All My Children Transcript Tuesday 9/22/09
Episode #10213
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By
Zach: Someone could've seen you.
Aidan: Somebody did. I doubt this is what the judge had in mind when he sentenced you to 15 to life.
Kendall: Hey, Aidan, look --
Zach: What do you know?
Aidan: I know there's a woman in prison serving Kendall's time. Hell of a plan, actually -- using Adam's money to bankroll her freedom. There's only one problem.
Zach: What's that?
Aidan: You're not free. You never will be.
Ryan: That punch was Zach's last warning to stay the hell away from both of you. That's what it was.
Annie: To protect our secret?
Ryan: I will do anything I have to do to protect my daughter. You know that.
Annie: Emma's lucky to have a father like you.
Ryan: Yeah? Well, she didn't do too bad in the mother department either.
Annie: It's been a long time since you felt that way.
Ryan: I guess I've been kind of reminded.
Annie: Of what?
Ryan: Just how far you'll go.
Pete: Your dad's an idiot for letting Annie dance with another guy. A few more songs, he could lose that body for good.
Colby: I wish. Unfortunately, Ryan's more than a little clued in. There's no way he'd ever take Annie back.
Pete: Never say never. Especially not when a woman moves like that.
Adam: Enjoying the view?
Scott: Hey. Huh. I thought you left.
Adam: No. It's time I cut back in.
Scott: Is that legal?
Adam: With all the money I've donated, it better be.
Reporter: How are you feeling?
Second Reporter: How does your partner feel about dancing with someone else?
Third Reporter: Will you be able to continue with the marathon?
Erica: There are thousands of starving children. They need my help. So a little twist of my ankle? That isn't gonna stop me from giving it.
Jesse: Natalia. Hey.
Natalia: Dad, you may want to come up here.
Jesse: Did you find Frankie?
Natalia: No. But someone said that when he blew through, he was following some woman.
Jesse: Madison. All right, thanks. I'm on it. You two, stay together. Keep your eyes on this one, ok?
Randi: So Madison was actually after me?
Madison: Don't come any closer, or I swear to God I'll jump.
Frankie: I've been thinking of a way to end this nightmare. Go ahead. Do it for me. What's the matter? You scared? Maybe it'd help if I gave you a push.
Randi: Why didn't anyone tell me?
Angie: Frankie didn't want you to worry.
Randi: Worry? Madison could've killed him hitting him with some award.
Angie: Listen, Randi, Frankie is fine.
Randi: Yeah, for now, until Madison pushes him too far.
Madison: Truth is, Frankie, you don't have it in you.
Frankie: Oh, I think you'd be surprised.
Madison: It's your job to help people, remember? Save lives? It's your wife who's so gifted at taking them away. She's a cold-blooded killer.
Frankie: Maybe she's not the only one.
Madison: Hey, I would not do that if I were you.
Frankie: No? Why not?
Madison: Because if something happens to me, the tapes from the night of Henry's murder get dumped in DCPD's lap. You send me over this edge, and you send Randi straight to prison. But she won't be alone. She'll have your father to keep her company.
Frankie: Shut up. All I want to do is live my life, but for some messed up reason you can't let me do that. Why?
Madison: I already told you.
Frankie: Yeah, but you ask for something different every day. First sex, then pills. Now you want me to sell organs on the black market? What do you want?
Madison: It's simple, Frankie. My 10 million!
Frankie: If this were about cash, you would've left town weeks ago. Instead, you choose to stay and torture me and my wife!
Madison: Oh, your wife deserves to be tortured for what she put me through.
Frankie: Don't you mean what Henry put you through. It's your husband who hurt you, Madison.
Jesse: And that's exactly why she killed him.
Natalia: Brot, I should've heard something by now.
Brot: Relax. I'm sure Jesse has it under control.
[Natalia sighs]
Natalia: Get out your phone.
Brot: What?
Natalia: Look. We need $5,000 to earn a break. Tweet your friends. Get me off this dance floor.
Brot: My battery's dead. Sorry. Looks we have to do this the old-fashioned way.
