All My Children Transcript Wednesday 4/11/07
Provided By Boo
Proofread by Gisele
Aidan: I know what you're gonna --
Ava: Get -- get him off me!
Di: Please, stop!
Ava: Get him off me! Get off!
Jonathan: Aidan, stop. Aidan, get off of her!
[Jonathan grabs Aidan and flings him across the room]
Lily: Here are the figures you asked for.
Zach: What figures? I didn't need that till tomorrow. You've done three days' worth of work in one day already.
Lily: Yeah, I've only been here for 10 hours and 47 minutes, minus 30 minutes I took for lunch.
Zach: Oh, well, ok. Let's -- let's call it a day.
Lily: But it's nighttime.
Zach: To -- ok, good. Then let's -- there will be work here tomorrow.
Lily: Ok, but I just have to finish one project first.
Kendall: Hi, Lily. Bye, Lily.
Zach: Hi, Kendall. Bye, Kendall. Let's get out of here, come on.
Kendall: No, no, no, honey, I -- I need a favor from you.
Zach: Am I going to like it?
Kendall: Actually, I need you to get rid of someone for me.
Zach: Who?
Kendall: My sister.
[Music plays at the Yacht Club]
Bianca: It's beautiful.
Man: Thank you. I'm a little bit worried about the storm coming, and I'm wondering if perhaps a table inside might be better for you.
Bianca: Oh, no, no. This is perfect. I'm sure the rain won't hit till later.
Man: All right, then. I'll go check on dinner.
Bianca: Oh, before you go, I need a place to change.
Man: Oh, well, we have your room waiting, right this way.
Bianca: Oh, excellent, and will you just remind the staff this is a surprise. I mean, my date has no idea that I'm here, and I'd like to keep it that way until she sees me.
Man: Don't worry -- your secret is safe with me.
Bianca: Huh. Thanks.
Adam: Ah. Hmm. Yeah, here's -- here's to not being run out of town by my slut wife and her cronies, and -- and a life devoid of Krystal Carey and her baby brat Martin bastard.
Jamie: Come on, let me go after that bastard Adam! Get off of me!
Tad: You can't afford to worry about Adam right now. You should never have left Penn General's ER against doctor's orders in the first place.
Julia: I'm not letting you leave this hospital.
Jamie: Look, would you two just back off? Please, I'm fine, ok?
Tad: Jamie, you lost consciousness on the way over here in the car. Make your old man happy -- let them check you out, all right?
Julia: A doctor needs to examine you. You need X-rays and a head CT.
Jamie: I need to do what Adam tried to do to me -- run him down like a dog.
Adam: Ah.
[Music plays as Adam sits at Bianca's table]
Adam: Oh -- they're letting anybody in here these days -- hey, join me.
Zoe: So it's you.
Adam: Oh, yeah. Hmm. Single malt. Hmm. Here you go.
Zoe: I prefer champagne.
Adam: Oh.
[Adam coughs when Zoe splashes her drink all over his face]
Krystal: All right. This baby is not turning back, Colby. You have to deliver her.
Colby: No way. I am no baby doctor -- wait. Wait until the ambulance comes.
Krystal: I can't wait!
Colby: Oh, my God. What am I going to do?
Krystal: Colby, can you see the baby?
Colby: I am not looking.
Krystal: Look. Colby, can you see the baby?
Colby: Holy --
Krystal: What do you see?
Colby: I see her. I see the top of her head -- oh, my God!
Krystal: Ok, all right. Next contraction --
Colby: No, no, no.
Krystal: I'm going to push.
[Krystal groans]
Krystal: Oh. Come on. Colby, come on, focus now. Watch -- watch the baby.
Colby: Ok, ok, come on. You can do this. Buck up. No one else can do this, ok? Ok, ready?
Krystal: No!
Colby: Come on, push, Krystal, push. Yes, good, good, good. The baby's head's coming out. Come on, keep going, keep going. Keep pushing. Yeah, I see the baby's face! Oh, my God!
Krystal: Oh, ok, almost there. Almost there.
Colby: Ok, what now? What do I do next?
Krystal: All right, next big push and the baby comes out.
Colby: Just like that?
Krystal: No, you've got to catch her.
Colby: "Catch"?
Krystal: Yeah -- yes, Colby.
Colby: No, I -- I can't do this, I can't.
Krystal: Colby, look at me -- you can do this, Colby. You can do it.
Colby: But if I drop the baby --
Krystal: No, no, you're going to be great. You're going to be great. I trust you, Colby. It's just you and me and the baby, and we're going to do this together. Come on.
