All My Children Transcript Tuesday 4/5/05
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Maria: I haven't seen you in a while.
Aidan: Yeah, I'm knee deep in this Braden Lavery case with Tad and Ryan.
Maria: Are you here on the clock?
Aidan: No, of course not. I came to see how you're doing.
Maria: I'm still standing.
Aidan: Is there anything I can do?
Maria: Yeah. You can tell me the truth about my husband.
Zach’s voice: Help me get him out of here. Now!
Zach: Hey! You going to let me die? Go ahead, walk away. No one would ever know. A true Cambias would do it.
Erica: Zach definitely did not kill Edmund. Lily has proven that. She's
proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Myrtle: Darling, the girl is in love. And she's stubborn, just like her mother.
Erica: I just wish I could ground her. I wish I could ground
Myrtle: You know, darling, that reminds me of when Mona wanted to put you in your room and lock you in there for the duration. Sweetheart, much as you want to, you will not stop her from loving.
Erica: Myrtle, this thing between her and Ethan -- this is not love.
[Knock on door]
Erica: Oh. Excuse me.
Ethan: Where's
Greenlee: Well, if we're lucky, Jonathan's on the phone with Ryan right now.
[Greenlee grunts]
Greenlee: Well, maybe he's delusional enough to tell him that he snatched us, hoping for a stroke from Ryan for fooling Braden.
Lily: There isn't one.
Greenlee: What do you think Lily and I were doing before you popped in here?
Greenlee: You're so smart. Click your heels and get us out of here.
Ryan: Hockett, where are you? Are you all right?
Jonathan: I'm fine.
Ryan: Where's Braden? Is he with you?
Jonathan: I -- I don't know exactly. Listen, Ryan, I have a plan, ok, and I think it's going to work. I'm going to stop him, and I’ll save you.
Ryan: What? What kind of plan, Jonathan? You almost died once. Next time --
Jonathan: No. No, listen, it won't happen. It won't happen. It's a good plan, ok? Greenlee even told me that you'd be proud of me.
Ryan: Greenlee? You spoke to Greenlee? What did she say? When did you speak to her? Hockett, what plan, and what does it have to do with Greenlee?
Jonathan: I'll tell you. I've got Braden thinking I'm on his side, ok? But now all I have to do is get him to leave you alone. And Greenlee's totally backing my play on this. She said that if --
Ryan: You told Greenlee this at Fusion?
Jonathan: The only way to beat Braden is to stay ahead of him, right? I don't want to get stabbed again.
Ryan: Which is exactly what could happen, or worse.
Jonathan: It's a joke, Ryan. It was a joke, ok? I can take care of myself.
Ryan: I know -- I know that you want to help, all right? But you got to stay away from Braden. He's just way too dangerous.
Jonathan: I got through to him, Ryan.
Ryan: Go to the cops. Or go to
Jonathan: What?
Ryan: Yeah, but he'll know what to do.
Jonathan: But I can take care of myself --
Ryan: I know you can, all right? But if Braden figures out what you're up to, you will be the next target.
Jonathan: So -- so, what, I try to help again, but I'm still -- I'm still the screw-up little brother?
Ryan: No, no, but if you want to help, just stay away from Braden. Go someplace safe so that I don't have to worry about you.
Jonathan: What? What is this, man? Women and children first? What am I, a kid? I don't need protecting!
Ryan: Well, you already have a knife wound in the stomach.
Jonathan: And I'm not a coward either, ok? I'm not going to go hide. I won't go to the police. I'm in this with you to the end. Don't you tell me to play it safe, because you're putting your neck out there!
Ryan: Take it easy. All right? Fine. Maybe there is a way that you can help.
Jonathan: No, no. I know how I can help, ok? Now you listen to me.
Greenlee: Tried that. Don't. She hates it. Won't work, anyway.
Greenlee: I don't believe Jonathan. I'm just humoring him.
Lily: He couldn't stand without a spine.
Lily: Reggie makes sure there's no red ketchup around because he loves me. I don't understand why Jonathan would be doing this because he loves Ryan.
