Tuesday 7/26/16 Recaps

The TV MegaSite's Tuesday 7/26/16 Short Recaps


B&B Recap Written by Wanda

Wyatt wakes from his nap and tells Steffy that it won’t be long now. Eric also naps while Liam is thinking of what might be happening behind the door with Wyatt and Steffy. Quinn tells Deacon she has changed her mind. Eric is trying to break up with her by text and she cannot let that happen. Eric doesn’t really want to break up with her so maybe this trip will take it to the next level, so let’s go. Ridge tells Caroline that the three of them understand the paternity much better now. He is no one’s hero. There are things they need to talk about; things she is ignoring. He tells her that he overheard her and Thomas. He has always known that Thomas was in love with her since she landed in L.A. but now he sees how she and Thomas relate to each other with Douglas and he also realizes he has compromised her position and he now needs to make it right….right for her family. It is going to be hard but it has to be done. It’s time. He sits her down and says he thought they would be together forever and he will cherish every moment of it. It was the real thing if five minutes or a lifetime. The next woman that comes along will have to be very special and there is no man more grateful than he is. But their time together is over. She says those moments were so incredible and she will never forget them. She never meant to hurt him. Ridge’s eyes are filled with tears and she hugs him. Wyatt tells the group that he is sure this trip is going to leave a long impression on all of them…….the glamour and glitz for all of them so they need to stay focused and not get sidetracked…..philanthropy will have to come later.

Quinn gets on a flight and she only hopes there is no delay. Another late couple insist that she is in their seats. Quinn gets her toes stepped on when they exchange seats. The Spencer clan arrive in Monte Carlo and are bombarded by the fans at the hotel. Ridge tells Caroline that she gave him her everything and he tried to do the same for her. She stops him and says she still loves him. He says he does too but they have to do this for their kids. She says he has taught her so much about herself. She would not trade what they had for anything in this world. He brings out a pad and hands her a pencil. They lock hands and start to draw again and remember the old times of meeting, their drawing, their wedding and their baby. He puts the pad down and slowly takes off his ring. She follows suit. He lays them together by their wedding picture. Caroline falls into his arms with both tearing up. Wyatt tells Liam to lighten up; they are in Monte Carlo and Steffy is is past and he needs to accept that. Quinn is squished in between the two passengers barely able to breathe but trying to just focus on getting to Monte Carlo.

Days Recap Written by Michele and Cheryl

Shawn and Belle talked with Claire. They found out that she didn’t want to go to college. Claire got into an argument with Shawn and Belle and walked off. Deimos offered to call a truce with Victor. Victor didn’t believe him. Claire saw Philip with Chloe and was afraid that he wouldn’t focus on her career anymore. Victor didn’t want to make peace with Deimos. Claire confided in Theo about her feelings about Philip focusing on Chloe. Victor called Justin to find out about Deimos. He wanted Justin to help him figure out what Deimos is planning. Nicole and Dario were hanging out together and she told him that she didn’t want to lead him on in any way. He took the rejection well. Ciara was back at home and looked at pictures of Chad. Ciara ended up thinking about times that she spent with Chad.

Shawn and Belle talked about Claire not wanting to go to college. They ended up arguing when Belle thought Shawn was bullying Claire. Shawn thought Belle was picking a fight with him for some reason. Claire offered to write songs for Chloe, but Philip didn’t think it was a good idea. Philip wanted Chloe to work with established artists. Claire had another idea. She wanted to be Chloe’s assistant. Justin met with Deimos. They talked about Tate’s kidnapping. Deimos thought it was terrible that Tate was kidnapped. Belle and Shawn managed to make up. Philip and Chloe agreed to let Claire be Chloe’s assistant. Claire told Theo that she and Ciara got into an argument about Chad and that Ciara moved back home. Theo was surprised to find out that Ciara feels so deeply towards Chad. Theo walked away from Claire. Deimos offered to give Nicole a job running Basic Black. Nicole didn’t want the job because she didn’t trust him. Nicole didn’t want anything to do with Deimos. Theo went to see Ciara, but she didn’t seem like she was in the mood for company at first. Ciara did stop him before he left so they could talk. Claire told Shawn and Belle that she was going to be Chloe’s assistant. Belle wanted to confront Chloe and Philip about the job offer. Justin told Victor that Deimos might have changed. Deimos met with Dr. Hoffman about performing surgery on Maggie. Theo wanted to stay friends with Ciara. Ciara missed their friendship too. Belle went to Philip to confront him about Claire’s job. Philip let Belle know that it was Chloe’s idea to let her be the assistant, but he loved how she assumed that he did it. Deimos threatened to expose Dr. Hoffman if he didn’t do the surgery on Maggie the way he wanted.  Dr. Hoffman agreed to do the surgery. Victor told Maggie about Deimos’ offer to call a truce. Victor thought Deimos had Tate kidnapped. Sonny arrived at Victor and Maggie’s place.

