All My Children Transcript Tuesday 11/19/02
Provided by Suzanne
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Previously on "All My Children"
Jake: I really want to be a father, and I think that having a family with you would be fantastic.
Adam: Liza's sponsoring this ball to raise money for Brooke’s charity. We'll just all pretend everything's normal.
Brooke: What could go wrong?
Kendall: Greenlee thinks I'm trying to steal her job.
Greenlee: You want this job? Take it. It's yours.
Kendall: No, Greenlee, stop.
Winifred: Please come in.
Winifred: They need you outside, all right? Okay.
Adam: Hmm. Yes, yes. Yes, yes. Much better. Makes all the difference.
Winifred: If you say so, Mr. Chandler.
Adam: I should think so. What are you doing? We're not setting up a bar in here.
Winifred: But, Sir --
Adam: No, no, no, no. No, no, no, this is not a frat party, Winifred. I want the bar set up in the foyer outside of the ballroom. Chop-chop. Winifred, I want you to check the caviar they're bringing in here. I don't want them foisting off something they harvested from their goldfish at home.
Winifred: But I don't have to taste it, do I, Sir?
Adam: No, just check the containers.
Winifred: Yes, Sir.
Marian: Oh, it's absolutely gorgeous. Winifred, are you responsible for this transformation?
Winifred: No, ma'am, I'm responsible for the fish eggs.
Adam: Well, Marian, what do you think?
Liza: Never mind that. I'm throwing this hoedown.
Marian: I think it's superb, Adam. Congratulations.
Adam: Yeah, thank you.
Liza: Thank you.
Adam: We're going to get a fortune for the Brooke English House tonight. A fortune.
Marian: Aren't we in a party mood.
Adam: Yes, we are! It's going to be a wonderful night for the shelter.
Marian: Hmm, come here, darling.
Adam: Huh?
Marian: Mmm. You're wearing a new after-shave. It's very sexy, Adam.
Adam: Yes. Excuse me. I have to check security.
Marian: Of course, darling. Nice work, Liza.
Liza: You don't think this Venice theme is going to sink like a stone?
Marian: I was referring to the magic that you worked on Adam.
Liza: Oh, well, the magic's not mine, Mother.
Marian: Honey, he's his old self again. He even has that tigerish spring back in his step.
Liza: It's alley cat, not tiger.
Marian: Well, I am right, aren't I? Your marriage has warmed up again, hasn't it?
Liza: Mother, you couldn't be more wrong.
Marian: You mean you and Adam aren't reconciled, darling?
Liza: We don't have the time since Adam is busy reconciling with my sister.
Mia: Thinking that I might be pregnant was kind of a revelation. I want to have more babies.
Jake: Oh, I can certainly live with a big family.
Mia: It also brought up these feelings about William that made me feel --
Jake: What? Wait a sec. You're not having regrets about this adoption?
Mia: No, no, not that.
Jake: All right.
Mia: But I did drop by to see Frank after I was done here.
Jake: Well, I thought you were going to talk to the adopted family first.
Mia: I didn't tell Frank about his son. I just wanted to reconnect with him so that when the time is right, it's not so brutal.
Jake: All right, I got that. So, how was the visit?
Mia: Well, don't be surprised if we end up on a double date with Frank and Simone.
Jake: You're kidding?
Mia: No. Simone had this whole romantic evening planned for Frank, and the only lame excuse I could come up with was, "Gee, maybe we could all double-date sometime."
Jake: Mia, this -- well, it looks like Frank and Simone are seeing a lot of each other, huh?
Mia: Yeah.
Jake: Hmm.
Mia: I wonder what my little bomb will do to that relationship.
Jake: I think if they're really tight, it shouldn't matter.
Mia: Yeah, maybe. I thought I only had to worry about William. This secret's going to affect a lot of people's lives.
Frank: Hey, Brice. Hey, I really need this information, brother. Yeah, well, maybe you misspelled it. It's Anthony McMillan -- M-c-m-I-l-l-a-N. Yeah, he would've been admitted in St. Vincent's in 1998 for a drug overdose. All right, okay, it's really important, okay? Get back to me as soon as you can, all right? Thanks.