Greenlee: Oh, I don't really get it, either.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, he'd be here already, but he probably thinks that Lily and I are at her old school.
Lily: Jonathan made Greenlee say that to our father over the phone.
Greenlee: Yes, I humor people with guns. Ryan's with Tad and Aidan right now playing Braden's stupid game.
Lily: Aidan isn't my boyfriend anymore, but I still get fluttery feelings when I'm around him, and Erica says that's normal and that they'll go away, but she didn't say how much time it takes. You know how much time it takes?
Lily: Is that how you got over your last boyfriend?
Lily: I don't know how to find a new boyfriend.
Lily: Stealing is wrong.
Greenlee: You can't steal someone's boyfriend if he doesn't want to be stolen.
Lily: I don't steal.
Greenlee: But you could always shop. Nothing like a new pair of stilettos to ease the pain.
Lily: I don't like high heels. What if I don't get over Aidan?
Greenlee: How about Kendall and I figure out a better answer and you figure out how to get out of here?
Lily: Ok. I am a pretty good problem solver.
Greenlee: You heard her. She can't lie or she can't steal. She's telling the truth about what she saw, so why don't you just get up to speed? Ethan's the one who's lying.
Erica: As you can see,
Ethan: Thank you, but if it's all the same with you, I will stay until I get my answer.
Erica: He's so polite, isn't he? All charm and manners except when he's trying to steal my investors from New Beginnings.
Myrtle: Why on earth would he do that?
Ethan: I warned you not to get between Kendall and me.
Erica: He warned me.
[Myrtle laughs]
Myrtle: As if you'd listen.
Erica: He's nothing more than a nuisance anyway, you know that, Myrtle, because I always knew that Artie was the weak link. And once he convinced Artie to pull his investments, I simply rallied my other principals. So my company has never been stronger. Fun's over.
Ethan: Just tell me where
Erica: Well, isn't she at home or at Fusion?
Ethan: No. And with all due respect, don't put me off, Erica, ok? I know that you got to her, you convinced her to turn against me, and you shut her away somewhere, so why don't you just tell me where she is, now.
Zach’s voice: Now work's over.
Maria: Yeah? Ah! Wait a minute -- where are you taking me? What are you doing? Put me down!
Zach: I got plans for you.
Maria: I'm not painting this house.
[Maria laughs]
Maria: You can't make me do it!
Maria’s voice: Whatever you want to do to me, I am yours, as long as I can see it in your eyes.
Maria: Am I mourning a man who loved me or one who hated me?
Aidan: There was definitely something going on with Edmund. All right, the man was obsessed with one thing, one thing only, and that was to take down Zach.
Maria: Because of me.
Aidan: You know, maybe if he wasn't in a wheelchair, things would have played out differently.
Maria: Yeah, but he knew that that didn't matter. I told him so many times the wheelchair didn't matter to me.
Aidan: He knew you had feelings for Zach, Maria.
Maria: I didn't sleep with Zach -- not since he came to
Aidan: But you kept his secrets, more than once. I mean, the way Edmund saw it is you chose Zach over him every time.
Maria: Do you think -- do you think Edmund could walk?
Aidan: I don't know. I mean, Edmund had secrets. Maybe -- maybe walking was one of them.
Maria: Oh -- why? I -- all he dreamt about was walking. He wanted to go skiing with Sam, and he wanted to -- why would he keep those kind of secrets?
Aidan: Maybe as something he could use?
Maria: Against Zach?
Aidan: Or you.
Maria: But if he was that -- if he was that angry at me, Aidan, how did I miss that? I know you know something else. What else? What other secrets was my husband keeping from me? Please, Aidan, please.
Aidan: Edmund -- he paid Bobby to say that Zach was behind Ryan's shooting.
Maria: No, he didn't, because I asked him, and he swore to me that he didn't.
Aidan: But he did. He wouldn't tell me how much, but my guess is about a million.
Maria: Oh, my God. What? To do -- to lie or to tell the truth?
