Jack: Tell me where my daughter
Aidan: Derek has all the
Why don't you ask him?
Jack: Aidan, do you have any
idea what you've done?
There's an APB out on Greenlee.
Look, you -- you want her
brought back safe?
Her best bet is to turn herself
Now, if you -- I'm begging you
Please help us.
Aidan: What -- help her what,
Put her in prison?
Locked up in a 4-by-8 hellhole?
That's the last place she's
going to be safe, and you know

Greenlee: Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
[Greenlee pants as she runs through the woods and falls]
Greenlee: Oh -- oh, my God.
Oh, my -- ow! Oh!
Oh! Oh, my God.
Damn it! Ow.

Jonathan: Easy, boy.
Ryan: Look, we got to make up
some ground if we want to get to
Brennan's place before Richie
does, all right?
He's got, like, what,
a half-hour lead on us?
Jonathan: He does, yes, if he
left right after he hacked the
e-mail Tommy wrote you.
Ryan: Richie finds out that his
old Boy Scout buddy is going to
point him out for murder, what
do you think he's going to do,
just sit back and wait?
Jonathan: He's going to want to
shut his little Boy Scout buddy
Ryan: Which is exactly what's
going to happen if we don't get
there before Richie does.

Kendall: Sorry, guys.
Mama's a bit frazzled right now.
Erica: Kendall, hi.
Have you heard something?
Has Zach called?
Kendall: No, no, I have not
heard from him, Mom, and I am
worried sick.
Josh has been helping me.
We -- we've been calling
everyone we could possibly think
of, and nothing.
Erica: Well, Kendall, honey,
you know, Zach really hasn't
been gone all that long.
I'm sure there can be any number
of explanations as to where
he is.
Lily: I know where Zach is.
Kendall: Oh, thank God.
Erica: Where is he, Lily?
Lily: Zach went to Paradise.

[The engine revs as Richie's speeding car approaches Zach who's standing on the
side of the road. With tires screeching, J.R.'s car swerves as Richie hits Zach
then backs up to check him out.]
Richie: Whoa.
Sorry, man.
You don't look so good.
Say, don't I know you?
Or I knew you, anyway.
I don't think you're going to
make it.

[Greenlee pants as she runs then stops to rest by a tree]
Greenlee: What's the matter,
you can't keep up with a girl?
I can't believe I am
being hunted down like an ax
murderer because everybody
turned on me.
Kendall's voice: I could never
be friends with you.
You're delusional.
Ryan's voice: You're obsessed.
Kendall: Even you said that you
couldn't believe a mother would
forgive the woman who made her
son deaf.
Erica: Must make you very
unhappy, too, to be such a
complete and utter disaster.
To know that you've made so
many people suffer and that
so many people hate you.
Zach: What do you want?
I know you're not here to
torture my wife.
You wouldn't be that stupid.
Erica: Stop interfering and
leave them alone!
You leave my family alone!
Kendall: It was always going to
end this way, Greenlee, because
you just couldn't leave us
And now, you are finally going
to pay.
Aidan: Greenlee, I will come
back for you no matter where you
Greenlee: I don't want to let
you go.
Aidan: It's just for a little
while, ok?
I promise.
Believe me when I say that I'm
going to get you out of this.
Greenlee: I believe you, Aidan,
but feel free to catch up at any

Jack: Aidan, if you know a way
for us to get to Greenlee before
some trigger-happy cop or some
vigilante does, then you need
to tell me.
Or I'm telling you, Derek's
going to put your butt in a jail
cell, too.
Aidan: Well, the last time
I checked, you needed proof
to do something like that.
Jack: Oh.
Derek: That courtroom has
security cameras.
Somebody dressed like a fireman
threw Greenlee over his shoulder
and took her out during all the
[Aidan whistles]
Aidan: Well -- you know, I've
got a big resume, Derek, but
fireman is not on that list.
Derek: Enough with the games,
Devane, we all know it was you.
Aidan: I want to find Greenlee
as much as you do, all right?
Derek: Then tell me something.
When you were at that
convenience store earlier, why
didn't you ask the clerk if he'd
seen her anywhere?
Unless you already knew where
she was.
He ID'd you when you ran off.
How do you think we found you?
Officer: There's no sign of her
so far.
[Derek sighs]
Derek: Fan out and keep looking.
That storm hits, it'll wash away
any tracks and put us back to
square one.