Simone: Oh. Receipts -- why can't I ever keep track of them? You would think I would've remembered exactly where the costume shop one was because it's big and it's yellow. But, no, of course I've lost that one. Where could it be? What did I do?
[Phone rings]
Simone: Hello. Myrtle Fargate's.
Man: Hi, this is Brice Dickson. Is Frank Hubbard there?
Simone: You know what? I'll check. Frank! God, jeez. You know what? I think he's left. I can take a message for you, though.
Brice: I got some information on a patient for him.
Simone: Okay, let me make sure the pen works. Yeah. Okay. And your name, again? Was it Brice, you said?
Frank: Hey -- no, no, no, no. You can't -- you can't take that.
Kendall: Oh, these are incredible. We are golden. I love it.
Greenlee: I assume you're using the royal "we"?
Kendall: You're back.
Greenlee: Did you really think you could get rid of me?
Kendall: You quit. You -- you marched in here and pitched a fit. You did everything but spit in Casey’s face.
Greenlee: I was bereft. I felt cornered. Now I'm back.
Kendall: It's not that easy.
Greenlee: Say goodbye to the glamorous life, Kendall. I'm putting you back into the gutter where you belong.
Marian: Mia and Adam? They're not, darling. I mean, they couldn't be.
Liza: Mother, you know what? I should've really kept a diary of all the times I saw them together, same place, same time.
Marian: Probably a coincidence, Liza.
Liza: Mother, please. Every time I would see them, they were secretive and had their heads together whispering.
Marian: But that doesn't mean they're having an affair.
Liza: They were nervous and embarrassed when I caught them.
Marian: Liza, Mia is dating Jake.
Liza: Adam would never date my sister without an appropriate cover.
Marian: Well, I can't believe --
Liza: What, that he would cheat on me?
Marian: No, of course I believe that, but not with Mia. I -- I can't.
Liza: They were in New York together, both of them in Manhattan. Same hotel, different rooms -- as if that fooled anyone.
Adam: You're sure?
Winifred: Yes, Sir, I checked each tin of caviar. There's the ship with the little orange sails and the Russian lettering underneath?
Adam: Yeah, good. Good work. You can tell them to serve it.
Winifred: Yes.
Adam: Well. Amazing, isn't it? Everything is -- perfect.
Liza: Mother and I were just saying the same thing.
Adam: Yes. Well, I have one more meeting with the orchestra's rep, and then I'll be all yours. Excuse me.
Liza: Don't you dare let on anything to him because I have a plan. After this party, Adam is not going to know what hit him.
Marian: Liza, don't do anything we're all going to regret.
Liza: Mother, while Adam is playing benevolent philanthropist with Mia, I'm taking Colby to London and I'm filing for a divorce.
Marian: Oh, Liza --
Liza: Mother -- Colby has got to be removed from the fallout zone.
Marian: I was hoping it wouldn't come to this --
Liza: Mother, Adam is the one that packed the bomb and he lit the fuse. It's just that the explosion is going to be far bigger than he ever imagined.
Jake: Hmm. Well, you know what? The more I think about it, the more I like it.
Mia: What? The idea of double-dating with Frank and Simone?
Jake: Mm-hmm. Because I like doing everything with you. I can't even stop thinking about what an incredible family you and I could create.
Mia: You make me feel very capable.
Jake: You've always been that.
Mia: I'm different now. I'm different because of you.
Jake: Thanks. You know, I could say the same.
Mia: Oh, I wish we could stay like this all night.
Jake: Yeah, yeah. I think the cleaning crew would have a field day with that. We'd never hear the end of it.
Mia: Yeah, and Liza would never forgive me. I promised I'd help her gear up for the costume gala tonight.
Jake: What? What are you -- it's early yet.
Mia: Yeah, I know, but I have to get ready.
Jake: You know what? If you look any better than what you do right now, I can't be responsible for what I might do.
Mia: Well -- oh, hold that thought. You know what? I think I left my keys in my Jacket. I guess I won't be needing this.
