just went to the restroom, but I'll be sure to introduce her when she comes back.
Adam: Please do.
Woman: Do you get airsick?
Greenlee: What? Oh, no, it's just for pain. I just had surgery.
Woman: You sure you should be flying?
Greenlee: Not really, but I don't have a choice. I have to get back to Pine Valley.
Woman: I hope everything's ok.
Greenlee: It will be.
Erica: Ryan, I've been there. I've been there. And please understand, I'm just trying to protect what we have.
Ryan: By denying that we exist.
Erica: Yes.
Ryan: Ok. Erica, what is the real reason that you don't want people to know the truth about us?
Erica: Ryan, whatever this is that we have, it belongs to us. It doesn't belong to the bloggers or the reporters or to the people who read the tabloids. It's ours. But if we put it out there, if we start living our personal relationship in the public eye, then we give it to them. And they can chronicle us. They can just twist us and turn us any way they want to, and they can, of course, write about our happiness at first. But we both know that those vultures are just waiting for their first chance to splash our heartache all over the front page.
Ryan: Heartache? Whoa. You act as if we're destined to fail.
Ryan: You don't think we have a shot.
Erica: I didn't say that.
Ryan: Why are you so convinced that we won't go the distance?
Erica: Well, none of my relationships have so far.
Ryan: "So far" being the operative words there. Ok, all right. So, what do you want to do? Do you want to just run away?
Erica: No. I am certainly not going to run away. I just -- is it so wrong to want things just to stay the way they are -- just between us, our own private escape?
Ryan: Got to get real at some point.
Erica: I think that we are extremely real. I just don't want the media to have anything to say about us.
Ryan: Let's forget the media.
Erica: Ryan, I can't. Right now I have a party full of them just waiting to pounce on us, waiting for us to arrive. And this is such a big night for Fusion, not to mention the Miranda Center.
Ryan: I know.
Erica: And so you pick now to try to dissect what our entire future holds for us?
Ryan: I know, and I'm sorry. You're right. You're right, you're right. It's a huge night for the Miranda line, and tonight should be focused on that, ok?
Erica: Ok.
Ryan: All right. You ready?
Erica: I am. But you're not.
Ryan: No, no. Just give me two seconds.
Erica: Ok, look. I think that we should probably arrive separately anyway, don't you?
Ryan: Ok.
Erica: Ok. I'll take the car service and meet I'll meet you there?
Ryan: Ok.
Liza: So I wonder where our host is.
Tad: Oh, you know Erica.
Liza: Unfortunately, I do.
Tad: Grand entrances are her thing.
Krystal: I am glad you're here instead of home alone.
Tad: Ah, yes. You know, maybe I should send you a fruit basket for your sage advice.
Krystal: Yes, you should send me a fruit basket, especially since I live right down the hall.
Tad: That's no excuse. Remind me to get right on that, will ya?
Liza: Sure thing. I definitely need a drink right now. You want to join me?
Tad: After you.
Liza: Ok.
Krystal: Have fun.
Liza: Yeah, we'll catch up later, ok?
Jesse: Wow. Now that's what I call -- mm. I didn't know you were gonna be here.
Angie: Well, I dealt with that emergency a lot quicker than I thought. And the janitors haven't decided to go on strike on me yet. Listen, I would have called you, but I just assumed you'd gone back to work.
Jesse: I did, but things were slow, so I figured I'd come support Randi here.
Angie: Yeah, that's why I decided to come, too.
Jesse: Well, we're both here now. That's what matters, right?
Angie: Right.
Frankie: So much for my parents spending an evening alone.
Randi: Well, what happened with that? I thought you and Natalia worked it out.
Frankie: Yeah, so did we, until the hospital paged my mom for an emergency. Instead of waiting on her, Dad went back to the station.
Randi: Well, at least they're together now.
Frankie: Does that look like together to you?
Chase: I really look forward to starting this internship.
Adam: Good.
Chase: Ladies.
Annie: Bye. Gosh, he is just too cute for words. That Allison is a lucky girl, don't you think?
Colby: Oh, kind of hard to say, since they're both complete strangers.
Adam: I suppose I'm not gonna hear an apology any time soon.
