All My Children Transcript Monday 11/2/09
Episode #10242
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by
[Baby Stuart crying]
Liza: Yeah. Oh. Huh? Yeah? Did you miss me, huh?
Bailey: Hi. Is he ok?
Liza: Well, he is now. Corrina said that he's been crying all night.
Bailey: Maybe he's just not used to Corrina.
Liza: Well, maybe you should've thought of that before you dumped him off with her.
Bailey: Do you want me to take him for a little while?
Liza: No. No. I don't.
Bailey: You don't need to snap at me.
Liza: Listen. This is just making me a little tense, you know, so maybe -- listen. It's ok. Just -- you can leave.
Bailey: No. I won't.
[Woman whimpering on ConFusion's TV screen while music plays]
Damon: Man, this place is dead. Is this as good as it gets in this town? Now we're talking. Love to peel off one of those wrappings. Bet there's a nice surprise inside.
David: Watch your mouth. That's the mother of my children.
Damon: Yeah, right. Smoking mummy isn't thinking about your kids right now. All she wants to do is crawl into that guy's pyramid for the night.
Amanda: Jake!
Jake: What? All I keep thinking about is last night over and over in my head, like how we were and how you smelled and how soft your skin was.
Amanda: Stop talking about it. Last night was it for a long time.
Jake: Well, hold on a second. That can't be right. He can't watch us 24 hours a day.
Amanda: It's the way it's got to be, Jake. Tomorrow is my first fertility appointment, and you and I cannot have sexual relations until after I give David another baby.
Jake: Ok. Now, that's not true. That's just not true because once you're pregnant, we could do whatever we want to do. We can.
Amanda: Don't do this to me.
Jake: What? What am I doing?
Amanda: You're talking about it.
Jake: What? It drives you crazy?
Amanda: Yes.
Jake: Well, then can we stop talking about it?
Amanda: Mm --
Annie: Unless you were there, you can never understand being locked in that small, gray, airless room being restrained and locked in and held down.
[Annie grabs Scott and kisses him]
Scott: Ok. Shh, shh, shh. It's ok. It's ok. Mm. Mm! Mm! Whoa. Why did you do that?
Annie: I don't know. Yes, I do. I need you to help me get to Adam.
Scott: And kissing me accomplishes that how?
Annie: Well, because I need you to help me. You're the only one that can help me. If you just get me out of here and you get me to Adam and you help me save him, I'll do anything for you.
Kendall: Thank God. I had visions of you falling off the telephone pole. Any luck?
Aidan: Didn't even have to climb the pole. I just bypassed the old meter box. So, let's see if the old wiring works.
Kendall: Please, please, please, please, please. Ah, yes.
Aidan: Voilá.
Kendall: Yes. You are amazing.
Aidan: Now we can keep this laptop charged. Won't have to rely on these silly, old candles anymore. Just have to make sure we cover up the windows.
Kendall: Well, log on as soon as you can, please. I've been going crazy not knowing what's happening. Zach's last message sounded like they were gonna make a big push on Adam tonight, get him to incriminate Annie. I hope to God it works.
Adam: Oh -- oh, God, I remember. Stuart. I remember.
Erica: Adam? Adam? What is it you remember? Adam, tell me. Tell me what you remembered.
[Adam gasps]
Annie: Adam? What happened?
Annie: Oh, my God, what have you done?
Adam: Oh -- oh, no. No! No! No, no, no!
Scott: Trying to play me like that doesn't help any.
Annie: I was not trying to play you. I'm being completely honest right now. I am scared. I am really, really scared. There is a lot at stake right now. You have helped me before, and I do care about you, and you have been kind of lonely lately, and --
Scott: Oh, so, what, you're offering me pity sex to help you get home? Do you have any idea how off the scale that is?
Annie: That is not what I was doing.
Scott: Well, what would you call it, then?
Annie: You know what? No one ever understands me ever.
Scott: Maybe that's because you send a lot of mixed messages and some of them are really out there.
Annie: I send mixed messages? I send mixed messages? Since the day we met, you've been after me, and I don't know whether it's because you really care about me or because you're just lusting after me or if really you secretly hate me and are trying to bring me down.
Scott: I don't hate you. I don't trust you, but I don't hate you.
Annie: Then what is it, Scott? What do you really want from me?
Kendall: Distract me. Say something. Help me get my mind off of Pine Valley.
Aidan: Ok. Do you think it's the thermostat that's burned out or the heating element stopping this thing from working?
