AMC Transcript Tuesday 6/16/09

All My Children Transcript Tuesday 6/16/09


Episode #10146

Provided by Laurie R.
Proofread by Gisele

Jesse: And Frankie, how's he doing?

Randi: I tried. I -- I -- I pulled. I pushed. I begged for him to come. He wasn't hearing anything that I said. I told him that I loved him, everything. I had to go. I -- I thought he would follow me, but he didn't, so I came home.

Taylor: Good news. Brot just called. They landed in Philly an hour ago. Frankie's coming home.

Angie: Oh!

Taylor: He's coming home.

Brot: You know, Frankie, you owe me a $20, man. I'm just saying. I had to bribe the jefe at the cab company to track you down.

Frankie: I was thirsty.

Brot: Frankie, it's time to man up, man. It's time for you to face your family and, most importantly, face Randi.

Frankie: About that. I'm having second thoughts.

Adam: How are you feeling? Annie?

Annie: I'm being discharged, back to bars on the windows.

Joe: Everything looks good. A couple of signatures, you'll be a free woman.

Adam: Joe, you can't release her yet.

Joe: Sorry, I, uh -- got no reason to keep her, Adam.

Adam: I'm on the board, Joe.

Annie: It's ok. It's ok, Adam.

Adam: No, it's not ok. You got to find a reason to keep her.

Joe: Why is this so important, Adam?

Ryan: Because, Joe, Adam is Annie's guardian angel.

Dr. Sloane: Ian's progress has been exceptional.

Kendall: So he can go home soon?

Dr. Sloane: Tomorrow's a real possibility.

Kendall: Really? Oh, my God, thank you so much. Thank you so much.

Zach: Thank you, Doctor.

Kendall: That's really, finally -- finally happening. Our boy is coming home.

Zach: That's my champ. I'm proud of you.

Kendall: I want to go home with Ian, Spike, and you. I want us to all be together again.

Tad: Liza, there's not a lot I wouldn't do for you, but I won't do this. I can't go through with it.

Liza: Wait, Tad, please. You can't say no. I -- I can't lose my baby.

Tad: That's just it. It's not your baby. It's Amanda's.

Liza: Yes, but Amanda can't raise this child because of David. I will love and protect him. Tad, please, he will be my son, Colby's brother, from the second he is put in my arms. Tad, please. Please, honey, let me have this child. I -- I need him.

David: I am the father. I want to see my son. Now, where is he?

Jake: Nurse, I'll handle this.

David: I have a right to know.

Jake: I said I've got it.

Woman: I'm sorry.

David: You killed my son. At this stage of the pregnancy, she had no business traveling to some tropical island.

Jake: David, you drove her crazy. She was desperate to get away from you, and her son is dead now because of it.

David: My son, too! My son! My God. I lost another child.

Liza: Look, I need this child, and Amanda needs to protect him. Tad, it is the perfect solution.

Tad: Honey, you're asking five people to live with a lie for the rest of their lives. There's nothing about it that's perfect. It's crazy.

Liza: Tad, I've tried to conceive. Donors and insemination, just like I did with Colby. It's not working, and, uh, yeah, I've thought about adoption, but two years of waiting, possibly getting slammed -- I'm sorry. I just don't have the time or the patience to wait for the disappointments of the --

Tad: Then my village idiot of a brother calls and suggests taking Amanda's baby. You jump at the chance.

Liza: I didn't jump. I thought about this.

Tad: I'm glad to hear about it. You know what that's called? Gut instinct. Maybe you should go with that.

Liza: It's too late. Tad, I am head over heels in love with this child. And, yes, I have told myself it is just my own neediness, my own selfishness, but the decisions I have made, as far as I'm concerned, Amanda's child is my son.

Tad: But he's not. Sweetheart, don't you see? There's nothing about this that could possibly be legal.

