Thursday 3/23/17 Recaps

The TV MegaSite's Thursday 3/23/17 Short Recaps


B&B Recap Written by Wanda

After the speedboat ride, all the guests plus bride and groom frolic on the beach. Steffy pretty much snubs Sally but Thomas tell her that she was invited and Steffy just needs to chill out. Ridge tells Brooke that he cannot wait for her to be his wife tomorrow. Quinn points out that Sally Spectra is there and Eric finds that weird but it is a Forrester day and he is going to enjoy it. Liam tells the group while speaking to Steffy that she is an incomparable woman. He has never seen anything like this. Bill tells Liam that this is his reward, all of this. Quinn stands and says she wishes them the joy that she has found with Eric. Eric says he wishes them too all the joy he has found with this woman, Quinn. Steffy is glad they all took the journey with them so now time to party. Eric tells Quinn to kiss him like it is the last time before she takes a long walk along the beach. Ridge tells Brooke to never doubt that he loves her. She sees Eric alone and says she wants to go talk to him. Ridge says he will just go explore the beach.

Thomas tells Sally that he knows Steffy does not want her there but he does. She says she does not fit in and it is time to go. He has the wrong picture of her. She says it is official; she’s a sucker for his smile. When he leaves, she speaks with Shirley on the phone who badgers her again about sending the exclusive wedding photo. Steffy catches up with her and tells her do not dare ruin this day for her. Fate – Quinn and Ridge meet up far up the beach away from everyone. Eric tells Brooke that he will never forget the day he met her. She changed the entire Forrester family. He would not change a minute of it because it brought them to where they are today. So many memories…..she says it has been “bold” and “beautiful”.

Days Recap Written by Michele and Cheryl

Kayla and Steve went to a restaurant to look for Tripp.  They found out he was fired.  Sonny went to Victor and told him that Deimos kidnapped Abby, Gabi, and Chad.  Paul, JJ, and Dario looked on the laptop and figured out where Abby, Gabi, and Chad were.  Chad gave Abby the antidote.  He threw the rest of it towards Gabi.  JJ, Dario, and Paul came in and save Abby and Gabi.  Deimos was upset that his plan backfired.  Tripp showed up at the restaurant and argued with his former boss.  Steve got in the argument and beat up Tripp’s boss.  The guy wanted to call the police.  Tripp wanted to know who Steve was.  Steve said he was his father.  Deimos went back to the mansion and told Victor what he did.  Victor told him to stop the vendetta.  Chad told Dario what Deimos did to Abby and Gabi.  Dario wondered if Abby and Gabi would both die.

Tripp told Steve that he tried to look for his parents.  Steve told him now he found him.  Tripp wanted to know who his mother was and where she was.  Paul told Sonny that they found Chad, Abby, and Gabi.  Paul said Chad was okay, but Abby and Gabi weren’t.  Pal told Sonny to come to the hospital.  Chad was upset that he split the antidote.  He thought they could die because of him.  Chad walked out of the room.  Dario held Abby’s hand and she woke up.  Chad came back and saw her awake.  Sonny yelled at Deimos for getting revenge on Chad.  Abby asked Chad if Gabi was okay.  He didn’t know.  She wanted him to find out because she needed to know.  Paul told Sonny that Chad had to choose between Abby and Gabi when they were poisoned.  Sonny blamed himself for what happened.  Steve told Tripp about Ava.  When Tripp wanted to wait until after the DNA test was done.  Chad told Sonny that it was his fault that Deimos did that.  Chad went to see Gabi and told her to fight for her life.  The police showed up at the restaurant.  Steve went to talk to them.  Sonny and Paul checked on Abby.  Chad tried to get Gabi to wake up.  Dario showed up and told him to be with his wife.  Chad left the room.  Deimos showed up at the hospital and saw Chad.