Aidan: It wasn't a total lie. Bobby saw who shot Ryan. It just wasn't one of Zach’s people.
Maria: That's Erica's theory and I know she's spreading it around.
Aidan: Well, it's more than a theory. Braden Lavery shot Ryan. And Tad, Ryan, and I think that Edmund got too close to the truth, so Braden killed him. Now, if we're right, then Zach’s innocent of all charges against him, including Edmund's murder.
Greenlee: Just bugs.
Lily: Ants. Did you know all the ants on the earth weigh more than all the people on the earth?
Lily: Every problem has a solution.
Greenlee: Is it warm in here?
Greenlee: Maybe the longer that Jonathan's gone, the better.
Greenlee: Like your man's on the radar.
Greenlee: You know what? This cave is too small for your mouth.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, being stuck in a mineshaft will do that to you. See, that hole was so dark, it was so quiet, and the walls -- I can't do this again.
Greenlee: I'll try to hold on to that.
Greenlee: Get me out of here.
Lily: Lots of metamorphic rock.
Greenlee: Tell me it could be worse. I could be, like, in that MRI machine again. Thank God for Ryan. He talked to me, played with my toes.
Greenlee: You're not going to pull anything, are you?
Greenlee: Too gingerbready.
Greenlee: A baby? Out of your mouth? You totally freaked --
Jonathan: So that Braden could be certain without a doubt that nobody, nobody could tie him to killing Grey, especially that little autistic kid.
Ryan: God, Jonathan, no. Absolutely not. Forget you even thought of that, all right? You leave Greenlee and Lily safe where they are.
Jonathan: Ok.
Ryan: Now, did Braden say where he was going next?
Jonathan: No.
Ryan: Nothing? Not even a hint?
Jonathan: I told you, he just took off.
Ryan: He just left without even, like, giving you an idea, I mean, considering you two were so close? Ok, fine. Look, I have a new clue, all right, and I'm stumped.
Jonathan: Lay it on me.
Ryan: "One brother safe and blind, one brother left behind. One brother on the run, three brothers equal none." What does it mean?
Jonathan: Three brothers -- us.
Ryan: Yes, I got that, but, I mean, "equal none"? I hate to break it to you, but I think Braden is planning on offing you, me, and himself.
Jonathan: No, that can't be right. No, no, Ryan, we -- we always stuck together. That's the way it's always been. And why can't it be like it was?
Ryan: Because it's different now, ok? It's just going to be you and me, but we're going to make it right. You have to tell me, did Braden say he's going to come back there and meet you? Is he or not? Which is it?
Jonathan: Braden said he'd come find me.
Ryan: Well, then you tell me where you are, all right? We do this as a team. We do it together. Hockett, tell me where you are!
Jonathan: I can't do this.
Ryan: Yes, you can.
Jonathan: No, I can't, because -- because what if this is what Braden wants, huh? I tell you where I am, you come to me -- it's a trap! I'm not going to be responsible for getting you hurt, Ryan!
Ryan: I am willing to risk it.
Jonathan: I'm not, ok? I love you --
Ryan: Nobody is going to get hurt. No one is going to get hurt. I swear to it, ok? You just got to help me here. We're so close to ending this. You got to trust me.
Jonathan: I can't. No, it's too dangerous.
Ryan: Would you please let me decide what is too dangerous?
Jonathan: Why? Why, because you're smarter than I am?
Ryan: No, not -- no.
Jonathan: What, you think I need you making decisions for me, because I don't have an MBA? Listen, Ryan, I'm not stupid!
Ryan: I know you're not, ok? You've helped me so much already. Jonathan, please, all right? We're so close to ending this. You just got to stay with me. We're both trying to deal right now because Braden's gone bad. I mean, he used to protect us, and now he's into knives and guns and bombs and all that kind of stuff. He's capable of anything, and he's locked on to us, all right? We cannot win this unless we work together.
Braden: Hang up the phone. Hang it up.
Ryan: Jonathan?
[Dial tone]
Ryan: Jonathan?
Greenlee: Yeah. I'm sorry about before. I was a total bitch.