Colby: Just because Chase is on the level doesn't make this merit trust any less prehistoric or ridiculous or lame.
Adam: I'll take that as a "no."
Colby: Good guess.
Adam: I just can't win with her.
Annie: Oh, you won. She's just never going to admit it.
[Alarm sounds]
Security Guard: Perp must have escaped out this window.
Second Security Guard: Should we call Mr. Chandler?
Security Guard: Let's check and see if anything was taken first.
Greenlee: Hello? Ryan?
Ryan: Hey, how's it going?
Madison: Well, great turnout. The press is buzzing about Fusion's new line.
Ryan: Good, good, good. And Erica?
Madison: She's around here somewhere. You want me to find her for you?
Ryan: Actually, don't bother. She's right over there.
Frankie: How did it go earlier with you and Mom?
Jesse: Mm-hmm. I think you know the answer to that. Our night got cut short because of work. It happens.
Frankie: Seems to be happening a lot these days.
Jesse: You know, I appreciate what you and your sister tried to do. Can we just leave it at that?
Frankie: I don't know. Things seem strained between you two. I mean, you get here tonight, completely separate. Is it about the work, really? Really?
Jesse: We both thought each other had to work, ok?
Frankie: Or you just didn't want to deal with each other.
Jesse: Ok, now. Are you trying to lecture me, son?
Frankie: No, no, no, dad. It just, you know, all marriages go through ruts.
Jesse: Not this one. This one went through a gaping black hole that sucked us dry for 20 years. Now, if we can survive that, we can survive anything. Don't you think?
Randi: Thank you for coming.
Angie: Oh, are you kidding? You think I'd miss out on all of this?
Randi: I'm really sorry that you and Jesse ended up missing that dinner.
Angie: Oh, so you heard about our evening -- interrupted.
Randi: You know what? You guys should get out of here. Go home, pick up where you left off, and --
Angie: Well, maybe you should mind your own business. Just kidding. You know, actually, that's a nice idea, but I think the moment has passed -- for tonight, anyway. So let's just drop it, ok? It's no big deal.
Randi: Sure, sure.
Angie: See you in a minute.
Randi: All right.
Liza: Well, I think that might be a good idea.
Tad: Oh!
Liza: Hi.
Tad: If there's a fire, you might consider giving your old mom a heads up.
Colby: Well, there is no fire. I just need to get out of here.
Liza: Wait, honey, did Adam do something?
Colby: Um, you won't believe it.
Liza: Oh, yeah? Try me.
Colby: Ok. Well, Dad couldn't stand that he wasn't gonna be around when his will got read. So he made this whole merit trust to torture us with while he's still around to enjoy it.
Tad: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Take a deep breath and start from the beginning.
Colby: Well, he's basically fixed it so he can arrange my marriage.
Liza: What?
Colby: Mm-hmm. I get a small yearly stipend until I find a suitable man, and then my stipend skyrockets, obviously.
Tad: Wait now. Let me guess -- but only if the suitable man passes muster.
Colby: Yes. And if he doesn't, then I get nothing. And then if he does -- well, then if I get divorced --
Liza: Then you still -- you get nothing.
Colby: Is there anything you can do? Legally, I mean.
Liza: I don't know. This is out of my realm, but believe me, I'm gonna look into it.
Colby: Thanks. I'm gonna go home.
Liza: Honey, listen to me. I promise you I will fix this.
Colby: Thanks.
Tad: Take it easy.
Liza: Excuse me for a minute.
Tad: This is gonna get ugly, isn't it?
Liza: If anyone deserves ugly, believe me, it's Adam. Can I speak with you for a moment, alone?
Adam: Anything you have to say to me you can say in front of my wife.
Liza: All right then, you scheming, manipulative ass.
Madison: Oh, Ryan was looking for you. Did you two have a chance to talk?
Erica: Not yet, no.
Greenlee: Oh, my God.
Colby: Hey, what's going on?
Security Guard: Security breach, ma'am. Someone broke in the mansion.
Colby: What? Did you catch him -- or her?
Security Guard: Escaped through an upstairs window.
Colby: So what's missing?
Security Guard: Nothing, as far as we can tell.
Second Security Guard: We were just about to call your father.
Colby: Do it.