Lily: Paradise is the name of
a home out in the country.
Zach saw it on my screensaver,
and he really liked it.
He went to go look at it.
He wants to buy it for you.
He said he wanted to take you
Kendall: Oh.
Well, that -- that explains why
he came by here.
Erica: Exactly. You see, honey?
He wasn't angry at all at you
Kendall: Yeah, he must have just
wanted to go there on his own
when he couldn't find me.
Erica: Thank you again, Lily.
Lily: Well, I didn't do
Erica: Yes, you did.
You solved the mystery, and you
put Kendall's mind at ease.
Kendall: Lily, you look
You're all dressed up.
Lily: I was supposed to have
a coffee date, but he never
showed up.
Erica: A date?
Lily: Yes, with Richard.
I waited an hour after our
arranged meeting time.
There must have been
a miscommunication.
Erica: Oh. I'm so sorry.
Lily: And this was the last
place I saw him, so I figured
I would come here and look for
Kendall: No luck?
Lily: I wasn't looking for luck.
Statistically, this is the best
place to find him.
Erica: You know what, Lily?
This Richard person --
he missed out on a great
opportunity, whoever he was.

[Richie takes Zach's money]
Richie: Well, you can't take it
with you, right?
Zach: I need help.
Richie: Well, good luck with
Zach: Please.
Richie: You're right.
I can't just leave you here.
[Richie sighs and grunts as he removes his leather jacket and throws it in his
Richie: Could you try not to
bleed on my new sweater, please?
[Richie sighs and groans as he places Zach inside his car, then takes a picture
of J.R., Babe, and Little Adam out of the glove compartment and plants it under
Zach's car tire]
Richie: Don't worry, buddy.
I'll take care of you.
[Car starts]
Automated voice: The Lexus Lynx
System is active.

Kendall: Why isn't Zach picking
I was hoping he'd still be at
the house, so I could meet him
Erica: Lily, do you know where
this house is located?
Lily: Yes, it's in Kenmare Village.
I looked up the directions when
I was waiting for Richard.
Erica: Oh, honey, the phone
service in Kenmare Village --
it's really terrible.
I mean, no wonder you can't
reach Zach.
Kendall: Is there something
else, Lily?
Lily: It's just that realtors
don't usually show houses at
this time of night, and if Zach
just went to look, and you
calculate the distance, he
should be back in Pine Valley
by now.
Kendall: Or at least somewhere
where I can reach him.
Come on, Zach, where are you?
Erica: Listen, honey, maybe the
owner was there, and he's showing Zach around.
Kendall: No, you know what?
I don't have time -- time to
Lily, do you know where the --
could I have the address,
Lily: Yes, it's 39 Paradise Lane.
You can take Highway 4 --
Kendall: It's ok, it's all
right, I'll find it.
Mom, can you stay here with the
I've got to go find Zach.
Erica: No, no, no, no, no,
I'm going with you.
Kendall: No, it's ok.
It's not necessary.
Erica: I insist.
Josh, hi.
It's -- it's Erica.
Josh, do you think you could
come back to neonatal and help
Lily watch after Spike and Ian?
Because Kendall and I think
we know where Zach is.

Zach: You get a hospital.
Richie: Oh, sorry, buddy.
We'd never make it in time.
Besides, I'm already late.
Zach: Here, call my wife.
Richie: Well, I've got a better
[Richie opens the passenger door and shoves Zach out of the car without even
slowing down]
Richie: That might do it, you

Ryan: This is what's going to
If we get there before Richie
does, we got to haul Tommy out
of there, and we got to get him
someplace safe, someplace that Derek can come in and question
Jonathan: That's going to be
the easy part.
The hard part's going to be
collecting enough evidence for
the arrest.
This cannot be Tommy's word
against Richie's.
Ryan: No, I realize that,
Jonathan, but it sounds like
Tommy has some real serious hard
evidence here, and once we get
that evidence, then we can nail
Jonathan: I hope Tommy comes
Ryan: He has to come through,
Jonathan, all right?
He has to.
I have tried everything else.
Jonathan: Ryan, take it easy.
Ryan: I got to bring this guy
down, and I got to keep him
down, or my family is not going to
have any peace.
[Ryan sighs]
Jonathan: If Tommy doesn't come
through, there is another way.
Ryan: Jonathan, don't even go
there, all right?
Jonathan: I could make him
Ryan: What did I just say?
Jonathan: I'm not talking about
killing him, Ryan.
Listen to me for a second.
Richie's dying already, right?
I could just take him somewhere,
just let nature run its course.
Ryan, I could take him someplace
where he could never get to our
family again.