Colby: Ok. I just stick my hands out like this and --
Krystal: You'll bring a baby into the world. Come on. Oh!
Tad: Jamie, Adam couldn't have run you off the road. He was locked up, he was right where we left him.
Jamie: Of course, he was. But I still think it's a little convenient that Janet calls me to come get her out of the middle of nowhere, and a car mysteriously runs me off the road.
Tad: Well, Janet tends to operate in her own little world anyway.
Jamie: Though, when she first busted out, I thought Adam was behind it. Come on, Dad, he's probably using her.
[Listening to Jamie, Amanda recalls her conversation with Adam]
Adam: Where do I send the meds? Canary Islands or maximum security?
Julia: I have a cubicle for you. The attending will meet us.
Jamie: Don't worry about it. I'm fine.
Tad: No, I don't think so.
Jamie: I said I'm fine.
Tad: No, Jamie, Jamie --
[After jumping off the gurney, Jamie faints and falls down]
Aidan: What the hell was that?
Di: You're going to be ok.
Jonathan: Is he all right? What the hell are you thinking?
Aidan: Easy, Jonny.
Jonathan: Listen, he's not going to touch you again, ok, so just calm down.
Ava: Ok, just get this guy away from me.
Jonathan: No, Lily, let's do your primes, ok? Two, three, five --
Ava: No, I suck at match.
Aidan: Jonny, this is not Lily.
Jonathan: Hey, what are you trying to pull here?
Aidan: Chill out, mate.
Jonathan: I'm going to get you out of here right now, Lily. Let's go.
Ava: Somebody give this guy his medicine, something.
Di: Stop. This isn't Lily -- this is Ava Benton. It's Lily's half sister.
Ava: Yeah -- hello.
Jonathan: What? No. She looks just --
Aidan: Just like Lily, yes. I was on a case in Philadelphia when I came across this one. I did some research, and I found a connection.
Ava: Gives a whole new meaning to "Who's your daddy," doesn't it?
Jonathan: Where is Lily? Where's Lily?
Ava: I'm so sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Lily. I'm not special. And I'm done with all of you, so I am just going to leave right now.
Di: No, Ava. No, just don't leave.
Ava: Why a better offer for me?
Di: Yeah, I'm going to help you. I'm going to help you get off the streets. Just don't run off.
Ava: I'm out of here.
[As Di tries to stop Ava from leaving, she accidentally knocks her purse down and a bunch of jewelry falls out of it.]
Di: Ava -- my bad.
Aidan: Yeah. You could say that. She doesn't need your help, but she'll take your jewelry.
Lily: I'll be gone soon, I promise.
Zach: Yeah. Kendall and I are going to be in there if you need us. So, tell me why you want me to get rid of your sister.
Kendall: Well, she needs a break -- from Mom and Jack, from helping Josh and Babe, and I mean, not to mention, being a single mother.
Zach: You don't think she can handle it or --
Kendall: No -- if Bianca really needed a break, she would never admit it, so she needs her boss to send her away. That would be you.
Zach: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you asked her already, and she said no?
Kendall: I just know that Paris did wonders for Bianca before, and I think it would really help her out now.
Zach: Yeah. Why don't you tell me the real reason.
Kendall: Are you going to help me or not?
Zach: Does it have anything to do with a certain in-house rock star, maybe?
Kendall: I -- all right. Ok, ok, ok. Um -- Bianca thinks that she's falling for Zoe.
Zach: All right, that's -- ok, they're close, but --
Kendall: Yeah, close. Ok, if by "close" you mean that ridiculous look in her eyes -- they get all glazed over and that little sappy look -- yeah. Well, then she's done.
Zach: It works for her.
Kendall: I've seen this before, Zach. She -- she was like this with Lena and then Maggie. And they -- they just broke up, so I know this is a rebound.
Zach: They didn't just break up. It's a long time ago.
Kendall: No, it's too much, too soon.
Zach: Why can't you let Bianca be the judge of that, maybe?
Kendall: No, because she's not a good judge. She's doing silly things. She's writing letters, she's sending gifts.
Zach: Sending gifts?
Kendall: Yes.
Zach: Wow. And you don't think anyone is good enough for your sister?
Kendall: I want my sister to be happy, ok? I want her in love. I want her to find the woman of her dreams.
Zach: What if that woman is Zoe?
[Adam coughs]
Zoe: So what did you think you were going to accomplish? Wanted to laugh in my face and watch me squirm?