Jake: I think you ought to hang on to that. You never know when it might come in handy. So -- ahem -- how will I recognize you tonight?
Mia: Well, if we're meant to be, you'll recognize me immediately.
Jake: Well, you're not even going to give me a hint? What color dress are you wearing?
Mia: Nope, no hints. I want to surprise you.
Jake: Ha. I think you're the one who's going to be in for the big surprise.
Simone: What is wrong with you?
Frank: I'm sorry. I didn't hurt you, did I?
Simone: I was taking a message.
Frank: About a patient?
Simone: Yeah.
Frank: Hold on, Brice. Look, he cannot tell you anything about a patient. That is completely unethical.
Simone: You know what? I'll be in the kitchen so you can have your so-ethical conversation.
Frank: You idiot. That's his sister.
Brice: What, Anthony McMillan?
Frank: Yes.
Brice: Whoa. You live with that chick?
Frank: No, man, we live in the same house. It's -- it's like a dormitory or --
Brice: Well, she sounds pretty. Sexy voice.
Frank: You got the information for me?
Brice: No Anthony McMillan was brought in as an O.D., not that whole year.
Frank: Are you sure?
Brice: Positivo. St. Vincent's hospital records don't list any Anthony McMillan.
Frank: Yes. Oh, my God. Then Anthony’s not the guy that I filmed O.D.'ing.
Brice: Frankie, you still there?
Frank: Yeah, yeah, man. I'm here, I'm here.
Brice: All right. You owe me sushi.
Frank: Oh! Oh, I'm good for it. I'm good for it. Thanks, brother. Simone?
Simone: You know, will you quit yelling at me? You know, I don't want any more --
Frank: I'm sorry. Really sorry.
Kendall: Would you just chill out? I'm glad you're here.
Greenlee: That is so unbelievably lame.
Kendall: You don't understand what's been going on.
Greenlee: Oh, sure, I do. You've been coasting on my talent. This is my campaign.
Kendall: I have been saving your job.
Greenlee: You've been saving your skin.
Kendall: I was just keeping the office warm until you were ready to come back.
Greenlee: You know, when did this palace coup occur to you? At Leo’s memorial service?
Kendall: I'm not surprised you would think that --
Greenlee: Was your presence, your phony tears, supposed to throw me off?
Kendall: No. No -- Greenlee, listen. If I don't make it -- if I don't make it to this meeting, neither of us will have a job with Giovanna cosmetics ever again.
Greenlee: Run along, Kendall, and don't come back.
Kendall: I'll bring Casey in here, and she'll back me up.
Greenlee: Hmm.
Greenlee: They are not taking this from me, too.
Marian: Liza, you and Adam fighting over Colby is precisely what we were trying to avoid.
Liza: Well, Adam shouldn't have taken my sister into his bed.
Marian: Well, I can't believe that still. I mean, Mia desperately wanted you and Adam to get back together for Colby’s sake. We all discussed it.
Liza: And what was the solution that you and Mia and Stuart came up with -- Adam and I sleep in separate wings. Gee, Mother, whose idea was that?
Marian: I honestly can't recall.
Liza: Right, I bet you it was Mia, after Adam whispered into her ear.
Marian: How could she be so sweet to our faces while she's carrying on with Adam?
Liza: Come on, Mother. You've had to do that once or twice in your lifetime. Can't you remember?
Marian: Well, of course I have, but you don't have to rub my face in it.
Liza: No, mother, I pulled the two-face routine myself. You feel better?
Marian: No, I don’t. I just hate thinking of Mia -- Liza, I am so sorry. Being betrayed by your -- your husband and your sister, it's just too horrible. I'm so sorry.
Mia: Oh. I'm sorry if I'm interrupting. I just -- I thought I could help you get ready for the party.
Liza: Oh, Adam has everything under control.
Marian: Yes. I'm sure you know all about that, don't you, Mia? I'll go up and check on Colby, okay?
Mia: Have I done something wrong?
Liza: What an odd thing to say.
Mia: It's just you've been so generous, you know? It doesn't stop. You even got me my costume for the party.