Liza: Colby's gonna rebel. I mean, you know that. Why is your wife shaking her head?
Annie: First Zach, now Tad. It's really hard to keep up with you. Maybe if you were a better role model for you daughter --
Liza: Padded cells and straightjackets -- they send a much better message.
Annie: Please. That is all a part of my past. In all honesty --
Liza: From you. Hmm.
Annie: I hope that Colby sees what her father and I have and tries to emulate it.
Liza: Oh, God help her if she does. Adam, admit it. You just can't let go of control. That's why you backed your own daughter into this distorted corner -- so you can choose her life partner. I am gonna contest this in court. And the second that you're gone, I will have the whole thing voided, and she will get what she is owed without any strings.
Adam: Oh, I see. You haven't heard about the "no contest" clause. If you go to court, Colby gets nothing. And that will be on you.
Krystal: Hi.
Angie: Hi. Having fun?
Rob: Well, better than the last party you took me to.
Krystal: Oh, well. Now that's the understatement of the year.
Rob: I was just about to grab us some drinks. Can I get you any?
Angie: Oh, thanks, but no thanks. He's nice.
Krystal: Yeah. So far, so good.
Angie: Well, you know, things seem -- I don't know -- easy between you.
Krystal: Yes. Well, I guess I'm taking a page from Angie and Jesse.
Angie: Uh-huh, you are. I don't know. Maybe you might want to take a page from someone else.
Krystal: What is that supposed to mean?
Angie: I don't know. I don't know. Oh, Krystal. You know, lately things just don't seem that easy. I mean, it's like everything is about work. It's just starting to feel like maybe it's beginning to put a strain on us, you know?
Krystal: You'll get through that.
Angie: And you know this how?
Krystal: Well, because even though it might not feel like it, you and Jesse are the real deal. You're a living, breathing, tear-jerker of a fairy tale. Hey, don't you forget that.
Jesse: Thaddeus.
Tad: Chief. Hey, is something going on between you and Angela?
Jesse: Why, is it written all over our foreheads?
Tad: No, maybe it's written all over your face. What is it?
Jesse: I guess we're having issues.
Tad: Like what?
Jesse: Inundated with work. Never seeing each other. So, it can be stressful.
Tad: So I guess it's just your basic, everyday, garden variety marital rough patch.
Jesse: Exactly. You know, I wish you'd explain that to my kids.
Tad: Why?
Jesse: Angie and I show up here separately to this thing, and Frankie's got us in divorce court.
Tad: Another vote counted. Well, we know how Franklin feels. How about you?
Jesse: You know better than that.
Tad: I can't help it. I was gonna offer some loving, friendly advice and say it doesn't matter that you two arrived separately. Just make sure you don't leave the same way.
Greenlee: I can't believe he kept this. Ow. Oh, God. Oh, God.
TV Reporter: Reporting live from the big party downtown.
[Music playing]
TV Reporter: Things are just about to get started here, and you know what? You can feel it. There's a buzz surrounding Fusion's new charity line, and in just a few moments we'll see what that buzz is all about.
Erica: You made it.
Ryan: Yeah, I dressed myself and everything.
Erica: Listen, Ryan, I --
Randi: Um, excuse me, Erica. The press is ready to see you.
Ryan: You're gonna do great.
Erica: Good evening, everyone. Thank you. Thank you. I am so honored that you came out this evening to help celebrate the wonderful coming together of beauty, women, and charity. With the launch of Fusion's new Miranda line, we are gonna be funding the Miranda Center right here in Pine Valley, but also funding all new outposts, many new outposts throughout the country. And as such, we are really gonna have an impact on women everywhere. Actually, one of the women who has benefited from the Miranda Center right here in Pine Valley is our very own Madison North. The Miranda Center is all about hope and healing, patience and understanding. We provide a safe haven for women in which to rebuild. And as acting CEO of Fusion, a company that was created by women and for women, I can't think of a more worthy cause. Thank you. And now, I understand that there are some members of the press here this evening, so I'd like to open up the floor to questions.
Reporter: What's your response to the recent tabloid story regarding your relationship with Ryan Lavery?
Erica: I'd say, why don't we just stick to celebrating our new nonprofit line for Fusion? Thank you.