Liza: I don't care. Tad, listen to me. Did you ever think that maybe this is not a coincidence? Maybe Jake's phone call was just meant to be? I'm hungry for a child to love, and Amanda, well, she needs --

Tad: Needs a home, and you think God just, what, just dropped the baby in your lap? Is that it? Honey, I'm sorry. That's a stretch, even for you. It is a great, big, unhappy world out there. There -- there are plenty of other bundles of joy.

Liza: No, but I love this baby. Tad, I don't care what DNA, what paperwork, or anybody else says.

Liza: As far as I'm concerned, Amanda's baby is my child. It's mine.

David: Why does it keep ending up like this? My children taken from me. I just wanted to be a father, hear my little boy call me "Daddy." That's it.

Jake: I'm very, very sorry, Dave. I have to see him. I have to go see my boy.

Jake: Whoa, David, listen. David.

Amanda: Jake!

Jake: What are you doing out of bed?

Amanda: There's no baby for him to say goodbye to.

Jake: I know, I know. I'm going to stop him from going in the morgue. Just -- just get back in bed.

Amanda: Listen, he's not going to listen to you, ok? Just -- let me handle this.

Annie: Why are you here, Ryan?

Ryan: Because I talked to Emma, and she told me about your guardian angel, and I'm here to tell you that with your problems, you're going to need a lot more than wings and a halo to make a difference. Adam, can I talk to you outside, please?

Adam: Yes. This won't -- this won't take long.

Ryan: What are you doing with Annie?

Adam: Helping her.

Ryan: Really?

Adam: Yeah.

Ryan: Well, with this help that you're offering her by running interference, by -- by helping her avoid the consequences of her actions. That's not what she needs.

Adam: Oh, yes, what does she need?

Ryan: She needs psychiatric help.

Adam: Yeah, oh -- oh, gates and bars and, uh, yeah, locks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Out of sight, out of mind. You can go on with your life as if Annie never existed.

Ryan: Wow, she has gotten to you already. You know, you sound exactly like Aidan did a couple weeks ago.

Adam: Aidan is useless. I, on the other hand, can be very useful.

Ryan: Oh, and what are you going to do, Adam? You going to buy her freedom?

Adam: Not money. Understanding. I understand what it's like to be hated by everybody in this town. My brother Stuart was killed because of that hatred, and that night, when everybody around wanted me dead, Annie's the only one who protected me, so it's going to be a cold day in hell when I walk away from her.

Zach: I know you want to be home for the boys. I get that, but --

Kendall: It's -- it's just the boys, Zach. It's just for the boys, not us. And I'm not pushing for anything more. I -- I'm really confused. I am, but the one thing I know absolutely is that I want our boys to have the most loving home possible, and if I could start there, just being a mom, reading them stories or tickling their bellies or whatever, then maybe I can figure out the rest.

Zach: Yeah, maybe you can.

Kendall: All that matters right now is this little man getting stronger.

[Phone rings]

Zach: Hello. Francesca, what's up? You -- you take the meeting. I'm in the middle of -- ok, all right. Casino, the -- the vendors, they want me to hold their hand, and I got to go.

Kendall: It's ok, go. I'll stay with Ian. Zach. I can't wait for us to go home.

Zach: Neither can I.

Randi: Frankie got on a plane. Wow. Brot must have worked a miracle.

Taylor: No. No. Brot said it was Frankie's decision, and I'm pretty sure you had something to do with it, Randi.

Jesse: Listen, at least he's back, right? We can work with that, huh?

Angie: Yes. Starting with a celebration party.

Jesse: Wait a minute. Maybe he needs a few days to catch his breath, you know? Get back on Pine Valley time. Don't you think?

Angie: Sweetheart, look, our baby is back home, and he's alive. I'm going to celebrate until the heavens open up. Now, I'm going to go call Natalia and let her know her brother's back, ok? And listen, you guys get the beer and wine, and we'll take care of the rest, ok?

Jesse: Yes, ma'am. Well, looks like we're partying. Hey, you ok? Come on, you heard what Taylor said. Frankie's back. He came back for you.