[Knock on door]
Tommy: Who's there?
Richie: Ryan Lavery.
Or not.
Is that any way to treat
a fellow Scout?
Come on.
Tommy: Hey.
Long time, Richie.
Richie: Not as long as you
wanted to send me away, right,
Tommy: I don't -- I don't know
what you're talking about.
Richie: Sure you do.
You've been playing pen pal with
my brother-in-law.
I sort of came across one of the
Something about you thinking
I murdered Jay Banachek.
Tommy: How did you -- how'd you
find me?
Richie: I smelled fear, Tommy,
and I followed it here.
Are you --
are you afraid of something?
Tommy: You know, you shouldn't
be here because Lavery's on his
Richie: You think so?
I don't think he got that e-mail.
So what do you say, Tommy, huh?
What do you say?
You think maybe we should have
a reunion, just the two of us?
What do you think?

Derek: The more you let this get
out of hand, the worse it's
going to get, Devane.
Is that what you want?
Aidan: Greenlee is innocent.
Derek: Well, if you're so sure
of that, why don't you bring her
Have her build a case, instead
of pleading guilty.
Aidan: You know, I've got a
better idea.
Why don't you stop wasting your
time going after Greenlee and go
after who's really guilty here,
Have you checked into Kendall's
little fairy tale about how all
this went down?
Have you questioned Zach?
Have you questioned Kendall?
Have you compared their two
little stories?
Have you found out how that
silly little program was used
to plant that diary on their
hard drives?
Have you done any of that?
Derek: You don't know when to
quit, do you?
Aidan: No, but obviously, you
do, Derek.
You just can't wait to close the
book on this case, so you can go
home for your turkey dinner.
Derek: I make you a material
witness, your thanksgiving's
going to be prison rations.
You want that?
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa -- Derek, as Aidan's attorney --
Derek: His attorney?
I bring you along as a courtesy,
and now you're turning on me?
Jack: I'm not turning on you,
I'm trying to save my daughter's
Listen to me.
Listen, listen, listen.
Just give me some time alone
with him.
Let me find out what he knows,
Please, just give me some time.
Derek: You better not be playing
me, counselor.
Jack: All right, just -- just --
let me do this, Derek, please?
Derek: You're on thin ice,
You, too.
Jack: Yeah. Got it.
Derek: Don't make me regret
Jack: I won't. This had better be good.
Aidan: I told you, Jack.
I'm not going to stand by --
Jack: Yeah.
Aidan: And let Greenlee go to
prison, all right?
Jack: Yeah, Aidan, I know all
I also know that the stuffed toy
that I saw on the floor here
that I had to shove under the
couch before Derek saw it
belongs to Greenlee, which means
she was here with you at some
Look, I got my neck stuck so far
out on this.
I need you to be straight with
me, so I'm going to ask you one
more time, damn it. Where's my daughter?

Greenlee: Oh!
Oh, my God!
[Greenlee takes a tumble as she's running and finds Zach]
Greenlee: What the hell happened
to you?
What -- oh, my God.
Zach, what -- what -- what are
you even doing out here?
Uh -- hey!
Wake up!
Snap out of it.
I can't believe I am running for
my life out here and what are
you doing -- playing bounty
I -- I -- I can't believe I am
going to help you after what you
put me through, after what you
continue to put me through.
Oh, great.
No signal.
All right, listen.
God knows why, but if I find
a phone that's working, I will
call for help.
I can't stick around here with