Greenlee: Every time you look in the mirror?
Greenlee: Well, I'd feel even better if you kicked Ethan to the curb, but since that's not going to happen --
Greenlee: Maybe I was wrong to try and break the two of you up.
Greenlee: Ethan's your business, but you were wrong, too. You thought I didn't want you to be happy. Not true.
Greenlee: His vibe. He's got this too-good-to-be-true show going on. He's a liar.
Greenlee: I'll try -- right after I say this. You've been slammed a lot -- Ryan and me, the short list. I want you to find what we found, and I don't want Ethan to hurt you again.
Lily: I did it! I found a way out!
Maria: Why would Ethan lie about something so huge as -- as he swore that he saw his father commit murder?
Aidan: I'll tell you what Ethan saw -- that was a chance to nail Zach. That's it.
Maria: Do you think that Edmund hated Zach more than he loved me? I mean, all of his talk about us and everything -- do you really think that he was going to divorce me?
Aidan: I don't know. I don't know.
Maria: No, no, I know you know something. Come on, Aidan, please? I know you talked to Edmund. Did he say anything to you? Did he tell you that he loved me?
Aidan: He didn't want to lose.
Maria: Lose what? I chose him to be in my life. I chose -- he knew that!
Aidan: But Zach would always be hanging around, and he didn't want to share. It's the same as losing to him. The only way that he could win was to make sure that Zach couldn't have you.
Maria: He told me that he loved me. He did. He -- even the day that he died, we had plans, we had a future.
Aidan: Remember when me and you were dating? Remember how desperate Edmund was to get you back?
Maria: That was -- come on, that was totally different because I didn't even remember him. I didn't know who I was.
Aidan: He drugged you, and he forced you to remember. He locked you up in that room. He went to -- it was a bit of an extreme, but he did that all because he loved you so much.
Maria: And now?
Aidan: I don't know. Over the last two, three months, he wasn't right. He was -- there was something different about him. I don't know whether it was because of you and Zach or the wheelchair.
[Aidan sighs]
Aidan: He just -- he was just really angry. I'm sorry. I didn't come around here to -- to make you worse. I wanted to make you feel better.
Maria: No, I know. Excuse me one sec, ok?
Aidan: Maria, wait --
Maria: No, no, you know what? I just need to -- I just need to get some air. Ok?
Erica: This is marvelous --
Ethan: "Marvelous"? Erica, something could have happened to her.
Erica: A massage, body wrap, she comes to her senses and realizes that she is so much better without you.
Ethan: Erica,
Erica: You swore on that love. And once the enormity of your lie fully hits her --
[Phone rings]
Erica: Excuse me. Hello? Oh, Jack, hi! I was hoping it was you.
Ethan: Mrs. Fargate. I love
Myrtle: Ethan, I have seen your love. When we thought we'd lost Bianca, I saw
how you never left
Ethan: Mrs. Fargate, I did not lie about Slater.
Myrtle: You did. I know that as well as I see you sitting there. Listen, I like Zach, and I used to like you. But, honey, this lie is going to blow up in your handsome face.
Maria’s voice: You wanted me to believe my husband was the monster. You said
everything you could to make it sound like my husband was the evil one. But
that's not him, that's you.
Maria: Did you come to -- to see me?
Zach: No. I came to see this.
Maria: The horrible memories.
Zach: Before all that. When I first came to town, this is where I saw you -- right in there with your saddle and soap. And you told me I shouldn't be part of your life, shouldn't be part of Maria’s life. I wouldn't listen, you know. I just kept pushing and pushing because I wanted Maureen back. And no one was going to stop me, not even you. I know I hurt you, Edmund's dead, and maybe if I’d accepted that the woman I loved was gone that wouldn't have happened. Maureen is just a memory now.
Maria: Where is this coming from? Because I believed Ethan instead of you?
Erica: You're still here?
Myrtle: Any news, darling? Have they caught Braden Lavery yet?
Erica: No. Happy? Happy, Ethan? No Braden. You won't be exposed as the liar you are, not yet.