Randi: Jesse, you didn't hear the way he talked to me. You didn't hear the things that he said. He doesn't want anything to do with me.

Taylor: Brot pretended to be dead to stay away from me. And we're ok. We are, and you guys will be, too. You'll see.

Brot: So what are you going to do, Frankie?

Frankie: I love Randi. Yeah, I want to be with her, but I'm afraid I might hurt her. All this rage, I don't know what to do with it, and I can't afford for Randi to be in the line of fire.

Brot: Frankie, the anger -- all that rage and anger you have built up, it's going to pass.

Frankie: Yeah. With another shot of whiskey.

Brot: What do I tell your family?

Frankie: You tell them that I love them, but I just can't be there with them right now.

Brot: Know what? You're a coward.

Kendall: Are -- are you allowed out like this?

Adam: You're the one that should be locked up. Stuart's dead because of you.

Kendall: Adam, I didn't do it.

Adam: Officer! I want this murderer out of my sight.

Kendall: What? No, get your hands off of me. Stop it.

Liza: I'm begging you to support me in this.

Tad: Come on, Liza, I do support you in -- in -- especially when it comes to something like adoption, but, you know, Amanda's baby?

Liza: No, this is my child.

[Phone rings]

Liza: Hey.

Jake: Liza --

Liza: Why haven't you called me back? What's happening?

Jake: Amanda had the baby.

Liza: She did? And?

Jake: Well, they're both fine, but there is a little problem.

Liza: There's a problem? What? David?

Jake: Yes, I guess I didn't cover my tracks well enough or something.

Liza: So what? He knows that, uh, the baby is alive?

Jake: We told him that the baby didn't make it, but he wants to say goodbye. He'd like to see the body. He's demanding to see the body, so you need to prepare yourself. You might not get this baby.

Amanda: David, you can't see our baby.

David: You can't stop me.

Amanda: The baby is not here.

Liza: Tad, they can't do it. They can't take my baby. They just can't, damn it.

Tad: Liza, you don't know all that much right now, ok? Let's just wait for some more information.

Liza: Tad, I don't want any more information. I just want my child.

[Car noises]

Liza: Oh, God, that's -- that's Colby. Tad, please just -- just keep this secret.

Tad: How about I flip you for it?

Liza: Tad, please.

[Car engine]

Tad: For you. For now.

[Car doors close]

Tad: Just do me one favor.

[Colby laughs]

Tad: Fix your hump.

[Colby and Pete chuckling]

Pete: Yeah.

[Door closes]

Pete: Hey, Tad. Just -- I was just telling Colby about all the cool old stuff that you pulled out of Mom's storage, heh.

Colby: Mom, you ok?

Liza: Mm-hmm. I'm fine.

Colby: You don't look fine.

Tad: Ah, well, that's -- that's my bad. You know, too many jokes about, uh, unwanted water-gain bloat. You know how mothers are.

Pete: Ah, I don't see any bloat from here. Nothing but glow from where I'm standing. You've definitely gotten bigger since last I saw you. It's -- in a good way, in a really good way. So is that baby kicking?

Colby: I got to feel Jenny move all the time. She did back flips. Let's see what this little guy does.

Liza: No, don't, don't.

Colby: I'm sorry. I -- just -- I didn't mean to upset you.

Liza: Yeah, listen. I got to go, ok? I'm -- I'm late.

Adam: I want this woman arrested.

Kendall: Adam, I -- I swear to you, I did not kill Stuart.

Joe: Easy, easy. I could hear you at the other end of the hospital.

Adam: I want Kendall Slater banned from this hospital.

Joe: That's not going to happen.

Adam: No, if you're not going to do anything about it, maybe I'll do something. You can't just have killers walking the halls.

Annie: Oh, Adam, I am a killer. Adam, Kendall's just a suspect.

Adam: No, you were protecting yourself. This is a cold-blooded killer who shot my brother in the back.

Kendall: I did not do it, Adam, ok? And neither did Zach. And I hope to God that the police find Stuart's real killer very soon.