Adam: What is the problem? That time of the month?
Zoe: Ah! You ignorant cretin!
[Zoe angrily upends the table, knocking everything off]
Bianca: What's going on?
Man: Is everybody all right?
Zoe: Next time you'll watch who you play secret admirer with.
Adam: Well, I can't imagine admiring you without keeping it a secret.
Zoe: Ah!
Bianca: Zoe, Zoe, Zoe, Zoe --
Zoe: Oh, I will make you regret that you ever crossed me!
Bianca: Would you listen to me, please -- it's not Adam -- it's me! I'm your secret admirer!
Adam: Now I've seen everything.
[Krystal groans]
Krystal: I can't push -- I --
Colby: No, come on, Krystal, keep pushing, keep pushing!
Krystal: I have to rest.
Colby: No. No, no, no, no, no. Krystal, you can't rest. The baby is not coming out -- the rest, the rest of the baby, I mean.
Krystal: What -- is it the cord? Is the cord wrapped around the baby's neck?
Colby: Uh -- no cord, but I see the baby's neck. But the baby's not coming out, and I thought you said all I had to do was catch.
Krystal: I -- I know, just -- just calm down.
Colby: What's wrong, what's happened -- why isn't --
Krystal: The baby's stuck, ok?
Colby: No, I -- I can't cut you!
Krystal: Look, I know. I know. Just -- you have to reach in and help the baby out.
Colby: What?
Krystal: Oh, yeah. Just, just -- it'll be ok. Just take your hand and ease the baby out, Colby.
Colby: Oh, what if I break something?
Krystal: No, just -- just be gentle, ok? Just be gentle. Ok. Do it, Colby! Do it.
Colby: Baby, please come out.
Adam: It's been awfully fun. Enjoy your dinner.
Bianca: I'm sorry I wasn't here. I had no idea that Adam --
Zoe: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You're my secret admirer?
Bianca: Guilty as charged.
Zoe: Liar.
Krystal: Oh. Can you feel the shoulders?
Colby: Sort of.
[Krystal groans]
Colby: What's wrong? What's happening?
Krystal: I'm having a contraction, but I'm not going to push until you get the baby unstuck.
Colby: Ok, I'm trying, Krystal. It's definitely the shoulder.
Krystal: Ok. Can you turn her?
Colby: Almost. I -- I got it -- ok! Push, Krystal, push! I've got her!
Krystal: Oh.
Colby: Oh, my God! She's here! I got her.
[Baby cries]
Colby: A baby girl.
Krystal: Let me see. Let me see her.
Colby: What do I do now?
Krystal: Ok, put her on the blanket.
Colby: Ok.
Krystal: Put her on the blanket. Wrap her up in the blanket.
Colby: Ok, ok.
Krystal: Ok.
[Baby cries]
Krystal: Oh.
Colby: Ok.
Krystal: Oh. Oh, honey. Oh, honey. Oh, you did it.
Colby: Yeah.
Krystal: You did it.
Colby: I did it.
Tad: Is Jamie going to be all right?
Julia: He's coming around now. He probably just moved too fast.
Amanda: Will he be ok?
Julia: Doctor confirmed he has a mild concussion, but he should be fine.
Amanda: Oh. Thanks.
Tad: Thank you.
Amanda: I was so worried.
Tad: Do you remember anything about the car? Did you see who was driving?
Amanda: Oh. No.
Tad: But you still think it was Adam?
Amanda: Well, he's totally lost it over Krystal. He's completely capable.
Tad: Well, I don't see how. I had him locked up, I took away his cell phone.
Amanda: Adam doesn't need to be locked up to hurt people. If he wants to hurt all of us, he will.
Tad: "All of us"? Is Adam after you, too? What does he have against you?
Ava: Oh, God. Well, all this jewelry -- it was, like, left -- it was left in the garbage. I thought it was -- I thought it was junk, so I just, you know --
Aidan: Really?
Ava: Yeah.
Aidan: And how exactly did Di's jewelry end up by the trash, huh?
Ava: I don't know. I didn't ask.
Aidan: So Di helps you out and you -- you steal from her? Is that it?
Di: You know what? It's done, just let it go.
Ava: Smart woman.
Jonathan: So you -- you work the streets?
Ava: No, I don't work the streets. The streets worked me last night. I gave a guy a price and a smile and, um, took his wallet before he could even take his pathetic boxers down.
Jonathan: You -- you look like Lily, but you act nothing like her.
Ava: Wow, someone please give this man a medal. He is just so smart.