Kendall: I think it's not plugged in. Hmm. I missed Halloween. The boys were going dressed as Goofy and Donald Duck, and I missed it.
Aidan: I'm sure Zach took pictures.
Kendall: Yeah, but I still didn't get to go trick-or-treating with them. God, what I wouldn't give to play a few tricks on Annie. She's why I can't be with my boys. I cannot believe she gets away with the things she gets away with.
Aidan: She is a real piece of work.
Annie: Afraid to answer? Afraid to tell me what you really want from me?
Scott: I have always been attracted to you, and I hate myself for it. You are engaged to my uncle, but every time I am around you, I just -- I can't help it. I feel what I feel. I just -- I have to stop somehow.
Annie: I don't want to lose you, Scott, as a friend.
Scott: Yeah. Well, you don't come on to a friend, Annie. You don't offer to trade sex with a friend for something I was planning on doing anyway.
Annie: All right. I'm sorry, ok? I know I come off a little strong sometimes, but don't you understand why? You're the only friend I have, Scott, and I'll do anything not to lose you. I've never been very good at keeping friends or lovers. I mean, anybody in my life I felt close to I've lost, not that they were even mine to begin with. I mean, my parents, brother never really cared about me. They just used me as someone to emotionally beat up on when they wanted to, so --
Scott: Why would they do that?
Annie: I don't know. It empowered them, I guess, to make me feel less human, made their miserable lives seem better if they made mine seem worse. So, for a long time, I tried to keep people like that out of my life, but it seems they keep on creeping back in until Adam. Adam is the only, only person who has ever loved me for me, and he is the only person who won't turn his back on me. That is why I love him, and I will do whatever it takes to save him, because he's the only person that can save me.
[Jake and Amanda go in the back room to make out]
Amanda: Mm. Mm.
Jake: Excuse me for a second.
Amanda: Jake -- aah! Jake, would you stop?
Jake: And you're all apart.
Amanda: Jake, we can't, seriously.
Jake: Oh, you're falling apart.
Amanda: Ok. Stop. We can't.
Jake: Why, why? I can't help it. I can't help it. I keep thinking about last night, our naked bodies against each other, your naked body against my naked body.
Amanda: Ok. Well, think about something else.
Jake: Like what, a cold shower?
Amanda: Yes. Yes.
Jake: Ok. We're both in the cold shower, your naked body against my naked body. No. We're trying to stay warm because it's a cold shower.
Amanda: Stop. Be serious.
Jake: It's freezing. I am serious. Used to call me serious in third grade. They're like, "Hey, you, serious."
[Door opens]
David: All right. I think that's enough, don't you, before you do something stupid, like blow our agreement.
Bailey: I'm glad he quieted down, but he's ok?
[Liza sighs]
Liza: Um, Bailey, what you did was not ok.
Bailey: What I did? What did I do? I went out.
Liza: No. You -- you contacted the biological father, and you invited him here?
Bailey: I didn't invite him here. He just showed up. It's one night, Liza. I just wanted to have some fun. It's not that big of a deal.
Liza: Ok. You know what, Bailey? You're not stupid, and don't play me like I am stupid. It's a very big deal.
Erica: Adam -- Adam, talk to me.
Zach: Just say it. Annie killed Stuart. Just say it.
Erica: It's ok. It's ok. I'm here, and I can help you, but you have to tell me what happened.
Annie's voice: What happened? Adam, talk to me. Why did you do that?
Adam: I had to die. After all I'd done, the pain I'd caused, I had to die.
Annie: But you aren't dead. You shot Stuart.
Adam: Stuart? No!
Annie: Yes. He was in the parlor, and you shot him through the window.
Adam: That was me.
Annie: It was Stuart, your brother. You killed your brother.
Adam: Why? Why! Wh -- why?
[Adam sobbing]
Adam: Why?
Zach: Why, Adam? Why are you still protecting her?
Erica: Zach, please.
Ryan: Just let Erica handle this, ok, Zach?
Zach: Annie killed your brother. You remember it. Now say it.
Ryan: Would you quit pushing like this? He's not gonna remember anything. He's not gonna say anything if you keep pushing. Back off.
Erica: Both of you, both of you stop it, please.
Adam: Leave me alone, or I'll shoot. I swear it.
David: You know, it's getting kind of late, and we have that early-morning appointment with the fertility specialist, which includes a blood test, remember? Now, I would think that you'd want to be in good form, right, get a good night's sleep.
Jake: You know, Dave, you don't get to control her 24 hours a day.
