The TV MegaSite's Wednesday 7/19/17 Short Recaps


B&B Recap Written by Wanda

Days Recap Written by Michele and Cheryl

Anjelica went back to NY and saw Marlena in her office. She said she was expecting her and that they were working together. Chad called Lucas to the mansion to tell him who stole their money. Abby confronted Dario about the counterfeiting. Dario tried to justify his actions, but she didn’t want to hear it. Abby warned him to give the money back to Chad or she would go to the police. Dario told her that Chad would be in trouble. Chad wouldn’t tell Lucas that Dario stole the money. Lucas wanted to know but Chad just wanted a press release done. Dario told Abby that Chad killed Deimos. Justin and Adrienne talked about how she got to keep the Spectator. Anjelica talked to Marlena turned out to be Hattie. Marlena met John at the town square. Paul wanted John to help him get Sonny out of trouble. Adrienne was worried that Sonny might have killed Deimos. Dario asked Abby if she was with Chad the entire time during the party. Abby lied and said she was. Dario showed her proof that Chad killed Deimos.

Dario told Abby that Chad was wiping his prints off the knife. He let her know that the picture poked holes in her story that she was with him the entire time. Kate was with Lucas and Chad and demanded that he tell who hacked the company. Chad didn’t want to say. Paul told John what happened while he was gone. Paul let Marlena know that he would have to take John away from her. Hattie got agitated pretending to be Marlena. Anjelica warned her that she had to be Marlena all of the time. Hattie wanted to know why she had to be Marlena. Anjelica thought Hattie could get to Andre and Roman as Marlena and not as herself. John wanted to help Paul prove Sonny’s innocence. Lucas saw Justin and Adrienne hugging and wanted to know what they were doing. Marlena understood that John wanted to help Paul. She thought the timing was wrong. Anjelica wanted Hattie to break up with John. Hattie wanted to know what she was getting out of the plan. Anjelica wanted to get Justin back. Justin told Lucas the hug was innocent. Kate figured out that Chad was protecting Abby. Dario warned Abby to forget what she found out or he would go to the police with the proof against Chad. Kate realized that Dario was the hacker. She refused to let the company suffer because he loved Abby. Dario wanted Abby to give him a chance to make her happy. Dario warned her that he would go to the cops if she told what he did.

GH Recap Written by Anthony

Julian shows up at Alexis’s house begging her to speak on his behalf at his court hearing. Alexis doesn’t think it is a good idea considering that she only just got her license back. Julian begs her though and she decides to go through the notion of what would happen at his hearing if he goes through and talks about how Olivia made him do everything. She doesn’t think he would fair very well with the jury or judge. Julian doesn’t care because he can find additional proof that he is innocent. Alexis is served with a court order to appear in court on the opposing sides behalf. Elsewhere, Laura calls Dante and tells him that Spencer is missing. She goes down to the station and explains to him and Kevin that Valentin showed up at the park and was angry with Spencer after he told Charlotte that Valentin killed Nikolas. Nathan has Nina come in and asks if she thinks he is capable of kidnapping Spencer. Valentin then shows up and with Dante and he ends up getting booked after Spencer’s Hamlet notes fall out of Valentin’s pocket.

Nathan and Nina talk about Valentin at her office when Obrecht shows up asking to speak to Nina alone. She wants a job talking about medical advice in the magazine. Nina doesn’t think it will sell in Crimson but she promises to find her another writing opportunity if she wants one. At the hospital, Finn is informed by Monica that he has passed his drug test and he is able to return to his position at the hospital. He later shows up in a conference room where Hayden, Elizabeth, Griffin, and Monica are all there to celebrate. Obrecht walks in assuming the party was for her. Hayden walks out asking how she could think that. She had no choice but to let her go based on her choices and what she did to Finn. Obrecht goes into her office and logs on her laptop. She tries searching Finn but realizes there is nothing she doesn’t already know. She decides to search Hayden’s name instead.

Y&R Recap Written by Eva

Tessa advises Mariah to be honest with Devon about her doubts as to him still being in love with Hilary. Despite her fear of losing Devon, Mariah decided to take Tessa's advice. Devon makes it clear to Mariah that Hilary is a part of his past and asks Mariah for one more chance to make their relationship work. When Noah tells Tessa that he wants to speed up the relationship a little bit, because he wants to spend more time with her, she is happy.

Ravi tells Ashley that her mother seemed agitated and upset when he stopped by to return her reading glasses. Although she was cordial to him and thanked him for returning her missing glasses, Ravi wonders if Ashley's mother has been exhibiting strange behavior. Ashley tells Ravi that her sister Traci has noticed something off with their mother, and Ashley promises to keep a watchful eye on Dina. Dina had an angry confrontation with Jack because he left her alone at the party and Ravi and Ashley had to take her home. Dina also fears that Jack might be contemplating having an affair with Nikki and advises him not to make her mistakes. Jack reminds her that didn't seem to matter when she cheated on his father. The remark makes Dina slap him in the face.

Victor and Nikki have a big argument over Victor disowning Nick. Although Nikki disagrees with what Nick did to try and ruin the concert, she understands that he was only trying to protect her. Victor tells Nikki that he had tried everything possible to gain her forgiveness and restore their marriage, but he now understands she will never forgive him, and he must tell her goodbye.

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