Liza: Well, you're my sister. How can I deny you anything?
Mia: You know, everything you've done -- you've done for me -- you took me in, you share everything with me. How can I ever repay you?
Liza: Honestly, really, do you have to continue? I mean, how can you keep going like this?
Simone: Wait, wait. You know what? Am I, like, a psych project for you? You know, I'm not into kinky head trips and I -- you know, your little -- your little schizo act -- you know, it was kind of scary.
Frank: I'm sorry about the phone call. I'm sorry about freaking out.
Simone: Okay, okay. So, what about last night? You know, I -- I went to all this trouble to have a romantic evening with you, take advantage of people not here, and then you -- you, what, you get all zombie on me and --
Frank: I'm just -- I'm freaked about this patient, you know, and I can't really get into details, Simone.
Simone: Right, because you're an ethical guy.
Frank: I thought that I did something -- or that I didn't do something -- that might've made him worse.
Simone: Did you?
Frank: No. So now I can relax and we can get back to normal.
Simone: Well, next time, why don't you just explain? You know, just in broad strokes. You don't have to compromise your professionalism. Okay?
Frank: I'll be more open, I promise.
Simone: Because I really -- I really let you in. I don't tell very many people about my life, and I really need it to be mutual.
Frank: It will.
Simone: You promise?
Frank: I promise. I just wish that we could get back to where we were -- or where we should've been.
Simone: Yeah, I bet you do.
[Simone giggles]
Simone: Are you going to try?
Frank: Yeah. But I don't like going anywhere alone.
Simone: Ah, ah, ah -- shoes.
Frank: Hi.
Simone: Hi.
Casey: Kendall, there is a full conference room waiting for us.
Kendall: Oh, well, first we'll grab Greenlee, and then we'll see what the VPs thought of our new campaign.
Greenlee: Whose campaign?
Kendall: What are you doing?
Greenlee: Putting the truth back in advertising.
Casey: No. No, you didn't.
Greenlee: You like it?
Casey: Olin Jousley and Kim Lanier are waiting for these.
Greenlee: For your information, this is stolen property.
Casey: This is company property, Greenlee, and you have ruined it.
Greenlee: Kendall stole this campaign from me. These were my ideas.
Kendall: You idiot. I gave you the credit for that.
Greenlee: Of course you did.
Casey: I don't need this today. Get out! Get out while I try to salvage this!
Greenlee: This is my office.
Casey: Not anymore.
Greenlee: That quitting thing -- that was just a reaction to Kendall’s plot against me. I wasn't thinking.
Casey: Greenlee, I stood by you. Is this how you repay me?
Greenlee: These are just the basics of my ideas. I have better ones, and I can show you, starting now.
Casey: It is too late.
Greenlee: I want to work. I love Giovanna.
Casey: Well, you have a strange way of showing it.
Greenlee: I haven't been myself lately, but --
Casey: Greenlee, look. I sympathize with your loss. Really, I do. But your unstable behavior started when you turned the bridal expo into a wrestling match.
Greenlee: That wasn't my fault.
Kendall: Greenlee loves this company. She's -- she's devoted to Giovanna.
Casey: We cannot afford this kind of love.
Kendall: Have a heart, okay? All right, all right, so Greenlee's whacked out. Who wouldn't be? But if you toss her out now, she could slap you with wrongful termination.
Greenlee: Of course I could.
Casey: Ladies, let me clarify this for you. Greenlee, you quit. And you, Kendall, are fired. Quit. Fired.
Kendall: You can't fire me because Greenlee's whacked out.
Casey: You were responsible for these ad comps. You left them with an extremely angry and hostile ex-employee. And then when she -- when she wrecks them, you defend her?
Greenlee: Wasn't much of a defense.
Kendall: It was just a reflex. I thought Giovanna valued loyalty.
Casey: Not when it's so drastically misplaced. Thanks to you, my career is swirling down the drain.
Kendall: Look, Casey, please, I'm begging you. Please, just give me another chance. It took me forever to establish myself in this town.