Ethan: Now, listen, I want Braden caught as much as the next man, but his crimes don't include murdering Edmund Grey.
Erica: It's extraordinary, really -- the conviction, the ease with which those lies just come out of your mouth. Honestly, I mean, if I didn't know better, I’d believe you.
Ethan: Well,
Erica: Well, you two are attracted for all the wrong reasons -- two bad fathers and too many lonely nights. Oh, that might push some passion buttons, but that's not love, and that doesn't hold people together.
Ethan: Kendall and I have held up against all kinds of attacks already.
Erica: When your lie about Zach is exposed and that puts you behind bars,
don't expect
Sam: Aidan? What are you doing here?
Aidan: I just popped over to see you mum, but she just stepped out for a walk.
Sam: Whatever.
Aidan: I heard you slammed your mum at the funeral.
Sam: Yeah, well, she deserved it.
Aidan: You know, your mum is a very amazing lady, and she loves you and Maddie very much.
Sam: Hey, Anita says that you know Lily Montgomery? Well, I tried to call her, but her brother said she wasn't in, and he wouldn't take my number or a message. Are guys off limits?
Aidan: I mean, Lily needs friends. They just have to be a certain --
Sam: Well, just tell me what the deal is with the autistic thing. Does that mean she can't date?
Aidan: Lily's kind of different from other girls. She's very sensitive, she's very fragile, and she can be very easily hurt.
Sam: Well, who said I would hurt her?
Aidan: Just -- I think maybe you should let go of it, that's all.
[Sam scoffs]
Sam: Like I take orders from you?
Greenlee: Ooh -- I'm going to need a new manicure.
Lily: This is fun!
Greenlee: I knew you'd find a way out of here!
Lily: I found another way, too, but it would take us at least 17 hours to get out.
Lily: The chances of getting the combination right on the first try was one in 64,000.
Greenlee: Oh, good luck.
Lily: I didn't want to wait 17 hours -- I was too hungry -- so the big rock just came loose, and I just started hitting away at it.
Lily: The width is about 9 1/2 inches, height about 3 feet.
Greenlee: After you.
Lily: Because you'll definitely fit.
Ryan: Come on, Jonathan, pick up! God! "One brother safe and blind."
Jonathan's voice: You don't understand. You got out. You were safe.
Ryan: "One brother left behind."
Jonathan's voice: You don't understand. You left me behind, alone with Dad.
Ryan: "One brother on the run."
Braden's voice: You don't understand. I can't go to jail. I've got to get away. I've got to run.
Ryan: "Three brothers equal none."
Ryan: What are you trying to tell me, Braden? Where do you want me to go? Where?
Braden: Did you think you could double-cross me? I wouldn't find out?
Jonathan: Braden, you don't --
Braden: Shut up. Maybe Ryan was right. Maybe I'm going to have to get rid of you, too. I still don't get it. It's called "walking the dog."
Jonathan: Cool! Teach me.
Braden: It's a cinch. I'll show you. All you got to do is --
[Door opens and closes]
[Braden drops yo-yo]
Ryan: Braden, get the yo-yo. Get it! Hide it!
Mr. Lavery: I'm starving! I hope there's some chow on the table! Where's your mother?
Braden: I don't know.
Mr. Lavery: What's behind your back?
Braden: Nothing.
Mr. Lavery: You want me to guess, or you going to show me?
Braden: It's just a yo-yo.
Mr. Lavery: Stupid. Stupid! How many times did I tell you not to play with toys in the kitchen, huh? You could break something!
Braden: I was careful!
Mr. Lavery: "Careful." How were you careful, like this? Huh? Is this how you were careful? I got screwups for sons! Now, clean that up before your mother sees it! Dimwits, crybabies!
Ryan: Stop it. Leave them alone. They're just kids.
Mr. Lavery: You missed a piece, moron. What are you going to do, cry now, huh? You little whiny puke!
Ryan: Stop it. I can see you for what you are. You stop it. I am not blind. I'm not blind.