GH Recap Written by Jennifer S.

Sonny finds out that Kristina has been having romantic relations with a woman who has been her professor. He assures his daughter he loves and supports her decisions, only wants what is best for her and is ok with her having gay relations. Yet he admits he is concerned about what could be a professor taking advantage of his daughter for that. She is now confident that it's ok to "come out" and have no doubts about her future with Parker. Little does she know, however, that her mom has run into Parker and lectured her on how this is not going to work and has convinced Parker to do the "right thing" and break it off with Kristina. At that point, unknown to Kristina, Parker writes her a letter telling her she has to end their relationship. At the house on Cassadine Island in Greece, the hostages are able to overpower Valentin and his men. They all realize there's nothing they can do for Nikolas yet they have to return to Spencer since they are all he has at this point. Little do they realize, however, the secrets that Spencer is keeping. Julian is ready to be discharged out of the hospital and be escorted by the DA to his arraignment hearing. Paul Hornsby is confident that he can put Julian away and Alexis is ready to testify against her estranged husband regardless of the hardship for her with that. Yet Julian is determined not to give up his fight and has his "employee" come to visit him, dressed in hospital scrubs with the drug he needs in order to appear "sick" so they won't let him out of the hospital as expected. However, while they are talking in Julian's hospital room, Nina comes by to get him to sign over authorization of Crimson to her. And, in the process, she "accidentally" knocks into the guy who's about to give Julian the last dose he has of the drug needed to keep him in the hospital and out of prison. Nina wants to help Carly find out just who donated their kidney to Josslyn until Josslyn informs her mom she wants her to call off the search because it's a violation of her privacy. Carly assures her daughter she will do that although she reveals to Sonny she is not giving up regardless of what Josslyn wants. Nina announces to Sonny and to Carly that she witnessed, first hand, as the DA took Julian out of the hospital in handcuffs and they are all confident he will be brought to justice. Or will he?

Y&R Recap Written by Mary

Chloe pays Victor a visit at the ranch. Victor demands the missing pages from her but she tells him that she burned them. Nikki comes out and wants to know who he was talking to; but Victor, as usual, bypasses the question. Victor tells Nikki that he just wants to have a drink with his wife. In Walworth, Michael and Adam discuss the missing pages and who the mystery woman is that was helping Victor. Chelsea comes home to the condo to tell Anita that Adam doesn't want to see Connor. Anita tries to get Chelsea to think about herself for a change instead of all about Adam. At a table at the Athletic Club dining room, Victoria and Nick discuss Victor plotting revenge on them since he is out of jail. In the Athletic Club bar, Jack tells Jill not to matchmake when it comes to Billy. Billy and Phyllis kiss passionately. Michael orders Adam to do whatever it takes to survive in this place. Adam asks Michael to find those pages. Nick tells Victoria to let Victor and Nikki get a good night's sleep before she confronts him. Jack reminds Jill how many times Victoria and Billy have tried to make it work but it always fails. Billy and Phyllis make love.

Chelsea argues with Anita over the fact that she is so negative. Victoria and Nick pay Victor and Nikki a visit. Jack orders Jill to leave Billy alone. Jill sees how sad Jack is over Phyllis and tells him that she had better straighten up. Victoria gives Victor all the information on a disc that he will need concerning the oil spill. Anita visits Adam to convince him to let Chelsea go. Chloe pays Chelsea a visit and just laughs when she finds out that Adam is in jail. Chelsea becomes unnerved and lashes out which results in Chloe telling her that she should not have come. Jill visits Billy and finds a woman's blouse lying on the floor. Upon going upstairs, she hears Billy and Phyllis in bed together. Adam lets Michael know that he needs to set Chelsea free.

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