[Natalia sighs]
Natalia: Look, I thought you and Frankie were tight.
Brot: We are.
Natalia: Well, then why are you still standing here? You saw the way --
Brot: Technically, I'm not standing.
Natalia: Heh heh heh.
Brot: Look, your dad told me to let him handle the Madison North situation. That's what I'm gonna do.
Natalia: Well, aren't you just the obedient little soldier? Look, I'm sorry if I don't blindly take orders.
Brot: You know what? Maybe you should start. Do you even remember why you're here?
Natalia: Yes. To watch Annie.
Brot: So how do you expect to make it as a cop if you can't handle a simple assignment?
Natalia: Brot, do not tell me what I can't handle.
Brot: Fine. Then go. I'll stay here, and I'll watch her. Because that's what obedient little soldiers do -- we finish what we start.
Annie: Do you remember the last time we danced to this song?
Ryan: Um, I probably should, but I don't, no.
Annie: We were on that camping trip with Emma. Remember? We were in the middle of nowhere. No TV, no internet, just us and a radio.
Ryan: Seems like a different lifetime, doesn't it?
Annie: It kind of was a different lifetime, I guess. I mean, we're such different people now. We're with such different people. Is Erica gonna be angry when she sees us dancing like this?
Ryan: No. It's for a good cause, a cause she feels really strongly about.
Annie: As strongly as she feels about you?
Adam: Oh, well, well, well. Look who's back in a hurry. Must've been a little slow in the E.R. tonight, hmm? What did you do? Wave your "I'm Erica Kane" flag and cut ahead of the wounded?
Erica: I don't have to wave anything to be recognized, Adam.
Adam: No. Especially after that -- oh, that rant on "New Beginnings." Hmm.
Erica: I really would not call that a rant. I would call that an impassioned plea so that people can open their eyes and realize there are thousands and thousands of starving children all around them.
Adam: Oh, how delightful, yes.
Erica: And that there is always something they can do to help.
Adam: Oh? Is that why you came hobbling back?
Erica: Why else would I be here?
Adam: Well, I don't know. Maybe you just wanted to check in on your new boy toy.
Erica: Ryan is not a boy or a toy.
Adam: Oh. Have you noticed he's not dancing with himself?
Erica: No, he's dancing with your fiancée Annie. And if you need to rein her in, get a leash. Or better yet, a jail cell will do.
Aidan: And here I was, convinced that Annie killed Stuart. But then Kendall confessed, and you, Ryan, and Erica just seemed to accept it. But I couldn't, so I pulled some strings. Imagine my surprise when I went to visit your cell in prison, and I had a stranger stare back at me. And then it hit me. It all made sense then -- why you weren't pushing to see Kendall. Because she was at your house this whole time locked up nice and tight. No different from a prison cell, I guess.
Zach: If you want to nail Annie, forget you saw any of this.
Aidan: It's a bit late for that. So what's the plan?
Zach: Let's get her home before anyone else sees her.
Kendall: I'm not going anywhere.
Zach: Not up for discussion. Home, now.
Kendall: Fine, but you're coming with me.
Jesse: First you crack your husband's skull, then you try to crack Frankie's skull. What, you just reach for the heaviest object you could find and -- bam -- just kill them?
Madison: That's quite a theory.
Jesse: A little more than a theory. You couldn't stand not knowing what young Henry was up to, so you followed his cheating ass to D.C., didn't you?
[Randi pants]
[Henry groans]
Henry: Madison? Oh, thank God. Help me.
Madison: I wish I could, dear. But right now you're making it very hard for me to love you.
Madison: Well, fortunately for me, maybe not so much for you, I'm innocent until proven guilty. And you and I both know that proof is something you don't have. Because I didn't do it.
Jesse: Hmm. You didn't do it?
Frankie: There is no way in hell you're gonna pin a murder on my wife.
Madison: We'll see. Am I free to go now?
Jesse: "Go" is the key word in that phrase. You keep going. You get your little stuff together, you get the hell out of town, and you leave my family alone.
