All My Children Transcript Friday 6/17/05
[While Simone sleeps leaning on
Greenlee: Damn!
Greenlee: Not hardly.
Simone: Ugh. Is it morning?
Greenlee: We have to think of something.
I've broken three locks and a fingernail trying to bust us out of this place.
My cell phone doesn't get any signal, so I can't 911 David. The dry ice has
evaporated, so I had to put the three vials into the freezer to save Ryan's
sperm. And we can't scream for help, or we'll get arrested for grand theft!
Greenlee: Who's up for desperate?
Simone: Ooh, ooh, ooh.
Greenlee: If we can't take Ryan's sperm
home, we girls get me pregnant right here, right now.
[Ryan examines a nasty bruise on his chin.
Before he can put on his shirt, someone knocks on the front door.]
David: Greenlee, your door is -- well, I
guess we can't all be morning people, huh? Is Greenlee around?
Ryan: No, she's not. She's at the office.
David: All right. What the hell happened
to you?
Aidan: Hey.
Tad: Thanks for coming over, fish and
chips. I -- I just wanted the chance to apologize. I didn't mean to leave you
flying solo at the office while I got distracted.
Aidan: That's all right. Don't worry about
Tad: So fill me in. What's the latest and
greatest on our case?
Aidan: Well, you're more up on the
Tad: No, no, I'm talking about the Erin Lavery
case, the case we have at the office. How did Ryan take the news about his
Aidan: Listen, forget about Ryan. Let's
talk about the search that has blown your life wide open. What about
Jamie: Trust me, Little Adam couldn't be
in better hands.
Babe: I feel like -- like this whole brick
has been lifted off my heart. Is it me, or do you think that
Jamie: I wouldn't get my hopes up, Babe.
J.R. was mad as hell. And with the looks he cut
J.R.: You're up early.
Adam: Good. No sign of the nanny
J.R.: Little Adam was fussy at breakfast.
I think he's missing her.
Adam: She'll be forgotten by tomorrow.
I'll call the agency, get us a nanny replacement.
J.R.: Where do you think she'd go without
her things?
Adam: She went with Martin. Maybe he'll
get lucky. It'll be his bad luck and our good fortune.
J.R.: She could've at least called. What
if she had an accident?
Adam: Well, she had one three years ago.
Wonder who she'll come back as this time. Joan of Arc? Calamity Jane?
J.R.: I'm going to call the police.
Di: I'm right here. J.R., I want to come
back to you if you'll have me.
Babe: I've been waiting all night. I have
to shoot over there.
Jamie: No way. This is not your regular
day with Little Adam.
Babe: Every day can be visiting day now
Babe: Of course she is. She's J.R.’s mama.
Jamie: Well, J.R.’s mama has got a lot of
explaining to do. You crash that party, you give J.R. an excuse to double up on
the hate.
Babe: Well, then
Jamie: Yeah, but that's not you, Babe. You
Amanda: I got out of that house just in
time, thanks to you guys.
Babe: I get what
Amanda: Then you hit them right where they
Jamie: So we're cool. J.R. and
Babe: Fine. As long as Little Adam is
happy and safe and loved, I can do the waiting thing. But what do I tell Mama?
That Tad's going back to
Jamie: That's too soon to call. My dad's
pretty damn freaking mad at
Aidan: And the other half?
Tad: Is going to have to read about it in
the tabloids -- "Woman Back from the Dead," yada, yada, yada, that
kind of thing.
Aidan: So your wife -- or triple
ex-fiancée or whatever -- is she sticking around?
Tad: Beats me.
Aidan: She's got a lot to stick around
for, though, Tad, with J.R. and the grandson and, you know, yourself.
Tad: "And, you know." Listen,
Aidan: Really? And you expect me to
believe that? After all the miles you've logged and the money and the time
we've spent tracing down these leads, and you have the audacity to say that
you're out of it and expect me to believe it?
Tad: The
Di: I used my key. Hope that's ok.
Adam: Memo -- have the locks changed.
J.R.: Where were you all night?
Di: Are you asking your mother or scolding
the nanny?
Adam: Let me handle this, son.
Di: The days of you being able to handle
me, Adam, are long gone.