Aidan: Greenlee was being
railroaded, Jack, pure and
I had to do something.
Jack: Yeah, but I asked you not
to do anything crazy, Aidan.
I mean, you have to know the way
she fled that courtroom makes
her look more guilty, right?
Aidan: She felt like the walls
were closing in on her, Jack.
You know how she gets when that
Jack: Yes, yes.
I know she's claustrophobic, but
I also know, Aidan, she could've
survived that if she had just
let me build a damn case.
Aidan: Look, she couldn't wait,
all right, for due process --
no bail, stuffed back in a cell
every day after a trial that
could've gone on for -- for God
knows how long, right?
She never would've made it.
We had to do something.
Jack: "We"? "We"?
You're telling me Greenlee was
in on this?
Aidan: She fired you, all right,
plea-bargained without you to
keep your hands clean, so you
wouldn't run the risk of being
Jack: That was my decision to
So let me see if I've got this
right here.
You -- you -- this whole plea
bargaining thing was just a ploy
to get her into the courtroom?
Aidan: Well, better odds than
a jailbreak.
Jack: How stupid are you?
How stupid are you, Aidan?
That bailiff was armed --
somebody could've gotten killed!
Aidan: It's the only way I saw,
Jack: Oh, ok, well, then, gosh.
So where does that leave us?
[Jack chuckles]
Jack: I mean, you haven't even
told me where Greenlee is yet.
Aidan: I'm afraid by now, she's
across state line on her way to
I have friends up there that
will take very good care of her,
all right?
Jack: Wait -- until?
Aidan: Until we find proof that
Kendall set her up.

Erica: Well, if Zach was
thinking of a place to get away
from it all now and then,
this would be it.
Kendall: Yeah, it is in the
middle of nowhere, isn't it?
Erica: Hmm.
Kendall: Kind of romantic, huh?
Erica: Oh, yes.
But I can't help but think it
has something to do with
Greenlee, too.
Kendall: That's a stretch.
Erica: Not really, not when you
think about it.
I mean, if Greenlee hadn't made
life so impossible for everyone
since she came back to Pine Valley, I mean, there wouldn't
be a need to have to get away
at all.
Kendall: Well, Greenlee's the
one who's gotten away now.
Erica: Maybe it's for the best.
I mean, maybe this time she
won't come back.
I mean, maybe this time she
won't be able to.
Kendall: Because she'd be
Erica: Exactly.
Kendall: Yeah.
Kind of does put a crimp on the
most romantic divorce I've ever
heard of.
Erica: That's not what I was
getting at.
Kendall: Oh, please, Mother.
Are you kidding me?
Greenlee out of sight, out of
mind would be the best thing
that could possibly happen to
you as far as Jack is concerned.
Erica: You know, Greenlee being
away would be the best thing
for everyone who is concerned.
Why are you being like this?
Kendall: Because, Mother, it
won't work.
Greenlee being arrested won't
fix what's wrong with us here.
It'll only make things worse.

Greenlee: You know, the last
thing you need right now,
Greenlee, is a conscience.
I said I would try to find
help -- I'm trying ok?
Is that a house?
It is, it is.
Hey, I'm going to leave you over
by this house, ok?
You happy now?

Ryan: We don't just sit back and
let people die, Jonathan.
On top of kidnapping?
Forget it.
Jonathan: Richie would do it to
us, Ryan.
Ryan: Well, I'm not going to let
him bring us to his level, ok?
I've already done a couple of
things that I'm not proud of, and
I don't want that to happen
Jonathan: This is not about
staking out the moral high
ground right now, Ryan.
This is about protecting your
Ryan: Which is what I'm trying
to do, ok?
And Tommy is the key that is
going to put Richie away and
make sure this doesn't happen
again, and once that's done,
then it's over.
Jonathan: Ok, you're right.
Now, what if that doesn't work?
Ryan: I am not going to lock the
guy up until he dies, Jonathan.
That is not going to happen --
that's off the table.
Jonathan: Like I said, Ryan,
it wouldn't have to be you.
I'm going to do what has to be
done, Ryan, I am.
Ryan: No!
Just forget it, Hockett, all
That part of your life is over
with, and I'm not -- I'm not
going to let you do that.
It's going to stay that way --
Jonathan: Obviously you haven't
been reading the tabloids, have
Because according to them, I'm
one snap away from going psycho
Ryan: Ok, fine.
Well, don't believe everything
you read, all right?
And get it out of your head that
I'm going to use you like some
kind of hit man.
We're going to do this the right
way and when it's done, we're
going to get our happy, normal
lives back.
Jonathan: Huh.
Fine, ok.
But we both know that Richie has
other ideas.