Frankie: Hey, you just can't let her walk away. She's got the tapes.
Jesse: Those tapes are useless. Obviously they implicate you -- lace you at the scene of the crime, blow your alibi apart. So what's it gonna be, precious? Prison or a one-way ticket out of here?
Brot: Whoa. Is that -- see? That right there is Jesse handling it.
Natalia: Last time I checked, this wasn't a talk-a-thon. Shut up and dance.
Brot: You asked for it.
Tad: Hey.
Erica: Hi.
Tad: How's your ankle?
Erica: It's good as new. I am ready to return to the competition.
Adam: Yeah, likewise.
Tad: Uh, that's impossible. I mean, technically, you guys forfeited when you gave up your partners.
Erica: Oh, no, no, no. I banked enough to cover my absence.
Adam: We have been the top earners throughout.
Tad: Ok. Sounds reasonable. Knock yourselves out.
Erica: Thank you.
Tad: On one condition -- if you dance, you dance together. Have fun, you crazy kids.
Pete: Uh-oh. That looks like trouble.
Colby: Hey, if it means keeping him away from miss crazy train, I'll take it.
Pete: 10 bucks says he'll be back with Annie by the next song.
Colby: Donate it. We need all the help we can get.
Adam: Will you be honest? This whole marathon was staged so Ryan could get time with Annie, wasn't it?
Erica: Oh, right, yes. All those starving children? Actors. We actually filmed it in Burbank, not Africa.
Adam: All right, admit it. You're trying to corner my fiancée and ferret out the truth. Well, I can tell you right now it won't work because Annie is innocent.
Erica: Adam, how can you be so sure? You know that she has a history of being mentally ill. She killed her own brother. Is it such a stretch to think that she might've killed yours? No, it's not, is it? Look at you. You are. You're having doubts, apparently. That's why you let her go dance with Ryan so easily, isn't it?
Adam: Do you actually think that I would still be with Annie if I thought for one second she shot my brother?
Erica: I don't know. Maybe you're just one of those men.
Adam: One of what men?
Erica: The ones who have a death wish. The ones who actually enjoy going to bed at night not really sure if they're ever gonna wake up.
Annie: Every time I think about Emma and what she's had to go through, Ryan, I can't make her relive that again.
Ryan: She won't. She won't. Not if we keep it a secret, Annie.
Annie: And -- and what about Erica? She's gonna want to know what kind of information you found out from this conversation here.
Ryan: Well, then I will tell her what she wants to hear.
Annie: That you're getting closer to proving I killed Stuart?
Ryan: If I point the finger at you, then Emma stays protected. That's all that matters, right?
Annie: Right.
Jesse: I want you to take Mrs. North to her room at the casino, where I'm gonna want you to get your little stuff together. Then I'm gonna want you to take and put her on a bus.
Madison: Uh, a bus?
Jesse: A bus. And I want you to keep your eyes on her until she's on that bus and that bus is out of sight. Come on, you.
Randi: This is completely unreal. After all that stress, all that guilt, it could've been Madison who killed Henry, not me?
Frankie: It was Madison.
Randi: No, we don't know that for sure. Maybe --
Angie: Well, I tell you what we do know for sure -- that that woman is out of our lives for good.
Scott: No sign of Zach down here. Any luck upstairs?
Liza: No. If I don't find him soon, we're gonna get eliminated.
Zach: I can't leave now.
Kendall: Why? Because of Liza?
Zach: Because of Annie. She's tired. Her guard's down.
Kendall: How can you kiss Liza like that, Zach? You knew that I was watching. I think that kiss meant something to you. Just admit it.
Zach: You come barreling down here to, what, destroy everything, right? That's what you're gonna do -- destroy it all. You're gonna go to prison and stay there. You know who else? Me. I'm gonna go and Jesse. That leaves our boys without a family. Is that what you want?
Kendall: No. Of course not.
Zach: Ok. Then, please, do as I ask.
Aidan: Listen, you got to move fast because Liza's on her way here.