GH Recap Written by Anthony

Sam and Jason bring Scout home at night. Sam is happy that they finally have been able to bring home one of their children from the hospital together. She thinks it is a big deal. Jason agrees and is very much ready for all the responsibility. Sonny shows up and gives Scout a teddy bear. He informs her that he will always have a look on her and if she needs anything he is there for her. Jason is glad. Sam leaves the room and the two talk for a little bit about how angry Carly is and how Olivia is being sent to the asylum. Sonny leaves. Sam wonders what they spoke about and Jason admits that Sonny slept with Nelle. Sam thinks that is crazy because Sonny and Carly need each other right now more than ever. Jason later holds Scout in his arms while Sam and Danny sleep next to him on the couch. At the PCPD Jordan is telling Olivia how she couldn’t think of a nicer person to be sent to D’arkam asylum. Olivia is still acting like a crazy person. Jordan cannot deal with her and leaves the room. Curtis is outside and Jordan wants to talk to him about possibly joining the force again. Curtis is all for it. Sonny shows up and Jordan looks the other way as he goes into the interrogation room. Sonny promises that when Olivia least expects it she will die in there at his hands. The last words she ever hears will be Morgan’s name. When the transport team gets there to escort Olivia away she is begging to be saved from Sonny. Curtis has to admit that he likes Sonny’s tactics. Jordan smiles as Sonny bows to her. Sonny leaves.

Elizabeth walks into her living room where Franco has prepared a footbath for her. The two go over Jake’s drawings and Elizabeth cannot believe that he would not have anything to draw from the length of time he spent with Helena. Franco is sure that they will get more out of him. Elizabeth and Franco sleep together and Elizabeth then offers for them to move in together. Franco agrees to it. At the Metro Court, Tracy is giving an attitude to a waiter. Ned sits down and tries to calm her down. She wants to know why Olivia didn’t accept his proposal. Ned thinks that she wants to wait. Larry Ashford shows up and tells Tracy that he has information for Tracy that will help her gain wealth. It is from Edward. When Larry leaves after Tracy makes him, Ned reminds her that Larry always does things like this and of course would bring up Edward. In Finn’s hotel room Hayden tries to get him to come to reason over rehab. Finn doesn’t want to go though. Hayden pleads with him but he needs to do this on his own. He wants her help though. Finn instructs her to tape him up because things could get ugly. Hayden decides she will go along because she wants to be there for him.

Y&R Recap Written by Christine

Sharon gave Scott advice on overcoming an obstacle at work. Chelsea told Sharon how her grief over Adam derailed her date with Nick. Sharon assured Chelsea that Nick would understand. Scott helped Sharon with her college essay. Sharon was critical of her writing skills, but Scott assured her that she had talent. Nick told Nikki that he suspected that Adam's death wasn't an accident. Nikki told him not to share his suspicions with Chelsea. Kevin questioned Chloe about her nightmare, and she lied to him about its cause. Kevin told Michael that he wanted to propose to Chloe. Michael had reservations because of Chloe's issues, but Kevin convinced Michael to support his plan. Chloe and Chelsea had a disagreement after Chloe tried to convince Chelsea not to accept Nick's gift of Sage's inheritance money. Chloe encouraged Chelsea to move past Adam. Chelsea thought things might be easier if she'd had a chance to say goodbye. Chloe noted that Chelsea said goodbye to Adam when they hid out at the cabin on the lake. Chelsea demanded to know how Chloe knew the cabin was on a lake. Chloe claimed that Chelsea had described the setting to her. Chloe told Nick that she hoped Chelsea would forget about Adam. Nick and Chelsea found an electronic device in Connor's favorite toy – the one Chelsea took with them when they went on the run.

Chloe and Sharon had a talk about managing mental health. Sharon offered to recommend a therapist, but Chloe already had one. Gloria tried to convince Jack to look at the bright side of being forced to give up the hockey deal. Billy made an unsuccessful attempt to reconcile with Jack. Jack accused Billy of being a failure. Billy noted that Jack had made bad decisions too, such as hiring Gloria. Gloria chided Victoria for using the GC Buzz video to blackmail Jack. Victoria told Gloria to convince Jack to stop the vendetta. Victoria said she wouldn't pull her punches if Jack went after her company again. Billy told Victoria that he was touched by the way she defended him to Jack. Billy and Victoria kissed. Jack went to the bar after he clashed with Billy and ran into Nikki. Jack rebuffed Nikki's attempts to chat with him. Jack said that he missed the Nikki who wanted to be more than Victor's appendage.

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