Casey: Look, this is a disaster. Somebody has to take responsibility.
Greenlee: She means take the fall.
Kendall: It sure isn't going to be you.
Casey: Your lousy judgment is not going to cost me my job. I want you both out of this office and off company property within the hour. Get back to work!
Greenlee and Kendall: This is all your fault.
Mia: How can I keep what up?
Liza: This attitude of graciousness and all this, it's -- it's embarrassing. I've done nothing for you that you wouldn't do for me.
Mia: Okay. I -- I just hope that one day I can repay you, that's all.
Liza: Oh, I'm sure we'll balance out the book someday. The education that you give me is invaluable.
Mia: I'm teaching you something?
Liza: Yes. All that you balance -- it's inspiring.
Mia: Yeah. I -- I guess I do have a lot going on right now. I wish I could handle some of it better, but --
Liza: Anything I can help you with?
Mia: I -- I wish -- I can't really get into it with you right now.
Liza: Of course not.
Adam: Ah, Mia, finally. I need a woman's advice.
Mia: Adam --
Liza: Spoken like an old married man.
Adam: You know what I mean.
Liza: Very well.
Adam: Liza, you've been busy with all sorts of details. I didn't want to distract you.
Liza: My considerate husband.
Mia: You know, I can stay here. I can help you out if you need.
Liza: Oh, no, no. We all know Adam very well. He becomes insufferable when he doesn't get exactly what he wants.
Marian: I honestly don't know how you can stand this.
Liza: I can’t. I want to strangle her.
Simone: I could stay like this forever.
Frank: Yeah, you think Myrtle will let us have trays?
Simone: I think even if she does, we still have an employment issue.
Frank: Right. Yeah. Well -- we could be mattress testers in a nudist colony.
Simone: Oh, I like it. Yeah, we could save a lot of money on clothes.
[Frank laughs]
Simone: Clothes -- our costumes. Oh, dagnabit. You know what? I was downstairs looking for a receipt when your friend called.
Frank: What do you need a receipt for?
Simone: Well, I was going to go pick them up.
Frank: Well -- all right. Well, why don't I -- why don't I call and I can see how late they're open to.
Simone: Oh, good. Good.
Frank: Or, on second thought, we can just stay here and let the rest of the town play dress up. That would be really good --
Simone: No, no, no, no, no. My dress is so beautiful, and the back -- oh --
Frank: Wear it for me here. Model it for me privately. How about that?
Simone: Will you put on your costume?
Frank: Hell, no.
Simone: Well, then, we're going. It's going to be fun. Great music. Food. Please?
Frank: Okay, okay, okay. I'll make the call. I'll make the call. We'll see what time they're open, and you just stay here and work on being loved and feeling secure.
Simone: Okay.
Frank: You can also try to work on laughing at me when you see me in Venetian drag tonight, okay?
[Simone laughs]
[Doorbell rings]
Frank: Yeah? Dr. McMillan. Come in.
Zeke: Thought I might catch my daughter.
Simone: Will you come back to bed?
Frank: Simone was just --
Simone: I found the receipt. It's on --
Zeke: I know what Simone was just.
Frank: I'm sorry. This is kind of awkward.
Simone: Daddy, I --
Zeke: I am not interested in his apologies or your excuses.
Simone: Dad, I am an adult and I make my own decisions. And I've made some really good ones lately, and I don't -- I don't need you to undermine them.
Zeke: I did not come here to undermine anything. I just felt that we should spend this evening together.
Simone: Oh -- oh -- oh, I'm sorry. I -- I forgot.
Zeke: I know you had more pressing things on your mind --
Simone: No, no --
Zeke: Listen, I'm sorry that I interrupted.
Simone: It's not like that, Dad. Oh --
Frank: What -- what was so important about tonight?
Simone: Today is Anthony’s birthday.
Frank: Oh, my God. You want to go after him?
Simone: Dressed like this? Even if I changed and went after him, it's pointless.
Frank: Hey -- Simone, he's your father. He loves you.
Simone: I have let him down on his expectations of me more than Anthony has. We've -- we've both embarrassed him.