Mr. Lavery: Come here. Eat this, huh, you little weakling. Maybe you can grow some muscles.
Jonathan: I won't eat rat poison, I won't!
Mr. Lavery: Eat it!
Jonathan: Ryan? Ryan!
Ryan: I'm right here, Hockett. I'm right here. It's ok.
Mr. Lavery: Oh, this is a waste. Gail, drag your lazy butt in here!
Greenlee: I'm coming, already!
Ryan: No. Oh, God.
Braden: You're such a screwup. I trusted you. You disappointed me -- again.
Jonathan: You have it all wrong. I did exactly what you wanted. I got Lily Montgomery, but you know what? I did better. I got Greenlee and Kendall Hart, too -- three for one. I want you to be proud of me!
Braden: Then stop running to Ryan! What's with that?
Jonathan: I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I won't do it again!
Braden: What am I supposed to do with three mewling women?
Jonathan: Ryan loves Greenlee more than anyone in the world. Tell him you have her. He'll freak out. He'll do whatever you want. Braden, you have total control. All you have to do is tell Ryan you have Greenlee.
Zach: Yeah, when you believed Ethan, that was the final proof for me, yeah. Maureen was gone. Because you know what? If I’d walked into the casita and told you that I was accused of killing a man who couldn't defend himself, you wouldn't have believed it.
Maria: Zach, I would --
Zach: Maureen would have stood by me.
Maria: But I don't --
Zach: And I -- it's ok. I didn't come here to blame you. I didn't come here to blame Maria. I came here to say good-bye to Maureen.
Maria: Wait, wait, wait. Please tell me that you understand why I believed Ethan. I loved Edmund, I was committed to Edmund, I had to stand by it.
Zach: Can we not do this again? It's too hard. And you know what? I understand why you made your decision. It's the only decision Maria could make. It's time I made mine.
Erica: You may think you know
Ethan: I won't hurt her.
Erica: You already have. Oh, and I'm sure that you'll apologize. I'm sure
you'll beg for her forgiveness. I'm sure that you'll buy her jewelry or a small
country. But
Greenlee (as Mrs. Lavery): What happened? It was a wedding present.
Mr. Lavery: Your brats, as usual.
Ryan: He's lying. He did it.
Greenlee: What am I going to do with you?
Braden: We're sorry, Mom.
Greenlee: Hmm. Well, at least we have Ryan. We can always be proud of him.
Mr. Lavery: Huh -- "proud" nothing. He's a loser just like those two. I swear to God, that better be a girl, because if it's another boy, it's going straight to the pound.
Greenlee: Feels different this time, like sugar and spice. You like the name
Mr. Lavery: As long as it's not Ryan, Braden, or Jonathan, I'm fine with it. Hold on. You know what the doctor said. You need your vitamin C.
[Mr. Lavery adds orange juice to his wife's alcoholic drink.]
Ryan: No, don't -- don't drink it! It's poison, don't drink it!
Braden: You don't have to be blind. Just open your eyes! Open your eyes, Ryan!
Ryan: Oh, my God.
Greenlee: How'd you get yourself stuck?
Greenlee: Just leave her alone!
Lily: It's not a perfect shape.
Lily: Now is a bad time to have a meltdown. Maybe you should start the counting.
Greenlee: Just shut up and suck in your stomach!
Jonathan: Nice try, ladies.
Greenlee: Have you talked to Ryan?
Jonathan: He thinks I'm a screwup. It doesn't matter, though, because I can still save him. You know, we stick together, that's what we do.
Greenlee: You can save all of us. Did you tell him your plan, where we are?
Jonathan: It's better this way.
Greenlee: What does that mean? Yes or no?
Jonathan: No.
Greenlee: Jonathan -- Jonathan, you have to tell him. It's the only way.
Jonathan: It's one option.
Jonathan: Braden's. He says I have to kill you.
>> On the next "All My Children" --
Adam: Erica, it's payback time.
Maria: Since we both dropped our divorce petitions, then probably Edmund's old will still stands, right?
Livia: Edmund didn't drop his divorce petition against you.
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