Zach: I'll handle Liza. You take Kendall home.
Kendall: Zach --
Zach: Home.
Liza: There you are.
Zach: Hey.
Liza: You know, our break is almost over.
Zach: I know. There you are. Hi.
Liza: What do you mean, there I am? You've been hiding. I've looked everywhere for you.
Zach: There's an empty audio booth that just -- hanging out, you know? Peace and quiet.
Liza: Really? Show me.
Zach: Well, now we got to go and dance now. It's dance time.
Liza: Oh, come on. It can wait. I want to see this oasis of yours, file it away for our next break.
Zach: Some other time.
Liza: Uh-huh. Oh, that's got to be it, right?
Zach: Liza? Liza, wait!
Liza: Hmm.
Jesse: Well, threat level has been reduced. You can now officially go home.
Randi: Well, we haven't been eliminated yet.
Frankie: Yeah, but, baby, you had a night from hell.
Randi: No, come on. It's charity.
Frankie: All right.
Randi: Really?
Frankie: Yeah. Do you really think Madison's out of the picture?
Jesse: If she is as smart as she is evil, yeah.
Frankie: I don't know. It just seems too easy.
Jesse: Well, let's put it this way. There's no way she can bring Randi down without bringing herself down.
Natalia: Hey. Is everything ok?
Randi: It is now.
Jesse: Hey, you're supposed to be watching Annie Lavery. You slacking? Don't be slacking. Back to work.
Brot: I'm on it.
Natalia: Something is still wrong. I can feel it. The look on Frankie's face --
Brot: Do you ever quit?
Natalia: No, ok? And I'm hoping that'll work in my favor when it comes to this cop stuff.
Brot: So when did you know?
Natalia: Know what? That I wanted to be on the force?
Brot: Yeah.
Natalia: Not until I found out my dad was chief of police.
Brot: So you wanted to follow his footsteps?
Natalia: Sort of. It was more like, you know, I figured out why I didn't want to go to college, you know? Why I felt so restless in class. I just want to be out there in the middle of it. Do you even know what I'm saying?
Brot: Yeah, I do. It was kind of like the same thing for me. After 9/11, I felt useless. So I did a little research, enlisted in the Army, and that was that.
Natalia: A hero was born.
Brot: Natalia, I told you I'm not a hero.
Natalia: Well, you put your life on the line. Sounds pretty brave to me.
Brot: No different than being a cop.
Natalia: You're forgetting I'm not actually a "real cop" yet. I haven't had to make those split-second decisions, the ones that mean life or death. Oh, God, I hope I don't mess this up.
Brot: And if you do, then you mess it up.
Natalia: Thanks.
Brot: Look, I'm just saying. I worried about that all the time when I was in Iraq. One mistake, and I could come home in a body bag. Instead, I came home like this.
Natalia: But look how well you've handled it.
Brot: After a year of pretending I was dead. And even now -- just consider yourself lucky. You're on your path. Me? I'm still trying to find mine.
Tad: Good news, ladies and gentlemen. I've just been informed that a very generous donor has pledged 10,000 -- yes, that is $10,000 -- to see Erica Kane back together with Ryan Lavery. That's what I call a money couple.
Erica: Ah. Adam, pledging a small fortune just to keep Annie away from Ryan? Really, are you that insecure?
Adam: You're just envious because you have to leave these arms.
Erica: Oh, right. Because Ryan's are so unappealing?
Adam: Yeah. Have fun with your doormat.
Erica: Enjoy your lunatic.
Adam: Ah. I'll be sure to wave at you from the winners' circle.
Erica: Oh.
Liza: Well, whatever Ryan is doing, it's obviously working. Look at Annie. She's on top of the world. Hey, what's -- what's going on?
Zach: I got a lot on my mind.
Liza: Kendall? Listen, I know what's going on. You want to be the one to help her, and I get it. But this time you just -- you got to suck it up. Ryan is obviously doing a wonderful job here, so don't get in the way.
Annie: It is so nice to have my partner back.
Adam: I hope it wasn't too unbearable having to dance with Lavery.