David: No. You're right, only the things that include my child.
Amanda: I am taking care of myself just fine, thank you.
Jake: So, why don't you take care of yourself somewhere else?
Amanda: All right. David, will you please just go? I promise you, I will keep my side of the bargain.
David: I hope so, Amanda. That way, we all get what we want.
Liza: I have dated my fair share of demons in this life, trust me, that slick and dangerous bad boy, right? He's got this energy about him that you just don't know why, but it just turns you on, right? Then the first time he looks at you, oof, you're just absolutely thrilled, right? Then he says he wants you, likes you, and he just wants to be with you just one night, one night, right? And then in the middle of it, you're doing it, and you're thinking to yourself, "What the hell am I doing with this guy?" And then it's over, right, and then you feel stupid, and you feel cheap, but whatever, right? You get up. You move on.
Bailey: Sounds like you've had a couple of one-night stands.
Liza: Uh, yeah. I have definitely made my mistakes in life, only your mistake didn't end in the morning, did it? No, because you got pregnant, and then this guy blew you off, so what'd you do? You gave your baby up for adoption, and you tried to move on with your life, but all the time, you're thinking to yourself, "Oh, only if. If only if," right? And that is the reason why you contacted him, thinking that maybe he's gonna change. He is not going to change. You cannot change a guy like that, and even if you did somehow change him, Bailey, that would turn out to be a disaster for you and that little guy in there.
[Baby Stuart crying]
Aidan: So tell me more about your wild and crazy youth. What eventually stopped you from going over to the dark side?
Kendall: Well, my mom and I realized if we didn't eventually make peace, we would scratch each other's eyes out, so I guess you could say I grew up. I risked a lot for Bianca. I mean, I still had my share of setbacks, but then I met Zach, and that's when my whole world changed, but my happy ending --
Aidan: Your happy ending will come, soon, I hope.
Kendall: Yeah, but, I mean, how much more do Zach and I have to go through? We've dealt with so much already, and now we have all this crazy stuff with Annie. Why does she get peace and we don't, and why do people keep helping her?
Aidan: Ow!
Kendall: You ok?
Aidan: Eh, it just bit me pretty good. You see, Kendall? Even the good guys get zapped now and then.
Kendall: Well, that's what happens when you mess with live wires, and in case you didn't catch my very clever metaphor, I'm not talking about the heater. I mean Annie. You never told me. Why did you ever hook up with that maniac, anyway?
Scott: You with me? Pull yourself together, ok? We got work to do.
Annie: What do you mean?
Scott: Well, I figure we're about a foot or two below floor level.
Annie: Oh. So, what do we do?
Scott: So, you are gonna hop on my shoulders, and I'm gonna push you through. Come on.
Annie: Ok.
Scott: All right. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. High heels? Please? My shoulders? Thank you.
Annie: Ok. Ok. Here we go. Ok.
Scott: Ok, and I -- mm, yeah. I hate to say this, but the costume is gonna have to come off, too. Otherwise, you're gonna get caught on something.
Annie: Ok. Yeah.
Scott: Yeah. Ok.
Annie: Ok. Let's do it.
Scott: Uh-huh.
Annie: All right. Can I get a hand with this?
Scott: Oh.
Annie: Ok.
Scott: There we go. That's good.
Annie: Almost there. Ok. Here we go. Ready?
Scott: Yeah.
Annie: Ok.
Erica: Adam, put the gun down.
Adam: Get out. Leave me alone. All of you leave me alone. Go! Fine.
[Alarm siren]
Erica: Adam, this isn't necessary.
Zach: Don't be a coward. Tell us what you remember.
Guard: Ok. All right. All right.
Adam: I caught these three breaking in. Hold them. Call the police.
Ryan: Adam, don't do this, ok? Let's just talk this out. We can talk about this.
Erica: Ryan is right. Adam, we can help. I can help you, Adam.
Adam: I know exactly what needs to be done.
Zach: Get back here, you son of a bitch!
Erica: Hey, Adam!
Jake: Hey. Hey. Now -- better. Ok. You're in my arms. Let's just try to live in the moment, ok?
Amanda: I'm worried.
Jake: Worried about what?
Amanda: About what David said. It's something I hadn't thought about it before. I mean, what if this doesn't work, Jake? What if I can't get pregnant again? I mean, what happens then?
Aidan: You see this, Kendall? The wire was exposed, and that was pretty much me when Greenlee dumped me for Ryan. I had no insulation. I felt exposed, and Annie just jumped right in and took advantage of me. She's damn good at taking advantage of people.