Jonathan: Lily's good, she's pure. She tells the truth.
Ava: I know. I know. I'm not good enough to even be in the same room as this precious Lily.
Jonathan: No, you're not.
Ava: Ok. Well, if I am so screwed up, then why -- why did you bring me here?
Di: Ava, I want to help you. I want to get you off the streets.
Ava: If I'm so horrible, then why don't you just leave me the hell alone?
Di: Hey -- hey. Hey. You ok? Feel sick?
Aidan: What's wrong?
Ava: I'm either going to puke or faint, and I'm taking bets. Anyone, anyone at all?
Di: Ava, just -- no, no, no, just sit --
Aidan: Just sit down for a minute, all right? You'll feel better.
Kendall: Zoe still has a long way to go. And, I mean, do you honestly think that she can give Bianca a healthy relationship?
Zach: Why -- maybe you're underestimating these guys, you know? Maybe they really care about each other, and it's not about being on the rebound.
Kendall: Ok. Well, even if Bianca and Zoe really do care about each other, can't Binks just take a step back and think about things before she goes diving into the deep end?
Zach: The thing that gets to you right now is the whole transgender issue, isn't it?
Kendall: Damn right it is.
[Music plays]
Bianca: No, I'm -- I'm not lying. It really was all me.
Zoe: Stop, stop, stop, stop. I appreciate it, but you don't have to spare my feelings. Adam Chandler was getting his jollies at my expense -- I can handle it.
Bianca: No, you don't -- you don't understand. It -- it -- I was your secret admirer. I wanted to spend the evening with you.
Zoe: Well, Babe said Adam did go off the island because of Krystal and the baby, and now he's gone after her and Tad and J.R., even. I guess he decided to branch out.
Bianca: Are you listening to me? It was not Adam -- it was me. I sent you the quotes, the candle, the geode. I ordered all your favorites. The menu -- purely vegetarian. Chocolate cake for dessert. Look, who -- who else would remember this?
[Zoe gasps]
Zoe: 1984, my favorite vintage.
Bianca: Do you hear the music?
Zoe: My favorite song. You --
Bianca: I thought maybe it could be our song. Our life in pink, starting tonight. I wanted to give you everything you deserve, to spoil you, court you. I wanted you to know that I don't take you for granted, that you're special to me, that that kiss was more than just a kiss. I wanted this to be our first evening together, our first date. I wanted to make you happy.
[Baby cries]
Krystal: Oh.
Colby: Oh. Oh. Hey, there, little girl. You want to meet your mommy? Yeah. Oh, yeah? Hey. Yeah. Oh.
Babe: Mama, well, we came as soon as we got Colby's message. You --
J.R.: Krystal, are you ok?
Krystal: Oh. I'm better than ok.
[Babe gasps]
Babe: Mama!
J.R.: You had the baby.
Krystal: Yeah.
Babe: How did this even -- what --
Colby: You missed all the action.
J.R.: Who delivered?
Krystal: You're looking at her.
Colby: It was all teamwork.
J.R.: Oh.
Colby: Hmm.
Krystal: Hello, angel. Yeah. Welcome to the world. Hmm. Couldn't wait, could you? You're just as antsy as your mama. Oh. Want to say hello to your little sister?
Babe: Hey, there, peanut.
J.R.: You have one hell of a mama.
Babe: She is beautiful, just like her mama.
Colby: I did it. I delivered the baby.
Babe: How did you even know what to do?
Colby: Krystal coached me every step of the way, and then I had to reach in and --
J.R.: Why didn't you go to the hospital?
Colby: Dad was with Krystal when she went into labor. Water broke, and he bailed. Walked right out the door.
Kendall: When Zoe threw the whole "Look at me, I'm a woman" thing, I was not going for it at all.
Zach: But now you're part of the fan club. You get invited to things and stuff --
Kendall: No, listen to me. I had never met anyone like her. I -- I didn't know what to say to her, I didn't know how to act. I just didn't know how to be around her, and now I see her every day at work, and I'm over it.
Zach: Yeah, you're over it -- unless, of course, she starts dating your sister.
Kendall: No. I'm actually fine with that. But just because I'm ok with it doesn't mean everyone else will be. I mean, Bianca's completely out, and most people have accepted that. But there will always be some bigot that thinks Zoe is less of a person.
Zach: So you think her life would be easier without the person she cares about? Hmm.