Annie: Actually, he was bordering on being nice. Believe it or not, he, um, I think might even let me see Emma again.
Adam: How did you finagle that one, dear?
Annie: I think we just needed time. We need to see each other as parents, not enemies. We're putting our daughter first.
Adam: Good.
Erica: So what happened? Did you do it? Did you get the confession out of Annie? Did you get her to say that she killed Stuart?
Ryan: No. But she told me who did -- Emma. She is so desperate. Annie is so desperate to cover for her crime that she's now shifted the blame to Emma.
Erica: But to accuse her own little girl?
Ryan: Well, I think that she knows I would do absolutely anything to protect my daughter.
Erica: Oh. Including keeping her secret.
Ryan: Right. Exactly. So I'll get everybody to back off trying to get information from Emma. Meanwhile, Annie gets away with murder.
Erica: While my daughter rots in jail. Oh, she is so lucky that there are cameras in here, because I could just kill her for what she's putting my family through.
Ryan: Ok, ok, take it easy, slugger. Don't worry, she's not gonna get away with this. I will not let her.
Zach: How'd it go with Annie?
Ryan: Good. It couldn't have gone better.
Zach: You want to be a little more specific?
Ryan: I got this covered, Zach. You can back off.
Zach: My wife's freedom -- I'd like to know the master plan.
Ryan: It just kills you that you're not calling the shots anymore, doesn't it?
Zach: You may want to wipe that smile off your face.
Tad: Gentlemen, gentlemen. Touching and moving at all times, please. Sounds dirty, doesn't it? You dance or you leave.
Zach: Yeah, I'm gonna buy another break. Come on.
Singer: 'Cause I need you now
Singers: I need you now
Erica: All right, money -- money's good. That's good. That's very good. I mean, let's remember the real reason we're here.
Annie: I love you. You know that, right? And I can't wait to marry you, and not so I can be the next Mrs. Adam Chandler, or so I can wake up in a beautiful house every morning. I -- I can't wait to marry you because you're my best friend. And the thought of living without you -- I don't even want to think about that.
Adam: Annie --
Annie: No, just let me finish. Your faith in me has meant the world. It's gotten me through some horrible, horrible times, and I need to know that I still have it. Do you trust me, Adam? Believe in me?
Adam: Yes. And I will love you until the day I die.
[Annie giggles]
Singers: I love you I love you
Kendall: Oh, my God, I can't take this. She makes me sick. She makes me want to throw up. Look at Annie prancing around in her ankle-monitor glory while I'm stuck in here with you.
Aidan: Oh, no offense taken.
Kendall: Well, take some, please.
Aidan: What did I do?
Kendall: Uh, well, you broke that psycho out of the mental institution. None of this would've happened if Annie had just stayed in Oak Haven where she belonged.
Aidan: Well, I honestly thought that she was getting better.
Kendall: Yes, well, she wasn't.
Aidan: Gee, thanks. I mean, I know that now, don't I?
Kendall: What is it about her? I mean, she -- she snowed you, and now Adam. What is it about Annie that makes you abandon all reason?
Aidan: Probably the same thing that makes you go crazy when you see Zach with another woman -- love.
Zach: I don't drink water.
Liza: Ok. Listen, Zach, you've got to stop getting into Ryan's face.
Zach: Really?
Liza: Mm-hmm.
Zach: Stop getting in his face? I thought you wanted me to work with him. Which is it?
Liza: Really? Does it really matter? Look, all that matters is that Kendall gets exonerated. Who cares how...
Zach: I care. I don't want Lavery waltzing all over this. "Waltzing" -- that's a nice use of dance lingo. Ok, listen. From where I see it, Lavery is on the right track. Hmm? Annie would've never said that lie about Emma if she didn't feel like the walls were closing in. Ok, you still believe that Annie lied, right? You don't believe that Emma did it?
Zach: No, I don't.
Liza: Then you need to back off and just let Ryan do his thing. All right, since, uh, we have nothing left to do here and my feet are killing me, what do you say we go home -- separately? Ok, that's weird.