Adam: Is there no limit to your gall? How
dare you. Even if you are
J.R.: You know what, Dad? That's enough.
Di: It's ok.
J.R.: Just stop.
Di: It's ok, J.R. let him have his say. I
know these are your questions, too.
Ryan: I -- I just hit a patch of gravel on
my bike, and I skidded out.
David: Hmm. Did Greenlee take you to the
ER? You really should have those checked for internal injuries.
Ryan: No, she spent the whole night at
Fusion. She's brainstorming for a campaign. Next time call, ok?
David: I took a stab at being spontaneous,
trying to be a better brother-in-law. Take Greenlee to breakfast, play
Ryan: Next time call, like I said.
David: You might want to put some ice on
that to keep the swelling down if you don't want Greenlee to freak out.
Ryan: That's the best medical advice I've
ever got from a janitor who makes house calls.
David: You don't have to be an MD to see
that that story is a crock. Those bruises did not come from the pavement. They
were made by a fist.
Greenlee: It's the best way to smuggle the
goods out of here.
Simone: Oh, I told you not to go there!
Simone: Men are just naturally better
equipped for this job. I'm getting us out of here before this goes any further.
Greenlee: Look, all I'm asking for you
guys to do is --
Greenlee: Well, I'll cover my bases. I'll
mix all three together.
Simone: La-la-la -- I'm not hearing you!
Greenlee: I hate it when you're right.
Greenlee: This from you, Mrs. Zach Slater,
the queen of impulse control.
[As Simone tries to pick the lock to the
lab door open, another door slams shut.]
Greenlee: Time's up.
Adam: Where in the hell do you get off?
Even if the DNA and the fingerprints and the snow globes all prove that you're
J.R.: All right, all right, Dad, that's
enough. I said stop.
Di: No, let him speak his piece before he
Adam: Who taught J.R. that life is unfair?
Who gave him a crash course in pain and suffering? I think you taught him that
when you abandoned him to bed David Hayward! You ran off to have your baby
alone. Babe and his brother, Jamie -- now, there -- there is a study in
cruelty. They stole his baby and ran off, and his stepfather told him his son
was dead. Where was his mommy? Where were you? You were off in
Di: Ok, there it is. It took you a while
to get there, but finally you came around to it. It's all about you, isn't it,
Adam? You scared I'm going to take -- take our son away so you can't twist him
into a meaner, more despicable version of you?
Adam: No, look at him, look at him. This
isn't Junior. This is J.R. Chandler. He's his own man. He doesn't need his
mommy. He can take care of himself. I am the one who taught him that.
Di: Well, I feel right at home, Adam. You
were glad I was dead.
Adam: Well, you did it so well. You even
saved us the expense of a funeral.
Di: Let me get this straight. Are you
angry over what I did to J.R., or are you just plain
Simone: Let's call for help.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, then we're busted,
and it's over.
Greenlee: For Ryan, I can take on a mop
and a pail.
Simone: What are we listening for?
Greenlee: Emptying trash cans is good.
Greenlee: Maybe whoever left.
Simone: You know, I almost have this knob
off. We can peek through the hole.
Greenlee: Simone, don't!
Simone: Viola!
[After unscrewing it, Simone yanks on the
door knob, causing it to clang onto the floor on the other side of the door.]
Simone: I don't see anyone.
Greenlee: That doesn't mean they're not
out there.
Simone: Let me see if I can wiggle the
lock. Aah! Something's got me.
Simone: Oh, my God! You guys, we're
busted! That's three strikes.
Greenlee: Whoever it is, don't let go,
don't let go!
Simone: I'm looking at hard time! Whoever
it is is not letting go!
Greenlee: No, no, they'll search my purse!
Greenlee: Oh! Oh! These puppies are
freezing. They're below freezing.
[Simone hyperventilates]
Simone: Oh --
Greenlee: Oh. Oh!
[Once the person holding on to her hand
lets go, Simone goes flying backwards onto her rear end.
Simone: Bet you're wondering what a hot
thing like me is doing in a place like this.
Josh: Safe bet you're not making a
Greenlee: No, but feel free. We'll leave
you all alone with your thoughts and your specimen cup.
Josh: This looks like a break-in.