Adam: Oh, I'm looking right at her. And I hope you burn in hell.

[Ryan finds a Christmas present at his front door]

Zach: Go over the numbers again.

Francesca: They'd rather hear it from you. Mr. Slater, I've said this so many times --

Liza: Oh, good. You're not busy.

Zach: Call me if you need me.

Francesca: I will.

Zach: Well, it's a good thing I'm not busy, huh?

Liza: I need a drink.

Zach: In your condition?

Liza: Turns out I'm barren.

David: What do you mean our baby's not here? I swear, Amanda, if you are lying to me, and our baby's alive, I swear to you --

Amanda: He's gone, David.

David: Excuse me. The, uh, Martin baby --

Man: I'm sorry. We did everything we could.

David: He's not in the morgue. Where is he?

Amanda: When he was first born, I waited for that moment that you hear about, where he cries and they tell you, "10 fingers, 10 toes, he's healthy." But there was nothing but silence. Jake said he didn't make it. I didn't believe him. I didn't want to believe him, so I asked to hold him and touch him and feel him, say goodbye, and I held him, and he was so perfect. He was so perfect, David, like a dream, but I couldn't say goodbye because he was already gone. It was so still. You don't want your only memory of your son to be a little baby in the morgue. He's in heaven, laughing and gurgling and waving his little fists. He's with Babe and Leora. So say a prayer and hold on to that.

Angie: Oh, hey.

Brot: Hey.

Angie: Where's Frankie?

Brot: Um, he's not coming.

Jesse: What do you mean he's not coming? I thought you flew in with him.

Brot: Frankie's at ConFusion. He's having a hard time right now.

Angie: All right. Well, I'm just going to go and talk to him, and I'll just drag him back if I have to.

Taylor: You know what? I'll go get him.

Angie: No. I'm his mother, Taylor.

Taylor: I'm his friend, and I was over there, too, and maybe it's just easier for him to talk to a friend, rather than his mom.

Jesse: Hey, baby, maybe she's right. Let her try this.

Angie: All right, all right, all right. Just, please, please bring him back home.

Taylor: Of course. Nice to have you back.

Randi: I must have totally just screwed everything up.

[Door closes]

Angie: No.

Jesse: Oh, come on.

Randi: Yeah.

Jesse: Come on, this is just crazy. That's crazy talk, all right? The boy loves you. He came back for you. He came back for all of us.

Angie: What if he doesn't? I mean, what if Frankie vanishes like he did the first time he came back, huh? Jesse, I couldn't -- I couldn't take that anymore.

Jesse: Hey, hey, hey.

Angie: I couldn't take it.

Randi's voice: Your life is just beginning. I get it, Frankie. Things didn't turn out the way you planned, but you'll improvise. Doesn't everybody?

Brot's voice: You're a coward.

Singer: I've got everything I want everything I need but you I've got everything I want

Colby: My mom is psycho.

Tad: No, honey.

Colby: She won't shut up about bonding, so I let myself go with it for one second, and she blows me off.

Tad: You've just got to cut her some slack, sweetheart. I'm telling you I upset her. It's my fault. She is crazy about you. It's going to get better.

Colby: "It'll get better." I've heard that before.

Pete: Babies make everything better. You know that. I mean, look how are you are with Little A and Jenny. You're a natural. I bet you want a big family. I do. I mean, growing up with this guy, who's so much older, he's -- ok, he's a little older. I grew like an only child. I want a lot, a lot, of kids.

Colby: Just shut up! I'm not having babies with you. We're friends, Pete. Friends, that's it.

Tad: There's a lot of her mother in that girl.

[Door closes]

Pete: I don't get it. Why won't she love me? I've done everything.

Tad: Oh, come on, kiddo. You can't make love happen. It's not like that, you know? It just happens by itself. One day you're out there playing the field, and the next thing you know, it's zap, sizzle, lightning. You get struck, and you're cooked.

Pete: Yeah, well, I've been struck by lightning. I got hit, and then got burned, got burned again.