[Liza chuckles]
Zach: Go ahead.
Liza: What about you?
Zach: I'm gonna stay here and see this through. I need to stick around and keep an eye on Ryan.
Liza: Ryan doesn't need you looking over his shoulder.
Zach: Well, what does Ryan need? You know what Kendall needs? Us. Me. It's her last chance.
[Phone rings]
Zach: It's the sitter. Excuse me. I'll be right back. Are you home?
Kendall: In my cell. What happened with Liza?
Zach: She didn't see you. What about the neighbors?
Kendall: Aidan distracted them, and I snuck in the back.
Zach: He still there?
Kendall: Unfortunately.
Zach: Put him on.
Aidan: Thank you. Yep?
Zach: Is Kendall watching the dance marathon?
Aidan: She's glued to it. Why?
Zach: I may need you to stay with her until I get home. And if she starts doing something silly because of the dance marathon, take the TV out of the room.
Aidan: Oh. She's -- she's not gonna like that.
Zach: I don't care about that. Lock her up if you have to.
Aidan: And what happened to me staying out of it?
Zach: Little late for that, isn't it? Can you handle this or not?
Aidan: Sure, I can. No worries. I'll take good care of your wife, and I promise you this time I'll keep my hands to myself.
Kendall: What the hell was that?
Aidan: Just putting Zach's mind at ease.
Kendall: No, you were throwing our night together in his face. I thought that's what you wanted, Kendall. You want Zach to be as jealous as you are.
Liza: Looks like you could use this now.
Zach: No.
Liza: How's Ian? Everything ok?
Zach: Oh, he's fine. He's fine.
Liza: So why does it look like you're about to punch something?
Zach: This whole idea of having other people deal with my business? It ends right now.
Tad: Hang in there, kids! It's almost over. Actually, that's not true, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Pete: You think -- you think Tad will bring me a snack?
Colby: Uh, no. But you can get one yourself if we earn $6,000.
Pete: $6,000? But I'm starving.
Colby: Aw. Want me to call the wambulance?
Pete: What's a wambulance?
Colby: It's an emergency vehicle that picks up whiners like you. "I have to pee. I'm tired. I'm..." Seriously, stop being a wuss.
Pete: I'm not a wuss. I'm hypoglycemic.
Singer: I feel the magic
Annie: Ok, look it!
Adam: It's about time.
Natalia: Oh, thank God.
Brot: What? Did we earn a break?
Natalia: No, but Adam and Annie did. One less thing I got to worry about. I would do anything for a nap right now.
Brot: Do it. Do it.
Natalia: Sleeping while dancing? There's a talent I haven't even mastered yet.
Brot: Lucky for you, I have. Pay attention. These go there, all right? And this goes right here. Come on, try it. Come on, trust me. Come on. Touching and moving.
Natalia: Touching and moving.
Brot: Yep.
Officer: You wanted me to report back with an update?
Jesse: Absolutely.
Tad: Another Hubbard family exodus?
Jesse: Police business?
Tad: Isn't it always? Just make it fast, please.
Jesse: How'd it go?
Officer: No problems. I watched the bus leave just like you asked.
Jesse: Excellent. You take off.
[Phone beeps and Frankie gets a text: "Erica Kane's office. Come alone."]
Randi: Who's that?
Frankie: Uh, it's the hospital. I got to take this call. Be right back.
Madison: That was fast.
Frankie: You're supposed to be on a bus.
Madison: I hate buses. I wouldn't go anywhere if I were you.
Frankie: What the hell is that?
Madison: Insurance.
Tad: Remember, keep those pledges coming. Because without them, they're dropping like flies.
Colby: Pete, talk to me.
Tad: What happened?
Colby: I don't know. He said he's hypogy-something.
Pete: Hypoglycemic.
Tad: hey, kiddo, you all right? Because if not, you got, like, 5 seconds...
Pete: Uncle!
Tad: I'm your brother.
Pete: No, uncle "I quit."