Tommy: Look, Richie, I was just
trying to pull a con, you know?
When I heard this guy Lavery was
fishing around, I just thought
I could squeeze him for some
Richie: A con?
Tommy: Yeah.
Richie: From a Boy Scout like
I don't buy it.
Tommy: Richie, I just made
something up.
I never really saw anything at
the lake that summer, I swear.
Richie: That's not how I
remember it.
How I remember it is when they
pulled our friend's body out of
that water, you were looking
at me.
You looked like you knew
something, like you seen
Tommy: No, Richie, it wasn't
like that.
Richie: You told your mom I held
that spoiled kid's head under
water for something like
baseball cards?
Like I'd murder somebody like
I thought we were friends,
Tommy, but that really hurt me.
Tommy: I got it wrong.
Richie: That's a thought.
That is a thought.
Tommy: Anyway, Richie, it's just
my word, you know?
I can change my story, and you'll
be off the hook, it'll all go
Richie: That would be nice,
That'd be real nice, man.
But what do we have here?
Tommy: Oh, it's nothing.
Richie: Looks like you were
going to Lavery with more than
just your word.
You've been a busy boy, Tommy.
I mean, I should be flattered.
You spend all this time sitting
here thinking about me,
following a bunch of clues,
and it led to some solid
evidence -- man.
Tommy: Richie, I can make this
all right.
Richie: I forgot how easy it was
to hurt kids.
Tommy: You know what?
Just take it.
There aren't any copies.
Richie: That still leaves you
and that big mouth of yours,
doesn't it, Tommy?

Jack: Aidan, look, I -- I know
you care about Greenlee, I know
you want what's best for her.
Aidan: I do care about her,
Jack: I know that.
But sending her off alone on
a motorcycle -- what the hell
are you thinking about?
There is a dragnet looking for
her, and I guarantee you some of
the people trying to find her
don't give a damn what condition
she's in when she's finally
brought in -- do you understand
what I'm saying?
Aidan: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do.
I do, Jack -- I understand, but
this is her best shot, all right?
That and you helping me prove
that she's innocent.
Jack: No, Aidan, I'll tell you
what her best shot was -- her
best shot was me as lawyer, ok?
But you know what?
Tough to represent somebody when
you don't have any access to
[Door closes]
Derek: You want to explain those
two motorcycles my men just
found out in the woods?
Jack: You found two motorcycles?
Derek: I suppose you just want
me to believe you brought one
along as a spare.

Greenlee: Yeah.
That's not going to work.
That's right -- the woman you
want off the face of the planet
is here to save your sorry self.
Come on, let's get up.
Work with me here.
Nice and easy, nice and easy!
Come on.
Ok, good.
Good, good, good, good, good.
Give me your arm.
Ok, lean on me, lean on me.
Anytime you want to quit
slacking, that's going to help,
Zach: Thank you, miss.
Greenlee: Oh -- "miss"?
If I had known a blow to your
head was going to make you
polite, I would've done that
years ago -- hey!
Hey, hey, hey.
Come on.
You can nap when we get to the
Let's go.
Ok -- slow.

Richie: What happened, Tommy?
Tommy: Don't kill me.
Richie: Going somewhere?
Tommy: Don't kill me, Richie.
Please don't kill me.
Richie: Do I look like
a murderer to you?
Tommy: I'll do anything you say.
Richie: Oh, you don't have to do
that, Tommy.
Matter of fact, that's a good
idea, don't you think -- doing
I got to say, there are a lot
of spelling errors in this
you never were a good speller,
were you, Tommy?
So I tell you what I'm going to
do -- I'm going to take this
home, and I'm going to proofread
it for free, ok, because that's
just the sort of guy I am.
And if you contact the Laverys,
or if you stick around here,
we're going to have a real
problem -- you know that, right?
Tommy: I won't cause any
trouble, ok?
I promise.
Richie: Oh, I knew you were a
smart boy, besides the spelling
Oh. You know, when our buddy died,
it was quick.
He was lucky,
because when some people die,
it's dragged out real long.
See ya.