Frank: Anthony had a drug problem. He needed treatment.
Simone: You know, when Anthony OD’d, my dad covered it up. That's how humiliated he was about it. No son of Zeke McMillan is going to have a drug problem.
Frank: He covered it up how?
Simone: He traded on his name and reputation so Anthony’s hospital records would be removed.
Mia: Well, you have saved my life.
Adam: With the retainer I pay them, my attorneys are your attorneys.
Mia: You know, since our trip to New York, I feel so much more secure about William and the adoption.
Adam: Well, if the baby's father challenges it, Barry and his boys will blow him right out of the water.
Mia: What can I do for you in return, hmm?
Adam: Nothing.
Mia: Oh, come on. There's got to be something.
Adam: You just take good care of your son.
Mia: Well, thanks to you, I can.
Adam: Being a good parent is the most important thing in this world. Unfortunately, it took me too long to finally discover that.
Mia: How are things between you and Liza?
Adam: Oh -- hopeless.
Mia: You know, I was thinking, maybe I could talk to her for you, you know?
Adam: You'd be wasting your breath, Mia.
Mia: All right. Well, then, what if I watched Colby for a couple days and you guys could just go and just get away from it all, you know?
Adam: We'd take it all with us. No, believe me, being alone with me is the last thing liza wants.
Mia: Oh. I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Adam: No, trust me. Our marriage is on its dying gasp. It's definitely D.N.R.
Mia: "Do not resuscitate."
Adam: Yeah. Afraid so. She's very lucky to have a sister like you. But I'm sure she knows that.
Mia: Well, I'm lucky to have Liza -- and you.
Adam: Yeah.
Adam: Yeah, Barry? Barry, get ready. Liza's ready to pull something at any minute now. What's changed is Tad Martin knows that -- that I've been dallying, and if he tells Liza -- when he tells Liza, she's going to go off like a rocket. Make sure we can strike back fast.
Jake: I am telling you, you and Mom should be there for this. This is going to be some event. Why is that? What do I sound like? Well, you're right about that. There might just be some good news coming about. All right, I'll tell you what -- I will fill you in and catch you up as soon as you get back, okay? Give Mom a kiss for me. Okay. All right, bye-bye.
Stuart: Hi.
Jake: Hey, Stuart. How you doing?
Stuart: Hi. That's a pretty little box.
Jake: Yeah. Yeah, it is, isn't it?
Stuart: Yeah. You know -- you know what that looks like to me?
Jake: What's that?
Stuart: A ring box.
Jake: Well, you're right about that, Stuart. You're right.
Stuart: Uh -- can I see it?
Jake: Sure.
Stuart: Oh. Oh, that -- that looks like the kind of a ring going to make some girl real happy.
Jake: Well, that's exactly what I'm counting on, Stuart.
Kendall: Let go.
Greenlee: This has been on my desk since I first reported to work.
Kendall: So what? It's not yours.
Greenlee: What, you left it here in some previous life?
Kendall: You're such a hypocrite.
Greenlee: This has sentimental value, okay? Instead of stealing silver objects, why don't you go down to one of your boy toys in shipping and have them forklift a crate of cosmetics into your trunk?
Kendall: I am not listening to this.
Greenlee: Hmm! Unless you can get spackle on credit at Dillard’s hardware, you better stock up on Giovanna’s miracle base.
Kendall: Whoever said that "no good deed goes unpunished" was right. Why the hell couldn't you just stay away?
Greenlee: Trey helped me get back into life.
Kendall: What, by wrecking mine? Trey?
Greenlee: Yeah. Your own brother is against you. Doesn't that tell you something?
Kendall: Yeah, that I have to kill him later. Oh, please.
Greenlee: This place is toxic. They should be someplace where they'll be admired.
Kendall: Well, at least there's one upside to this travesty. We'll never have to work together again.
Greenlee: Thank God -- not that you actually worked.
Kendall: You want to wear those flowers? Greenlee, wait. Would you -- wait for me -- Greenlee -- Greenlee, come on. Hey!
Simone: Anthony was always taking the heat for me.