Tad: All right, fine. It was a valiant effort. Up you get. You did good. Go get him some food.
Colby: All right.
Tad: Talk about dead weight. That's what I call dedication. This is what I call major slacking. Back to work, Chief. Go on.
Randi: Go ahead, guys, go. I'm -- I'm sure Frankie will be here any minute.
Randi's voice: What if she tells Frankie? He already thinks that something is up with me. You know what? I should -- I should just confess to him and tell him everything that's going on before he finds out on his own!
Frankie's voice: No!
[Madison stops tape]
Madison: From your wife's mouth to my ears.
Frankie: You bugged Randi?
Madison: Remember that little gift I sent?
Frankie: I guess we got to wait and see if the other half shows up. Maybe that'll tell us who it's from. It's not very baby-friendly, is it? Last time -- what do you want?
Madison: Dance with me.
Adam: She's not a cold-blooded killer.
Scott: You said yourself you have your doubts.
Adam: Yes, I did. I -- I don't anymore. I need to stop listening to conspiracy theories and start listening to my fiancée.
Scott: You honestly think that any of this would be happening, you and Annie, if she hadn't have found you that night? If she hadn't have saved your life?
Adam: Probably not. But I'm glad it did. I, uh, although even though a huge piece of myself was lost that night in your father, I still feel that I've been -- well, I've been given another chance. I'm gonna be a better man. In a strange way, a lot of people are gonna benefit from it, have benefited from it. There's Liza and Colby. Zach, Kendall, and their child, their son. And Annie, who got another chance at freedom.
Scott: That's great, yeah. What do I get, hmm? I still don't have my dad.
Adam: You got me. And we both have Annie to thank for that.
Annie: I've been meaning to thank you for letting me borrow Ryan. He's really such a wonderful dancer. You two will look great at the wedding.
Erica: Your wedding to Adam?
Annie: Yeah. I've decided to add Ryan to the guest list. At first, I wasn't gonna give him a "plus one." You know how it goes: No ring, no bring? But I've decided to make an exception.
Erica: Fantastic.
Annie: Yeah. You know, the way I figure it, we're all practically extended family now, right? Oh, except for the fact that Kendall killed Stuart. But now she's behind bars, and lucky for you, right?
Erica: Excuse me?
Annie: Well, I just mean now that you're dating Ryan. Tell me, Erica, how do you think your daughter would feel if she knew you were taking her sloppy seconds? Ohh!
[Erica slaps Annie]
Annie: Huh.
Liza: No, Zach.
Zach: Ryan, did Annie confess?
Ryan: Not yet.
Zach: So your plan's not working?
Ryan: It will.
Zach: When?
Ryan: Well, it's moving a hell of a lot faster than your plan was, Zach. Which means Annie probably trusts me right now more than she trusts you. Probably why she ratted you out about her arranged visits with Emma. You know, I could probably hand you a signed confession from Annie, and it wouldn't be good enough.
Zach: Meaning what?
Ryan: Meaning that this is still between you and me and Kendall. And you got to try and let it go, man. You got to. Because we were helping each other through --
Zach: "Helping each other"? "Helping each other." So you're helping Kendall get back at me, and she was helping you get over Greenlee?
Ryan: I will never get over Greenlee.
Zach: Well, good. Then you know exactly how I feel.
Aidan: You're unbelievable, you know that? Half of Pine Valley is putting themselves on the line for you, and you don't even give a damn. All you're worried about is some one-night stand that Liza Colby had.
Kendall: Yes, with my husband.
Aidan: What are you gonna do when Zach gets tired of the drama? Or when saving you from yourself just isn't worth it anymore?
Kendall: Since when do you know what's best for me, Aidan?
Aidan: Since Zach gave me a detailed list.
Kendall: Hmm. Lock me in, throw away the key?
Aidan: First, he asked me to do this.
[Aidan picks up the TV and carries it out of the secret room]
Kendall: Ok, don't do that. Aidan, come on! What are you doing? Aidan, come back. Are you kidding me with this?! Aidan, come on! Aidan!
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