Tad: Well, contrary to popular belief, lightning can strike twice, ok? But it just might not happen with Colby.

Pete: Colby's the only one for me.

Tad: You might have to prepare yourself for another possibility.

Pete: I'd rather extrapolate polynomials.

Ryan [reads a note from Jack]: "I found this when I was cleaning out one of Greenlee's closets. It looks like my daughter did some very early Christmas shopping."

Ryan [reads a note from Greenlee]: "Dear Ryan, remember how you proposed, and I turned you down because of Opal's silly predictions? I changed my mind a few hours later, but still, this is my chance at a do-over. Read the flutes. Find my answer."

Ryan [reads the inscription on the goblets]: "Call it fate, destiny, even a full moon. Will you marry me?" I will. New Year's Eve, 2009, ask me again, same words. This time, you'll hear 'I will' and 'I do,' Forever and Always! Love, Greenlee."

Liza: It was the perfect plan. It was just few weeks of this, and then I'd have my baby. You know, I would have Colby, and I would have my family, my family, mine, where I'm in control of it and not Adam, and then the whole thing gets blown to pieces because of David Hayward.

Zach: What does David Hayward have to do with this? Don't stop now.

Liza: David's baby was going to be my baby. Right, Amanda needed to find protection for him, against him, so I -- Jake, Amanda, they come up with this -- this plan, right? They're going to fake the baby's death, and then they're going to put it up for adoption. Only I came up with a better solution. I mean, pretend this child's my biological child, and everybody gets what they want, and --

[Zach sighs]

Liza: Except for David Hayward, which turns out to be a bonus.

Zach: So you and Jake, you came up with this little plan here?

Liza: Actually, I blackmailed him, but it doesn't matter now because David Hayward shows up right in the middle of everything.

Zach: And he knows the baby's alive.

Liza: Well, they're trying to -- they're trying to cover it up, but come on. It's David Hayward, for God's sakes.

Zach: Can I ask you something? You were just going to raise this child in this town as your own?

Liza: Yes.

Zach: Then it's a good thing it's over.

Liza: What are you talking about? I just lost my child.

Zach: You'll have another one.

Randi: I can't do this anymore. Obviously, my marriage is over.

Angie: Wait. Randi, where are you going?

Frankie: I just want to -- oh!

Randi: Oh, oh, Frankie!

[Frankie screams when Randi runs right into him and hurts his bandaged hands]

Adam: Comfortable?

Annie: Yes, thank you. Kendall really upset you.

Adam: Yes, she -- she hated me. She thought I killed her child, so she put a bullet in my brother.

Annie: Adam, sit down for a second.

Annie: Look me in the eyes. These are eyes of somebody who has taken a life, my brother's life. Do you see the pain and the guilt? I see it every single day when I look in the mirror. I looked in Kendall's eyes before, and I saw the truth. She's not a killer. She didn't kill Stuart.

[Doorbell rings]

Kendall: Hi. I wanted to tell you that there is good news. Ian is doing so well, he might go home tomorrow.

Ryan: Ah, that is so great. That's great.

Kendall: Yeah, yeah.

Ryan: Great, great, great.

Kendall: I just -- I have to pick up a few things. I'm going to stay at the house, just so I can be there for Ian.

Ryan: Of course. Ah. It's a Christmas gift from Greenlee. Jackson found it while he was packing up her things.

Kendall: I'm sorry.

Ryan: Yeah, I'm sorry, too.

Kendall: How did we get here? We were so happy, and now --

Ryan: Now, you went back with Zach.

Kendall: Zach and I are definitely not back together. We're not, but you know, it really is -- I mean, I think it's better this way, me moving out. I mean, you hardly had a chance to mourn Greenlee before I jumped into your bed, and then, you know, there's -- there's the whole -- the murder charges and the trial. I mean, who even knows how that's going to go. I just think you're probably better off without me here.

Ryan: Well, you don't have to take absolutely everything.