Reporter: Are you partners? Or are you more? What's your current status?
Ryan: You know what? Like Erica said, we're gonna focus on Fusion and the new Miranda line today.
Second Reporter: You do realize that stonewalling only fuels rumors. I mean, if you two are involved, why not come clean? What are you so afraid of?
Erica: Nothing. I'm not afraid of anything, despite what some people might think. Well, thank you very much for being here this evening, and enjoy the rest of your evening. Have a good time.
Tad: So then she drags me in in handcuffs and informs everybody I was arrested for flashing.
Krystal: Oh, no. She did not.
Tad: She did. I must confess, even though it wasn't the back story I wanted to go with that it got a smile out of Ms. Colby.
Krystal: So you guys are ok?
Tad: Better than ok. You know, I meant what I said. I wasn't joking. I really do owe you.
Krystal: Oh, I know you owe me.
Tad: You kicked my butt into gear.
Krystal: Any time, roomie.
Tad: Life is really strange. You know that?
Krystal: Yeah, I know that. You want to tell me how you know that?
Tad: Well, just after everything we've been through, you know, good and bad, up and down, backwards and forwards -- here you are giving me romantic advice.
Krystal: Who knows you better than me, huh?
Jesse: Some press conference, huh?
Angie: Never a dull moment.
Jesse: So, are Erica and Ryan really -- ?
Angie: I have no idea.
Jesse: And do we care?
Angie: Uh, we don't.
Jesse: No, we don't. So, why don't we go home and do something we care about?
Angie: I say we do.
Adam: Not the evening Erica anticipated, was it?
Annie: No. But I, for one, enjoyed every minute of it. Did you see the look on her face? Priceless.
[Phone rings]
Adam: Adam Chandler. What? When? Yeah, we'll be right there.
Annie: What happened?
Adam: Somebody broke into the house.
Damon: It wasn't me.
TV Reporter: And that's the story from ConFusion. I was hoping to speak with Ryan Lavery, get his take on what happened tonight. I'm sure he's around here somewhere. Ah, well. Back to you in the studio, Rod.
Ryan: Those reporters asked some pretty tough questions.
Erica: I suppose you're upset because I didn't give them any answers.
Ryan: No. You don't owe them anything.
Erica: But you, on the other hand --
Ryan: I think we owe each other -- I think we owe each other to finish the conversation that we started at my place.
Erica: I thought that we already had.
Ryan: Just because we stopped talking doesn't mean that we're finished.
Erica: Ryan, I honestly don't know what's left to say.
Ryan: Well, we better figure it out, because if we don't, if we leave things where they are now, I really don't know where we go from here.
Randi: It wasn't that bad.
Madison: You're kidding me, right? They didn't ask a single question about the Miranda line, the center. So much for my brilliant idea. I guess you picked a perfect time to give me credit for it.
Liza: Oh, hey. How's it going?
Rob: It's going ok. Have you seen Krystal? I went to get us some drinks, and I seem to have lost her.
Liza: Yeah.
Rob: Guess she already found a refill. Interested?
Liza: Why not? Thanks.
Rob: Do you feel like this happens a lot?
Liza: Define "this."
Rob: Krystal and Tad always hanging out.
Liza: Oh.
Rob: I mean, I get that they share a daughter.
Liza: And a house.
Rob: I don't know. Sometimes I just wonder. How am I supposed to compete?
Liza: Rob? Watch and learn.
Adam: First Colby's car. Now this.
Annie: But nothing was stolen? Are you sure?
Security Guard: We've gone over the house twice now.
Second Security Guard: Sir, would you like us to call the police?
Adam: Well, given the recent string of burglaries in this neighborhood, I should think so, yeah.
Security Guard: I'll get right on it.
Adam: Did my daughter happen to make it home tonight?
Second Security Guard: I believe Miss Chandler is upstairs in her room.
Adam: Did you get a gauge on her mood, by any chance?
Second Security Guard: She didn't look too happy to me, sir.
Colby: I can't believe after everything we talked about, you would try and rob us again.
Damon: I told you, I didn't do anything.
Colby: Oh, and that's supposed to mean something? You know, your word is useless.
Damon: Colby, just take a second and think about this. Why would I break in if I was already here? It makes no sense.