Simone: But you can sweet-talk us into an
Josh: Hmm, nice cover, ladies. I'm not
buying. Try again?
Ryan: I'm -- I'm fine. I am fine.
David: Of course you are. Looks like you
caught a few to the ribs.
Ryan: All right. I went out for a late
walk, and I got mugged.
David: Hmm. You're kind of big to get
mugged, don't you think? All right. So how many were there? Hmm? Young, big
bruisers? Well, it's very generous of them to leave you with your wallet and
your watch.
Ryan: What are you playing now? What, are
you playing a cop?
David: People who have nothing to hide --
they go to the cops, they go to the hospital. But not you. What's going on,
Ryan? Who did this to you?
Ryan: Back off.
David: Did you get on somebody's wrong
side? Are you fighting because of a grudge? What is it, Ryan? Who are you
Ryan: I will take you down if you don't
get out of here.
Babe: It'll hurt Mama if this costs her
Tad, but
Babe: Well, she did say that she was the
only best friend that Little Adam and I have in that house, and I do want to
believe her.
Jamie: If anybody can get to J.R., it's
Babe: Oh, come on. That is just J.R.
wanting to hate us like his normal bad-boy self. He can only ignore his own
mama for so long.
Amanda: Yeah, any creep who'd drug his
date -- he could cut his own family.
Babe: But look at how nasty it is right
now. It can only get better, right? This waiting -- you guys have no idea --
it's making me itch. I wish I knew what was going on.
Jamie: I'll swing by my dad's and see
what's up.
Babe: Thank you. I love you, I love you.
And tell me -- and be sure to call if it's good or bad news, doesn't matter.
Jamie: It's all good news with us, Babe.
You hold on to that.
Babe: Bye.
Amanda: Oh, Babe, you're so sweet. I'd
hate it if Jamie let your hopes fly.
Babe: Why? Do you know something that I
Amanda: You're about to get your heart
Opal: Tad? Oh, Tad! Oh, break out the
balloons and the streamers, ice the champagne! Palmer just called. Where is
Tad: If you mean
Opal: Well, of course I mean
Joe: Is it true?
Tad: Yeah, Dad, it's true.
Joe: The missing kidney. Your instincts
were right.
Opal: Well, if there was ever a cause to
party, honey, this is it. I can hardly believe it.
Joe: Yeah.
Opal: It's like a miracle, Joe. Our
Tad: Yeah, I think at this point that
might be a little foolish.
Brooke: Why? What's the rest of it? Are
you all right?
Di: No love lost between us. Right, Adam?
Adam: You're always in the way. You taught
J.R. to be nice, to play fair, and share his toys. I taught him to name what he
wants, fight for it if necessary, and to win. Now, it took my life and your
death to make him the man he is today. And the results of our combined
contributions is sleeping upstairs.
Di: Oh, well, guess what, old man. I'm
back -- to bake cookies and butt in and make your life hell until they stamp
"Deceased" on your AARP card. And you can rest assured that I will
let my son and my grandson know exactly what I think of you and your -- your
life lessons until the day that I die!
Adam: Well, we're going to the hospital to
get you a DNA test.
J.R.: All right, Dad, don't! Let go of
Adam: Son, it's the only way to prove that
she's using --
J.R.: No, I said let go of her. You're
attacking her.
Adam: She's attacking us!
J.R.: Never again! You will never go after
my mother again.
Di: You just called me your mother. What
made you say that? You believe me now?
J.R.: I don't know. I still don't
understand why my mother would do something like this. You want me to believe
you. Help me understand.
Di: We've been here before. When I went
with David, you felt deserted. I had broken up the family, together forever. You
said you'd never forgive me.
J.R.: Well, there's a happy memory. I
already feel so much closer.
Di: J.R., as bad as that time was, I know
this is so much worse. I let you down, lower than you deserve.
J.R.: I don't know how to get past this!
Di: I don't know how to deal with it
either. I can -- I can try to explain it so you'd understand it. What I'm about
to say is going to sound so cruel.
Babe: Amanda, you can't just drop a bomb
like that on me. Why do you say that my heart's on the chopping block?
Amanda: I didn't want to say anything in
front of Jamie. He trusts
Babe: No, what -- she said that she wanted
to buddy-up with me. She said that she wanted what's best for Little Adam.