Kendall: She got Ryan to fall for her, as well.
Aidan: Yep. She did, and Ryan is no fool.
Kendall: You still hate him for what happened with Greenlee, don't you?
Aidan: Hate takes up too much energy. I'm not fond of the guy.
Kendall: I'm sorry you got hurt, and I know that Greenlee was sorry, as well.
Aidan: Yeah. I'm sure she was. Just a shame she had to go like that.
Kendall: Yeah. It still seems so unreal, her not being here.
Aidan: I couldn't save Greenlee. And I tried to save Annie. Maybe I just should've gone to the dog pound and saved a puppy instead.
Zach: Jesse, hi. Tell them to take these handcuffs off for us.
Jesse: Not till I know what happened. What happened?
Guard: Mr. Chandler's panic alarm went off, so we all came in, and Mr. Chandler was holding these three at gunpoint. He said they had broken in and asked us to call you, and he left.
Erica: Jesse, this is me, Erica Kane. We obviously did not break in. We came here just to talk to Adam.
Zach: Adam found out what happened. He remembered. He now knows what happened that night. He knows who killed Stuart, but he took off before we could get it out of him.
Ryan: And he took the gun with him, Jesse.
Erica: Yes. Please, Jesse, please. There's not much time.
Amanda: What if this insemination doesn't work? What if I have to try again and again and again? You know, that's a lot of pressure on my body. You know that. God, if I can't have David's baby, then we can't have our life. We can't get back to us.
Jake: I need you to stay positive, ok? Stay positive. I'm gonna be with you through this whole thing, and then when it's over, we're gonna get to spend the rest of our lives together, ok? All right?
Liza: You can see taking care of him is a full-time job.
David: Hello, Liza.
Liza: How did you get in here?
David: I had every intention of knocking on the door, but then I saw that young woman running past me down the hall. She left the door wide open. With any luck, she's gone for good.
Liza: Oh, damn it.
David: You're not calling her.
[Cell phone ringing]
Damon: Hey, you came back.
[As her cell phone keeps ringing, Bailey and Damon kiss]
Liza: So, what do you want?
David: I was disappointed when you left the party.
Liza: Well, I have babysitter problems, as you can see.
David: Did Jake and Amanda have you distract me so they could steal some face time? It's all right. I don't mind because it was you and I do enjoy your company. As a matter of fact, I'd like to continue to enjoy your company.
Jesse: So, you say you trapped Scott and Annie in the elevator at Fusion?
Ryan: Yes, Jesse. I tripped the breaker. Yes.
Jesse: Well, they got out. Elevator is empty.
Ryan: Well, if Adam finds Annie before we do --
Erica: He'll kill her.
Ryan: Or she'll play him, and then he won't talk, and then we'll be right back to where we started, Jesse, and you understand that.
Jesse: Wait. I told you I --
[When Jesse stops him from leaving, Zach punches him]
Zach: Jesse, damn it!
Cop: Don't move.
Erica: Jesse --
Jesse: You have just bought a ticket to jail, buddy.
Erica: Oh, Jesse, please don't do this, please.
Jesse: Let's go.
Zach: Finish it.
Ryan: Come on.
[Kendall sighs]
Kendall: Still nothing from Zach. Well, maybe that's a good sign. Maybe he's finally getting to Adam, and Adam is this close to admitting that Annie was the one who killed Stuart, so maybe this is good.
Aidan: You asked me to distract you, didn't you?
Kendall: Yes.
Aidan: I'm not doing a very good job, am I? I have something. Saw this in the cellar when I found the heater. It's a wedding album of all the people who got married here, all the couples that got married in this church.
Kendall: Cool. Let's see here. Ok. Aw, how sweet. Look at the two of them, so sweet.
Aidan: You think those two actually procreated? He looks like a bad cartoon --
Kendall: Ok. Not everyone is a handsome, rugged Special Ops vet like you.
Aidan: And she could go bear hunting with a stick.
Kendall: What? You're terrible. I think they're very cute.
Aidan: No. He looks scared out of his wits. Look at him.
Kendall: No. He -- well, a little bit. Well, thank God you didn't get a look at my wedding picture with Zach. You'd tear us to shreds.
Aidan: I can see Zach right now standing at the altar looking at you grunting, "Mm, yeah. I love you, Kendall."
Kendall: Hmm.
Aidan: "I'll love you forever," trying to say his vow through the big scruff of hair on his face.