Colby: Ok, if it wasn't you, then who was it?
Damon: I don't know. I tried chasing the guy, but he knocked me out.
Colby: Hold on. Ok, wait. You saw who broke in.
Damon: Yeah. I was downstairs looking around, and he ran right by me. The alarm went off.
Colby: And then what happened?
Damon: I followed here into your room. He knocked me from behind. By the time I got back on my feet, he was gone. Look, I swear. I'm telling the truth. I even have the bump to prove it.
Colby: Sorry. So you didn't get a look at this face?
Damon: No.
Colby: Height? Age? Nothing?
Damon: I think he had brown hair. That's about it. Look, if it was me, then what the hell am I still doing in your room? Say you believe me.
Greenlee: Hey. Pretty eventful night in there, huh?
Man: That's one way of putting it.
Greenlee: You don't happen to know if Ryan Lavery is still here?
Man: All I know is that he won't give an interview. He shut the elevator doors in my face.
Greenlee: So he's upstairs.
Man: I guess. But if you're looking for a sound bite, good luck.
Greenlee: Thanks. But I don't think I'm gonna need it.
Ryan: That reporter asked us what we were afraid of.
Erica: And I told her -- nothing. Ok, what is it you want to hear? You want to hear that was just one big monstrous lie? That, in fact, I am scared? Not only of losing you, but losing you in front of the entire world? There. Ok. I said it.
Ryan: Hey, hey. I'm a little bit afraid, too. That's why I keep pushing for us to go public.
Erica: I don't understand.
Ryan: Well, maybe if we tell the world, then somehow we'll be accountable.
Erica: To them?
Ryan: No, no. No, no -- to each other, to us. I mean, look, I've been in failed relationships that have been splattered all over the headlines before. I have, and I know how much it sucks. I really do. But maybe we can make that work for us. Maybe if it's out there, if we're out there -- I don't know, maybe we'll just work a little bit harder to stay together.
Erica: You mean like an insurance policy.
Ryan: Spoken like a true businesswoman. Yes, like an insurance policy. So what do you say, Erica? Do we walk away and cut our losses before it gets real? Or do we stick it out and fight? You know what? Don't answer that. Don't answer that, because you know what? Truthfully, I don't even care what you say, because I happen to know that what we have is worth fighting for. And you can be scared. You can tell me to get the hell out of here. But that doesn't matter, because I'm not going anywhere.
[Ryan and Erica kiss]
Jesse: Can I get you anything?
Angie: You know what? I think I'm gonna get myself this sofa over here because my feet -- I've been on them all day.
Jesse: Well, guess what. You are in luck, little lady. Feet are my specialty. Get over here. Come on.
Angie: Ok.
Jesse: Come on. There we go. Hmm. How's that? You like that?
Angie: Mm, you're a master.
Jesse: Yeah. At this, maybe. Other things, not so much. Do you know what? From here on out, I'm gonna try to not let my work drive me so hard, make a better effort to spend more time with you more often. Matter of fact, I'm gonna make that a promise. How's that? Angela? Oh, out like a light. You didn't hear a word I said. I thought I was tired. Poor baby.
Liza: Do you mind if I steal him?
Tad: What? We're not gonna limbo, are we? Because I haven't done my stretches.
Liza: Honey, you don't need to stretch for this.
[Liza kisses Tad]
Rob: You ok?
Krystal: No, actually.
Rob: What can I do?
Krystal: You can take me back to your place.
Annie: Can you believe how windy it is out there?
Adam: Maybe I should go talk to her.
Annie: No. No.
Adam: Well, people are always saying, "Don't go to bed angry."
Annie: They also say, "Things look better in the morning." Trust me. Let Colby sleep this one off.
Damon: Guess I should take off.
Colby: Wait.
Damon: What? You obviously don't want me here.
Colby: It's a nightmare outside, and your head's all banged up, and you have no place to go.
Damon: I'll figure something out.
Colby: Tomorrow. Tonight, you are staying here.
Damon: Does this mean you believe me?
Colby: It means, if you snore, I'll kill you.
[Greenlee reaches for the doorknob to Erica's office as she and Ryan have their hands and lips all over each other]
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