Kendall: What's wrong with easy? Bianca survived a rape. I mean, she -- she thought that she lost her daughter. The -- the woman that she loved broke her heart and cheated on her. I mean, for God's sakes, my sister deserves a little happiness. There's got to be some beautiful, smart lesbian woman out there just waiting for her.
Zach: But it's not a beautiful, smart lesbian woman named Zoe?
Kendall: I can't ignore the problems, Zach. I mean, things are going to be difficult for her because she's different.
Lily: Are you talking about me? Because I'm different.
Kendall: No, no, Lily. I'm talking about Zoe.
Lily: Oh, the -- the woman who looks like a man, because she has a man's body but wears women's clothing?
Kendall: Point taken?
[Music plays]
Zoe: Everything that you've done for me -- flowers, gifts, the candles, the table, before I flipped it -- oh. I'm sorry I was so rude about the gifts. But now that I know that they were from you -- not every light is a true light. Oh, I just never thought this would happen.
Bianca: Well, I can't say that I blame you. I mean, I didn't exactly roll out the welcome mat.
Zoe: I just thought friends and that was it.
Bianca: I was so terrible to you when I first met you. I was scared. But you knew.
Zoe: You should listen to me more often.
Bianca: Hmm. It was first sight for you. I needed to blink a few times.
Zoe: Oh, is this real? Somebody please slap me.
[Bianca laughs]
Bianca: Yes, it's real. It's very real. I want us to have a chance.
Aidan: Here you go. Drink this.
Ava: Thank you.
Aidan: How you feeling?
Ava: Like I got hit by a truck. Could you tell stalker face over there to get a life and get away? He's giving me the creeps.
Di: Yeah -- Jonathan, why don't we give Ava a little room?
Jonathan: So does Lily know about her half sister?
Di: Uh -- Lily knows that there's someone out there that looks like her, and she's hoping that it's her relative.
Jonathan: Ok, does she know about Ava's history?
Di: No. No, Lily doesn't know anything. She doesn't even know that I brought Ava back with me.
Jonathan: Di, the resemblance is freaking me out, ok? I can't stop staring at her.
Di: I know.
Aidan: Here, put this on your face.
Ava: Easy, easy.
Aidan: Fine. Just relax, all right? I'm trying to help you out.
Ava: Ok. Um -- will you tell me about Lily? Why all the worship?
Aidan: Everyone's really protective of Lily. She's -- the first couple of years of her life, she didn't speak. Her mother was murdered when she was a young girl. And she went to a special boarding school up until a couple of years ago when her father then brought her here to Pine Valley.
Ava: Wow. So that Autism thing -- it's the real deal?
Aidan: Yes, very much real. And she was married to Jonathan for a little while, too.
Ava: That freak out in the hall?
Aidan: He loves her. He saved Lily from being attacked once.
Ava: Oh. Well, I guess that's why he was so freaked out by me.
Aidan: And after the attack, Lily was very traumatized, and she kind of went into herself, but she's better now, but she's still a little bit fragile.
Ava: Wow. Must be great having the whole world in your corner.
Aidan: You know, Di is in your corner. And so am I. And if you promise me never to steal from my friends again, I'll do you a favor -- I'll put you up at the Pine Cone Motel. And when you're strong enough, I'll help you find a job, and I'm talking about a real job, ok? One where you don't get beaten up all the time. How does that sound?
Ava: Why do you care?
Aidan: I just do. Ok?
Tad: Would you do me a favor -- tell Jamie I'll be in to see him in a minute?
Amanda: And now that Jamie's ok, I'm going to --
Tad: No, no, no, come here. I want to talk to you. What makes you think you're on Adam's hit list?
Amanda: Because of my mom, because he messed her up.
Tad: When they were locked up in the Psych ward together?
Amanda: Well, I had no idea. Maybe I should've stopped it, I could've protected her.
Tad: Protected her from what? What did Adam do to Janet?
Amanda: He convinced her that --
Nurse: We got a newborn here. We need to notify OB and get an incubator.
EMT: Term labor, inadvertent home birth. Vital signs are normal for both.
Colby: Take care of our baby.
J.R.: Congratulations, Tad. You're a new father.
Singer: Sometimes the light can seem too much
Bianca: Mmm. May I have this dance?
Zoe: I'd love to.
Singer: And when I don't know how to, I might say, you're right there taking over me, yeah, yeah. Forever we can take on the world. Forever. Together we can do anything
Bianca: Oh, my --
Singers: Together you and I
Lily: Are Zoe and Bianca in love?
Kendall: That's up for debate.
Lily: Well, I like to debate things. Can I join?