Amanda: Yeah, and if she offers to
pinkie-swear, run. I know, trust me. Miss Dixie back from the dead is no saint.
She is the one who put my mom where your mom is -- prison. She led a witch-hunt
against a mentally ill woman. I guess that's where J.R. gets it.
Babe: Amanda, I'm so sorry. I had no idea
what happened with your mom and
Amanda: Just don't expect peace to break
out. You hurt her son, and mama lion won't show you mercy. You have no clue
what she's got ready for you.
Babe: I almost forgot. Aidan Devane, he
came by the bar. He asked me to give this to you.
Amanda: Aidan. What a sweetie.
Babe: And how do you know Aidan?
Amanda: I was having a lucky day. Hey, I'm
going to go to the
Babe: Amanda, I don't think it's a good
idea. It's a little too risky.
Amanda: Well, you helped me. Consider it
Tad: The sad truth is
Joe: Well, that's incredible.
Opal: That is just about the most romantic
thing I have ever heard of -- Dixie coming back disguised as a nanny, so she
can find out if her Tad still loves her.
Tad: Yeah, Ma. If you hurry, I'm sure
she'll sell you the movie rights.
Brooke: Ask me, I think it's strange. I
Tad: You think it's strange? The news
nearly gave Palmer a coronary.
Joe: Correct me if I'm wrong -- this is
what you wanted, isn't it?
Tad: No, Pop. It's more like what I was
afraid of.
Opal: You don't mean that.
Tad: Ma, don't tell me what I mean.
Brooke: Why? Is it the baby?
Tad: No. I mean, Kate didn't make it, but
that's not the reason
David: What if your wife is with you next
time this happens?
Ryan: She won't be.
David: How do you know that?
Ryan: I love this irony. I love this.
David Hayward goes from felon to family man to big brother. Well, clue this --
Greenlee is done with you.
David: Hmm. Look, I'm not claiming
bragging rights here, but she trusts me enough to cry on my shoulder. I held
her, Ryan, because of you. She was crying because of what you did. There you
go, right on cue. You play stunned well. I know what you did, Ryan, and I know
why you did it and how it's tearing Greenlee up inside. And in case you're
taking notes, jot this down -- Greenlee is right. Leora, Babe -- they taught me
a child can be a man's hope, real salvation. Whatever monster you think you
are, trust me, you're no worse than I am.
Ryan: I'm not going to do this,
David: Yep. I know that look. I've seen it
staring back at me in my own mirror. I know what it's like to hate myself this
much. You don't give a damn about living.
Ryan: You are seriously whacked!
David: No, I don't think so. You're out
there looking for trouble, Ryan, and now you're bringing it home. So the
question is, what kind of trouble are we talking about here?
Greenlee: You never told us who you are.
Simone: I spy with my little eye -- no
wedding ring.
Josh: I have a vested interest in this
clinic's reputation. Tell me what this is, or I call the police.
Greenlee: Ok -- ahem -- fair enough. We're
not really cat burglars, we're members of a group.
Greenlee: We're here to ensure the little
swimmers' rights are being protected.
Simone: Yes.
[When Greenlee drops the glass vial, it shatters,
and she kneels down to scoop up its contents.]
Simone: Oh, my God.
Greenlee: My babies.
Tad: Oh, well done. Well done.
Opal: She left with you last night?
Tad: Look, no -- wait, wait, whoa, whoa.
Wait, wait, wait. Let me just say this once, and then we can all move on. I'll
be very clear.
Opal: Tad, now, hon, that just can't be. I
mean, you will work this all out. You always did.
Tad: Ma, it's been three years, three
years since
Opal: Well, I do have a problem with that.
I got a problem with the fact that you and
Brooke: Opal, it's not our concern.
Opal: You say.
Tad: Not this time. I'm sorry, Ma.
Opal: Well, why not? Has
Tad: Not so she told me. But then again,
she didn't tell me very much, and I don't expect that to change.
Di: I -- I want you to think of something
that ripped your heart out. Little Adam -- when he was lost in the river -- how
you felt. Honey, were you sane? Or did you just want to stop being who you were
just so the pain would quit?
J.R.: It was bad.