Frank: Sounds like a great guy.
Simone: Yeah. Yeah, he was.
Frank: I never asked you -- you got a picture of him?
Simone: Yeah.
Frank: Yeah? All right.
Simone: With pleasure.
Simone: Anthony, Frank. Frank, Anthony. Isn't he awesome?
Woman's voice: Can't you do something? Breathe, breathe!
Man: Open your eyes. Open your eyes! Come on! Come on!
Frank: Oh, my God.
Simone: I know. Isn't it such a tragedy?
Stuart: Are you going to -- are you going to propose to Mia?
Jake: Why? Do you have someone else you want to fix me up with?
Stuart: Oh, no.
Jake: No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding, Stuart. You know that Mia and I are together, right?
Stuart: Well, yeah, I know, I know. She's really very private about that kind of thing, and, well, you were a little shaky there for a while.
Jake: Yeah, well, you're right about that, but now we're on solid ground.
Stuart: Oh, that's great. I love weddings! I love them! I love them. I can't wait to tell Marian. Maybe -- maybe Mia would -- who would she like to give her away --
Jake: No, shh, shh, shh.
Stuart: We'll have a small wedding --
Jake: Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Stuart: Something at the house --
Jake: No, no, no, no. Slow down, slow down.
Stuart: Did you -- did you set the date yet?
Jake: But -- well, she has to say yes first.
Stuart: Oh, of course she's going to say yes.
Jake: Well --
Stuart: And then -- then I can tell Marian and we can -- we can set the date. And then we'll decide -- and Adam -- Adam and I and Marian --
Jake: Stuart, Stuart, Stuart --
Stuart: What?
Jake: We have to just -- we're going to discuss all of that, all right? But in the meantime, you can't tell anyone.
Stuart: Not even Marian?
Jake: Not even.
Stuart: Oh, but Marian’s my soul mate, and she can always tell if I'm hiding a wedding --
Jake: All right, all right. Right, yeah. I'll tell you what. I'm going to go to the party, and I'm going to propose to Mia, and then --
Stuart: And then -- and then you can set the date!
Jake: Then we're going to celebrate.
Stuart: Celebrate, yes, at the party -- propose at the party. That's great!
Jake: That's right.
Stuart: This isn't going to be just your everyday, old, run-of-the-mill --
Jake: Are you kidding?
Stuart: Venetian ball.
Jake: This is going to be the kind of party Mia and I are going to be telling our grandkids about.
Stuart: Oh!
Jake: Thank you, Stuart.
Stuart: Oh.
Mia: So I just almost got run over by two guys wielding a gondola.
Adam: Well, what's Venice without a gondola or two?
Mia: I'm surprised you didn't have them dig canals in the gardens.
Adam: Oh, we didn't have time.
Mia: Oh, but you have thought of everything.
Adam: Well, yeah.
Liza: Adam is nothing if not thorough.
Mia: Colby! Are you so excited?
Colby: I got the most beautiful costume.
Liza: Hmm.
Colby: Mommy said so.
Liza: Yes, I did.
Adam: And so does Daddy say so. I will see you lovely ladies later. That's an alliteration.
Colby: What?
Liza: Alliteration is a bunch of words that all start with the same letter. Sometimes I like to call them "daddies dumb diatribes."
Mia: I can't wait to see how everybody's dressed, you know? The last time I went to a costume party, we all dressed up like we were going to a disco. This is going to be much more glamorous than that.
Colby: Will you help me get ready?
Liza: Ooh.
Mia: Sure. You know what I did? I brought that pretty hair ribbon that you like. It's over in my purse. So, what's going on with you and Adam?
Liza: Nothing a little trust wouldn't fix.
Colby: What's this for, Aunt Mia?
Mia: Oh -- um -- this is something that only grownups have to worry about.
>> On the next "All My Children" --
Man: Come on, baby, light my fire.
Greenlee: How about I put it out.
Tad: I shall be the envy of every gentleman in the room.
Brooke: No, you won’t. I'm not going.
Adam: Where are you going with Colby’s suitcase?
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