Zach: This one's yours.
Lily: Which side are you on?
Kendall: Well, I don't -- I don't want Bianca to get hurt. But life with Zoe will be hard for her, because she's making the transition, and loving someone should make life easier, not harder.
Lily: Yes, it was easier for Jonathan and me when we were in love. Then I found out that we were too different, and he lied, and it was hard -- I hurt a lot. I wouldn't want that to happen to Bianca.
Kendall: Well, I'm trying to make sure that it won't, hopefully with Zach's help.
Lily: Bianca's really lucky to have you as a sister.
Kendall: Did you hear that, Zach? "Lucky."
Lily: Well, let me know if you need any help.
Kendall: I will.
Lily: And here are the numbers for Brill Works. Good night.
Kendall: Good night.
[Door closes]
Kendall: If anyone deserves to find the one, it's Bianca. I'm so blessed. And we are in this wonderful place. We have Spike and a baby on the way.
Zach: And you want your sister to be as happy as you are.
Kendall: Happier.
Tad: Is she ok?
Nurse: Are you the father?
Tad: Yeah. Yeah, I'm her father. Hey, gorgeous. Hi. I'm your dad. Yeah. I'm your dad.
Nurse: We need to get her cleaned up and checked out. You can come to the nursery later.
Tad: Ok. I will.
J.R.: Are you ok?
Tad: No, I'm not ok. Of course, I'm not ok. Why the hell did Krystal give birth at the house? J.R., tell me.
J.R.: It's over now.
Tad: It was Adam, wasn't it?
J.R.: Krystal's water broke, my dad walked out. He left her.
Aidan: Whew. You feeling better?
Ava: Yeah, 100%.
Di: Hey. Thought you might be hungry.
Ava: Oh, yeah -- mmm, I'm starving.
Di: Here, watch it.
[Knock on door]
Ava: Thank you.
Di: Sure.
Ava: You know, this is my favorite. Looks real good, too.
Lily: Have you found my possible relative yet?
Zach: Come on, don't feel guilty. You deserve to be happy -- just like your sister.
Kendall: I waited my whole life to find you. Where's the person that'll make Bianca happy?
Zach: Well, maybe she's right here. Maybe it's Zoe.
Kendall: Or maybe Zoe will break my little sister's heart.
Zach: Or maybe not. Let her find her own way.
Kendall: This means you're not going to help me? You're not going to send Bianca to Paris?
Zach: No. Come on.
Kendall: Ah.
Zach: Where are you going?
Kendall: Home.
[Door shuts]
[Zoe laughs as she and Bianca run drenched into the hotel room]
Zoe: Pull it open!
Bianca: Ok, come on!
[Bianca laughs]
Zoe: Oh.
Bianca: So much for romance.
Zoe: Would you like a side of hail with your cake there?
Bianca: No, no!
Julia: Jamie? Hey. Stubborn one, Mr. Sexy -- it's me. Hmm.
Jamie: Julia?
Julia: Yeah. And you're going to be just fine. You need to rest.
Jamie: I'm --
Julia: You scared me to death.
Jamie: I'm still in the hospital.
Julia: That's right. There's where people with concussions go.
Jamie: Oh, no, no, no. I have to get out, I have to get Adam. What the hell is this?
Julia: That's for your own good. You're going to spend the night in the hospital whether you like it or not.
Jamie: What --
Julia: Oh! By the way, you have a new baby sister.
Colby: Hey. They're still checking on our baby.
J.R.: She's going to be fine. You did great, I'm so proud of you.
Colby: Oh.
Babe: Hey.
Nurse: One newborn, coming right up.
Krystal: Is she ok?
Nurse: Perfectly healthy.
Krystal: Oh. Ah. Hey, there, sweet pea. Welcome to the world. We did it.
Babe: Oh. Look at her -- she has your nose.
Krystal: Oh. You want to hold your little sister?
Babe: More than anything. Come here, my little sis. Hi, sissy. How are you? You made quite the entrance, didn't you? It's kind of hard to live up to.
[Baby fusses]
Babe: You talking already?
Krystal: He left me, Babe -- on the floor. It's over. It's really over.
[As Adam stands by the window, the storms knocks out the electricity, and Tad slowly walks into the room, glaring at him.]
>> On the next "All My Children" --
Jamie (to J.R.): Why don't you help me out of these?
J.R.: So you can go after my father?
Jamie: This is your choice, J.R. Whose side are you on?
Krystal (to her new baby): Say hello to your daddy, Jenny.
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