Kendall: Ryan, I have made such a mess of your life and Zach's. I mean, honestly, I -- I can't be alone, so what do I do? I hold on so tight, for all the wrong reasons or the right reasons. I don't know, I don't know. Ryan, please, please -- please don't comfort me, ok? I don't deserve it.

Zach: There's a lot of kids that need homes.

Liza: I've fallen in love with this baby.

Zach: You'll fall in love with the next one. That's what kids do. They make you love them.

Liza: You're an ass.

Zach: Yes, I am, but a realistic ass.

Liza: Yeah, thanks for the drink.

Zach: I want to help.

Liza: Of course, you do, because you're so damn altruistic, or I don't know. Maybe -- maybe it's just because your wife is on trial for killing Stuart, and you want to make sure that I say the right thing.

Zach: Kendall's innocent.

Liza: Keep saying that.

Zach: You know she is.

Liza: Oh, God, ok. It's settled, because you -- I just believe everything you say.

David: Tad called when I was searching your hotel room.

Jake: Can't help yourself, can you? You are a son of a bitch.

David: He didn't even know it was me. He was too busy listening to the sound of his own voice, but from what I gleaned, you didn't just come here for a honeymoon. It had everything to do with my baby. You think you're so smart, Jake, but nobody fools me forever.

Josh: You all right, Tad?

Tad: Yeah, I'm fine. So, Josh, do you have anything -- do you happen to have a drink maybe called a lighting bolt? You know, maybe something fruity with an umbrella in it?

Josh: Not that I'm familiar with, no.

Tad: Ok, I'll just have a beer.

Josh: You got it.

Tad: Thanks.

[Taylor walks into ConFusion and smiles at Tad]

[Frankie winces]

Angie: Baby, where are your pain meds?

Frankie: I'm self-medicating myself. The self, and guess what? It's time for another round, so come on -- no, wait.

Jesse: Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, wait.

Randi: Ugh.

Frankie: Wait, come on, guys. Where's the celebration? I see the sign. Huh? The doctor fought a good fight, right? Right?

Jesse: Frankie.

Frankie: I came home a cripple.

Angie: Sweetheart, stop it. Frankie, please stop it.

[Frankie laughs hysterically]

Frankie: You don't get it. I'm crippled. Oh, God bless America.

Jesse: Frankie.

Frankie: Oh, God bless it.

Angie: Somebody get him a glass of water.

Jesse: Put some coffee on.

Natalia: I got it.

Angie: Everything is going to be ok.

Adam: Enough about Kendall. I want to talk about you, helping you.

Annie: Oh, Adam, that's so sweet, but I just don't think there's that much you can do for me.

Adam: Oh, I think as you come to get to know me that you'll see if I get my mind set on something, I get it. I promised you that I will keep you out of prison, and I would reunite you with your daughter. It's as good as done.

[Annie laughs after she kisses Adam]

[Phone rings]

Ryan: Hello. Hello? Who is this?

Gayle: What do you think you're doing? I thought I told you no calls.

Jake: You were really amazing with David, I have to say.

Amanda: Not amazing enough. You heard him. Is the baby ok?

Jake: The baby is miles away from here with his new parents.

Amanda: He's so perfect, Jake, so beautiful. My baby boy's so beautiful.

Liza: I guess I've got to go find another baby. I can't exactly stop being pregnant. It's all I need is for Colby to find out that I've been lying to her again.

[Phone rings]

Liza: Hello.

Jake: Hey, Liza. It's me.

Liza: What happened?

Jake: Well, David bought the story, so you're going to get the baby.

Liza: Is this for real?

Jake: Well, it's for real. It's as real as it gets, honey, so congratulations. I got to go.

Liza: It's going to happen. [Chuckles] It's really going to happen. I'm having a baby.

Woman: Mr. Martin --

Jake: Yeah, I know. I just wanted to see him one last time. Thank you. It's ok. Hi there, kiddo. So listen to me. This is not what you think. I'm going to see you real soon, real soon.

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