[Kendall chuckles]
Aidan: Never shaves, does he? Why is that? He's just such a handsome man.
[Kendall chuckles]
Aidan: Hey -- I'm sorry. You miss him, don't you?
Kendall: Yeah. I do. I miss him. I miss him so much, and I miss my boys. I just want to go home.
David: What's the matter, Liza? Am I just too much of a challenge for you?
Liza: No, David. It's just that narcissistic heart surgeons don't do it for me.
[David chuckles]
David: Oh, I got to love that wicked sense of humor.
Liza: Look. Why do you keep annoying me, huh? Haven't I made it clear that I don't want you here?
David: Yes. You have, but I don't believe you. If you hated me so much, you wouldn't have agreed to distract me tonight, but I got to tell you, it would be a real risk for me to get involved with you, but then again, the risk would be mutual but a lot of fun. So, what do you say, Liza? Take the challenge.
Zach: You got to let me out. I got to finish this my way. Kendall is out there on her own. She needs my help. She's away from her boys, away from me. This is wrong. You know it's wrong.
Jesse: What would be wrong is letting you out acting like a madman, and for what, to end this your way? Sorry. That's not gonna happen.
Zach: That's it? "Sorry. It's not gonna happen"? That's all you have?
Jesse: You need to be thanking me for making sure nobody found your doctored recordings of Stuart's voice.
Jesse: Here. Maybe this'll keep you busy. Keep it hidden, maybe write some poetry.
Ryan: No sign of him here. He obviously didn't come back here, so where the hell is he?
Erica: Oh -- maybe he went to be with his brother.
[Adam stands at Stuart's gravesite where the headstone reads "Stuart Chandler ~ May 24, 1945 - May 15, 2009 ~ True Friend To All"]
Adam: Stuart, how -- how could I? You were my heart and my salvation. I thought you were me --
[Adam sobs]
Adam: And I wanted to kill myself. I was horrible to so many people, I wanted to be punished, punished, and I have been. Believe me, a bullet in the back is not nearly as bad as knowing I killed you. You always loved me, always did, no matter what, and always ready to forgive me, but you can't do that now, because I don't deserve forgiveness. The biggest mistake you ever made was standing by me, backing me, supporting me, loving me! Oh, you never should've done that because I'm evil, and I took the life of an angel.
[Adam sobbing]
Damon: And I think I finally decided on the band make-up, so I got Andy and Marcus to go along. Soon as we get enough pocket money, we hit the road. Hello? Earth to Bailey.
Bailey: Why are you here?
Damon: To hang with you, party.
Bailey: Is that all you care about, partying?
Damon: What's wrong with having fun? You only live once, right?
Bailey: But things have changed. Things are different.
Damon: Yeah. You used to be all about having a good time. Now -- I don't know.
Bailey: I had a baby, Damon. That changes everything.
David: Shall I assume from your silence that you're considering my proposition?
Liza: I'm considering it, all right, just like I'm considering the fact that you're planning on having a baby with Amanda.
David: All done clinically.
Liza: Hmm.
David: She's the one who can't have sex right now, not me.
Liza: Well, you know that room that you go to clinically have a baby? Why don't you go there and practice, because that's all the sex you're gonna get. Please leave.
[On his way out the door, David unties Liza's robe belt]
Liza: Oh --
Jake: Tonight before you go back and live at Wildwind, I just wanted to make sure that something was clear, that you understood something. You know how they say people -- you can tell from a kiss, you can tell everything from just a kiss? Well, when I kiss you, it's like the world stops. You know, it's amazing, and when I'm with you -- you know, "with you" with you -- it's the greatest thing I've ever experienced ever, but -- I need you to understand this part -- the love that I feel for you, it's deeper than anything and everything that's physical, because I never really knew that I could love another human being as much as I love you. It's the way you smile and the way you say my name, you lean on my shoulder. It's just the way you look at me. It's a very real and very strong feeling that comes over me, and it just makes me happy to be alive, you know?
Amanda: Baby --
Jake: Just wanted you to know.
[Sitting in his jail cell, Zach sends a message to Kendall: It's almost over. He remembered. When Aidan gets it, however, he doesn't pass it on to Kendall but snuggles closer to her as she sleeps on his shoulder.]
Erica: Ok. I know that was his car. He's got to be here.
[Adam picks up his gun]
Adam: Finally, I'll get what I deserve. I have nothing to live for.
Annie: Yes, you do. You have me.
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