Di: Sweetie, you know it was worse than
J.R.: I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I
couldn't feel anything. I just -- I'd try to do anything. I'd try to watch a
movie. I was just blank. I was -- I was somewhere else.
Di: I know. I know. So was I -- somewhere
else. And when -- when I lost your baby sister, I wasn't in my right mind. The
pain -- I had to stop being who I was just to make the pain stop. I couldn't
come back here and face Tad and tell him that I'd lost our daughter. I couldn't
-- I couldn't let you see the loss that it had cost me. All I wanted was to
forget myself, and I couldn't do that here. But losing me -- I never -- I never
lost you. I kept you in my heart. J.R., I missed you so much. But I wasn't sure
if -- if I could come back here and be that person again. I wasn't sure if I
could be your mother. But then -- then I met this nanny in
Greenlee: My marriage, my future, my
husband -- everything is riding on me having his baby.
Greenlee: Thank you.
Josh: Why break in? Why not go through
regular channels?
Greenlee: Because the owner of this place
is a heartless bureaucrat. He's one of those unbending, everything-by-the-rules
types who only cares about lawsuits and not people.
Greg: Hello? Who's in there?
Ryan: I want you gone.
David: Haven't you disappointed Greenlee
enough? You took away her chance to have a child to "save" your
marriage. Well, now you're all she has left, Ryan, and look at you. You're beat
up inside and out. Look, I don't know what the hell you're doing, but how far
are you planning to take this?
Ryan: Get out!
David: No. No! You're going to hear this.
You need to hear this from somebody! I pulled myself back from the edge, pal.
Ryan: Ugh.
David: You can do the same thing. You
don't have to fall any farther. Do you have any idea how much Greenlee loves
you, how much she is willing to help you? Are you so stupid, are you so
egocentric that you're going to disappoint her again? Do you realize what kind
of a loser that would make you?
Ryan: Are you looking for trouble,
[Ryan grabs David by the neck, throws him
up against the wall, and squeezes hard.]
Tad: FYI, if you're all wondering about
this stuff, I'm going to be sending it back to
Brooke: What is it?
Tad: Souvenirs, memories of another life.
No point in building a shrine around it now that she's back in town making
other memories. So if anybody wants to reach in and grab something, they can be
my guest.
Opal: Tad, you can't throw this stuff out.
I mean, these are your precious mementos.
Joe: Tad, for now, why don't you just put
the boxes in storage?
Jamie: Yeah, hold on to them, Dad.
Opal: Just in case.
Tad: There is no "just in case."
How many times do I have to say it? If any or all of you want
Di: J.R., tell me that you understand you
were the one that brought me back. I had to come. I just didn't know if I could
come back as your mother, as -- as
J.R.: Well, I guess you're
Di: Honey. I want to be your mom again.
You have my promise. I will do everything in my power to ease the pain I've
caused you, and it won't -- it won't happen fast, and it won't be easy. But all
I can do right now is -- is pray that you'll forgive me.
[After J.R. takes her necklace out of his
pocket and clasps it around Di’s neck, they hug.]
Di: Here. You are my sunshine.
[Knock on door]
Aidan: Um, it's open.
Amanda: I heard a rumor about you -- that
you're a private investigator?
Aidan: Well, it's true. At least that's
what it says on the door.
Amanda: Heard you're the best. Are you?
Aidan: Well, that depends. What exactly
you need me to do best?
Amanda: I have a case for you. I'm in deep
trouble and only you can help me out of it.
Aidan: What kind of trouble?
Amanda: You.
Greenlee: That's Dr. Madden, the head
Simone: Please don't tell him we broke in.
Greg: Josh? You're not supposed to be
Josh: What's the matter? Not happy to see
me, Dad?
Greenlee: We're dead.
Ryan: You will not do this to me anymore!
No more questions, no more accusing me! No more! No more! Aah!
[When Ryan finally lets go of David's
neck, he slides down to the floor seemingly unconscious.]
>> On the next "All My
Children" --
Di: Give me any test you got.
Adam: Next stop, DNA test.
Erica (to her show's crew): This is not
just my new beginning. This is ours.
Greg (to Josh): What's going on? Who's in
Zach (to Ryan): What do you say we bury
him at the dump?
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