Kendall: Mother, you've never
liked Greenlee, so I can
understand how her being gone
works for you.
But for me, it's not that
Erica: All right.
Look, I -- I completely
understand that you two were
close once.
Kendall: Well, we were more
than close -- we were sisters,
whether you were married to her
father or not.
Erica: I understand that,
But that was a long time ago.
I mean, so much has happened.
Kendall: Yes, I know, I know.
And it's been mostly horrible.
But there were some -- some good
spots, too, like when we created
Fusion Green.
It felt like we had it all back
Erica: Honey, believe me, I know
what you're trying to say.
But that was just one day and --
and how many months now?
Kendall: There were a few other
moments, too.
Erica: Very few, I'm -- I'm
Kendall, honey, this feeling
sorry for Greenlee -- this is
such a turnaround for you.
I mean, just -- just back at the
hospital, you had everyone move
in with Ian, because you were so
afraid that she would come after
your children again and hurt
Kendall: Yes, Mother, I freaked
out, ok?
I overreacted.
That's just -- that's what I do.
I -- I got totally sucked back
into the whole Greenlee phobia
thing again.
Erica: It was not a phobia,
You had every reason
legitimately to be worried about
Kendall: Mother, Mother, would
you let me finish, please?
Please -- this is important.
Erica: All right.
I'm sorry.
Kendall: People -- people have
a need to -- to live their
dreams in this world, to have
a reason to wake up in the
morning and live their life.
Now, I know Greenlee went about
it all wrong, as many chances as
she had.
But all the things that she
wants -- friends and family
and to be wanted --
that's what we all want.
We all need it.
Erica: Of course, we do.
But most of us go about it
in a civilized way.
Kendall: There was nothing
civilized about the way I had
Greenlee arrested.
Erica: Honey, you were just
trying to make sure that she
didn't hurt your children again.
Kendall: Mother, I betrayed
We all did.
And unless we can find a way to
undo it and let Greenlee have
her dreams back, then it's just
going to be hanging over us and
we are never going to find any
Erica: Kendall?
Look, there's a car up ahead.
Kendall: Oh, my God.
Is that Zach's?

Ryan: Tommy?
Tommy Brennan, it's Ryan Lavery,
open up.
Jonathan: Well, somebody packed
up in a hurry.
Ryan: And took whatever evidence
he had with him.
[Outside, Richie burns the evidence against him]
Richie: Ashes to ashes
we all fall down

Derek: If Greenlee's on foot,
she can't have gotten far.
Aidan: If she is around here,
Derek, she's going to be scared
out of her mind.
Jack: Derek, you have to know --
I mean, you -- you do know that
she's not armed?
Derek: You know that for a fact?
Jack: Derek, you and I go back
a long way.
I just need for you to promise
me that you'll make sure you're
going to do everything,
everything in your --
Derek: Damn it, Jack -- hold it!
Devane, not smart -- you're
under arrest.
Now put your hands on top of
your head.
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Derek, listen, wait a second.
Derek: I'm holding you, too,
counselor -- obstruction of
You need to look it up?
Cuff both of them.

Greenlee: Wait, wait, wait.
Go slow.
Ok, ok.
Man, you're -- oh!
You are useless!
Look, the house is just right up
Try not to die before we get
Come on.
Come on!

Kendall: Mom, this is Zach's
This is Zach's.
Erica: Honey, it looks like
maybe he was changing a flat
Oh -- oh.
But I don't see Zach anywhere.
Kendall: I don't, either.
Mom, this is blood.
This is blood.
Zach -- Zach, where are you?

Greenlee: Ok.
Steady, steady.
Hey -- Zach?
Zach: I hear something.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, I hope
it's your conscience.
Come on.
Come on.
Here's what we're going to do --
see that house over there?
I'm going to drop you off on
the doorstep.
I'm going to ring the bell, and
I'm taking off.
I'd -- hey.
I'd stick around -- don't really
feel like going back to jail,
thanks to you and your wife.
Let's go.
[Greenlee gasps as she and Zach disappear into a hole]

>> On the next "All My Children" --
Jonathan (to Ryan): Richie's dying.
I guarantee he plans on taking
you both with him.
Richie (to Annie): I came to end things.
It's about time, don't you
think, sis?
Kendall (to Aidan): It's over.
Greenlee finally won.
She killed my husband.
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